ghost monk

Chapter 194 Dress Up

Chapter 194 Dress Up

For the old man just now, Wenshan has basically been sure that in this square city, it was originally a pub built for this square city. And this is the largest treasure hall in Beiyunjianfang City, which can acquire various resources, sell some spiritual bean elixir, and buy and sell some monsters, etc.

It is also a kind of mutual sale that depends on the success of this treasure hall. For this treasure hall, it is basically a large and small place all over the clouds. In such a place, it is basically a kind of spread.

is also the existence of such a kind of pervading particularity, so for the current situation, it is still very different. It is also a difference of this kind, so for the current state, it still has a great degree of leap.

However, in any case, for many things, it is basically a great improvement. It is precisely the existence of such a degree of leap effect. Therefore, it is also a great progress to the extent of the current leap.

However, no matter what aspect exists. There are basically different ideas about the current state. For such a state, so for many things, it is still very good.

For what the old man said about the two deadly ancestral-level characters in the other clouds, he has basically left such a different cloud for a long time. For the current Beiyunjian, there is still Ji Shaoyang, the young owner of the pub in Beiyunjian. In the initial stage of gathering divine power, the characters are in operation. The whole other cloud is also his real right to speak.

Although Zhang Zhen in the current Treasure Hall is the strongest and powerful intermediate stage strength. However, the founder of Beiyunjian is Ji Peixiang, the real owner of Beiyunjian Tavern. The original old master of the Treasure Hall is basically a horse who works for Ji Peixiang, the ancestor of Beiyun.

In addition, the ancestors who originally established this kind of Beiyunjian have basically left here for a long time. Basically, it has been more than a hundred years since I left Beiyun. It is also after such a long time. In fact, for the current city of Beiyunjian, the relationship between Beiyunjian Tavern and this Treasure Hall is not so harmonious.

After all, Zhang Zhen's strength has basically exceeded the existence of Ji Shaoyang, the young master of Beiyunjian Tavern. It is the existence of such a reason, so for the current state, it can basically fully explain a lot of problems.

also illustrates the existence of so many problems, so for the current state, there is still a different trend of development. It is such a situation, so for many things, there is basically a good development.

However, no matter what aspect of development, there is still a great difference for the current state. It is this kind of difference in degree. Basically, I also have a good idea.

After all, the real founder of the original Beiyunjian pub is Ji Peixiang, the ancestor of Beiyunjian. For the whole Beiyun, large and small treasure halls, as well as various merchants and shops, such taxes are basically in the hands of the pubs in Beiyun. Even if the strength of the young master of the current Treasure Hall is basically strong, there is still not much room for development for such a state.

is also the existence of such an idea, so for the current state, basically even if the current treasure hall is dissatisfied, the tax of its own store still has to be handed over to Beiyunjian Tavern. For a kind of income like Beyunjian Tavern, it can basically surpass the Treasure Hall by relying on these taxes alone.

From the perspective of the comparison of such a kind of income, it has basically become the existence of a real coveted object in the eyes of the treasure hall. It is also in this form, and there is also such a contradiction between the two families now.

It is such a contradiction. For killing a young master of a treasure hall, maybe this other cloud pub will have some action, but basically it will only be a formality. It will only be a formality and will not be real. Of course, it will definitely let the whole other cloud track down the murderer.

Of course, this is just a formality. For a city, the real power is basically in the hands of Ji Shaoyang. For the so-called first master in other clouds, that is, Zhang Zhen, there is basically nothing to use human resources. For such a situation, there are basically no resources or threats to Zhang Zhen.

For Wenshan now, it is basically the existence of an ancestor-level figure in the current other clouds without any desperate realm. It is also one of the reasons for this, so for Wenshan at this time, it is basically possible to murder the heads of Ji Shaoyang and Zhang Zhen.

is exactly this kind of situation, so for many things, it is also a kind of competition in the true sense. However, no matter what kind of competition exists, it is also a great improvement for a current situation.

However, no matter what aspect it is, it can also have a good effect of improvement. However, no matter what aspect it is, it has a real improvement to a large extent.

For Wenshan at this time, Wenshan's face was much better after hearing the old man's words. For the current Xiaofang City, for the current Wenshan, there is basically nothing to be afraid of. It is precisely the existence of such a factor, so for Wenshan now, there is still some courage. He hummed in a low voice, "I will write down your matter. If I can help you solve this matter, I will do it."

For the current Wenshan's face, the basic mountain does not have a state of expression. After all, for the current Wenshan, it basically has such a state of expression. After all, for Wenshan now, it is basically a great gain to subdue another spiritual weapon in such a small city.

For Wenshan now, it is estimated that the best thing in this small city is the existence of such a spiritual treasure-level spiritual weapon given to him by this old man. This is also the reason, so for Wenshan now, there is such a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure, and it is also a physical object of the exquisite tower, which is basically a great opportunity for Wenshan.

Of course, Wenshan is not the kind of person who doesn't do anything. For the old man in front of him, he has such a vision, and for some things, he still has a ** existence. It is also one of the reasons for this, so for Wenshan, who is in such a state now, there is still a qualitative leap to a large extent.

To be a man, you must have your own bottom line. For an old man with such a temperament, and for such a character, although Wenshan still has the majesty of such a strong man on the surface, for such a state now, there is such a kind of thought. The existence of law.

However, no matter what happens, for the current state, it is basically the existence of such an ending. However, no matter what aspect of the existence. There are also the most basic things.

There is also a certain degree of understanding of many things. It is precisely this kind of state that still has a great effect of improvement. For such a situation, there can still be a better level of development. It is also the existence of such a hard feature, which is basically different to a large extent.

"Yes, senior." Mu Zhengqing also knew that things had come to this point, and he could not allow him to repent. For this old man, the most precious weapon of his top-quality spiritual weapon has been taken away by this Wenshan people. It is the existence of such a feature, so for the current situation, there is basically such a feature.

For the old man, he has nothing to ask Wenshan to help him accomplish anything. However, from this old man's years of experience, it can also be seen that Wenshan's human being, which basically has such a great benefit for Wenshan's human life.

However, no matter what aspect it is, at least there is still a great degree of improvement. For such a situation, there is still a great degree of promotion. However, there is still a big difference in such a situation.

For the old man at this time, he is a little excited. For the current state of the old man, of course, he is very excited. The existence of a master like Wenshan who can help himself kill his enemies has basically confirmed such an idea in the old man's mind.

However, no matter what kind of idea it is, it can have a very good choice. It is also a situation like this, so for such a thing now, it also has a good future for development.

"What do you plan to do in the future? After helping you kill the young master of the Treasure Hall, then you are destined to become the wanted object of the whole cloud. For me, there should be no one who can find me.

At this time, Wenshan looked at the old man Mu Zhengqing in front of him and said with a smile.

The current ideas for Wenshan are very simple. It is also the existence of such a simple idea, which is basically the existence of such a kind of improvement idea to a large extent. That's exactly what it is, so for many times, it is basically a existence that can have a great leap effect.

However, in any case, for the current situation, it can basically have a different development effect. At least in the current situation, there will be no such a change in other things.

There is also a development like this now. The old man's excited situation was also seen by Wenshan. It was also like this. When he saw the old man kneeling down, he kowtowed repeatedly and said, "Please, senior, if you have the ability, you must avenge the villain. After the revenge, the villain has no interest in living and will kill himself so that he will not expose his predecessors.

The old man's idea is actually very simple, that is, to commit suicide and then not involve Wenshan. After all, for the current world of cultivation, even if you are caught. But in the case of not saying anything, it is certain that the soul will be collected. If this is really the case, for this kind of soul collection, for people themselves, it is a kind of situation that is not as good as death. For this kind of thing, people are willing to die.

The old man knew the existence of the real strength of Wenshan in front of him because of the ability to predict the spiritual weapon at the level of Linglong Tower just now. It is also the basic situation of the existence of such a kind of real power. Therefore, for an old man like this now, he basically knows such a situation.

is also aware of this situation, so there is still an essential difference to a large extent. It is this kind of difference, so for many things. Basically, there can still be such a sense of crisis.

However, no matter what kind of change in the matter of that side, you can still see a lot of things in the current situation. It is also the existence of such a huge transformation.

So there is still a big difference in the current situation. It is also the existence of such a situation to varying degrees, so for the current situation, it can still be very different.

For the current old man, it is better to die than to be caught by the people of this treasure hall and then collected by the soul. Of course, if Wenshan is directly confessed. The old man who knows the power of Wenshan is probably even more afraid.

For Wenshan, he can directly collect a top-quality spiritual weapon, and also a spiritual weapon with shadow hiding function. For such a situation, there is basically such a hard requirement.

However, there is such a difference, which can also play a certain role for many things. It is with such a feeling, so for many times, you can still feel different places.

"You can go now and walk in the direction of the Holy City. As long as you are lucky enough to walk to the Holy City alive, then you can go to the Shen family in the Holy Capital City and be a small domestic slave. As for what role you can play in the Shen family and to what extent you can play, it is your own business. However, there is an iron law that you can't do anything that hurts the Shen family. Otherwise, I will take away your soul and refine it on the oil lamp.

For the whole face of Wenshan now, it is extremely gloomy. For what Wenshan said now, basically can also give people a great sense of command. A strong sense of coercion.

Looking at the doubt on the face of the old man in front of him, so for the current Wenshan, he can still have a certain feeling. It is with such a feeling that he said with a smile, "You don't have to worry, just run by yourself. I can throw your enemy's head to you on your way to escape. As long as you have a good life and run to the Holy Capital, I believe that the Holy Capital is tens of thousands of miles away from here.

For such a different power, it should not have touched the territory of the capital. I arrived at the Shen family in Shengjing City, which is the place where I was covered by Wenshan. As long as you are comfortable there, there will basically be nothing to embarrass your existence. That's exactly the case, so for you now, it's just running for your life.

It is estimated that there will be a big movement tonight. Tomorrow, it will basically be checked within a hundred miles. You'd better get out of town during this period. At least you can save your life."

Also, I believe someone must know about the enmity between you and Zhang Zhen. Your strength is just a primary stage of gathering energy. I believe no one can doubt you, but it will definitely not be so simple in the future. In the future, you will definitely be able to suspect that you found someone to kill Zhang Zhen.

After all, it is estimated that this kind of hatred is so great that it kills a powerful young master in a city. Even if you investigate slowly, it can also be traced to your head. Of course, for me, I just need to kill this Zhang Zhen. It has nothing to do with me at all.

As long as you can lie dormant in the Shen family in the holy capital, you can basically save your life. That's why you'd better make it clear to me. Only if you can think clearly about such a point, you can still have a good development.

However, no matter what you do, there is basically a good development for the current state. It is with such a degree of development that basically there is still a great degree of difference. That's right, so for Wenshan now, it's really just a trivial matter, and there won't be too many disturbances.

For the old man at this time, whether Wenshan can help him revenge or not mainly depends on what Wenshan's state of mind is. As long as Wenshan's state of mind really has such a height, revenge is certain. However, if it is true that Wenshan is a hypocrite at all, basically whether this old man can have the opportunity to revenge is also uncertain.

For Wenshan, the existence of a top-quality spiritual weapon has been basically obtained. It is also such an existence, so for Wenshan now, there will basically not be a great degree of improvement. It is with such an idea that, so for the current Wenshan, it can still have a very good development.

It is under such a good development situation that there is still a great degree of improvement. It is also a situation of such ascension, so for the current state, there is basically such a situation.

Of course, there is such a driving force for many things. It is also a driving existence of such a situation, so for the current situation, it may really be a very big change. It is the existence of such a transformation effect, so it still has a good improvement effect in many things.

For this time, it can still be very different. In view of this difference, the old man can't change it. Wenshan's failure to kill him shows that he has been able to help him with this.

"Senior Wenshan, let me dress up for you, so that you can have a better kind of shadow. At least in this small city, no one can see that Wenshan is a master of the divine power stage. For the current situation, it's easy to get out.

Wenshan did not stop him and let Mu Zhengqing leave. For Mu Zhengqing at this time, he must be preparing something to dress up Wenshan. In this way, Wenshan should have a good role in Fang City. Otherwise, it is really difficult to have a good development here.

However, no matter what the situation is, there is basically nothing like about Wenshan. It is with such an idea that exists, so in many cases, there is still a large degree of development.

Wenshan, the whole person felt the sudden disappearance of two spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasure in his body. It is also the existence of such a degree of disappearance, so there is really no better choice for Wenshan now.

is exactly like this, so there is really no better way for the current situation. At this moment, there can still be a better treatment. After a long time, Wenshan's calm mind moved slightly.

For Wenshan, although he suddenly lost the pillar of the weapon spirit Qiuqiu and the poisonous spirit in the spiritual mind. However, for the current Wenshan, it can still have a greater degree of play. Although there is no spiritual support of the two major spirits, there is still support for Wenshan's own spiritual thoughts. Therefore, at this time, Wenshan's spiritual thoughts can suddenly feel the movement outside the stone house.

At this time, Wenshan felt that the old man who had just left came to the outside of this stone house. For Wenshan at this time, he could still have a good feeling. It is also a great feeling that you exist, so for Wenshan now, it can still have a great leap.

That is, the old man's whole body is like a flexible cat, shining gold; behind the hungry stone house. After Wenshan did not find any other follow-up people and did not feel the proximity of other people, Wenshan's whole talent reappeared in front of the old man. His body movements were very flexible and appeared more quickly in front of the current old man.

For Wenshan's hand, for the old man, it is already a huge change to a considerable extent. It is also the existence of such a large degree of change, so in some cases, it can still be very different.

For Wenshan's skills, how can he find Wenshan with the strength of the old man's cultivation? After all, the strength of the old man is just in the primary stage of gathering energy, and such strength is just a little bit in front of Wenshan. On the contrary, the strength of this old man is expected to have a better future in a place like the capital city.

also has such a feeling, so for the current state, it can still have better development. That's it, so it can still have a good development so far.

That is, when Wenshan suddenly appeared in front of the old man, he was shocked. When he saw Wenshan in front of him, he breathed a sigh of relief. Don't hesitate. Take a few clothes directly from the package. At this time, Wenshan put on such clothes on his body. For the whole person's posture, he carried it on his back and shook the folding fan in the other hand. For example, he looked like a beautiful man.

Perhaps it has a little elegant form for the current state of Wenshan. If Wenshan doesn't go to practice and take the road of martial arts, he is basically a beautiful man. It is this kind of elegance, coupled with Wenshan's improvement of strength, and now the whole body and skin are very smooth.

However, Wenshan still dislikes that this dress is too pink. When he was in the Shen family in the capital, Wenshan liked the dress of his escort more. However, at that time, the muscles of Wenshan's body were still exposed, and the body at that time was still quite stylish.

For now, Wenshan's strength has improved, which is exactly like this, so for Wenshan now, it may really be nothing. It is like this, so for such a development of many things, it can really have a greater leap.

However, no matter what, there can be a greater change in the current state. For Wenshan now, although he doesn't like this kind of prince's dress, it is acceptable to cover up his whereabouts. After all, Wenshan doesn't want to show how powerful he is. On the contrary, it is my own dress now, even if the young master of the current treasure hall really has something to do. I guess there is basically nothing like in Wenshan.

Wenshan is not afraid of anything. However, behind the Treasure Hall or this other cloud, after all, there is still an ancestral-level figure with a deadly realm. That's why, so for the current state, it can still be seen that as long as something really happens between the other clouds, whether the two ancestral-level figures in the life-threatening realm behind will appear or two.

At the same time, for the current old man's exposure, you can basically feel the old man's disguise. I sighed a little in my heart that people really can't be good-looking.

Although the old man's strength is not very good, it is estimated that the old man can get along well with other handymen, these disguises, including the ability to recognize people, even when he comes to the Shen family in the future. After all, this old man is still good at management. The most important thing is that this old man has enough experience and ability to deal with people in such a world.

Many scattered repairs or those children of those small mountain gates. Perhaps in terms of cultivation, it is not very eye-catching in many aspects, and there will still be this unique skill at hand. At least they can survive in such a world with the existence of powerful practitioners and live happily. Basically, they can have such skills at hand.

Otherwise, for the current situation, there may really be a different development trend. However, no matter what it is, there is such a sufficient development trend. It is this kind of trend development that basically has a lot of differences.

That is, after dressing up Wenshan, the old man went far away early. After all, for this old man, he can't help Wenshan in such a place. If I were really here, I guess I would soon be able to be called to talk by the Treasure Hall. If there is something wrong, it is normal to kill him and collect his soul.

After all, Wenshan's strength is here. It is certain that you can kill the young master. After all, Wenshan can still have a great advantage in strength. It is also with such an advantage that Wenshan is still quite trusted in the old man's heart. It was also in this way that he had trust and believed in the existence of Wenshan's character that he left alone and fled early. At this time, the old man obviously chose to believe in the existence of Wenshan.

For the well-dressed Wenshan and the departure of the old man. Wenshan has nothing to do. In such a big stone house, there is no meaning at all. Even if you stay, it's better to find a hotel. Wenshan is not the kind of owner without money. Of course, he will not choose a small stone house like this and have any development.

With the support of Wenshan's spiritual thoughts, Wenshan's body flashed out, and it was exactly like this that he returned to the main street. Feel a city that is only the size of the Shen family's compound. For such a small space. Wenshan can even cover the whole other clouds under the cover of his own spiritual thoughts.

Of course, Wenshan is not so stupid. How can there be no defensive array for a different cloud that can be based on thousands of years? After all, it was established by an ancestor-level figure in a life-threatening realm. It is in this way that Wenshan is not arrogant enough to cover the whole city in this range.

It is the effect of such a change. Therefore, for the current state, there can still be a good change. That's right, so in many cases, there is still a good choice.

For Wenshan now, there is only one difference, that is, there are still many differences in this place. And Wenshan dressed like this, and his cultivation seems to be good. Living is the kind of prince who came out to practice.

In addition, Wenshan deliberately imitated the walking form of some princes like Shen Zhongmen in the big family, that kind of arrogant form. That's why, so for Wenshan now, it may really be able to have a good development.

For the current Wenshan and his previous strong robe walking on the street, it is completely two treatments. After all, the performance of Wenshan just now is a level of strength like the ordinary physical realm. It is just like this, just the existence of ordinary free practice. That's why, coupled with the muscles of Wenshan's body, are not too developed.

For the whole human body of Wenshan, it is still much worse than that of some nine-stage strong men. It's exactly like this, so for a situation like this, no one can pay attention to such a little person at all.

After all, there are many such little people in this city, most of whom are handymen who help the host family carry things. However, seeing Wenshan's muscles, he basically regarded Wenshan as the kind of existence with no future among the handymen.

But at this time, for Wenshan's prince's dress, almost no one avoided him. All kinds of small vendors basically walked around this prince. After all, for Wenshan now, he is basically the kind of person with great development in the true sense.

is exactly like this, so for the current state, there is still a large degree of development. At least when I see Wenshan's son, I know that such a son can really have a lot of wealth and spend a lot of money to buy something.

For this time, Wenshan's dress can still be very different. After all, for the current Wenshan, it is still absolutely attractive to the merchants in this city.

The existence of pushing and ruling one by one. After all, for them now, they can still have a good development to a large extent. That's right, so for Wenshan now, it can still play a good development.

For these small vendors, they are trying to sell their things. More are some cultivated women. Their cultivation is not high, but purple is one by one. Each one is a graceful existence. For these women, they are still quite enthusiastic.

is also their hot **, so for Wenshan now, it may really be a big impact. It is also such an impact that Wenshan has never seen such a posture. It is this feeling of being directly set up. Wenshan still can't stand it.

After all, Wenshan's previous identity was just a small domestic slave. It is also the existence of such a small domestic slave, so for Wenshan, it is basically nothing to see such a beauty mountain, and the beauty is crowded with her own scene. Compared with the regular prince, Wenshan's whole reaction is much worse.

Looking around, whether they are bold or timid, they basically rush to Wenshan's side and remember to pull. It is this kind of performance that can basically have a large degree of different performance. It is the existence of such a manifestation. For these girls who deliberately approached him and kept hitting him, Wenshan's face turned slightly red.