Fruit Empire


Not only Xiao Yang, but also other people clearly heard this voice full of grief and indignation.

Su Feiqi's face suddenly changed: "Captain, find King Kong and stop him! Otherwise, we will..."

The voice of the sages sounded again: "Hint: The system protects the death of Carl. All members of the team deducted 600 points.

"Tip: The system protects the death of the character Baskert. All members of the team deducted 500 points.

"Tip: The system protects the character Jack..."

The sages continuously announced the death of the system protection figure, and everyone's faces became more and more pale. When the sages finally fell silent, everyone in the team stood still and couldn't say anything.

After a while, the newly added Hou Bao said, "Brothers, how many points have we been deducted?"

"Everyone was deducted 7600 points." Peng Fei sighed, "It seems that we are all going to fall here this time."

Hearing Peng Fei's words, almost everyone lowered their heads in despair. Not to mention those newcomers, even Wang Hanren and Wen Xingping have completely lost their confidence. You have to earn 7600 points to leave this scene, but that's 7600 points. It doesn't mean that you can earn it at all.

"Trouble." Cui Wenren walked to Xiao Yang and said while smoking. The veteran's expression was calmer than others, but he only smoked two cigarettes and threw it to the ground. Obviously, he was also very impatient.

Xiao Yang knew that all people were frustrated now, and it was really impossible for him not to say a word. So he said, "Don't be discouraged. Let's go to King Kong to see what's going on, and then figure it out.

Everyone is depressed and stand still and lazy to move. Xiao Yang got angry and shouted, "Don't you want to live? OK, I don't force myself if I don't want to live. Anyway, I'll leave, and I won't care if I continue to stay here!"

After saying that, he walked forward by himself. Cui Wenren immediately followed, followed by Su Feiqi and Peng Fei. When they all came out, the rest of the people still followed. After all, the fact that the number of karma is not enough is still relatively abstract, and it is a realistic problem to be left alone and die tragically.

The people walked about two kilometers away and came to a high cliff. Xiao Yang stopped the crowd: "Don't go. King Kong can already be seen here.

"Oh, yes, I have a telescope." Wang Hanren thought he understood Xiao Yang's meaning, so he handed him the telescope, "You can use it first."

Xiao Yang waved her hand and motioned her to give it to others. Of course, Wang Hanren didn't understand. Xiao Yang said, "I can see it directly here. You can see it with a telescope."

In the distance, King Kong's magnificent body is standing alone. It is surrounded by the bodies of Danham, Jack and others. These bodies were all tattered, as if they were pulled to death by terrible forces. In King Kong's hand, he held Anne's body full of blood.

Judging from the scene, it should be that Danham's film photography team and the expedition team shot King Kong and accidentally injured Anne, or Anne died for King Kong to block the gun. In either case, Anne should have been killed by her companions. Therefore, King Kong went crazy and killed all these people.

However, there is one thing that makes Xiao Yang feel strange. There is a huge hole in Anne's chest, which doesn't feel like she has been shot, but as if she has been shelled. And her companions should not have such powerful weapons.

Xiao Yang just thought of this and looked at King Kong. This big guy's eyes are full of grief and indignation, which is far from its usual domineering appearance. King Kong also seemed to see Xiao Yang and cried out.

Xiao Yang was up to his mind and immediately adjusted his hearing, wanting to hear what King Kong was saying.

"Human... I can't forgive human beings... Kill them all, kill them!"

After saying that, King Kong's mountain-high body ran vigorously in the direction of Xiao Yang.

"King Kong wants to deal with us! I'll hold it off first! I'll catch up with you in a minute!" Xiao Yang said as he moved out the rocket launcher and prepared to bombard King Kong to stop it from moving forward. However, there are so many trees in the forest that those rockets can't hit King Kong at all. Seeing that King Kong was getting closer and closer, Xiao Yang had no choice but to turn around and run and keep up with the army. At this time, it is not wise to fight against King Kong at all. Although Xiao Yang has a blood orchid attack, the use distance is too close. Besides, King Kong is stronger than all the enemies he has seen so far, and Xiao Yang does not dare to risk fighting it.

Seeing Xiao Yang following, several people asked, "How's it going?"

"It's terrible. There are so many trees that the rocket can't hit it. And I guess it won't be much use even if it's shot. Xiao Yang said bitterly. In fact, in the real world, this kind of rocket can easily blow up light tanks, but it can't blow up the head of Tyrannosaurus Rex in this 'hell', so Xiao Yang is not sure how much damage it can do to King Kong.

" boss, what should we do? Can you escape by running like this?" Hou Bao, who has just joined, is almost crying.

The ground is moving, the mountains are shaking, and the footsteps of King Kong are getting closer and closer behind him. Xiao Yang complained in his heart that King Kong's stride was so big that he might not be able to run past King Kong at full speed, let alone others. The most important thing is that the whole team is in an empty place now, and King Kong's eyesight is good, which is simply clear at a glance.

"I don't think we can run like this. Let's run separately so that at least half of the people can escape. Peng Fei proposed.

Su Feiqi also nodded: "This time I also agree to divide the troops."

Xiao Yang calculated in his heart that in fact, if someone is allowed to lead the King Kong now, others will run to the other side, and the loss will be minimal. The problem is that no one will be willing to be the bait. Besides, King Kong's IQ is not low, and it is likely to continue to chase the rest of the people regardless of that bait. So, the best way to divide the team equally is now.

"Well, the whole team is divided into two groups. I will be the leader of the first group. Who would like to run to the left with me? Xiao Yang said, "The rest of the people, just run to the right. The destination of the meeting is the coast where the ship was parked in Denham yesterday. There is a cave nearby. The entrance of the cave is so narrow that King Kong can't get in.

As a result, everyone except Cui Wenren ran to the left. Xiao Yang was helpless: "Peng Fei, Wen Xingping and Fang Xin, you three go to Cui Wenren."

Peng Fei's face is difficult: "Brother Yang, but I..."

"No, this is an order." Xiao Yang said, "If that group encounters any danger, you have to come up with your advice."

Peng Fei could only follow Cui Wenren to the right.

The team was divided into two groups, and King Kong really stopped, as if he was considering which group to chase. Xiao Yang took the opportunity to lead the team to run wildly and quickly rushed into the dense forest in front of him. At this time, King Kong made up his mind to chase Xiao Yang's group. But at this time, they all entered the forest. No matter how good his eyesight was, he could not see everyone. He could only speed up and run into the forest before making plans.

"King Kong is chasing us. It has good eyesight and runs fast. If we are in the forest, we will definitely be found by it." Su Feiqi said, "In my opinion, we should find a place to hide for the time being."

Xiao Yang understood what she meant: "You mean the seam where you and Annie went in last time?"

"Hmm. Even Tyrannosaurus rex can't get in there, and King Kong is bigger than Tyrannosaurus rex and absolutely can't squeeze in. No, I don't even think it can find us. Su Feiqi said.

Xiao Yang recalled the situation of the ground seam. Although Su Feiqi and Annie almost fell down at that time, there were actually many prominent places to climb down on the rock wall of the ground seam, and he remembered that there were many thick vines in it. It should be easy to go down to the bottom of the ground and go out from the side. In addition, there seemed to be no danger under the seam, so Xiao Yang made a decision and decided to take Su Feiqi's advice.

Everyone ran in the direction of the ground seam. At this time, King Kong had entered the dense forest, pulled up a big tree and danced hard, trying to find Xiao Yang and the others. However, while it was still looking around, Xiaoyang and others had already run far away.

Along the way, Xiao Yang ran while exploring the movement of King Kong with keen hearing. Strangely, it wasn't long before King Kong stopped, put down the tree in his hand, and sat still, not knowing what he was doing. Xiao Yang said that maybe the orangutan wanted to give up, but he did not dare to relax, so he continued to run forward with everyone.

After about a quarter of an hour, everyone finally ran to the ground seam. Xiao Yang looked along the seam and found a gentle slope on the rock wall at a glance, and countless thick vines were still hanging on the edge of the gentle slope. Looking at the bottom of the seam, it's really safer to look at the bottom of the ground, just some mossy stones. So Xiao Yang asked everyone to go down the vine first, and he was behind his own palace.

Seeing Wang Hanren, Hou Bao and Su Feiqi go down, Xiao Yang was just ready to go down, but he heard a rustling sound. He looked up and saw a group of red and green birds flying this way. The birds didn't look aggressive. Xiao Yang was relieved and prepared to continue to go down to the cracks in the ground as planned. However, the next behavior of the birds was very strange. They actually hovered over Xiao Yang's head and kept wandering around. And what's more strange is that soon the flock of birds flew away, leaving only one bird to stop on a nearby branch and keep staring at Xiao Yang.

The birds that flew away quacked, which aroused Xiao Yang's vigilance. He quickly concentrated and used his hearing that could understand the animal language. All I heard were those birds crying: "...I found it!" ...There!" Tell the big man..." "... there!"

Xiao Yang was shocked that these birds turned out to be the scouts sent by King Kong, and now they are going back to report to King Kong! King Kong just stopped. He must be calling for this group of birds to explore the way! Oh, my God, this King Kong really praises Xiao. He is so smart that he can even do this kind of thing!

Of course, he has no time to sigh with King Kong's wisdom now, and immediately took out Uzi* and shot into the air. There was only a burst of gunfire, and most of the dozens of birds were shot down, but two birds fled in a hurry. It can be imagined that King Kong will soon catch up with him.

"Damn!" Xiao Yang cursed and immediately climbed down the vine. He told his teammates below that King Kong would come. Those people did not dare to delay and accelerated to climb to the ground.

After less than 5 minutes, the ground shook. King Kong really rushed over and roared on the ground seam. It knew that everyone had entered the seams, so it came close to the seams and looked inside. Of course, Xiao Yang would not give him good fruit at this time. He immediately picked up Uzi* and swept it. Xiao Yang hardly aimed, but the streamer still rubbed King Kong's face, which made him scream in pain. King Kong refused to give up. He lay on the ground and stretched out his forelimbs to the ground. Xiao Yang immediately shot at its hand, but this time it was completely useless. King Kong's hand was hit by a bullet and did not hurt at all, and he continued to grope in the crack of the ground. Wang Hanren was almost touched by its hand and was so scared that he called out at that time.

"Calm down!" Xiao Yang said, "As long as we are careful, we will be fine as soon as we go down."

As soon as he finished saying this, King Kong's hand had touched Hou Bao's back and pulled it hard! Hou Baohun was about to be scared away. Fortunately, King Kong just pulled up the back half of his trousers. Poor Hou Bao's buttocks are exposed, and this time it's really similar to the naked monkey.

King Kong's hand touched below for a long time, but finally pulled a piece of rag. At that time, he was angry and reached into the seam of the ground more violently and hit the surrounding stone walls. However, by this time, everyone had gone down more than ten meters, and King Kong's hands could no longer reach them. King Kong was even more angry and jumped on the ground, shaking the stone wall, and everyone almost fell down. Fortunately, they all grasped the vines tightly and were finally not shocked by King Kong.

King Kong shook for a long time and found that it had no effect. King Kong squatted for a while, suddenly went aside to pull up a big tree, folded it into sections with both hands, and then threw it into the cracks in the ground! Xiao Yang felt something wrong with his head. When he looked up, he saw a stump bigger than a person hitting his forehead. He was so scared that he quickly pulled the vine to the right. Xiao Yang was relieved and remembered that there were still people under him. He quickly looked down and saw that the stump hit Su Feiqi below. She was suddenly hit by the vine and fell down!

"Su Feiqi!" When Xiao Yang was shouting her name, he felt something was wrong. It turned out that a tree trunk was thrown down again! He panicked again and finally avoided the tree trunk.

King Kong's attack made Su Feiqi fall, Xiao Yang was almost hit, and the other people's situation was not much better, but it was barely okay.

Seeing that King Kong's attack came to an end temporarily, Xiao Yang did not feel relaxed at all. How many trees are there on the ground? King Kong's attack will not end, and it's only a matter of time before the whole team is smashed down.

What's more troublesome is that everyone is still far from the bottom of the ground seam. If you jump down, everyone will die. What should we do now?

However, at this moment, Su Feiqi's voice came from the loudspeaker of Xiao Yang's watch: "Captain, I'm Su Feiqi, I'm safe!"

Xiao Yang was already a little tight. He was scared by Su Feiqi's sudden scream and couldn't help greeting her for a while. Then Xiao Yang asked, "Did you fall just now? So where are you now?

"I caught the vine net below when I fell down, so my beautiful little life was saved." Su Feiqi praised herself with a thick face, and then said, "And I also found a very hidden cave on the rock wall directly below, so I came in. Although it's a little dark in the cave, I don't feel anything dangerous in it for the time being. Everyone went down to this cave as soon as possible, and King Kong couldn't hit us by throwing wood again.

Xiao Yang looked down carefully and found a hidden cave in a net of vines. It is about 20 meters away from Xiaoyang and 10 meters away from Wang Hanren at the bottom.

"This is easy to say, but difficult to do." Xiao Yang looked over the cracks in the ground. From the sound, King Kong has pulled out several trees and is breaking them one by one in order to throw them into the ground and smash everyone. Xiao Yang estimated that it would take more than two minutes to build its ammunition, leaving only two minutes left for everyone. This time is not enough for all the teammates to escape into the cave. Maybe Wang Hanren can go in at most.

Xiao Yang knocked on his head and suddenly flashed: "The whole team continues to climb down. I probably have a way to stop King Kong for the time being.

Hearing Xiao Yang's words, Wang Hanren and Hou Bao were relieved and climbed down at ease. Xiao Yang estimated that after a minute and a half, he took out two flash bombs from the warehouse space and shouted, "Close your eyes!"

When everyone closed their eyes according to his words, Xiao Yang opened the ring of the flash bomb and threw it over the ground. King Kong's ears heard the sound and turned around. Just two flash bombs exploded together, and the instantaneous strong light made King Kong's eyes temporarily blind.

King Kong shouted angrily. Xiao Yang heard it below and knew that it had been tricked. He smiled in his heart and didn't expect that this flashing bullet trick would work strangely every time it was used.

Of course, this is not the time to relax. King Kong's blindness is at most a few minutes. What Xiao Yang and they have to do is to take this opportunity to go down to the cave quickly.

Five minutes later, when King Kong regained his vision and grabbed a section of wood and threw it into the crack of the ground, Xiao Yang at the end had just got into the cave.

"Wow, it's finally saved." Hou Bao, a newcomer, leaned on the stone wall of the cave and breathed relief, "This is really a 'hell'. It's not a place where people can live at all."

"Don't relax." Xiao Yang said, "We don't know how long King Kong will stay outside the ground, and we don't know if it's really safe in this cave. If you want to live, always be vigilant."

At this time, the sky was getting dark. In addition, it was already in the cracks of the ground, and the light was weak. The cave was dark, and people's eyes could be seen moving. Xiao Yang patted himself on the head: "Oh, if only I remembered to bring something for lighting when I was looking at the home platform."

At that time, Xiao Yang thought that Cui Wenren had a flashlight in his hand, so he didn't prepare lighting utensils, but he didn't expect to be separated from Cui Wenren now. Seeing that the cave is so dark, I don't know if there is anything in the depths of the cave secretly peeping at everyone and waiting for an opportunity to attack. In this case, there is no flashlight or something that can be used for lighting, which is really terrible.

"I have a cold light flashlight here." Wang Hanren said and took out a cold light from the small backpack behind him to illuminate the cave. It seems that this hole is very deep. There are several fork holes in it, and I don't know if there is an exit to the outside. However, as far as the eye can see, there is really nothing dangerous in the cave.

"That's great! I didn't expect you to have this." Xiao Yang said in surprise. Although Wang Hanren also followed him to complete the first level, she had little use in the team except for a little biological knowledge. Now it's very outrageous that she can take out such a thing for emergency