ghost monk

Chapter 187 Departure

Chapter187 Departure

At this time, I endured severe pain and suffering all over my body. For the improvement of my strength, my meridians and blood are basically experiencing continuous refining, continuous torture, and repeated changes. It is also the continuous progress of this kind of continuous improvement of this kind of effect.

is also the existence of such an effect, and basically a lot of things can be seen. This is also one of the reasons, so there are many differences to a large extent. It is also a situation that basically restricts Hogg's physical condition as a kind of improvement.

The spiritual fatigue of Hogg at this time. He sat down cross-legged and took a pill of the gas gathering pills given to him by Wenshan again. Extremely difficult, he began to refine his energy and meditated, and while restoring his spiritual strength, he constantly felt the new energy in his body. For a strange feeling of true power and the strangeness of the use of such a power is the most familiar point for Hogg himself now.

A few hours later, when Hogg slowly opened his eyes, he also felt an energetic look. Looking inside, I feel that in terms of cultivation, it seems that refinement is far less than just now. At most, Hogg's own divine power is also the primary stage of Zhenyuan. But the sore pain left by the bones and meridians is really too severe.

He sighed gently. For his current strength, he can be directly promoted from the primary stage of gathering energy to the primary stage of gathering gas to the primary stage of gathering gas under the semi-attention of Wenshan. That is, a level of improvement.

is also a kind of improvement, which has basically determined a lot of existence. It is also such a kind of maximum limit on the improvement of strength. For Wenshan now, it may really explain a lot of things. At this time, even if the potential is squeezed, it cannot be exploited without restrictions.

After all, it takes a lot of restrictions to tap a person's potential. If you blindly improve your strength, if you directly improve a large number of drugs in Hogg's body, it will consume the most basic potential in Hogg's body. Once the potential is exhausted, the road to go in the future will be very limited for such practitioners.

This is exactly the case, so there are obvious differences in many things. The existence of a huge gap in such things can basically explain a lot of things. That's exactly how it is for Wenshan to improve Hogg's cultivation strength.

can help Hogg directly improve his strength from the cultivation of the most basic energy gathering aura stage to the cultivation of the real element stage of gas accumulation, which was also done by Wenshan. After all, for the current situation, there will be no good results.

is also the result of such a thing. Basically, it can still have a very clear purpose. It is also such a purposeful existence. For Hogg at this time, it is really an extremely strong and extremely severe test.

is also the existence of such a test, and it can still have different ideas. However, no matter what, there is basically a good choice for this state at this time. It is also such a choice, which is very good at a large level.

However, at this moment, Hogg also woke up from a closed state. For others to practice, he often took a gas elixir every ten days and a half. First of all, it is because after taking the qi elixir, the medicinal properties will be scattered in the bloodlines of the whole body. Although the first day of practice can absorb the Thai half of the body, the remaining medicinal properties will take a period of time to slowly absorb all the light.

has such an effect, so it is really a very good thing for Wenshan at this time. It is also with such an idea that basically can still see a lot of things. However, no matter what it is, it is very feasible on a certain basis.

is also the existence of such an idea, which can basically solve a lot of things. It is also the existence of such a factor that can basically solve many problems. Of course, there are many choices at a large level. These choices are a challenge.

Second, if you don't wait for all the medicinal properties to be absorbed, you will take the elixir again. Over time, the medicinal properties will accumulate more and more in the body, which will cause great harm to the body. For the current Hogg, he also knew that before, that is, when his cultivation was just improved, he was beaten into his body by Wenshan.

However, that is just the energy of Wenshan to help him improve his strength. For the medicinal properties in your body, most of them are consumed by your blood muscles, and it is precisely the existence of such a factor that basically solves a lot of things.

is also like this, so for such a situation at this moment, the medicinal properties in the meridians and blood in Hogg's body have been refined by Wenshan and turned into energy into Hogg's Dantian gas sea, filling the lack of energy and nourishment in Hogg's body Dantian. Hogg's body.

Wenshan's means are rigid in nature. Every time they are used, the existence of such a great effect of refining the energy in Hogg's body is basically a change to a large extent. It is precisely the existence of such a different effect of change that can basically solve many problems.

It is also this effect. When he just helped Hogg improve his strength, Wenshan not only exhausted almost all the residual drugs in Hogg's body. Even some of the remaining panacea will be cleaned up as a source of strength. For Hogg's body, it is equivalent to a large degree of cleaning.

is also the existence of such a large degree of clarity. Basically, it has calmed down the existence of many things. It is also a kind of effect that can basically solve a lot of things. However, no matter what, you can still have different ideas about the current state.

is also such an effect, which can basically solve a lot of things. However, no matter what, it is a certain degree of improvement for Hogg in this state. It is precisely this effect that can basically solve many problems.

For Wenshan's method, coupled with the difference in Hogg's own bloodline, it has both advantages and disadvantages in terms of the degree of consumption of such elixir. The beneficial person is that Hogg can use this characteristic to practice every day and take a large amount of gas-gathering elixir to take its most essence. After each dose, Wenshan helps him consume all the remaining medicinal properties in the meridians and blood in his body.

also has such a means, which can basically solve many problems. It is precisely the existence of such a problem that can basically reflect a lot of things. That's exactly the effect. Basically, you can still see a lot of things.

However, no matter what happens, it is an inevitable result of such a thing. It is also an inevitable existence that empties all the residues in the depressive body. Naturally, the essence effect of taking only the elixir on the first day is naturally accelerated cultivation in disguise. But the problem is that the consumption of elixirs will be astonishing.

Although the medicinal effect is surprising, it must be with the help of Wenshan that you can slowly improve your cultivation strength. Only by doing this is the best guarantee for Hogg. Otherwise, it is really difficult for Hogg to have any protective measures.

is excellent for the medicinal effect, or the result of such a method. In this way, with the help of Juqi Dan and Wenshan, Hogg set himself a complete cultivation cycle every ten days. Every ten days, if Wenshan helps him improve his strength, it will have such an effect of improving his cultivation to a large extent.

also has such an effect, and basically it is still possible to conclude a lot of things. It is with such a determination that basically can still see a lot. However, in any case, it has an obvious effect on the development of things.

is also the existence of such an effect, and basically there is still a good choice. It is also such an effect choice, which is a great improvement for many things. For such an improvement, it also has a different effect.

Of course, for Wenshan's action this time, I can see the strength of Wenshan and know that Wenshan can improve people's cultivation. However, Wenshan is not a good man, and the embarrassment about Hogg's identity is the existence of the original enemy of Wenshan, and now he is the servant of Wenshan's servant.

For the current low status of Hogg, there is no face to save in front of Wenshan. It is also the existence of such an effect, which is basically equivalent to a disguised change of the whole thing to a large extent.

is also the existence of such a huge change effect, which is basically such a way. It is also the existence of such a method that is basically different to a large extent. It is also a different effect of this. Basically, you can still see a lot of things.

is also a kind of disguised change, which is a maximum improvement for many things. Wenshan's help this time is not optimistic about Hogg. Instead, there is another arrangement for Hogg. It is also the effect of this other arrangement. Therefore, for Hogg at this time, it is basically a certain full amount.

is also the existence of such a very special effect, which basically lays a lot of things. That's why, for Wenshan, he can't help Hogg's existence every time. After all, Hogg has no face in front of Wenshan. It is also an effect of this kind. Basically, there is still a big difference.

Wenshan helped Hogg improve his strength this time. However, in the future, it is estimated that Hogg's own continuous efforts will be necessary to refine these medicinal properties in his body with the help of Wenshan. It is also the result of such continuous efforts that the development is the best kind of promotion.

However, Wenshan's identity is a master's identity after all. It is precisely the existence of such a master's identity that basically can still see something. It is also such a vulgar situation, so for Hogg now, it may not be difficult.

However, no matter what, you can still see a lot of things in this state. For these things, basically, a lot of things can be reflected. It is the existence of such an effect. Basically, there are still more choices.

This is exactly the effect, which can basically show a lot of things. No matter what the reason exists, you can basically have a different understanding of these things.

is also the existence of such a role, and opportunity is a turning point for many things. It is also a turning point of such a thing, which is really a very good thing for Wenshan now. It is precisely this kind of thing that has changed to a great extent, and the opportunities are changing in many ways.

Of course, for Hogg, he relies on the particularity of his blood. Ordinary people can take it once a month, and he only needs more than ten days to take it once, and three times a month. It is such a kind of consumption of gas gathering elixir, but for the improvement of one's own strength, it is also destined to have an effect that others do not have. For Hogg, such a kind of bloodline is really a kind of luck for him.

However, for normal people, it is impossible to consume such a kind of consumption of gas-gathering elixir. Even one gas pill a month is not so easy to do, and it is the existence of such an idea that basically will not have more improvement.

is also the existence of such an effect, and basically you can still see a lot of things. It is also one of these effects, which can basically have different effects. This is the case, so to a large extent, it is a real leap effect. It is also such an effect that can basically have different effects.

For Hogg in the current state, it is already the strength of cultivation in the Zhenyuan stage. For Hogg's cultivation ability in the future and the improvement of Hogg's strength in the future, he will consume more than 36 spirits. Then he will consume more than 36 spirits. Maybe such a small number is nothing at all in Wenshan.

For Wenshan, just raising his hands can completely make Hogg have no worries for at least a long time in the future. It is precisely the existence of such an effect that can basically have different development.

is also a kind of development, which can basically have a deeper understanding. It is this kind of profound experience that can basically have different development. For Hogg in the future, the degree of resource plunder will also increase.

In fact, the main reason why Hogg was able to be loyal in the prince's mansion was that he valued the very rich resources in the prince's mansion. It is also under the rich resources of the prince's mansion that makes Hogg's consumption of such a thing in the prince's mansion very reasonable.

People who can be loyal to the royal family basically die poor practitioners who don't have many resources. It is also one of the reasons for this, so it can have a good development to a large extent. It is also under such a good development state that for the current situation, it is really a very good thing.

This is exactly the case, so for Wenshan now, the development of the owner is basically like this. However, in any case, there is basically a big difference.

Hog is originally a personal disciple of Vue. For the personal disciples in a small sect, their noble status and their resources from the sect are very rare. Even the supply of a royal family is not as good.

It is the existence of such an idea, so for the identity of a personal disciple in a small sect like Hogg, it is such a compromise existence. The existence of such an effect basically has such an effect.

This is the effect, which can basically make a big difference. It is precisely this kind of difference that can basically have a very good development. It is this degree of development that many times, many of them need to rely on their own efforts.

After all, in small sects and large sects, there is such a kind of thing that can only rely on going out to do tasks, or rely on these royal families to cultivate more resources for himself without any help or resources.

After all, not everyone has a great adventure like Wenshan. It is the existence of such an effect, so it is really a very good thing for Wenshan now. It is this kind of effect. For this state at this time, there will basically be better development.

For a character like Hogg, it is usually okay. The consumption of resources depends on the supply of his own sect, coupled with such work in the prince's mansion. At this time, there is a real consumption of resources for Hogg's strength and continuous nourishment and improvement.

However, if Hogg's cultivation encounters a bottleneck or something, he has to take a lot of elixir. It is very troublesome to obtain such an elixir. For an elixir like Juqi Dan, it is not something that a character like Hogg can consume at all. The overall consumption of bottlenecks is simply a sky-on number. Moreover, the later it is, the greater the consumption will be.

Under normal circumstances, in the prince's mansion, you can also get 100 spiritual beans every month. It is such a rare degree that the 100,000 spiritual beans in Wenshan basically made Hog dumbfounded. Of course, Hogg has really seen and realized today that it is the first time to use such a gas accumulation elixir

After all, the current Hogg's cultivation has been upgraded to the true stage of gas accumulation. For the strength at this stage, at least the treatment in the prince's mansion has been improved, and the treatment in their own sect will also be improved. After all, it's better to serve the royal family in the royal palace. No matter what the situation is, it can basically have different things to a certain extent.

It is the emergence of such a situation that basically can have a different mind. At such a time, it can still have a good development. It is this special situation that still needs to have a good development.

However, with the improvement of strength, the degree of consumption of resources has also greatly increased. It is also such an increase that will not change to a large extent. However, at least in many things, there will be different places.

But everything may be worth it. At least a kind of improvement in Hogg's strength is already a promotion of a kind of strength that has been greatly limited by Wenshan. That's exactly the case, so for Hogg now, it may be really a lucky thing.

If there is no Wenshan, with a means like Hogg, it is basically a great opportunity to upgrade your cultivation to the primary stage of Zhenyuan within a hundred years. After all, no one can really improve a person's cultivation.

It is so difficult for a person to improve his own cultivation. What's more, improve other people's cultivation. Among them, the understanding of other people's bodies and the control of energy are very special. That's why, so at this time, under normal circumstances, there is a big difference.

However, no matter what you say, for the current situation, the most important thing for the improvement of Hogg's cultivation is that he also needs to participate in the mission space. To participate in such a task, Hogg also represents the Vucan religion, but there is only one opportunity.

After all, among other righteous people, it is basically more difficult if the cultivation strength can reach the primary stage of Zhenyuan. That's why Hogg's strength is in the initial stage of Zhenyuan. For the existence of strength at such a stage, it can basically have a very good performance.

In the competition for the two places of righteous people below, Hogg's existence should be able to make good progress. At least to a large extent, it can be very productive. That's right, so for Wenshan in this state, there may really be a very good development phenomenon.

"Next, you will learn from Han Li and improve your strength in a short time. Otherwise, if you can't get the two places in the task space next, you will be useless to me.

Wenshan looked at Hogg with a surprised face in front of him and then said, "The purpose of improving your strength is to give you more places for such tasks. I am also the representative of Taixuanzong this time. At that time, I may need your help in the mission space.

After all, many things are unknown about Wenshan's mission space. It is in this way that in that mysterious space, if you can have like-minded allies, the difficulty in that space will be much less difficult.

is also the reason, so to a large extent, it can still reflect many advantages. That's why you can basically have different ideas. It is also one of the reasons for this, which can basically explain a lot of things.

That is, after dealing with the things here, Wenshan took Hogg out of the energy circle. When Wenshan removed the energy circle, the people who had calmed down in the square suddenly withdrew because of the aperture of such energy in the field, and when the faces of Wenshan and Hogg appeared in front of everyone, there was chaos.

It is also the emergence of such a chaotic situation that makes the whole situation extremely sharp again. It is also a state like this, and basically you can still see some clues.

However, in any case, for this period of time, there can still be different ideas. That's it, so there are still many things to say about the current state.

This is exactly the case, so there are still many theories about the current situation. However, the momentum of Wenshan and Hogg can be seen from the posture of Wenshan. Wenshan's whole momentum is still the best.

As for Hogg, his face is also flushed after the promotion of strength, coupled with a happy smile, as if the winner is Hogg. For the smiles of Wenshan and Hogg at this time, such a calmness turned the scene that was about to be ** turned into a calm state.

is also a state like this, which can basically have a good explanation, that is, Wenshan and Hogg have reconciled their existence. However, how could such a fierce contradiction between the Shen family and the prince's mansion be made up in such a flash?

That is, when Wen Shan took Hog to Dai Musheng, Wen Shan looked at Dai Musheng in front of him and said with a smile, "Dai Musheng, this is our Shen family. No matter how you operate after you return to Kyoto, remember that everything must have a limit.

If the Shen family really suffered unnecessary losses because of you. In Kyoto, I still went to the top of the people's head. Don't take what Wenshan said as nonsense.

After saying that, Wenshan asked Dai Mubai to take the Shen family back to the Shen family. And for the Holy City, in recent days, due to the delay of various things, the scale of the Shen family has been expanded. At least now, for the full takeover of all the affairs of the prince's mansion in the whole capital.

is exactly like this. Therefore, in the current situation, after the comprehensive takeover of everything, the deployment of the Shen family and the rectification of various repeated stores. In the future, in the Holy Capital, all different stores will be banned, and only one is allowed to Operation.

After all, in the current holy capital, many shops were established after the destruction of the Su family. A considerable part of the expenses of the prince's mansion are all in these shops. The decoration of these shops is basically a real innovation to a large extent.

is also such an innovation. For the current situation, it has basically completely achieved a transformation of things. It is the degree of such a transformation that accepts the current business of the Holy Capital on a large scale.

For such a big cake as the Shen family, after experiencing this matter of the prince's mansion, it is estimated that it has not been divided, but there is an obvious trend of growth. It is precisely this kind of thing, so in many things, it can still have a good development.

It is exactly like this that all the business in the Holy City now is taken over by the Shen family, that is, other small families in the Holy City, who are completely going to become vassals of the Shen family. As for the management of the Holy City, it was taken over by the private soldiers of the Shen family. The tax is also collected by the Shen family.

That is to say, in the current big capital, everything is managed by the Shen family. As for the people in the prince's mansion, there is basically nothing to do. And all the people in the prince's mansion left today. Only personal belongings are allowed. As for the tax in the last year, there are also shops operated by the Prince's Mansion, all of which are owned by the Shen family*.

For this kind of hand, it is completely equivalent to a year in the prince's mansion, which is basically working for the Shen family. After all, for the Shen family, although it has been suppressed by the prince's mansion this year, its development is still very good. As for the prince's mansion, it is basically the prince's own personal money to fill the business.

There is quite a lot of inventory in the store. That's why, so for Wenshan, it really can't explain anything. However, no matter what, for Hogg, there is basically nothing different coming out.

Originally, Dai Musheng wanted to refute Wenshan's decisions. However, due to Hogg's anti-water and standing on the side of the Shen family, Dai Musheng knew the strength of Wenshan at this time. Unexpectedly, even the characters in the aura stage are not against Wenshan. And the fear of the scene just now is precisely the reason, so for Dai Musheng, he is still very afraid.

For a character like Dai Musheng, it is simply the existence of a human spirit. For this benefit, after all, my own strength in the capital has not been developed. Although the investment is relatively large, it is not all. Therefore, at this time, the investment in the prince's mansion in the Holy Capital was basically given to the Shen family.

However, in terms of money, compared with the power of the whole prince's mansion and the lives of the people in the prince's mansion, life is still the most important. This is the reason, so all the ideas about Dai Musheng now are to keep the people in the prince's mansion.

After all, Hogg's anti-water team can't deal with the Shen family at all. Being able to force Hogg to fight back to the water shows that this Wenshan is really not simple at this time. It's not simple, so of course, it can't be dealt with by the current prince's mansion.

That's exactly what all the people in the current prince's mansion have evacuated from the Holy Capital. As for what Wenshan said to Hogg, for Hogg, it is basically really bearable. It is also one of the reasons why it can basically solve a lot of things.

The whole matter of the Shen family has been successfully resolved. For the next step, it is the problem of slow development. For the elder Liu, they can basically be regarded as the internal children of the Shen family. After all, when the elder Liu and others were selected by Wenshan as the transport team members this time, they took into account the simplicity of their identity.

This is also the reason. For the elder Liu and others, there is no * at all. It is the best choice for the Shen family to cultivate the children of the Shen family and make them loyal to the Shen family. After all, the existence of a powerful strong man like Wenshan has a serious effect on anyone who joins the Shen family now.

This is the reason, so for the current state, you can basically see a lot of things. It is precisely for this reason that we can still have different opinions in this state.

is the current Xiaochu and Muling, who dare not slack off the Shen family at all. After all, Wenshan is really attentive to the Shen family. For Wenshan, he is simply the master of what he said and did. It is also very rapid for Wenshan. It is this kind of decisive killing that can only take the whole thing seriously for the few people who joined the Shen family.

Of course, for Hogg, he can only return to his mountain gate and participate in this mission. Only after doing this can it basically make a point for Hogg now. It is also one of the reasons for the existence of this, which can basically have different development.

Originally, Wenshan wanted to see Shen Bing and then leave. But at this time, Shen Bing has been closed. For Shen Bing in the retreat, Wenshan is still in order not to disturb Shen Bing. So I left the capital directly. The whole Shen family was handed over to Dai Mubai to deal with.

For Wenshan, he still wanted to return to Kyoto with Dai Mubai. After all, it is the existence of the Shen family in the court that can truly stabilize the status of the Shen family in Kyoto. That's exactly what's really good for the Shen family. However, no matter what, for many things, they can basically get a lot of development.

After all, the Shen family does not have any foundation in the court. It was this kind of Shen family that had no foundation to happen. Just after the Su family was destroyed, the prince's mansion was established. After the establishment of the prince's mansion, it is undoubtedly a big loss for the Shen family as a whole.

This is also the case of serious losses. Therefore, for the current situation, it can basically develop to a large extent.

No matter what the reason is, there is basically a certain benchmark for many things. A lot of things can be reflected for such a benchmark. It is precisely the existence of such a feeling that can basically have more levels of development.

For the current Wenshan, the affairs of the Shen family are basically arranged by Wenshan. After all, the Shen family is in the secular world like Shengjing City, and Dai Mubai's such armed personnel can be solved by force. As long as the court does not intervene, it should be good for the big Shen family to gain a foothold in the capital.

For the current Wenshan, of course, he is ready to participate in the mission space. After all, time is also relatively tight. Wenshan also wants to go out through such a task in this mission space and see the masters of different sects encountered in such a mission space.

As for the trip to Kyoto, Wenshan could only wait for the stability of the situation of the Shen family, and Wenshan returned from the mission space.