Fruit Empire

[045]Group action

Xiao Yang, Wang Xinling, Zhang Han and Thiago were all under a big tree.

"Zhang Han, observe the surrounding situation with a telescope!" Wang Xinling took out the map at the same time. The other party should confirm the ambush point. I don't know if Tiago's small plane can be found.

"Tiago, don't look at the ground. The focus of reconnaissance is on the tree."

"Good." Thiago controls the plane and flies in the woods.

They are now at the foot of the mountain, and the ground is full of stones, so it is impossible for the other party to hide in the ground, and the opposite mountain, except for the cave, is very steep. It is impossible for anyone to ambush there, so the only place is the tree.

"Zhang Han, have you found anything?" Wang Xinling is thinking about how to act on the next plan.

"Sister Ling, they seem to have begun to take action. A man has just entered the cave." Zhang Han raised his telescope and stared at the hole in the distance.

Have you found anyone else? There can't be only one person. Wang Xinling said anxiously. At this moment, she has to consider whether she can catch the two scaly crocodiles while ensuring everyone's lives. After all, human life is the most important thing.

"Two more people were found!" Zhang Han said.

"Let me see." Wang Xinling took the telescope and looked in the direction Zhang Han pointed.


"Big boss, boss! The situation was found." The sound of a headhunter came from Monta's walkie-talkie.

"What's wrong?" Monta said with a walkie-talkie.

A model plane was found, but no one was seen. Do you want to shoot it down? The fast-moving Gauss sniper rifle aimed at the looming white plane in the distance. As long as the boss gave an order, he would pull the trigger.

Monta thought for a moment and immediately said, "Take a shot, but don't shoot it down. Let the plane find that you shot down again. The task of you and Lisa is to delay their progress as much as possible."

"Good!" Fast, he tapped the trigger with his right hand, and the muffled Gauss sniper rifle did not make a great gun sound. A bullet brushed the side of the plane.

"No," Thiago said in surprise, "The other side has a sniper, and he almost shot down my plane just now."

"Have you found the location of the other party?" Wang Xinling looked at the picture transmitted by Quan Lingtong in the direction of the telescope.

"Where is it!" Wang Xinling saw a shiny flash on the tree in the distance, which must be the sight of the sniper department.

"Bang!" While there was a loud noise, there was no picture.

"It's over, the plane was shot down." Tiago's heart was like a knife at this time, and his beloved plane was scrapped.

"Sister Ling, they have brought out the double-headed scaly crocodile." Zhang Han shouted loudly.

At this moment, Wang Xinling no longer needs a telescope, but has seen four small dots at the hole in the distance. Knowing that the other party must have found them, speeding up the capture.

"Tiago, don't regret it." Wang Xinling patted Thiago. She knew that the plane was his favorite thing.

"Sister Ling, maybe we can talk to each other and buy the double-headed crocodile. It's just a matter of spending some money." Zhang Han said childishly at this moment.

Tiago directly retorted: "They arranged so closely all the way that they have already said that they are bound to win the double-headed scaly crocodile. How can they easily sell it to us?"

"That's right." Wang Xinling can only adopt this method now. We are divided into two teams, Mr. Xiao and I are in one group, Zhang Han, you and Thiago. Let's act separately.

"Good!" Xiao Yang, Zhang Han and Thiago answered at the same time.

Wang Xinling told again, "Zhang Han, Thiago, you two must remember that safety comes first."


Two groups of four, one east and one west, act separately.

Miss Wang? What should we do now?" Xiao Yang hasn't spoken since just now. In fact, he is communicating with Dahuang.

Through the dialogue with Dahuang, Xiao Yang knew that there were 11 people in the other party, and the training was fast, and the counter-reconnaissance detectors arranged by the other party all the way, as well as the ambush snipers, which were more professional. The probability that the four of them want to grab the double-headed scaly crocodile in each other's hands is almost zero.

"Ye, let's find a way to get to the entrance of the cave." Wang Xinling still doesn't deserve it, or she has too many expectations.

"Okay." At this moment, Xiao Yang is embarrassed to say retreating and competing with the other party. He can use an idiom to describe "strike stones with eggs", and the power gap is too different. If the other party really kills, then his life will be dangerous.


"The boss found four people. They divided into groups of two and ran in the east and west respectively." The sound of headhunters came from Monta's walkie-talkie.

"If the other party insists on moving forward, shoot and kill." Monta is now thinking about how these four people escaped the detection of the anti-reconnaissance detector.

"Captain Monta, what happened?" Yuan Lingxuan asked curiously, "Didn't you say that there is no problem with your anti-reconnaissance detector?"

Monta also blushed at this moment. Just now, he said that there was no problem with the anti-reconnaissance detector, but now he slapped himself heavily in the face.

When he returned to Dongsen City, he must find Kibi to settle accounts and break his neck. When Monta bought these anti-reconnaissance detectors, Kibi said that this was the most advanced thing and there would be no problem. Now the reputation of their Tianhao team has been damaged.

"Miss Yuan, don't worry, even if they can avoid the anti-reconnaissance detector, they can't avoid the sniper of our sniper." Monta vowed to make a promise.

"I don't seem to have had any accidents. Don't forget our contract. If you fail, you will have to pay double. Yuan Lingxuan didn't forget to remind Monta.

"You can rest assured that the double-headed scale crocodile will definitely catch it for you." Monta repeatedly assured that he did not want any accidents. What's more, it's only four people. As long as it's not four honorable people, he doesn't pay attention to it.

"I hope so." Yuan Lingxuan's eyes continued to return to Tianhao's team to deal with the three small scale crocodiles.

At this moment, three adult scaly crocodiles chased a red-haired man and finally spew out a column of water to attack the red-haired man in front of them. At this moment, the double-headed scaled crocodile is like nothing, nor does it chase or attack. It just watches three adult scaly crocodiles chasing the red-haired man from afar.

The red-haired man can skilllessly dodge the attack of the scaly crocodile. He does not seem to be afraid of the attack of the water column spewed out by the three scaled crocodile.

"Headshot, run west, you deviate from the predetermined position." Monta reminded the red-haired man on the walkie-talkie.

"I understand, boss." The red-haired man received instructions from Monta, turned his head and ran west.