ghost monk

Chapter 188 City

Chapter188 Fang City

The matter of the Shen family in the capital has basically been dealt with, and everything has been better explained. For such a period of time, nothing else should happen. It is precisely this kind of thing that exists, so Wenshan feels that it is meaningless for him to stay in the capital again.

In addition, Shen Bing has been completely closed. It's a pity that she didn't see this little beauty before leaving. That's exactly what it is, so for Wenshan now, it is the worst result. It is also one of the reasons why there are basically many differences.

However, no matter what aspect, we can still see a lot of differences in the current situation. It is also an effect that Wenshan is ready to go to the place where the mission space is located in advance. At the same time, for the current Wenshan, he is also looking for a familiar lifestyle.

After all, for Wenshan now, nothing will happen in a short time. It is also such an effect, so for the current situation, it can basically be played to a large extent in many places.

For the current strength of Wenshan, it has reached the peak of divine power. For the strength at the peak stage of such strength, it is simply more difficult to take a step forward than to ascend to the sky. That's why it's harder than climbing to the sky. Therefore, Wenshan doesn't think about cultivation at all.

After all, for the cultivation of the realm of life-threatening, it is a realm that some people can't achieve in their lives. It is relatively difficult to reach the divine power realm of the energy gathering realm. It is even more difficult for the realm of life-threatening.

Among one million practitioners, one person's strength can reach the peak stage of gathering divine power. Whether such a person can enter the realm of death depends on the existence of the person's age, physical quality, cultivation, talent and many other things.

It is precisely in this way that millions of people have a strong person in the stage of gathering divine power, but for the strong in the life-threatening realm, they are generated in the ranks of tens of millions of strong people in the divine power stage. It is also with such a rigid requirement that can basically be found very well.

The cultivation of the realm of life-threatening is not so easy to enter. For Wenshan, he was able to directly shape Han Li and Xiaojian, two strong men in the stage of gathering divine power. It is this magical method that makes Hogg and Han Li admire him very much. It is also this kind of means that makes the two of them deeply convinced.

also has such a requirement, and basically it can still have a good choice. It is the existence of such a hard choice that can basically have a good development. It is precisely this requirement that has a very good development to a large extent.

is the existence of such a large degree of development requirements, so in many cases, the requirements of the current Wenshan can basically be very different. It is with such a requirement that you can basically see a lot of things.

As for Wenshan's means of hurriedly promoting Hogg, for the current Hogg, it can help Wenshan compete for a place to enter such a task space. After all, eight of the four sects occupy the ten places of righteous people, and the remaining two are crucial.

It is exactly two crucial places like this. For Hogg now, it is simply another kind of plan. That's exactly how it is, so there can still be a clear development for Wenshan in its current state. It is precisely under such a clear development situation that there is still a very good choice.

For the current Hogg's strength, it is the strength of Zhenyuan's primary stage. After all, the two sects competing for such places this time are basically the existence of small sects. It is in this situation that the strength of Zhenyuan's primary stage is basically acceptable, at least in the process of real comparison, it is absolutely possible to obtain such two places. Therefore, Wenshan is still very sure that Hogg can win.

The task for Hogg now is to win one of these two places. That's exactly what happens. As long as Hogg can compete for such a quota, Wenshan can completely send Han Li to replace Hogg. After all, Hogg is now controlled by Han Li. Moreover, Han Li is still a master in the divine power stage. In the mission space, the existence of a master like Han Li is basically no longer a problem.

After all, the four major sects of the right path, the strong people who have reached the divine power stage are just Su Linger and Wenshan who enter such a task space. It's just two people like this, so for the current state, Han Li's entry is basically not a burden for Wenshan, at least a supporter of Wenshan. Helper.

After all, as the center of the mission space, many things can be done without Wenshan and let Han Li take action in it. After all, entering such a mission space requires the existence of allies. And several other righteous people are waiting for Wenshan to protect.

And Han Li was originally the best person to enter such a mission space. That is, in Taixuanzong, Su Linger and Wenshan suddenly appeared to occupy the place of the best candidate for such a person. It's really not a good thing for Han Li.

It is exactly this situation, so for the most suitable person like Han Li to enter Taixuanzong, he missed it because of the problem of the quota. For the current Han Li, his strength has also been directly promoted to the current stage of divine power.

For Han Li now, the most basic thing is that in such a state, a lot of things can still be seen. It is precisely for this reason that there can basically be different sharing. This is one of the reasons, so in many things, it is still a test for Han Li now.

After all, Han Li's strength has just been directly improved by Wenshan. It is the existence of such a consideration that basically requires a lot of experience in such an environment. Han Li relied on his own strength to reach the peak of Zhenyuan step by step.

is also one of the reasons for this, basically a lot of things can be seen. For the current situation, it is basically the reason for this, but no matter what it looks like, it can have a certain good choice. In the face of such a choice, more courage is needed. It is the existence of such a kind of courage that makes Han Li's surging self-confidence expand.

There is basically such a hard requirement for many things. However, no matter what the requirements are, there are basically rigid requirements for the current state.

However, in many cases, it is understandable for Mo.

At this time, Wenshan's divine mind invaded the jade slips, and the slips made of the jade in his hand were made by the manufacturing hall of Taixuanzong. It was Wenshan who spent his own credit to get this kind of Yujian. For this kind of jade Jane, in addition to having a call function, there are basically obvious characteristics, that is, it can have the function of map, the function of collection, and the function of query.

For Wenshan, relying on such a jade simple, he can do his best for the territory of the whole Hanwu Dynasty. Be able to accurately locate your target location. That is, while Wenshan rushed to the city where the mission space was located, he passed through several cities. For the small-scale Fangshi, Wenshan did not stop, but when passing through the large Fangshi, Wenshan did not find what he wanted.

is one of the reasons for this, so we can still see a lot of things to a large extent. It is precisely the existence of such a goal, so in many cases, it is a breakthrough to a large extent. It is one of the reasons that can basically determine a lot of things.

That is, today, when passing through several large squares, there is no value that can be used by itself, Wenshan came to a different square city. It is said that it is a small city that is basically a kind of trading in the secular world and the cultivation world. Of course, there are big and small cities like this. The big city is a hundred times the size of the capital, and the small one is only the Shen family compound.

Of course, for Wenshan, such a large square city, with a hundred times the size of the capital, has really never seen it. However, Wenshan saw it in the small city.

This other cloud in front of us is such a small and poor city, only the size of Shen's courtyard. However, it will take a day to walk around the Shen family compound alone. Therefore, this other cloud is still small-scale.

Wrapped in a mass of energy aperture, flying quietly in the night sky is such a state. Wenshan has been around in large and small cities. For many places, there is a certain degree of familiarity. It is also the existence of such an effect that has basically been concluded a lot.

Wenshan's flight speed is not slow. By dawn, Wenshan will find a hidden place to rest and rush to the road at night. For such a kind of work and rest time, I have basically been used to Wenshan for so many days. It is this effect that can basically determine a lot of things.

However, no matter what the reason is, it can still develop to a certain extent for the current situation. That's right, so it can still have a good development in many things.

You have to be extremely cautious when you go out alone. After all, at this time, although Wenshan is in the secular world. However, in a different world, the vast majority of people are hidden in the city, and it is inevitable that they will encounter the existence of seniors and high-level people in their own way.

For the sake of your own safety. For Wenshan, minimize the number of arrogant flights in the sky during the day, and you can't fly for a long time, which will consume too much internal force. If you don't get a good rest and really encounter something unexpected, Wenshan can't deal with it.

After all, in such a secular world, such large and small cities have been established by many famous people. It is also the existence of such an effect that opportunities are all people with the cultivation of the realm of gathering energy in many cities.

Of course, Wenshan, a character with the cultivation of the realm of gathering gas, is not afraid. However, among these small Shanmen sects, the mountain gate behind them is not something that Wenshan can offend. After all, in any small mountain gate, among small sects, if you want your own mountain gate sect to be recognized by others, you must first have the existence of ancestor in a deadly state.

If there is no ancestor-level figure in the life-threatening realm, basically such a mountain sect can only be regarded as a small cultivation family. It is this idea that basically can still have a good development to a large extent. It is this kind of effect that basically has a large degree of competition.

It is this kind of practitioners, especially the little people in the realm of gathering energy, who have the existence of small mountain sects behind them. Wenshan alone can't easily offend the sect behind them. Taixuanzong behind Wenshan can not be afraid, but there is no need to be afraid of any of the 23 mountain gates in Taixuanzong.

However, Wenshan does not represent the existence of a mountain gate. That's why, without causing trouble, Wenshan still has a relatively low-key existence. After all, it is better to be careful about the existence that threatens your life. Only in this way is the way to ensure a long life. After all, there are many dangers in the world of cultivation, and sometimes it is not the extent that Wenshan can dominate the world.

This is also the reason. During the flight, Wenshan either came down to rest halfway to supplement the internal force in his body. Or just take a few gas pills to supplement your internal strength. In case something happens and there is insufficient internal strength, there will often be fatal results. After all, it is on the way. Sometimes, there are many dangers for the road.

Even if Wenshan's time is tense now, he doesn't want to rush on his way, so that he will cause any murder. Walking around the world is the most necessary preparation. Of course, this kind of experience is basically taught by Han Li. It is the first time for Wenshan to walk around the world alone.

After all, Wenshan has experienced so many things in a year. It is also directly improved from the small physical realm to the current stage of divine power. That's exactly what it is, so there is still a lot lacking for real walking. After all, although the realm of gathering energy is already a master, the life-threatening realm and the strong at the ancestral level are by no means rare in the world.

In this world where strength is respected and the law of the jungle, be careful everywhere. This is the most basic principle of survival. Although Wenshan also understands these principles. But there are still a lot of things I don't know about such things as rushing. The existence of Han Li has basically helped Wenshan solve this problem.

After all, in this world, some deadly ancestors, those powerful people, whose mood is a little worse, will not reason with you at all. There are too many reasons to kill. In this world, it is the hard truth that the fist is big, and any conditions are useless.

As long as they have a purpose and are interested in you, as long as their fists are bigger than you, you have to meet their purpose. Even your life is contributed. The strength of Wenshan's divine power stage is a rare threat under the realm of life-threatening. However, it is not the peak level in the world, but still the disciple level.

Therefore, for Wenshan, it is not a very powerful existence. It is precisely the existence of such a truth that can basically explain such a problem. That's why you can still have different ideas to a large extent.

If the person you face is stronger than yourself to attack you, your strength is not enough. The only thing that can be done is anger and anger. But I'm angry and can't solve anything. After all, there is no practical action against anger.

It is facing the whole secular world. At the junction of the secular world and the cultivation world, that is, these cities now, there are basically many people from the cultivation world. For these cities, it is obvious that they can stand here and not be disturbed by other people in the cultivation world because there are also mountain gates and sects behind such cities.

It is behind these cities that there is such a mountain sect, so basically there can still be a lot of tricks. With these cities, it was only established by the masters of the power-gathering stage in the Shanmen sect. But it is the reputation of the sect. In this way, if ordinary people do not intend to pick up the whole sect, the only thing they can do is to let go of everything. No action.

Of course, behind these cities, the ancestor-level figures in the real sect are leading, or it is really an industry of a sect. It should be said that the vast majority of such a sect are the industry of one sect, and few cities are private.

After all, those who can enter the square city are basically extremely strong practitioners, and few ordinary people can enter such a square city. That's why it exists, so to a large extent, it can still determine a lot of things.

is also a feature of this, and basically it can still have other things to do. It is precisely this kind of action that still needs a lot of things to achieve. However, no matter what it is, there are still other things to do for the current state.

Therefore, it is the king's way to be cautious. Only by being cautious in advance can we do it step by step. Only in this way is the best explanation. However, no matter what aspect, you can basically have a different plan. It is the existence of such a plan that still has different ideas.

However, no matter what it is, it can basically solve a lot in many places. It is precisely this kind of feature that is still very different.

In the city, although there are many practitioners, there are so many practitioners entering these cities, and a large number of cities are constantly influxed by such practitioners. As for the identity of these practitioners, no market can be completely identified.

is also the existence of such a reason, so in most cases, in these cities, it is basically the back and forth of those mobile practitioners, which is also one of the reasons, so in many aspects, in most cases, each There will be some rules in the city, which can ensure the long-term survival of the mayor.

After all, if any one or some practitioners enter such a market, there are many things that can happen for some disputes for the sake of interests. This is the reason, so to a large extent, there is still an essential difference.

Basically, this difference can still be solved. After all, if practitioners fight in the market, they obviously can't stand the merchants in the market. It is precisely the emergence of this unbearable situation. In most cases, it is still necessary to have a stronger ability to smooth out such things.

It is also in this way that it is directly erased, which requires the existence of certain rules in the city. The existence of real law enforcers in the city is needed. Only under the protection of such a powerful force can the emergence of a real long-term peace situation in a city. Of course, for the merchants in these markets and the owners behind the whole market, their law enforcement must be strict and reasonable.

Of course, if you want to encounter some big interests, the so-called rules can be changed at any time. If a small practitioners enter a shop with a peerless weapon. Of course, the weapon for such a role has become the object of competition among many people. It is also like this. If you really encounter such a powerful weapon or rich resources, you will basically be robbed, and the robbers are the owners behind these merchants and this market.

No matter where you are, as long as there is absolutely exciting wealth, for such exciting wealth, it is bound to become a target for everyone. It is also the emergence of such a competing goal that can basically play a certain role. In.

No matter what the city has strict rules, it is in the strict mountain gate, it is those ancestral-level figures, and even the role of immortal realm. As long as there is absolute wealth in front of us, the competition for such wealth is bound to be on track. At that time, it is bound to fight to the death, and of course, the rules will not exist at that time.

The rules have always been overturned by interests. For the rules, it is bound to become the competition of many merchants and the target of many forces. It is the existence of the characteristics of such a behavior that can basically play a decisive role. Otherwise, it is really difficult to achieve such a goal.

That is, for several days in a row, Wenshan fell into a hidden and hard-to-find canyon. From the thousands of miles without villages, you can see the desolation of the people here. It is also such a desolate area, where no mortal dwells live, and it is often a place for practitioners.

is also such a feature, which can basically have very good characteristics. For the existence of such a feature, there can basically be a good thing, but no matter what it looks like, there is still a good choice to a large extent.

Between such an extinct valley. In the fog, a small town-like building complex can be faintly seen, which is antique and elegant. For such a small town that exists within thousands of miles, it looks absolutely not simple. After all, under such a trend, such a small town is definitely the existence of many things.

It can build such a small town in such a desolate area. In this inconspicuous small town, the hidden things are also very powerful. After all, the big city is generally built not far from the mortal area. After all, for practitioners, they are also mortals, who live in the opposite area.

Wenshan just came here and looked at the three big words 'byeyunjian' on the signboard of Fangshi. Wenshan is also interested in this other city. According to the rules of this city, after handing over ten spiritual beans from the main gate, he walked into the city.

Most cities have such rules, such as not flying, fighting and so on. For such a small city in Beiyunjian, ten spiritual beans are handed over. Such a charging method basically catches up with ordinary medium-sized towns.

For these cities, it is understandable to collect taxes entering the city, which is one of the sources of the city. Even the merchants established in it, the vast majority of them were established by the owners of the city. However, it is also established by other foreign merchants. For some powerful business groups, they are basically on the whole continent of the Hanwu Dynasty, and there can be such a shadow of such a large consortium in every city.

is exactly like this. For these other merchants who are not the owners of the market, in order to manage the whole market by restraining them, prevent their merchants from being suppressed by other business groups, charging monthly rent from merchants, as well as some daily management fees. Use.

These fees are basically acceptable to many merchants. After all, if you don't accept it, some merchants will not enter the market, and the popularity or transaction volume of this market will be affected. After all, for a market, there are not one or two well-known businesses to settle in, and the value of such a market will be greatly reduced in the minds of many practitioners.

is also the reason for this, so it can still determine many existences to a large extent. In this way, the collection of some fees is just for a peaceful coexistence of the whole city. That is to say, pay attention to balance. In such a realistic world, everything pays attention to a balanced effect.

In this society, peace and harmony are just that the balance of each other's power has not been broken for the time being. Once this equilibrium is broken, large-scale conflicts are inevitable. For harmony, it basically exists in a state of balance of power.

For those big forces, a kind of struggle with each other, and ordinary practitioners without any * will be affected. In this way, under normal circumstances, for such a kind of struggle between big forces, it is basically not the will of too many people.

For such a gray income in these cities, for Wenshan, it is not a thing at all. After all, it is basically too common for such things. It is such a demanding existence that can still have a different feeling for many times.

is also such a situation, and it can still have a different feeling. No matter what the situation is, it can basically be solved well. For these cities, Wenshan can only abide by these rules, and Wenshan has no power to change the rules at all. After all, for the rules, either abide by them or have the ability to change such rules. Otherwise, everything can only abide by the rules.

It is also the existence of such rules that make the whole city relatively safe and healthy. For many things, it is basically a kind of equilibrium that can be sought. From the perspective of such a balanced trend, there are still many places to get along with.

However, in most cases, there is also a difference. Then, you can only follow other people's rules. Act under other people's rules. As long as you don't violate your most fundamental bottom line, you must obey selectively. Only in such a situation may be the best solution to such a thing.

This city is booming, from the size of a small village at the beginning to now like a city, heavily guarded. In such a different cloud, the big boss behind it is absolutely not simple. Within such a range of thousands of miles, a market of such a scale can see a lot of tricks.

Wenshan just listened to it casually and knew that the * of this square city should be a nearby Xiuxian Mountain Gate, with the scale of power. Then, its mountain gate is likely to have one or several ancestor-level figures who killed their lives. Wenshan has no intention of provoking such existence. Therefore, I made up my mind to keep a low profile in this city.

After all, sometimes you can't find trouble. After all, there is nothing like that in the first place. You still bravely rush up to find something to do. Isn't this looking for yourself unhappy? It is precisely with such a plan that you can basically see a lot of things.

For Wenshan, a black strong suit is worn by normal practitioners for such a dress. Coupled with Wenshan's cultivation, it is hidden. Even the ancestral-level characters in the desperate realm can't find anything wrong with Wenshan.

is also such a characteristic that basically can't see any clues. It is also one of the characteristics that can have a good choice to a large extent. For such a choice, there is scarcity in many cases and in many places.

is the existence of such a very special effect, and basically the difference between what can be seen is also relatively large. However, for the current Wenshan, it has always been so low-key. The low-key ordinary miscellaneous disciples don't look down on Wenshan.

For the strong in the energy-gathering realm, the momentum of the strong in the energy-gathering realm that can at least be emitted by them should be determined. However, it is obvious that Wenshan can't feel this at all. That's exactly the case, so for Wenshan now, he may really be able to see a lot of differences.

For such a difference, to a large extent, there is also such a defect. It is the existence of such a defect that basically has very different effects. However, no matter what you say, for the current state, you still need to constantly think about this kind of effect.

However, although the momentum of Wenshan's body is not as strong as that of a strong man, the qi and blood of the body can't be seen how vigorous it is. It is this kind of situation that basically can still have very special requirements. It is precisely in such a state that there are still no other requirements.

It is this kind of situation that basically has a very good choice. However, the coldness emanating from Wenshan's face, the cold feeling in his eyes, at least those ordinary coolies will hide far away, one by one, secretly glance at Wenshan with fearful but curious eyes.

Those old gangsters who cheated to earn spiritual stones on the streets of Fangshi hide farther. Wenshan's existence is definitely not something they can provoke. After all, don't be Wenshan with no cultivation on his face, but he is a cruel person in terms of personality. The best way for such a cruel person is not to provoke him. Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable.

also has such an effect, so after Wenshan entered such a separate cloud city, he did not encounter the scene of being surrounded and blackmailed. After all, the characters who can spend ten spiritual beans to enter such a different cloud city, except for the clerk recruited in the city, which one is a simple role.

The cost of entering the door alone is quite a lot, which is difficult for ordinary people to get, and it is even less likely to spend on the cost of entering the door. In addition, Wenshan's face is not familiar, and he is basically a stranger. I guess it's the first time I'm here in such a city. Which one is simple for such a person who walks independently in such a world?

There are indeed rules in Fang City, but for Fang City, practitioners in the realm of gathering energy should try not to provoke them, as long as they don't make a big deal and close their eyes more or less. After all, there is basically no shortage of powerful people who can find trouble in such a market.

This is also the reason why small-scale noise will still exist in such a market. As long as it is not too noisy, basically no one will restrain it. Of course, the larger the scale, the more the city defense team will come forward to restrict it. After all, it is related to the public security of Fang City, and it is also a real face-to-face management problem related to the whole city defense.

also has such a hard requirement. For such a thing, there is basically a very good choice. For such a demanding choice, it can basically be positioned.

That is, within a few minutes of Wenshan entering this square city, there have been many small conflicts in such a square city. Of course, this kind of conflict is basically resolved after the arrival of the city defense team, and there is no need for the city defense team to come forward to mediation.

After all, the hands of the city defense team members of Fang City are also black. If there are more and more noisy troubles, if there is such a disturbance between the two sides without any power, they are basically doomed to be blackmailed by the city defense team in the end. In the end, things are noisy enough, but whether it is the winning party or the losing party, the price is basically very high.