Fruit Empire

[044] Solve

The fish belly is white in the sky...

"Monta, are you sure those anti-reconnaissance detectors are useful?" Yuan Lingxuan sat on the chair and was still a little sleepy. If she hadn't known that there were two-headed scales and crocodiles in the cave in front of her, she would not have traveled all night without paying attention to her skin care.

"Of course, there is no problem. Please rest assured that this is the latest military product." Monta is very confident in his team. This time, he just caught a C-class scale crocodile. With the fact that they have successfully killed the A-level monster three poisonous wolves, it is not difficult for them to catch the two-headed scale crocodiles alive.

Yuan Lingxuan once heard Uncle Haotian say that if the mutant two-headed animals can achieve fruitful results, then the fruit will have a second skill, that is, in addition to the skill of its own fruit, there will be additional skills. It is too wasteful for natural bicephalic animals to be pet fruits, most of which are skill fruits.

She now has a skill fruit made of the heart of a two-headed rat. In addition to the fruit itself skill to release the ice blade, another skill should be a special ability that can release lightning.

If it weren't for this reason, Yuan Lingxuan would have spent three million to invite the ten-person Tianhao team in front of her to catch these two-headed scaly crocodiles.

Along the way, Yuan Lingxuan also saw that the performance of Tianhao's team was worthy of his three million. Whether from the speed of travel or the detection of the surrounding environment, there is no doubt that the training is fast and there is no mistake. I just don't know if I can catch the scaly crocodiles at the last critical moment.

"Monta, aren't your people ready yet?" Yuan Lingxuan saw that Tian Yang had risen and couldn't help asking anxiously.

Monta took out the walkie-talkie and said, "Has the headhunter, 2 and 3 hunters been installed?"

" boss, it has been installed, and now Xunji and I are assembling the frozen gun."

"Okay, hurry up!" Monta continued, "Fire, how's your side?"

"Big, the situation in the cave has been figured out. There is a seven-meter-long adult scale crocodile and two six meters long, and the two-headed scaledile is just a baby, which seems to be sleeping in the hole."

"Okay, you withdraw!"

"Miss Yuan, you heard that as long as the headhunters install the quick-freezing gun, we can start to act." Monta said respectfully to Yuan Lingxuan sitting in the chair.

"Yes, you are worthy of the number one beast hunting team in Dongsen City." Yuan Lingxuan did not expect that this Tianhao team had formulated a killing plan in a short period of time, and also set up anti-reconnaissance detectors along the road, placing people who knew the news, and robbed monsters with them.

"Big boss, the quick-freezing gun has been installed." The sound of a headhunter came from Monta's walkie-talkie.

"Okay, according to the original plan, quickly stay in place and operate the quick-freezing gun. You go and help Lisa prepare to shoot everyone close to nearby."

"Obey the boss."

Yuan Lingxuan stood up from the chair and said, "Isn't it? Can we start now?"

"Yes, Miss Yuan, for your safety, you'd better stay with me for a while and don't move. Just grab the double-headed scaled crocodile and give it to my hand to do it. Monta is most worried about the young lady in front of him. At this moment, he already knows the identity of Yuan Lingxuan, the future heir of Shiren Group.

"No problem!" Yuan Lingxuan is really looking forward to it. It is the first time she has participated in this kind of beast hunting, and she has seen it with her own eyes.

Monta picked up the walkie-talkie again: "Everyone remembers their responsibilities! Now the action begins. Headshot, it's up to you."

"Don't worry! Boss!" A rough man's voice came from the walkie-talkie and said, "You just let go of 120 hearts!"

Wang Xinling became more and more anxious. They wasted one more second, and the other party had one more second to do it before themselves. However, she has never come up with an effective way to pass through this area with anti-reconnaissance detectors.

"Sister Ling, it's not wise to take it here all the time!" Zhang Han smoked a cigarette, but he couldn't see what he was worried about.

Wang Xinling thought that if it doesn't work, then they have only one way, that is, to break through. Even if they are found by the other party, they have to reach the cave quickly. Maybe there will be a chance to grab the double-headed scaly crocodile with the other party at that time.

"It's lame. I think these people are worse than you." Da Huang said with some disdain.

"Can you avoid the anti-reconnaissance detector?" Xiao Yang asked the rhubarb in surprise.

It is impossible for Xiao Yang to say that he quit and patted his buttocks and left. But he feels that it is not a way to be so exhausted all the time, so he still hopes that rhubarb can know how to avoid it.

"Since you have nothing to do with that thing, you can find a way to be from yourself."

Wake up the dreamer, Xiao Yang felt that what Dahuang said was right, "Can the anti-reconnaissance detector detect all energetic animals? So as long as we don't emit energy, the anti-reconnaissance detector can't detect it."

Xiao Yang felt that he was a genius, and such a smart method was thought of by himself. But the words below rhubarb denied his attention again.

"It's really lame. You committed suicide! Only the dead have no energy.

"Ah!" Xiao Yang didn't know anything about these, not to mention that no one taught him, "What should I do?"

"Think about it yourself. I'll fly to the front to see if those people have started to do it." Dahuang no longer paid attention to Xiao Yang.

Xiao Yang suddenly found that the head of the rhubarb on the green medal was young and returned to its original appearance, knowing that the rhubarb had left the green medal.

"Yes, I have an idea." Although Xiao Yang didn't understand why he could not emit energy except for the dead.

The three looked at Xiao Yang together, as if they had been prepared for a long time, and said in unison, "What can you do? Tell me quickly."

"Since we have nothing to do with the anti-reconnaissance detector, we can find a way from ourselves." Xiao Yang nodded as he said, which was a meaningful feeling. He only directly repeated the words of ordinary rhubarb, but it was mysterious, making the other three feel unfathomable.

"Find a way from yourself?" Wang Xinling repeated what Xiao Yang had just said, and she felt that she seemed to have caught something.

"I thought of it." Zhang Han said, "Not all the energy of this anti-reconnaissance detector can detect. Because the distance is too far and many buildings, plants also emit energy, so the anti-reconnaissance detector can only detect organisms with an energy of more than 500."

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Thiago gave Zhang Han a shudder.

"I... I was in a hurry just now, didn't I remember!" Zhang Han said a little aggrievedly.

"So, that is to say, we can only reduce our energy to less than 500." Thiago stopped the violence against Zhang Han.

Wang Xinling took out a lot of ice from the fruit of the space. "Everyone put these things on your body, which should reduce some energy."

"I wipe it, it's so cold." Zhang Han stuffed ice into his clothes, and Xiao Yang and Thiago also hissed.

"Sister Ling, what are you doing with ice cubes?" Zhang Han is very curious about the use of Wang Xinling bringing ice cubes.

Wang Xinling is not in the mood to say this at this moment, "Don't talk nonsense. Hurry up. We don't have much time."

"Hurry up. We can't ride the snake anymore. We can only run over." Wang Xinling whispered, "I hope this ice cube can work well."

"Tiago, you continue to control the small plane and find a safe way. Zhang Han, prepare your 'angel', and we will definitely use it later. Wang Xinling looked at Xiaoyang again: "Mr. Xiao, thank you very much. If you hadn't put it forward, I guess our plan would have been ruined this time."

"I also want to earn that 500,000 Sora. Everyone has a common goal." Xiao Yang is not a hypocritical person, but he tells the truth.

"I just like the straight end of Xiao Yang's brother." Zhang Han took out a white peony, officially the white butterfly.

For a moment, the four people were filled with ice from foot to head.

"Tiago, have you finished the road investigation?" Wang Xinling said.

"Okay, you can follow me later." Thiago said confidently.

"Let's go." Wang Xinling gave an order, and the four of them rushed to the cave.

If it hadn't been for Thiago's small plane in front of them, it would have been difficult for them to avoid some animals in the forest.

"It's bad, don't run away. There are two people in the tree in front, holding Gaussian sniper rifles, looking around.

"Stop, don't run away." Xiao Yang stopped. Although his voice was not loud, it was enough for the other four people to hear clearly.

"What's wrong?" Wang Xinling looked at Xiao Yang suspiciously. Doesn't he want to do it now?

Xiao Yang also saw several people's questioning eyes and said, "Tiago, you'd better use your small plane to see the situation around you. Since the other party has installed an anti-reconnaissance detector, it means that they don't want people to come to the hole of the double-headed crocodile, so I think there must be an ambush in front of them.

Wang Xinling nodded and motioned Thiago to follow Xiao Yang's statement and let the plane investigate.

At the same time, Wang Xinling patted her forehead. Just now, she only knew that she was in a hurry to catch the double-headed scaly crocodile, but she forgot this point. The other party arranged it carefully. The other party used an anti-reconnaissance detector to show that they wanted to know the situation of the surrounding creatures. This was just a way to grasp information. In order to organize other people to conflict with them, there will definitely be an ambush on the road.

If it were her, she would definitely do the same, but how could she forget this? Wang Xinling regretted that if it hadn't been for Xiao Yang's reminder, maybe they would have died here before they saw the double-headed scale crocodile.

Wang Xinling said very respectfully to Xiao Yang, "Thank you!"

Xiao Yang said, "No!"