ghost monk

Chapter 195 Xuanyuan House

Chapter 195 Xuanyuan House

For this kind of situation at this time, for Wenshan, it is really the first time to encounter it. For these girls suddenly surrounded by such a person, Wenshan really can't accept it. It is precisely this reason, so in many cases, he really dares not face it.

After all, for Wenshan to dress up as a prince now. It's not as good as these things that the real prince has to face. Although on the surface, it is still as arrogant as Shen Chongmen. However, the real one has not reached such a standard.

At this time, Wenshan was also sweaty. After all, it was the first time to encounter such a posture. At this time, Wenshan did not use his own skills. After all, Wenshan pretended to be just a five-stage strength at this time. It is still very unusual for such a powerful prince.

After all, for a family, no matter how full the resources are, if the prince's talent is really limited, it is impossible to upgrade his strength to the level of Wenshan in a short time. Even the physical realm is difficult to exist.

For Wenshan, he has the strength of such a five-stage physical body, although it is not very high. But in this small square city, you can also walk horizontally. At least some bastards dare not offend Wenshan. And the powerful figures are all afraid of the existence of the family behind Wenshan.

After all, although Wenshan is swaggering in the main street like this. But for Wenshan now, it has not reached such a level at all. In this situation, it is basically still very different.

is exactly the emergence of such a different situation, so in many cases, there can still be more development. That's right, so there is basically a greater difference for Wenshan now.

For Wenshan at this time, he basically regretted dressing up from the old man. For Wenshan at this time, he even doubted what the old man's intention to dress like. After all, this kind of tricks the butterfly, which has become the object of other people's attention.

Although Wenshan is wandering among a group of women like this now. However, with Wenshan's body method, left and right dodge, and continuous walking, there is still a large degree of transformation. It is this kind of situation, so there is still a big difference in the current transformation of such things.

For these surrounded by only female practitioners in the physical realm, both their strength and status are such low, but Wenshan does not dare to underestimate the existence of such a group of women at all. It is precisely for this reason that the existence can basically determine a lot of things.

It is exactly like this, so for Wenshan, who is in a state like this, he can still have more or less different ideas. After all, in this world, the status of practitioners seems to be much higher than that of mortals, and his usual performance is also infinite than that of mortals. In the eyes of mortals, the words for these practitioners are like immortals in heaven.

But in fact, this is a very dangerous place. In such a place, smashing is a existence that will destroy the soul. At least it's normal to have different heads. In such a world of cultivation, a real struggle is very fierce. This is the real environment for the survival of the fittest. In this world of cultivation, there are many more dead than the outside world.

For the characters at the bottom, they are basically under the condition that there are no spiritual beans or herbs. Most of them are very miserable beings of life. For them, they basically hope that they can have a good opportunity and what kind of opportunity they will encounter. Or the emergence of such a situation that they can meet some kind of noble people and ascend to the sky in one step is the situation they need in this dangerous world of cultivation.

From the perspective of Wenshan's dress, perhaps Wenshan's dress is really in a good state. It is also under such a good state that there is basically a very good state of development.

is a state like this, and basically it can still have a better development like this. It is this kind of development that can basically explain something in many things. Wenshan's white skin is smooth and moist. At first glance, it's not an impersonation.

Wenshan's skin and manners are not what ordinary poor boy can have. Coupled with the vulgar temperament given by Wenshan's body, it is not the existence of such a temperament that ordinary people can have. For Wenshan, the beginning is like this. For the current Wenshan, after all, it was not the time when he worked as a bodyguard in the Shen family.

Due to the improvement of Wenshan's strength. Therefore, Wenshan's body has basically been transformed. For the previous physical state at that time, for the suffering of my body. The thick old skin on the body has basically been replaced with new skin.

This is exactly the case, so for the skin of Wenshan now, it is softer than that of ordinary women in the physical realm. And it is very white and flexible. It is for this reason that it can still be very different at this moment.

At least for now. Such a temperament circulating in Wenshan's whole body is not comparable to ordinary people. That's why it's very different for many times. It is also the existence of such a different function, so in many cases, there are still differences.

is a kind of maintenance from the surface decoration of Wenshan and Wenshan's body, as well as the temperament of Wenshan. At first glance, he looks like a son of a big family. Even the prince of the treasure hall of Beiyunjian or the prince of this Beiyunjian pub is very common.

It is when Wenshan's noble son, whose cultivation seems to be good, has such aura shrouded in Wenshan that it is very worthy of some of the lowest living in the world of cultivation, worthy of those who struggle the lowest in the world of cultivation, and have a kind of seeking the support of Wenshan. Or a kind of concubine's mind.

After all, as long as Wenshan in front of them is attracted, Wenshan has a kind of pity for the existence of a part of jade, and the path they will take in the future will be completely different. It is also the existence of such an idea, so for these women, they keep approaching Wenshan and constantly show off their posture. Constantly provoking Wenshan in front of him.

If Wenshan cherishes some of them now, for these women, they can't really have earth-shaking changes. For them who can continue to struggle in such a world of cultivation, the purpose is not to make a prince like Wenshan. When hanging the curtain.

At this time, when the prince like Wenshan had stood in front of them, how could they not be moved and how could they not come closer to Wenshan? It is also a manifestation of this, so for Wenshan at this time, it can really have better development. For such a situation, it is still the right choice.

So when these girls have a good opportunity, how can they easily let go of Wenshan's existence? Wenshan, under such containment, at this time, Wenshan saw the existence of a very elegantly decorated shop around him, Xuanyuan House.

When Wenshan saw the word Xuanyuan, Wenshan knew that this was a shop opened by Xuanyuanzong among the four major sects in the whole Hanwu Dynasty. For such shops, they exist in many cities. After all, it was started by Xuanyuanzong. Therefore, in such a market, there are good preferential treatment.

At least for Taixuanzong, which can still have such a magnificent existence in such a small city, which shows that this market is no longer simple. There is the existence of Xuanyuan Sect. Ordinary bandits have to worry a lot, and no one dares to publicly offend the existence of Xuanyuan Sect, one of the four sects.

is exactly like this, so it is obviously not as simple as a feature of the current one. It is this four sect, that is, this Xuanyuan sect opened such a small shop outside. For Xuanyuan Sect, it is one aspect of the plundering of sectarian resources, and the most important thing is that it can provide a good channel of information for its own sect.

After all, news is the most critical for a large sect. For the acquisition of such a kind of news, it is a very good phenomenon to build your own such a shop in such a market. It is also such a situation, so in most cases, there is still a good development.

For Xuanyuanzong, the reason why he opened his shops all over the surrounding places of the Hanwu Dynasty is that the city where practitioners gather is full of Xuanyuanzong. This is the situation that Xuanyuanzong valued the news in such a square city. After all, sometimes, some gossips and supernatural things suddenly appear somewhere, which have become a kind of pursuit of Xuanyuanzong, a kind of goal to compete for in a real sense.

is also a situation like this. For Xuanyuanzong to have such a kind of business road throughout the Hanwu Dynasty, it is also extremely convenient to inquire about the news. It is much better than the other three majors. Of course, it is not an accident that these people can have such a status in the whole Hanwu Dynasty for so many years. For them, they all have their own channels of information.

For a sect, their source of such information from the outside world and the acquisition of additional information are extremely critical. It is also one of the reasons for the existence of such a thing. For them, it is to establish their own message network.

For Xuanyuanzong, although their news is relatively effective, how can the news be slow for the largest sect of the whole Hanwu Dynasty? The other two majors are the same.

At this time, the people standing in front of such a Xuanyuan house are basically young men and women. For these young male and female practitioners, their cultivation is no less than the strength of the ninth level of the body. After all, such a shop basically represents a feature of Xuanyuan House. For a small miscellaneous disciple in Xuanyuanzong, it must be the existence of such a nine-stage physical strength.

This is the reason, so for Xuanyuan sect to come to such a store, it will certainly not be the most powerful personal disciples, but it is still very possible to send these handymen disciples. After all, these miscellaneous disciples have nine physical cultivations, and for those who are only ordinary cultivation, they are also a kind of situation.

is also a good choice to have such a situation. For many times, there is such a development. The physical miscellaneous disciples do not have any status in Xuanyuanzong, but in such a place where practitioners gather, there will be quite high strength.

After all, in such a small market, the strong people in the state of gathering gas are not visible everywhere. It is also one of the reasons for the existence of such a thing, so for the nine-stage strong man, not that store can have such a high standard. It is estimated that the owner's house in Bieyunjian, the pub and the treasure hall in Bieyunjian are not as large as Xuanyuan House.

Therefore, in such a small market in Beiyunjian, it is basically the unique scene of Beiyunjian Tavern, Treasure Hall, and this Xuanyuan House. For any market, it is estimated that this Xuanyuan house is the dominant one. However, after all, it is necessary to estimate the mood of the owner of the city like this, and the Xuanyuan house like this is still relatively low-key.

After all, the purpose of Xuanyuanzong is not to solicit business alone. Instead, inquire about the existence of the news. If it is really in such a market, just soliciting business and suppressing other businesses, it is estimated that the market has become extremely strange, and Xuanyuan House is dominant. Then the purpose of spying on Xuanyuan House is ruined.

is such a particularity, so under normal circumstances, there are not many people who really care about these problems. That's exactly what it is, so there is still no arrogance for Xuanyuan House, basically the same status as the owner of this other cloud.

Although Xuanyuan House regards its status as Beyunjian Tavern and Treasure Hall. However, for them, it is basically the same size as their store. However, their business is basically very different.

At least, there are nine floors in such a Xuanyuan house. The first to third floors have the same specifications as the Beiyunjian Tavern and the Treasure Hall. However, above the fourth floor, basically this specification is special. After all, for some big business, only Xuanyuanzong like them can do it.

It's exactly like this. On the fourth to ninth floors of Xuanyuan House, the business on each floor is basically very different. That's why the nine-stage physical characters are generally at the bottom of this kind of service. Of course, such a nine-stage martial artist is already much more profound than the service staff of Beiyunjian Tavern and Treasure Hall.

is also such a situation, so for the current situation, there is basically such a purposeful existence. However, no matter what kind of state it is, there is still a big difference so far.

For these first-level service personnel, they are basically nine-stage martial artists. At the sight of Wenshan, it is the existence of such a bright feeling. After all, for these places where such practitioners gather in the secular world, they can meet a kind of prince like Wenshan. It's their luck.

At least for them, with the patronage of such a prince, basically the amount of their whole day is also a great improvement. After all, the prince's action is a big deal. For such a different city, such performance is reported every month or even every year.

If they are not very satisfied with the results they reported, there are still two things about their welfare benefits and whether they can still return to Xuanyuanzong. After all, they are all liquid. Being able to be a gatekeeper in such a city is also carrying out the tasks of their own sect.

This was completed by their miscellaneous disciples within a few years. When Wenshan was a handyman. That's why I know the existence of such rules. For them, performance is still very important. Of course, sometimes, if you can find out good news and valuable news, it is also a good price difference for Xuanyuanzong.

For those like them, there are the largest number of visitors every day. That's why they can get the most information from these customers. However, the news that can really be heard from the mouths of customers on one to three levels like this is basically the most useless garbage.

After all, for these people who can only spend at low-level consumption in Xuanyuan House, there are basically no * and resource-rich wanderers. Or the existence of small Shanmen sects. There is still very little news that can really be reached. For those who can enter the fourth to sixth floors. Basically, they are all big families, children of the big Shanmen sect, or sent them to purchase.

It's exactly like this, and there is a lot of news in their mouths. Wenshan can still clearly know the doorway in Xuanyuan House. After all, in addition to cultivation, Wenshan is clear about some things in the outside world.

So for Wenshan who has just come to the front of this Xuanyuan house, he can accurately grasp the Xuanyuan house in front of him. It is also Xuanyuan House that has such a significant* existence. When Wenshan walked to the door of this Xuanyuan house, the group of people who were originally chasing Wenshan basically retreated.

is also a kind of retreat existence, so for the current state, basically Wenshan's troubles are much easier. However, there are still many beautiful girls. Seeing that Wenshan can really walk into such a Xuanyuan house for consumption, it is really a rich existence.

In these scattered hearts, Wenshan is the real rich and handsome existence. The existence of Prince Charming in the minds of each of them. It is also a real person in the minds of many girls. It is also the existence that they can help them truly relieve such poverty at the bottom of the world of cultivation.

It's exactly like this. Although Wenshan entered this Xuanyuan house, their hearts are more determined that Wenshan is the son of a full family. Although they dare not follow in, they can still do it by waiting from afar. They have been waiting for decades, and they still don't have to worry about waiting for these years.

For the prince of such a family in Wenshan, the most beautiful nine-stage woman in Xuanyuan house came in this direction of Wenshan. People have not arrived yet, but the temperament of Xuanyuanzong's chore disciples and the breath of those women without any foundation gives people a very different feeling.

is also a very different existence, so for Wenshan now, there is really such a different existence. Basically, it is the existence of such a characteristic. There is such a huge difference.

There is such a different existence, so many times, you can still feel a lot of things. That's right, so at this time, there are still great differences. It is in this way that the arrival of a very beautiful nine-stage cultivation man still makes Wenshan's psychology feel better.

At least this woman, Xuanyuanzong, will not pester herself. Obviously, there is a lot of training. For the woman in front of Wenshan, she whispered to Wenshan and said, "The little girl is called Pu Ni, and I hope the little woman can provide corresponding help to the prince.

For the prince's preference, are you here to buy elixir, spiritual grass, weapons and armor? For these things, our Xuanyuan House should be quite complete. No matter what kind of resources the prince wants, our Xuanyuan House should be the most complete existence in the whole city.

Of course, this is also the existence of the best shops among all kinds of shops on the whole continent of the Hanwu Dynasty. I don't know what can help the distinguished guests. It's the first time for a distinguished guest to come to Xuanyuan House. I don't know if there is anything I don't know and tell me something.

The woman named Park Ni-mong beside me keeps introducing herself like this. Wenshan still feels like a superior. However, at the thought of the existence of the strength of cultivation at the stage of divine power, for such a level of service, it is the existence of characters in the physical realm of Xuanyuan House.

It is also the thought that Wenshan does not have such a floating feeling. After all, Wenshan is not the real prince, and for Wenshan, it is not the kind of lustful existence in the prince. Besides, in such a Xuanyuan house, there is such a powerful * existence of Xuanyuanzong, and basically it is not the existence that Wenshan can be wild in a real sense.

is also the existence of such a feature, so to a large extent, it can still have different feelings. It is also a difference, so in many cases, it is also a different state of breakthrough. That's exactly the case, so it can still be compared for many times.

Looking at the lobby of the whole Xuanyuan house, such a magnificent dress, a quaint atmosphere is transmitted. Wenshan has entered here and spread his spiritual thoughts all over. For such a first-floor hall, basically some prohibitions are very low. Wenshan's spiritual thoughts at the peak of the ghost king can basically despise all the prohibitions here.

For the whole hall, the most common are general weapons, armor, and some spiritual grass. It is what the most basic physical strong can use. Obviously, these things can't be used by Wenshan. However, when I think of the group of people outside now, I keep blocking myself. Operation Wenshan is very inconvenient.

It's exactly like this. Wenshan is going to kill the young master of the Treasure Hall. Wenshan is ready to act at night. That's why I'm not in a hurry about Wenshan now. It was in this way that Wenshan decided to delay more in the hall of Xuanyuan House.

It's exactly like this. Wenshan began to slowly evaluate the current Xuanyuan house. Park Ni-mong. The level of armor, weapons, and herbs here is very low. Do you really think these things are what I need?" For Wenshan, he looked at the little girl next to him and said with a smile.

For Wenshan's current posture, it seems that the characters who have seen the big scene have not entered the Xuanyuan house at all. In the eyes of the strong in the physical realm, it is a precious thing. However, this prince is not as greedy as the ordinary prince, but more disdainful.

is exactly in such a state, which makes this nine-tiered little woman have no idea in her heart. After all, for some sons and sons of the family. There is no contact with the cultivation world. How can the resources in their family be compared with Xuanyuan House?

This is exactly what happened, so when Wenshan saw such weapons, armor, and spiritual grass, which were calm like this, Pu Ni also looked up at Wenshan a few times in her heart.

At this time, Park Ni looked at Wenshan in front of her, and her black eyes were constantly turning. Looking at Wenshan in front of him, his eyes kept blinking. At this time, it can be seen that Park Ni's mind is constantly calculating.

After all, for the situation of a prince like Wenshan, it is only the five-stage cultivation of the body here. Compared with my own cultivation, it is still very poor. For such a situation, Park Niming normally treats these guys on such a level. As for the second floor, it is a shopping paradise for the prince with a certain cultivation.

After all, in this kind of floor, it really has a good use. That's why not every floor is open to anyone. After all, there are very valuable items in such a floor. It is also the existence of such a valuable item, so it is not open to all people in the secular world.

For some floors. Basically, it is only when the strength and cultivation are achieved that you can enter. Of course, one to three floors. Park Ni-mao can still make the decision. After all, for the first to third floors, they are basically prepared for these powerful figures in the secular world.

At this time, Park Niming is also thinking about whether to take Wenshan to a higher floor. After all, on the high floor, it is not such a small person who can enter. That is, the second floor is basically entered by eight or nine dead characters. Of course, some low-cultivation brothers. It is also normal to have a large amount of finance to buy a large amount of drugs on the second level.

Basically, it is also possible for some family purchases. It is with such an idea that, so after thinking about Park Ni for a while, he looked at Wenshan in front of him and said, "I don't know what kind of elixir or medicine the prince wants, and whether he can say his name or not. Is it a family purchase or your own purchase?

Although Pu Ni looked at Wenshan a lot at this time. But for the second floor, it is not easy to let Wenshan enter. If you want Wenshan to enter the second floor of such a thing, at least you should know the existence of such an idea in Wenshan's heart. That's exactly what happened, so Wenshan asked.

There is such an idea, so the current mood for Park Nimqi is also in such a tangled state. There are indeed many doubts about Park Ni at this time. The prince in front of him actually disdained these things in the hall. Is it true that he has gone wrong?

After all, when Wenshan just entered such a layer, the spiritual mind visited everything in it. For this kind of situation, we basically know where to put armor, where to put herbs, and where to place spiritual charms. Where are the weapons placed?

It is Wenshan who is very familiar with anything in such a large hall. It is also such a familiar existence that can basically explain the existence of many things. That's exactly what it is, so there are still many differences for Wenshan now.

is also a kind of difference, so you can still feel many differences in many places. That's why, in many cases, these service personnel can still be observed.

Wenshan is obviously very familiar with the hall on the first floor, so he doesn't go to see it anymore. After all, these physical characters like it, which is simply garbage in Wenshan's eyes. For these things, if Wenshan really buys them, he will only prepare them for the Shen family.

However, I think of it. Wenshan also knew that it was not impossible to buy all such things. After all, for the Shen family, these things are also very needed now. For Wenshan, when he came to such a store before, of course, he would only choose what he needed to buy.

However, now, it is obviously not the time for Wenshan to choose whatever he wants. In fact, it is basically the Shen family that can really make Wenshan have such a kind of intention. During this period, it is estimated that Wenshan will not forget the Shen family. In the Shen family, there is also his own woman Shen Bing.

Thinking of this, Wenshan is ready to buy all the things in the hall on the first floor. After all, for the vast majority of the Shen family, they are strong in the physical realm. These weapons and armors are exactly what they need. For them, of course, they can't feed the beans. These herbs are suitable for them to practice. Boil your body.

Although the Shen family is relatively dominant now. There is also a great residual power in the capital. However, for them, there is still no complete lack of a real non-giveness for resources. It is precisely this kind of non-existence.

So for the Shen family, in addition to giving an honor and a sense of security to the children of the Shen family, there is also a better treatment. Let these people grow up, even the nine-tiered strong people, are unwilling to leave the Shen family and enter some Shanmen sects. This is the purpose of Wenshan.

After all, for those who are well-cultived. When their physical realm reaches a certain level, they will choose to enter some small mountain gates or small sects. For them, this may really be a breakthrough to a large extent. At least they can get some of the resources they want in small mountain gates and small sects.

It's exactly like this. If Wenshan really moves back all such good weapons and armor, it can basically be very different for the Shen family. At least with such a large amount of resources for the strong in the physical realm, if their reward is better than their entry into some small mountain gates and small sects, it may be really successful for Wenshan.

is the emergence of such a special situation. Basically, there is such a characteristic. It is also the existence of such a characteristic, so in many aspects, it may really be a very different existence. It is also such a difference, so in many aspects, it may really be a great improvement.

However, no matter what aspect of knowledge exists, it can basically be different from a feature like this now. It is also such a difference that still has changed to a great extent. However, no matter what aspect of the change, there is such a deficiency in such a thing.

is also a difference, so in many cases, it can still have different treatment situations. For the strong in the physical realm, what they basically think about is the comparison of the real thing.

If the Shen family can really care for them from the heart of their own family's handymen, instead of blindly suppressing them, they don't have family rules to restrain them. Instead, they make the Shen family more part of their own family. Then, it is to develop the whole Shen family as a sect and a mountain gate.

is also the development of such a trend, so to a large extent, it is a kind of rapid progress in the true sense. That's exactly what it is, so to a large extent, there can still be such a certain degree of deficiency. It is precisely the existence of such a deficiency feature, so at this time, it can still play a key role.

Of course, for many times, there is still a big difference. It is also a kind of difference, so some targeted improvements have been made. At least with the management of sects, we can constantly reward good-performing handymen. Moreover, in the Shen family, the establishment of an upgrade system and good performance have different positions in the Shen family.

After all, for Wenshan, he used to be a small handyman disciple in the Shen family. It is also because of the effect of the existence of such miscellaneous disciples that the thoughts in the hearts of the low miscellaneous disciples of the Shen family can still be accurately grasped.