ghost monk

Chapter 166 Physical and Mental Integration

Chapter 176 Physical and Mental Integration

"No, no, I really don't have time... If she is seen by the slaves of the Shen family, or by the elders of the Shen family, Shen Bing will really have no face to see anyone." Shen Bing pressed Wenshan's body and twisted, trying to get rid of Wenshan's restless hand, but Wenshan's hand had been pressed to her ** place. The more she twisted, the more Wenshan's hand touched there, making her heart tremble...

Shen Bing couldn't help clamping and tightening his legs, making Wenshan's hands difficult to move. At this time, Wenshan felt the feeling of Shen Bing's hands clamping his hands. Feeling the tender meat on the inside of Shen Bing's thigh is also a kind of enjoyment.

For Shen Bing's skin, it is really a kind of enjoyment.

She opened her eyes and looked at Wenshan's eyes like a fierce beast, that is, a fierce beast. The root of her thighs could feel the hard object under him fiercely against him. A posture of anger made her heart melt. She knew that this bastard had no choice but to stop. Besides, she longed for Wenshan to enter her body. He hugged his raised back and lifted his buttocks so that Wenshan could succeed.

For the current Shen Bing's words, under the coercion of Wenshan, even if he is unwilling, it is still useless. Wenshan is already like this, especially Shen Bing feels the sudden swelling of Wenshan's lower body. If it doesn't stop, I guess it's really not a good thing.

At least for the current swelling of Wenshan's lower body, it is estimated that it will take a kind of swelling of your body to slowly melt. For last night, Wenshan only ended with Shen Bingding. For Wenshan at that time, he was afraid that Shen Bing's body would not stand it. After all, it was the first time. For a weak girl like Shen Bing, he should be unsatiable.

However, for Shen Bing's words, what she really couldn't stand was not the time when Wenshan broke her last night, but yesterday when Wenshan stiffly raised his strength from the original physical realm to the realm of gathering energy. After such a hard improvement. Although Shen Bing has taken a lot of spiritual beans, the consumption of the body is not enough to recover in such a short time.

After all, for Shen Bing, if her body really recovers, her own strength is still relatively low. It is precisely for this reason that Shen Bing's words can't really exert his strength and cultivation to improve his strength.

It is also like this, so Shen Bing can rely on rest, rely on elixir, rely on Wenshan's continuous transportation power, and destroy Shen Bing's body by strength because of the abrupt improvement of strength. Shen Bing was suffering last night. I knew that it would not really stop until the early morning.

Among them, it is Wenshan who really helps Shen Bing recover. Wenshan's ability to feel energy and the ability to operate energy are extremely strong. It is also this strong energy control ability that truly restored Shen Bing's body completely.

So for last night, Wenshan and Shen Bing came once. For Shen Bing's words, compared with the body's meridians damaged by such energy, it is obviously not worth mentioning. It's not worth mentioning, and I don't feel anything about Wenshan doing such a thing.

For Shen Bing's words, she just knew that Wenshan wanted her first time and her body. There is still some ignorance about these things between men and women. That's exactly what happened to Shen Bing at this time. In fact, for Shen Bing's current physical condition, after all, it is the existence of the strength of the energy gathering realm.

For the strength of Shen Bing's energy gathering state, the pain of such a broken body can still be tolerated. It is in this way that he can really endure it, but Wenshan is in love for Shen Bing and is not satisfied at all for Wenshan last night.

It's just like this, Shen Bing's body can still stand this kind of love. But if it is really compared with Tianmo Youji, it is estimated that Wenshan's body plate is not the opponent of Tianmo Youji. Every time Wenshan and Tianmo Youji do it, when they are so excited, Wenshan can't satisfy the desire of Tianmo Youji.

The main thing is that Wenshan's skills are good, so he is not really defeated by Tianmo Youji. Wenshan is still very familiar with the body of Tianmo Youji. It is thanks to such familiarity that Wenshan can easily reclaim on the body of Tianmo.

For Wenshan, the real opponent is the existence of these things in front of us, which needs to be done by Wenshan, and it is more a familiar grasp of the woman's body. For any man, he likes to study such things. To study how to make it more comfortable and how to make both of them feel ecstasy.

"Hurry up, you'd better get out of here unconsciously and don't lose my face." For Shen Bing at this time, there is no longer any difference in status from Wenshan. For Shen Bing now, the gap between himself and Wenshan has completely disappeared.

After all, Wenshan and Shen Bing in front of him last night talked for a long time, and the knot in Shen Bing's heart was over early. Therefore, Shen Bing's tone of speech at this time is no longer that kind of submissive feeling. It is also the existence of such a submissive feeling that there are still a lot of things.

However, feeling Wenshan's eagerness, and seeing that the whole Shen family was going to be lively in the morning, Wenshan actually wanted to do these things, which made Shen Bing anxious and could only scold the men around her.

Shen Bing knew that she couldn't escape Wenshan's clutches, but she was afraid that Wenshan would toss around on her for too long. If she was some domestic slaves of the Shen family and couldn't deal with some things by herself, if those maids really went to the door to call themselves, they would lose their faces and couldn't bear it if they were blocked in Wenshan's house. Hurry up and urge Wenshan.

After all, for Shen Bing now, it is not right with Wenshan. Of course, the scene of having an affair with Wenshan in the room cannot be found. If such a scene is really found by others, Shen Bing's status as a whole Shen family, or the majesty established by the Shen family for so many years, will all of a sudden be here.

Miss Shen has always been a high-ranking existence, and she has a strong identity in the whole Shen family. It is also with such a high status that what Shen Bing said at present obviously greatly affects the image of Shen Bing. Such a young and young girl is really here this time, so what a terrible existence it is for a demon king like Wenshan at present.

It's the thought of here, so for Shen Bing now, he is extremely reluctant to come to Wenshan for such a period. Even if it really comes to such a paragraph, there is still something wrong. However, for Wenshan's hard object fiercely, her heart also melted. At this time, Shen Bing was also eager for Wenshan to enter her body. Last night, she only felt the hardness of Wenshan in an instant. At this time, Shen Bing hoped that she could really feel more deeply.

Wenshan took a look around, and the genius was bright. At this time, the genius has just risen, and the sun has not yet risen, so the sky is not bright at this time. For the real dawn, there is still about an hour left. Wenshan looked at Shen Bing in front of him and said with a smile, "Are you expecting too much from me? I don't have the courage to come with you for a few hours.

"What's wrong?" Shen Bing looked at Wenshan ignorantly and didn't know where she had high expectations for Wenshan.

Wenshan looked at Shen Bing's eyes and desire, and there was a purity that fascinated him. At this time, it was a little late to popularize sexual knowledge with her. Let her learn in practice, reach out and copy it under her, touch it so wet there. He knew that her passion and desire had ignited. He asked her the time of the moon and separated. Her legs stabbed in against the wet/slip part.

"Pain, be gentle..." Shen Bing shouted pain under Wenshan. At this time, Shen Bing's whole state, Liu Ye frowned, and his face looked slightly distressed, but it was more feminine than yesterday. The whole person looks very sexy. Let Wenshan's heart be turbulent.

For women who are broken, they have undergone earth-shaking changes in their physiology and psychology. It is also after such a huge change that for them, they have said goodbye to the era of girls and truly entered an era of mature women. At this time, Shen Bing is the best portrayal. In a short period of day and night, Shen Bing's whole temperament at this time is feminine.

"Why does it still hurt?" Wenshan asked. Wenshan looked at Shen Bing in his arms and wondered in his heart.

After all, for the girl in my arms, I really came with her last night. For Shen Bing at this time, he still had such pain. Could it be that he didn't break the thin layer of skin last night? If it is really like this, will it make Wenshan in front of him have such a sense of shame in his heart?

After all, for Wenshan's veteran, for the first time, he and the girl did not really break the other party's real one, which is a blow to a man's real incompetence. It is also such a situation, so for Wenshan at this time, it is obviously unmanable.

"It's too swollen. Why is it so swollen?" Shen Bing whispered. At this time, Shen Bing, who was still relatively domineering, was like an injured chicken. At this time, he curled up in Wenshan's arms and dared not look up. But in Shen Bing's flashing eyes, she could still see her pain.

"That's because you're too tight...haha..." Wenshan didn't laugh and pinched Shen Bing on his back.

It was at this time that Shen Bing's whole hand was desperately facing the place where his hands could be grasped, constantly pinching Wenshan's skin. For women, especially women who are in pain, when they encounter such a thing, they generally choose this way to relieve their pain.

Even when Wenshan and Tianmo Youji do such a thing together, you can clearly feel that Tianmo Youji feels pain and constantly beat her chest desperately. For women's reaction, for Wenshan at present, it is more or less enjoyable.

At this time, Shen Bing is like a kitten, with his hands seem to be very sharp and constantly grasping on the surface of Wenshan's body, leaving deep marks behind Wenshan. And Wenshan, the hardness of his body, was still broken by a little woman who had just entered the stage of gathering energy.

Of course, for the current Wenshan, there is no such magic power in running his body. After all, if Wenshan really spreads his magic power on the surface of his body, not to mention that Shen Bing can't deal with Wenshan and can't break the skin on the surface of Wenshan's body. Maybe when Shen Bing wanted to cut Wenshan's skin, he was hurt by the divine power in Wenshan's body.

After all, it is normal for Wenshan's strength at this time and the divine power in his body to independently protect his master. That's why, so Wenshan did not use his divine protection at all. Under Shen Bing's urgency, the cultivation of the energy gathering realm was also exerted, and the energy emerged between Shen Bing's fingers, leaving such a deep mark on Wenshan's body.

Otherwise, no matter how high Shen Bing's strength is, he can't hurt Wenshan at all. If Wenshan is facing Tianmo Youji, it is estimated that Wenshan can really operate all his strength and have an alternative battle with Tianmo Youji. After all, with the cultivation strength of Tianmo Youji, even if Wenshan exerted his power, he is not the opponent of Tianmo Youji.

Wenshan also knows that there are only two reasons why Wenshan can solve such a battle between the two people of Tianmo Youji. One is that Tianmo Youji is shy. When Wenshan feels that it is okay, the woman's side really can't say anything. But Tianmo Youji is not such a person.

The understanding of the wildness of Tianmo Youji, so it is normal for Tianmo Youji in front of you to have such a kind of performance. It is also the existence of such a phenomenon, so for many times, there is a great degree of concession.

After all, if Wenshan runs his own strength to fight against Tianmo Youji, Tianmo Youji will not make any strong resistance like Wenshan now. After all, the continuous breakthrough of the strength of Tianmo Youji is now a master of the realm of immortality.

It is the existence of masters with such a realm of immortality. The strength of their bodies is ten times the strength of the bodies of masters in the real life-threatening realm. However, it is more than a hundred times that of the strong in the state of gathering energy. That is to say, Tianmo Youji is a defense that does not need energy. The body alone can really fight against a master in the divine stage like Wenshan. This is the real master of immortality. Only the legendary master of immortality can really do it.

In the eyes of girls like Shen Bing, even the masters of the deadly realm are legendary figures in the eyes of their secular world. As for the existence of such a realm of immortality on the realm of death, they don't know.

That is to say, Wenshan told Shen Bing about Tianmo Youji last night. At that time, Shen Bing thought Wenshan was cheating her. After all, the existence of a strong man in the realm of immortality like Tianmo is a fact that Shen Bing can't believe in front of him. After all, it is normal not to know a real master of immortality.

is also an extremely normal thing, so for Wenshan at present, it is more or less normal. This is also the real understanding of the power gap after Wenshan entered Taixuanzong. For Shen Bing, even her sister Shen Bing has not returned for many years, so it is normal for her not to know.

"Uh-huh..." The weak voice, mixed with the vibration of the bed board, began to slowly spread throughout the room. For such a weak voice, although it is suppressed. However, it will still come out of Shen Bing's sexy lips. At the same time, there is also a gasping snort.

At this time, Wenshan's whole state was like a pile. In less than two strokes, Shen Bing gasped. Although his hand covered his mouth, he was afraid that he could not help shouting. In less than two minutes, there was a feeling that his soul was floating to the clouds. Then there was a violent convulsion, as if he had given ** last night. Wenshan made his body tremble and hit Shen Bing's body again, as if the branch-like lightning hit every nerve ending in an instant.

In Shen Bing's ecstasy state at this time, Wen Shan also began to operate his dark golden divine power in his meridians. At the same time, Wenshan extracted a trace of power from some of the dark golden divine power. In the trace of power extracted like this, he extracted a little aura. Under the action of such a little aura, it was divided into several strands of strength and constantly entered Shen Bing's lower body from Wenshan's lower body.

At this time, Wenshan's next move to Shen Bing, accompanied by a strong continuous entry from the already wet hole, followed by a violent convulsions, such a period of convulsions as if the whole person had been stimulated very strongly, also A powerful pleasure.

Moreover, this kind of pleasure is accompanied by waves of pain. For the strength of this part of Wenshan's lower body entering Shen Bing's body, although it is output from Wenshan's lower body. But a small part of this kind of energy is really a lot. It is also for this reason, so the impact on Qihai Dantian in Shen Bing's body is also small.

In other words, a relatively weak air mass has not yet fully formed in Shen Bing's Dantian. However, at this time, with the penetration of such a force. Such a strong atmosphere exploded in Shen Bing's Dantian, and it surged wildly.

It is also such a means that makes Shen Bing's whole Qihai Dantian have such a strong sense of stimulation that Wenshan constantly brings to Shen Bing when he is in pain. At the same time, Wenshan also controls such strength and keeps wandering on the surface of Shen Bing's body and skin, in order to constantly enhance the transformation of Shen Bing's physical quality.

For this time, it may be Shen Bing's first exercise in history. For this kind of exercise, it is also a real and thorough transformation of Wenshan's body. It is a re-refining of Shen Bing's body in the original physical realm and Shen Bing's body in love with Wenshan.

For Shen Bing, not only every part of the current body is constantly refined by the strength brought into Shen Bing's body by Wenshan. Constantly transforming. At the same time, there is also Wenshan's transformation of the energetic air mass in Shen Bing's Dantian.

For Shen Bing's Dantian, which initially had a prototype last night, a new atmosphere in this way is more tangible and magnificent than the momentum in Shen Bing Dantian. Only in this way can directly break the momentum in Shen Bing's body and regenerate a big Strong air mass.

It is exactly like this. A large degree of expansion has been carried out for such a large energetic group. For Shen Bing, this is also the initial stage of vitality. It is also at this time that the energetic air mass in Shen Bing's Dantian is still constantly compressed and refined.

At this time, Wenshan relies entirely on his own feeling of energy, which is constantly refining and replenishing. Only by really doing this, for Wenshan, is the place to help Shen Bing.

Similarly, Wenshan has only realized such a means of improving strength in the past. For such means, under normal circumstances, Wenshan gets benefits from the hands of the heavenly demon Youji.

After all, compared with Shen Bing, the strength level of Tianmo is much higher. It is also like this. When Wenshan and Tianmo Youji's body and mind are integrated, Wenshan can absorb a small part of the energy from Tianmo's body. For Tianmo Youji, a part of this energy can really be replenished between her breathing.

But for Wenshan, it is obvious that it takes a long time to practice to really find it back. It was also a feature of this, so when Wenshan said that he was with Tianmo Youji, when he did this kind of work, he was completely looking for the energy he really needed from Tianmo Youji.

And for Wenshan and Shen Bing, Wenshan's strength is obviously stronger than Shen Bing's strength, which is also a characteristic of the existence. Therefore, for many times, for Shen Bing now absorbs from Wenshan A little bit of energy is excellent. That's right, so for Shen Bing or Wenshan in this state, it is obviously the most reliable.

In addition, Wenshan now takes the initiative to say that the energy in his body is transmitted to Shen Bing's body through such a way of intersection and combination, which is very reliable at this time. At least for Shen Bing's body, it is a great supplement of energy.

is exactly like this, so for whether it is Wenshan or Shen Bing at this time, it is a great improvement for the current situation. It is also the existence of such a role, so for many things, it is greatly in line with improving Shen Bing's strength now.

For Shen Bing's strength, Wenshan still expects to continue to help Shen Bing improve after returning from the mission.

But what I didn't expect is that in the current situation, through such a way, Shen Bing constantly absorbs his own destiny attributes, absorbs his own energy source, and directly integrates with himself. After a real physical and mental fusion, for the current In terms of a state, it is obviously very helpful to improve Shen Bing's strength.

Only under such circumstances can it be the best improvement and consolidation of Shen Bing's strength. It is also like this, so for such a situation at this time, it is a kind of improvement that is very suitable for many times.

At this time, Wenshan's soul thought covered every detail in Shen Bing's body. At the same time, Wenshan's soul thoughts directly penetrated into Shen Bing's mind, and Shen Bing's spiritual thoughts, which were originally very fragile and had no sense of competition, were slowly hoarded.

only the emergence of such a means, so that such a kind of scene at present continues. Only in such a case is the existence of a breakthrough of ability in the true sense. There is only such a means, which can more or less reflect something.

is, under the guidance of Wenshan, help Shen Bing's spiritual thoughts gradually enter his body, let Shen Bing's spiritual thoughts in his brain, further enter his body, and look inside his physical condition.

After all, for Shen Bing, it is not the existence of a ghost monk. Therefore, Shen Bing, who exists as a martial artist, is obviously very weak in terms of soul ideas. It is also the existence of such a weak characteristic of ability. Therefore, for Shen Bing's words at this time, I still don't know how to use my spiritual thoughts, how to operate, how to help myself practice, etc.

A master of the physical realm can truly enter such an environment and become a part of the whole environment when he has just broken through the current stage. Therefore, for Shen Bing at this time, it is already the strength of the strong man who walks in the realm of gathering energy.

Even Dai Mubai, who is now in the stage of gathering energy, has not yet reached the state of using spiritual thoughts. The real use of spiritual ideas and the progress of self-cultivation to assist their body begin with martial arts monks who have reached the stage of divine power. For the understanding of normal martial arts, ghost monks and martial arts monks are clear, and cultivation is a truth.

For real martial arts, it is a continuous training process that requires them to separate. The traditional method of using martial arts monks. Orthodox ghost monks are cultivated using the special methods of ghost monks. For those who can really become everyone, they are also very familiar with the set of martial arts monks.

Wenshan's cultivation method and cultivation of martial arts monks are also recognized by Tianmo Youji. Therefore, on the real martial arts cultivation, Tianmo Youji did not intervene in any of Wenshan in front of her. Therefore, Wenshan's cultivation from the Linglong Tower brought Learning is also very helpful.

is also a kind of difference, so for many times, it is basically a reason. It is also a special existence, so there is a real breakthrough to a large extent for many times.

Therefore, at this time, Wenshan led Shen Bing in front of him to first cultivate the spiritual thoughts of the ghost monks, the breakthrough of Shen Bing's later cultivation, and the improvement of Shen Bing's spiritual thoughts. It is also a great difference in such a situation. Therefore, a kind of guidance for Shen Bing at this time also laid the foundation for Shen Bing's cultivation in the future.

For Shen Bing at this time, according to the guidance of Wenshan, he slowly became familiar with the existence of such a process of continuous penetration of his spiritual thoughts, and only the existence of such a process, so he really resonated with real consciousness. It is also such a kind of resonance, so for Wenshan at this time, it may really be a great breakthrough.

Shen Bing's spiritual idea entered Dantian in Wenshan's body, and also felt the strong majesty in Dantian in Wenshan, which made Shen Bing's whole spiritual idea retreat. This is also a feature of Wenshan's spiritual thoughts that let Shen Bing enter.

Otherwise, in the eyes of Shen Bing's little spiritual cultivation, the master of the strength of the cultivation of the ghost king like Wenshan, is killed in seconds. It is also such a situation, so for the current situation, it is obviously very inconsistent with the existence of many things.

Under the package of Wenshan's soul idea, Shen Bing's spiritual idea in front of him further penetrated into the exquisite tower in the Dantian of Wenshan. When Shen Bing's spiritual thoughts entered the Linglong Tower of Wenshan, it was also shocking to feel that the internal forces could be condensed in the Dantian of Wenshan. In Shen Bing's heart, the preliminary understanding of the energy of energy is simply gathered in the Dantian of his lower abdomen.

However, after feeling the accumulation of such energy in Wenshan's lower abdomen Dantian, it is another kind of experience for Shen Bing at this time. It is also the emergence of this kind of experience. Therefore, for many things, it is obviously a very unwise move.

is exactly like this, so there are still a lot of things about such a fierce move at present. But no matter what, there are still a lot of things in the current state. It is the existence of such a thing. For the current situation, it may really be worth negotiating.

As Wenshan's piling-like movements continue to progress, while there is continuous energy entering Shen Bing's body, the place where the two meet and combine is even more wet. At the same time, it is still a stage of continuous soaring with high heat. If there is ice between the two people, it will melt in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Shen Bing's whole feeling was like the electric shock that made Wenshan tremble in ** last night, and once again rushed straight into Shen Bing's body, as if the branch-like lightning hit every nerve ending in an instant. In every nerve center of Shen Bing, for such a kind of real pleasure, the pleasure is as smooth as a tide.

At this time, Shen Bing's soul flew away. She could only hold Wenshan tightly like an octopus, as if she had exhausted all her strength before pulling herself back from the drowning for a few seconds, and also holding back the sudden urine. After that, she recovered a little, but her whole body was still indescribably numb and slow. Slowly take back the spiritual thoughts wandering in Wenshan's body and preparing to learn.

For the original fragile spiritual idea, although with the help of Wenshan, it has already gained. But it is still very fragile. But compared with the general strong in the energy stage, it is already very good. At least in terms of spiritual thoughts, it is already a relatively strong existence.

At this time, Shen Bing, with an embarrassed face, couldn't help asking, "I almost died. How could this happen?" I have never experienced that feeling before?"

Wenshan's hard object is still there, which makes her feel swollen. When she moves, her body trembles like an electric shock. She can only hug Wenshan tightly and don't ask him to move: "Ah, ah, don't move... Don't move around. They can't stand your tossing like this."

For Shen Bing's words at this time, he just wants to keep Wenshan in front of him and prevent Wenshan from doing anything further. Only in this way can you feel comfortable after the event.

Wenshan looked at Shen Bing's red face, and his confused eyes leaked out of his charming state, which was about to melt his heart. For Shen Bing's feeling at such a time, the hard object of the lower body, which had already subsided, swelled a little more. It moved hard and went straight into Shen Bing's body.

Shen Bing contracted more and more tightly, making Wenshan more vigorous, and for Wenshan, it was a very comfortable feeling. At this time, such a feeling was like a big fat man unprepared into a narrow cave, and his whole body was stuck there, from head to head to The tail strangled him.

Wenshan really enjoyed a kind of satisfaction from Shen Bing that can't be enjoyed from Tianmo Youji. For this kind of satisfaction, it is an alternative feeling. Of course, Wenshan still misses Tianmo Youji very much. At least when you are with Tianmo Youji, sometimes the initiative is still in the hands of Tianmo Youji.

It's exactly like this. Whether it's with Shen Bing or with Tianmo Youji, one is enjoyment, and the other is to be enjoyed. For Wenshan, it is better for two people to be together, and sleeping together is the most comfortable state of life. However, if the two women get together, Wenshan is afraid that the little beauty in his arms will be ruined by Tianmo Youji.

Wenshan knows the character of Tianmo Youji very well. Wenshan is not worried about the discord between Tianmo Youji and Shen Bing. Tianmo Youji is not such a narrow-minded figure. But for the means of Tianmo Youji, it can still bring Shen Bing to the disadvantage.

If it really comes at that time, it may not be a good thing for Wenshan in front of him. If two women really unite to do themselves, maybe they are really not the opponent of the two women. At this time, Wenshan also thought that he could not show mercy.

If you really stay too much and really can't breathe in the end, it's really not an ordinary injury for Wenshan. At that time, it will be difficult for Wenshan to come to his senses.

also has such characteristics, so for Wenshan at this time, it may not be easy for women to provoke. It's also troublesome for women. However, Wenshan's real love for Tianmo Youji and Shen Bing in his arms comes from the heart.

Tianmo Youji may have a tough posture, and the overlord's hard-hook posture directly took Wenshan down. However, Wenshan really felt the love of Tianmo Youji. It is also the real feeling of such a kind of love, so for Wenshan, it is a heavier component of real joy for Tianmo Youji.