ghost monk

Chapter 196 Financial resources

Chapter 196 Financial Power

Sometimes, Wenshan knows more about the psychology of low-down people. They all hope that the Shen family will have more space for their development. Only if the Shen family gives them more space for such development, perhaps for them, is the true heart of the Shen family.

For a subordinate, when the people at the bottom of a family belong to their own family, it is really strong for such a family. It's a rope, and the big guy's heart is tied together.

It is the existence of such a level of understanding for low-down people, so for Wenshan now, he is basically ready to completely kill such a group of people on the spot. This is exactly the case, so for the current situation, it can still be very different.

However, no matter what the reason exists, basically for this time, Wenshan saw such a batch of goods in such a Xuanyuan house. Wenshan is ready to buy back all these resources in the hall. In this case, after going back, you can also build all such a batch of goods into the existence of the Shen family's guard.

also has such a plan, so at this time, it is still possible to have a certain different existence.

"Miss Park Ni-mong, I don't know how much money you need to buy these materials in the hall here?" Wenshan looked at Park Ni in front of him and said with a smile.

"That depends on what kind of equipment the prince is going to buy. If the equipment is different, the basic needs are also very different. It is also a different existence of this kind, so for the current situation, there is still a great difference.

Park Nimiao looked at the prince in front of her and was still amused by his words. Originally, I thought this prince didn't like a layer of things. After all, for such a layer of things, these equipment and the existence of these resources are basically the best things in Xuanyuan House for the physical realm.

is also a kind of confident existence, so for a son like Wenshan, this Pu Niqi brought him to the hall here should be very interested in such a rich equipment in the hall. It is also the existence of such a huge interest, so it is the most normal phenomenon.

However, what I didn't expect was that in such a situation, Wenshan did not feel surprised. It is also for this reason, so for Wenshan in front of him, in Pu Ni's heart, he is more or less surprised for Wenshan in front of him.

The kind of disdain when you see such a configuration in the whole hall from Wenshan, the existence of that kind of indifferent ** basically shows the existence of interest in such materials in the hall. It is also the existence of such a feeling, so for the current Pu Ni-mark, it is still a kind of high view of Wenshan.

However, Wenshan suddenly proposed how much the equipment and materials came here. And the questions raised are not very presupended. How much does it cost to buy all the materials here? Doesn't that mean that you are going to buy all the halls on the first floor here? It's exactly like this. For a prince like Wenshan, he really doesn't know what to do.

After all, here, there is the existence of materials dressed by Xuanyuanzong for the strong in the physical realm. It is also a group of tailor-made for the strong in the physical realm. Therefore, for the current situation, there is still a big difference.

is also a different existence of this kind, so to a large extent, there is still such a difference. It is also a kind of distinctive existence, so for many things, there may still be a kind of deficiency. It is also such a kind of deficiency, so for Wenshan now, it is really the existence of the prince in the secular world.

After all, what Wenshan said just now, even the prince of the Xiuzhen family has such a kind of insight. Moreover, those who can come to a place like Xuanyuan House to consume are very high-quality for the resources here. You should know the corresponding price here.

This is also the reason, so Wenshan is prepared to buy everything here. Even the strong people in the cultivation sect can hardly have such a group of financial resources. Even the procurement of that mountain gate and the procurement of some sects will not have such financial resources.

As for whether it is one of the three sects, it is even more impossible. For the more developed sects, how can such good things in their own sects be lacking? That's exactly why there is no need to go out to purchase. Even if it is purchased, it will not be the existence of what a strong person in the physical realm needs.

After all, for sectarianism, it is impossible for a small miscellaneous disciple to buy these things for a small physical character. After all, for sects, the strength of the nine-stage body is all miscellaneous disciples in these sects. How can there be such a procurement for miscellaneous disciples?

For Wenshan in front of him, the existence of such a big tone has basically sent such a big purchase. After all, there are no transportation personnel behind Wenshan. In this case, Wenshan in front of us is completely a personal reason. That's exactly what it is, so it is obviously very impossible for Wenshan's tone to devour all the layers here.

also has such a point, so for the current state, it can still have a clear effect of improvement. It is also the existence of such a kind of improvement, so there are still shortcomings in many aspects.

is also the existence of such a deficiency. Therefore, there are still great differences in many cases. It is also the existence of such a difference. Basically, there is still a big difference. There is also such a difference, so in many cases, there are still many doubts.

"If you buy here, if it is a purchase, what is the approximate price and whether there is a preferential policy." Wen Shan looked at Pu Ni in front of him and asked. In the tone of Park Ni-mao's tone of speech to him, Wen Shan has already felt that this Park Ni-mao despised him.

is also the reason for this, so for the current situation, Wenshan will not really care about these things with this Pu Nimark. After all, in the eyes of Wenshan, Pu Ni is just those lower figures, but a large sect like Xuanyuanzong*.

However, in large sects, they are only disciples of miscellaneous servants. However, no matter what, there is still a big gap for the current situation. It is also the existence of such a huge gap, so in many cases, it can still be clearly distinguished.

For such a situation, you can still feel a lot of differences. It is also a kind of difference, so for the current Wenshan, it is only consulting this Pu Ni.

For Park Ni, she is also a well-trained existence here of Xuanyuanzong. That's exactly the case, so for the current state, there may still be a big difference. It's exactly like this, so for the current state, there is still a big difference.

However, no matter what the way is, although there is a slight change in Park Ni's attitude towards Wenshan at this time, it is still very polite.

"We have a lot of goods here in Xuanyuan House. If the prince purchases, it is normal to look at the amount of the prince's purchases, or the value of the goods purchased here. As long as these two points are met, there is a corresponding discount.

Park Nimqi explained. For Park Nimqi at this time, she talked nonsense and asked questions about Wenshan in front of him. I don't know what the specific meaning of Wenshan is. That's right, so there is still a good explanation for the current situation.

is also the existence of such an explanation. So after all, Park Ni is in charge of the hall on the first floor. That's right, so Park Ni is still responsible for the existence of herself enthusiastically. Otherwise, any problems with the operation here will have an impact on her future status in Xuanyuanzong.

For Park Nimqi like now, after all, she is just a small handyman disciple. In the secular world, the strength is still very high. However, after all, it is not the existence of a strong man in the realm of gathering energy. That's exactly the case, so for the current situation, there is still a very essential difference.

If Park Ni-mark needs to improve her status in the sect, or can get more rewards from the sect, the best way for Park Ni-mark now is to do so. It is one such reason, so it can still be very different for the current situation.

is also such a difference, so in many cases, it can still be distinguished to a large extent. In such a Xuanyuan house, it is a kind of assignment of Xuanyuanzong to miscellaneous disciples. In such a Xuanyuan house, it is destined to have a master with a gathering realm.

Even in some large squares, there are even some auction houses. In such a large square, the owners of Xuanyuan houses have the existence of ancestor-level figures in a life-threatening realm. It is exactly such a situation, so there are still serious shortcomings for such things.

In this kind of clouds, in such a Xuanyuan house, it is destined to have the existence of a strong man in the realm of gathering energy. That's exactly what it is. For the strong people here, Wenshan doesn't know what the level is. But what Wenshan knows is that the cultivation of the level of the gas gathering realm here should not be too bad.

"All the resources here, that is, this first floor hall, are basically the existence of tens of millions of spiritual beans. Our Xuanyuan House does not collect gold and silver, a common currency in the secular world. Generally, it is traded with Lingdou. Park Nimao gave the answer to Wenshan's question.

After all, for Park Nimqi, there are still many accidents in such a city. Although Wenshan gave her the feeling that it was just the existence of a prince in the small secular world. It is also the existence of the identity of the prince in the secular world, so in response to this problem. There will still be no difference.

is also the existence of such a huge change, so to a large extent, there can still be a clear distinction. It is also the existence of such a distinction. So to a large extent, it is still different.

If Wenshan is really a big man in front of him, he just dresses up like this. If he really offends such a character, he will certainly not be very good for her future life. That's exactly what it is, so in many cases, there is still such a large degree of deficiency.

is also like this, so in many cases, there is still such an essential distinction. It is also the existence of such a distinction. Therefore, at many times, it can still be clearly put forward. That's it, so there is still a big difference for the current situation.

So, for Park Ni's identity, the customers who come here. They all need to be treated warmly. After all, there is basically no nonsense for customers who can enter here. After all, it's here. However, the real Xuanyuanzong is the existence of their Xuanyuan house. After all, the names of the four sects are not so blindly used.

is the existence of such a characteristic, which can basically have different methods. It is precisely the existence of such a method. So there are shortcomings to a large extent.

"Tens of millions of spiritual beans?" Wenshan has basically counted Park Ni's answer. It's worth the small expense like this. After all, it can buy all the hearts of the Shen family. Or hold it firmly. In this case, the future Shen family's training plan can be implemented more vigorously. If you do this, you will be truly successful.

is exactly like this, so for the current situation, Wenshan has also decided to buy all the first floor of this Xuanyuan house. However, for Wenshan now, there is still no reserve of tens of millions of spiritual beans.

However, Wenshan has a large number of gas-red elixir. The normal ratio of a gas elixir is the existence of a million spiritual beans. Ten million spiritual beans are just the existence of ten spiritual beans. In fact, for the existence of gas gathering elixir, it is a relatively scarce thing in the state of gas gathering, and it is a good medicine for practitioners to improve their strength.

For the existence of this kind of gas-gathering elixir, there are basically few gas-gathering elixirs for sale. It is exactly like this. Compared with the ratio of this kind of gathering elixir and Lingdou, it is basically 1.2 million. After all, the production of Lingdou is relatively simple. But it only costs human and material resources.

However, the existence of such a level of elixirs is basically the existence of lucky ingredients. It is also like this, so for the elixir of such ingredients, basically more means are needed, a real means to obtain such a gas pill.

In every sect, the success rate of this kind of gas elixir is very low. It is also this low composition, so for the current state, there is still a very different existence. It's exactly like this, so for the current situation, if Wenshan really takes such a gathering elixir, it is probably something they would be more willing to do.

After all, for these miscellaneous disciples, being able to acquire such a valuable elixir here can basically alleviate the problem of the resources of some characters in the gathering realm. Although it is only a small part. But for the defense of such a small place, Xuanyuan House's performance is quite good.

is a very good choice with such a thing. For Wenshan, there is no rush to buy such a large number of goods. Park Niming is a practice elixir suitable for monks in the realm of gathering gas. I don't know if you have it here." Wenshan shook his folding fan. At this time, the whole person's shape is still quite elegant.

After all, Wenshan's whole costume at this time is indeed the posture of a little prince. That's exactly how it is, so for a state like this now, you can still feel a big difference. It is also the existence of such a hugely different feeling, so under normal circumstances, there can still be a very obvious distinction.

For Wenshan's sudden opening of the topic, he no longer pays attention to such a situation, and turns his topic to the elixir used by the strong in the realm of gathering gas. As for Wenshan's behavior, Park Niming in front of him was surprised.

After all, for the current strength of Wenshan, it is only the existence of five levels of physical strength. Although Pu Ni can't see whether Wenshan's strength is really pretended. However, the value to be spent on the purchase of elixir in the gas-gathering realm is very valuable. That's exactly why there are no spiritual bean resources around Wenshan now.

So for the current Wenshan, it is basically possible to confirm such a situation. That's exactly the case, so for many times, there are still a lot of differences. That's right, so there is a great change in many things.

"Son, it is difficult for the production process of the elixir in the state of gas gathering. In this way, it is still quite expensive for the elixir here. Normally, in our Xuanyuan house, there are still a large number of elixirs used by strong people.

Are you really sure you need to buy these elixirs? For Pu Nimqi at this time, I still introduced it clearly to Wenshan. If Wenshan really walks up rashly. If Wenshan does not have such a price, it is still not enough to buy the goods here, and the idle personnel will not be able to enter the second floor or even above.

is also a situation like this, so for the current situation, it is basically the same. After all, not everyone can enter Xuanyuan House. For this Xuanyuan house, since it can be divided into nine floors, it can basically enter the upper level, and there is such a hard requirement.

is exactly like this, so for the current situation, how can Park Nimong rashly invite Wenshan upstairs when she doesn't see Wenshan's wealth? After all, the value of Xuanyuan House is very valuable. Even if you look at it, it's not for anyone to see.

It is the existence of such a reason, so for the current Pu Ni-mark, it is a necessary reminder of this Wenshan in front of her. Otherwise, if Wenshan is really curious about the above, and if she is seen by the person in charge above, her position like this will not be guaranteed.

"Do you sell spiritual beans on it? This spiritual bean seems to be the most basic elixir needed by practitioners. There should be such a reserve upstairs. Wenshan looked at Park Ni in front of him and said with a smile. At this time, Park Ni can still see a lot of things from Wenshan's smiling face.

"Sir, it seems a little too that way. Our Xuanyuan House is the best shop in the whole world. Whether it is credit or the ration of resources, it is basically very complete. Here we have the elixir of Guben Peiyuan, which can help the strong people in the energy-gathering realm to boil their bodies well.

is the elixir of Guben Peiyuan, which has different levels of existence. Of course, the medicinal properties of this kind of this kind of medicine are also very different. That's exactly what it is, so in many cases, there is still a big difference in terms of such a kind of medicinality.

There is such a difference, so there is still such a difference to a large extent. Of course, for the existence of Peiyuan Guben, there is also an elixir that promotes the improvement of strength. That's right, so for the current situation, there can still be a good hospitality for any practitioners.

Of course, as I said before. On the second floor and above, there are things with different specifications. In this way, so for the existence of a feature like this now, so in many things, it still needs to be Wenshan's own choice.

At this time, Pu Nimqi is still very professional to follow Wenshan in front of her to accept this. After all, in Pu Ni's eyes, she still doesn't believe how much financial power Wenshan has. Even the expensive prince's robe on Wenshan's body can't be seen to have any characteristics.

is also a particularity of this. Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is still necessary to remind Wenshan. At this time, Pu Ni looked at Wenshan in front of her and said with a smile, "Moreover, you need five spiritual beans to go up to the second floor. If you can buy things on the second floor, the five spiritual beans will not be charged. If you enter the third floor, it will be ten spiritual beans.

For each of the above floors except one floor, there should be corresponding levels. Otherwise, it will be really difficult to go up. After all, for such five spiritual beans, for us small people in the physical realm, they are all great wealth.

When Park Ni said here, she almost believed that Wenshan in front of her had broken her plan to continue to go up. After all, I don't know if this boy has five spiritual beans. Not to mention even five spiritual beans like this. Judging from Wenshan's current dress, it can't be seen how much wealth it has brought.

If you want to buy things above the second floor, it is estimated that it is difficult for Wenshan. If Wenshan only spends five spiritual beans to walk around. For Xuanyuan House to earn five spiritual beans in this way, it is not a good thing for them.

It is the existence of such an idea, coupled with the existence of such a clear regulation for Xuanyuan House, so under normal circumstances, there will still be no problem. It is also such a situation that you can still see a lot of things.

However, no matter what the existence of the problem is, for many things, it is a large-degree effect of change. It is also the existence of such an effect, so there is still a certain degree of breakthrough for such a transformation of some things.

No matter what it is, it has changed to a great extent for many things. It is this kind of special existence. Therefore, in many things, the resources of such spiritual beans are very scarce for these physical characters. For these large sects, the identity of miscellaneous disciples, as long as they constantly obey the existence of such a faction in the sect can they have such qualifications and have a better development in such an environment.

is exactly like this, so it can still have a good development in many things. That's exactly what it is, so for a state like this now, there is still a great degree of deficiency.

It was when Park Ni said such a sentence, Wen Shan directly took out five spiritual beans and put them in Park Ni's hand. Wenshan still has to abide by the rules here. After all, when you come here, this kind of dress is itself low-key.

And Wenshan's current cultivation is only five levels of physical cultivation, so it is basically normal to be looked down upon by a little girl like Pu Ni. After all, Wenshan's cultivation is far from that of Pu Nimiao, a little girl with nine pieces of flesh in front of her.

is exactly like this, so for the current situation, there is really nothing to say. It is the existence of such a particularity. Therefore, there are still such huge differences in many aspects.

also has such a difference, so for the current Wenshan, I still decided to go up. He directly took out five spiritual beans and gave them to Pu Ni. For Wenshan's behavior, Park Ni was really caught off guard. After all, Park Niming has determined that Wenshan is not very financially powerful.

After all, there are no servants around Wenshan. Dress up on Wenshan's body. There is no big pocket with some resources. That's exactly what happened, so for the current situation, I don't know why Wenshan in front of me went up to the second floor. Is it just to show off his wealth?

However, Wenshan's sudden show off cost a lot of money. Therefore, for Wenshan's current behavior, he will not be supported by Park Niming. After all, Park Niming is also a handyman disciple living at the bottom. It is really not worth it for Wenshan's waste.

The original Park Nimao still wanted to persuade Wenshan. After all, looking at a prince like Wenshan, he is really handsome. It is still as good as the existence of Park Ni's magic eye at present. That's exactly what it is. Therefore, Park Nimao still resisted persuasion in such a state.

After all, people like Wenshan give Xuanyuan a free amount of resources. Although it is only five spiritual beans, it is basically a bigyi bi. That's right, and even if Park Nimiao is a kind of persuasion now, she basically won't get any good answer.

After all, for the existence of such a son of Wenshan, in front of women and in front of people, it is basically unique. Perhaps such a small amount of wealth can better reflect the existence of his flaunting capital. After all, sometimes more changes are needed. It is also the existence of such a transformation, so to a large extent, there is still a shortage.

That is, when Wenshan gave this Park Nimao five spiritual beans, this beautiful woman named Park Nimao. It is bowing the building on Wenshan Mountain, and there are different introductions: "On the second floor here, there is still no Lingdou that the prince wants. Lingdou is on our three floors. On the second floor, there are indeed many elixirs, which are specially used for people in the realm of gathering qi.

However, if the character with the cultivation of the physical realm really buys the second-layer elixir to take, there will basically be an accident. For such a second layer, it is basically a transformation of the body of the powerful figure in the state of gathering energy, a kind of strengthening existence.

is also the existence of such an effect, so for the current situation, there is really no explanation. That's exactly what it is, so for the current situation, there is still a very essential difference.

is exactly like this, so for the current state, there is still a great difference. That's right, so for some things, it really has a huge effect of change. That's why, so for the current gentleman, even the effect of solidifying the body is also aimed at the strong in the state of gathering gas.

For the energy of these elixir, it is not really digested by the strong men of our physical realm. It is also like this. If you really take such an elixir, it is estimated that it will not be a kind of transformation of the body, but a real improvement effect.

If you buy it for your family, you can also have a good look. Next to each elixir, there is a clear price. As long as you really purchase a large amount of goods, or if the price is large, we still have more discounts.

It's exactly like this, but I don't know if my husband is going to just look here or something.

For Park Nimiao in front of her, it is still quite pure, a kind of light elegance, and maintains it. He is quite considerate of Wenshan. For the whole hall now, Wenshan has not seen any guest care. For such a city, there is basically more care in the morning. For now that it's evening, it's basically out of the city. Of course, there are also several wandering people, looking after them in the hall on the second floor.

For the materials of the strong man on the first floor. Basically, some strong people from the physical realm come in to buy it. However, this period is basically very deserted.

After all, for such a city, most of those who can shop on the first floor are those who have made a fortune and come to the physical realm of buying the spiritual grass they need. Or the procurement carried out by a large family.

For the first floor, it's a matter of humming without guests now. However, when Wenshan reached the second floor, it was basically in such a magnificent hall, and hundreds of people were introduced in such a hall where Xuanyuan House existed.

Those who can appear here are basically strong people in the energy-gathering realm. The lowest is also the strong man who has just entered the state of gathering here. For those who can see the existence of such a superb figure in Xuanyuan House, there is still a large degree of difference.

is exactly like this, so for the current state, it has basically confirmed a certainness in Wenshan's heart at present, that is, this Xuanyuan house is really not simple. That's exactly how Wenshan began to keep a low profile.

If you can enter here, you will be willing to spend five spiritual beans to get here. Basically, you have to buy at least five Lingdou goods. Otherwise, it is really a disguised investment in Xuanyuan House. After all, you can't get back the five spiritual beans that enter the second floor without consumption.

For the current state, if you buy something worth five spiritual beans, it won't be a waste. Wenshan is the lowest in strength. The following is the existence of the beautiful cargo personnel of Xuanyuan House. That's exactly what it is, so for the current situation, it can still be very different.

When Wenshan had entered the second floor, although it was much more lively than the first floor. And those who enter this second floor are both strong and good. Wenshan has never been interested in these cultivations that are basically in the stage of gathering energy.

As soon as Wenshan's spiritual thoughts entered here, they were spread all around. For the current Wenshan, for the scene, basically in terms of strength, there is no threat to himself. This is exactly the case. For Wenshan, he didn't observe much of this practitioners.

For the current Wenshan, it is basically possible to find some herbs of Guben Peiyuan in this hall. For this second layer, it is basically aimed at the strength that has just entered the state of gathering gas. What ginseng, deer antler, bear paw. For these very precious things, there are all of them.

Although there are such good things on the first floor. However, that year is obviously much worse than the year here. For Wenshan, these drugs to improve physical fitness are the best drugs for ordinary practitioners, especially those who have just been promoted to the primary stage of energy gathering.

After all, for their strength that has just broken through, it is basically due to the existence of a loss of physical quality from the cultivation of the physical realm.