Fruit Empire


Xiao Yang's unexpected. Xiao Yang thought that maybe she usually underestimated Wang Hanren too much, and this girl sometimes also had delicate thoughts.

"I'm afraid that something will happen, so I changed a lot of things. For example, telescopes, flashlights, umbrellas, lighters, magnifying glasses, shovels..." Wang Hanren began to list his own things. Xiao Yang was discouraged after hearing her call and said that you think too much too much. Some things are purely a waste of points.

Of course, this is not the time to say these words. Xiao Yang still praised Wang Hanren's delicate thoughts. Wang Hanren looked very happy, but he didn't have the expression of being extremely dependent on Xiao Yang at the first level. Xiao Yang also noticed this and felt relieved in his heart. Although the hell game is extremely cruel, it is also quite beneficial to human growth from another perspective. Even Xiao Yang, who is relatively mature, has exercised a completely different determination in this hell, and Wang Hanren has the courage to live on his own efforts. I believe that she will become a combat effectiveness and will no longer continue to be a burden in the future.

Outside the cave, there was still the sound of wood hitting the stone wall, which was deafening. Xiao Yangxin wanted to be smashed by those big pieces of wood if he was still outside now. It's really thanks to Su Feiqi who accidentally found this cave, otherwise everyone would have died miserably.

At this moment, Su Feiqi suddenly said, "I suggest that we go to the depths of the cave now."

"Is that necessary? When King Kong is tired of smashing for a while, it will definitely go to the seam of the ground to see. When it sees no one in the cracks in the ground, it will think that we have fallen to death. No matter how cruel it is, it is time to finish the work after killing people. At that time, we can escape to the ground or go up the vines. Xiao Yang said, "Why do you have to break into the depths of this cave? This hole is very deep, and we don't know what's going on inside. It's too risky to go in.

"You're right. There may be unimaginable danger in the depths of the cave. But--" Su Feiqi's tone changed, "Don't we need to break into dangerous places now?"

Wang Hanren said, "What does this mean?"

"Each of us lost 7600 points. If we still have a negative score at the end of this task, we can't leave this scene and may have to live in this terrible place forever. Su Feiqi said, "If we want to leave here, we must find a way to earn points."

"Earning points... and danger..." The newcomer Hou Bao suddenly realized, "Sister, you mean that as long as there is a dangerous place, there must be strong enemies and rich karma points, so we will have a chance to take risks now and earn enough points to leave here."

"Yes. If there are really beasts or cannibal worms in it, we can also send dinner to the hungry ones. Xiao Yang stopped with a smile and stared at Su Feiqi, "I said Miss Su, our primary goal is survival. Although the industry fire points are very important, they still have to die for this. Even if you want to find some enemies to kill and earn points, it's better to be in an open place. This cave is really too narrow. If we encounter any trouble, we won't even have time to escape.

"Captain, I also know that survival is the most important thing. However, I believe that life is a constant adventure. Su Feiqi smiled and said, "especially when you are in a desperate situation, only by taking risks can you avoid danger. Now, it's time to take risks.

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Yang couldn't help sighing. Such a hidden cave is like saying "There is danger inside, don't get close" outside. If you go forward, if you don't meet a perverted monster, you will have to encounter a damn random mission, and maybe there will be a soul messenger or something. However, the negative difference of 7600 points is a daydream to earn without encountering danger.

"Okay, Miss Su, you convinced me." Xiao Yang said, "Let's move towards the depths of the cave now."

"The captain is really wise." Su Feiqi said with a smile.

"Don't put on my hat so early. I agree with your proposal to go deep into the cave, but I still have a condition. Xiao Yang looked at Su Feiqi, "That is, you must walk at the forefront and be the pathfinder of our whole team."

The width of this cave can't even accommodate two people to walk side by side, and four people can only form a row to move forward. No one knows what is ahead, and the enemy's radar can only be displayed after the enemy finds its own side. It can't serve as an early warning in such a narrow hole. And if you are in danger, the first person to suffer is the person who opens the way at the front of the team. When she escaped, the pioneer became the queen of the palace again. If there is something to chase everyone, she will be the first target.

Of course, Su Feiqi also understood this truth, so she was silent for a long time after hearing Xiao Yang say that she wanted to be the pioneer. However, she was worthy of Interpol, and soon regained her calm look and said calmly, "Well, this is no problem. But you have to protect me.

Su Feiqi took the lead, and the second was Xiao Yang, Hou Bao and Wang Hanren at the end. Several people walked towards the depths of the cave. They walked to the place where the road was divided at the entrance of the fork. Su Feiqi stopped and asked, "Which way shall we go?"

There are four holes in front of them, which are dark and dark. I don't know how deep they are, and I can't see any difference here. Xiao Yang leaned his ear against the stone wall and listened. The first and fourth holes were the loudest, the second was the quietest, and the sound from the third hole was more moderate. Judging from this situation, one or four holes are probably the most dangerous, the second hole may be safer, and the third hole is more suitable for exploration.

"Go to the third hole." Xiao Yang said.

No one objected, so Su Feiqi took the lead in entering the third hole. Then Xiao Yang and Hou Bao also entered the entrance of the cave. Finally, it was Wang Hanren. As soon as she stepped into the mouth of the cave, she said in surprise, "The ground is so soft!"

Xiao Yang didn't notice this at first. After hearing Wang Hanren's words, he stepped on the ground hard and felt really soft. He looked at Su Feiqi and found that the latter had lowered his body to touch the ground.

"It's soft and hot." Su Feiqi's expression changed greatly and turned around and said, "It's not good! You can't enter this place! Run away!"

As soon as the voice fell, a door fell from above the hole and completely closed the hole. Wang Hanren quickly shot the door, and the bullet shot into the entrance, but only shot a small hole and sank into it. Blue mucus oozed from the small hole. Wang Hanren touched the mucus with his hand, and his face immediately turned pale.

"What's going on?" Xiao Yang asked.

"...This is an organism, which is likely to belong to molluscs." Wang Hanren said in a low voice.

"You mean this door?"

"No, I mean..." Wang Hanren took a breath, "This whole cave is a big soft bug."

When Xiao Yang was stunned, Hou Bao shouted again: "Look at the radar! This...this is..."

Xiao Yang looked down at the enemy's radar and saw a huge red dot occupy almost half of the area of the radar, and the green dot of his teammates was pitifully on the inside of the red dot!

"It seems that we have been caught into the body by this big bug." Su Feiqi laughed, but when she saw that everyone looked at her with a grimace, she couldn't laugh.

At this time, the sage's voice sounded: "Jingle - random task trigger, mission goal: escape from the body of the rainforest worm owner. Please complete this random task within a limited time of 6 hours, otherwise 8,000 points will be deducted.

Xiao Yang said in his heart that the big red dot that locked everyone in his body was the owner of the rainforest worm. I don't know how big the body of the rainforest insect owner is. Just thinking about it makes me feel sweaty.

"Random tasks? What does this mean? Su Feiqi frowned, "Do you have to deduct 8,000 points if you can't complete it?"

It seems that not only Xiao Yang, but also other people here have triggered this random task.

"That's an effective task for some people. If you don't complete it, you won't die, but the deduction will make you cry. The difficulty of random tasks is very abnormal, and the rewards after completion are quite generous. Xiao Yang said.

When Xiao Yang said this, he recalled the horrible breeding snake ball he encountered, and he couldn't help but get goose bumps. However, there was no prompt for the random task I encountered last time. It was all completed by mistake, but this random task gave a clear hint at the beginning. This should be the 300 points that I played before the start of the second level.

"Is the reward very generous? How rich is it, 8,000 points?" Su Feiqi asked.

"Think beautifully. The random task prompt I encountered last time said that I couldn't deduct 4,000 points, and I didn't get 3,000 points until I finished it. Xiao Yang said, "Thank God that I can give 6,000 points for this mission."

"That's not bad. We have *, *, rocket launchers here. Isn't it easy to escape?" Su Feiqi laughed and said, "In this way, we can get 6,000 points, plus the points after the completion of the main mission, and we should be able to successfully leave this level."

Xiao Yang didn't think so. Is it really that simple to complete the task of deducting 8,000 points?

Su Feiqi had already come to the entrance of the cave confidently with Uzi*. Since everyone is in the body of the worm now, the door in front must be just the meat wall of the worm. Uzi* is much more powerful than the * used by Wang Hanren. Isn't it easy to shoot through a millimeter of steel plate at close range?

Su Feiqi pulled the trigger for a burst of strafing, and a shuttle of bullets immediately shot into the meat wall, and then... disappeared. I don't know how thick the meat wall is. As soon as the bullet enters, it is like a stone cow entering the sea and will not return.

Su Feiqi was shocked and continued to shoot. However, the bullets of a magazine were shot out, but there was still no hole in the meat wall. Su Feiqi couldn't speak. Xiao Yang walked to her and patted her on the shoulder: "Miss Su, how do you feel? Is this thing easy to handle?

"It's much more difficult than I thought." Su Feiqi did not lose her demeanor. "It seems that we can only ask the captain to come out."

"Well, everyone, step back." Xiao Yang said, "I'm going to blow up this meat wall with plastic*. This kind of safety door that can blow up the bank vault should be the most powerful of all my thermal weapons.

The implication is that if even plastic* can't blow up this meat wall, * and the rocket launcher will definitely be useless.

Everyone retreated 100 meters away, but there was no danger on the road. Xiao Yang installed plastic*, set the detonation time for one minute, and then ran back to the crowd. He also opened a canvas to stand in front of everyone to prevent the aftermath of the explosion from hurting everyone.

One minute has arrived. Boom--" With a loud noise, the plastic * exploded as scheduled, and the strong shock wave pushed Xiao Yang down, and pushed all the people behind him to the ground and squeezed them into a ball. The heat wave from the explosion swept over everyone's faces, and everyone felt as if they had been burned by the fire.

After the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, Xiao Yang stood up and threw away the canvas. There is a big empty hole in front of it - the power of plastic* is really big enough that the meat wall has been completely blown up!

"Okay, run!" While Xiao Yang spoke, his legs had already run forward. For him now, 100 meters can be completed in less than nine seconds. That is to say, after nine seconds, he can successfully escape from the body of the rainforest worm owner.

However, just a second later, Xiao Yang found something was wrong. There seems to be a sign of shrinking in the hole ahead, and that feeling is like...

"The meat wall is reborn!" Xiao Yang shouted, "Run, maybe we still have a chance!"

Xiao Yang's guess is true. The meat wall that has been blown up is rebirth rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. When Xiao Yang rushed to the meat wall, the whole meat wall had grown more than half. The meat wall is about 1.5 meters thick. If Xiao Yang gets in now, he may be caught by the meat wall before he comes out of the hole. Xiao Yang could only look at the hole on the meat wall shrinking quickly and finally disappeared completely.

Su Feiqi has walked to Xiao Yang and asked in frustration, "Is there any other way?"

Xiao Yang shook his head. It seems that hot weapons can't get rid of this meat wall. Xiao Yang still has an indestructible Japanese walker's knife in his hand, but even if he uses a knife to cut, the speed of destroying the meat wall is impossible to compare with the speed of its rebirth. That is to say, this road is impassable.

"Well, let's go deep into the body of the rainforest worm owner, maybe we can find a weak breakthrough point." Su Feiqi said.

"Well... that's all I can do." Xiao Yang agreed to Su Feiqi's suggestion.

The whole team carefully walked forward along the passage. After walking for ten minutes, I haven't encountered any danger. However, Hou Bao suddenly half knelt on the ground, pressed his throat and said, "Breathing... It's so difficult to breathe..."

At this time, Xiao Yang also realized that the oxygen around him was very thin. This is originally in the body of the rainforest insect owner, and the only little oxygen circulates when it opens the meat wall. Now that it has closed the meat wall, naturally there is no oxygen coming in.

There was less and less oxygen, Hou Bao was almost in a coma, and Wang Hanren gradually couldn't support it and fell to the ground. Xiao Yang and Su Feiqi are in good physical fitness, but they won't last long.

Xiao Yang clenched his fist, but he still hasn't come up with any good idea. Is it your end to be suffocated by lack of oxygen?

Xiao Yang desperately took the Japanese walker's knife into the meat wall beside him, but he didn't expect that the knife broke the meat wall like a film. There was a whirring sound in the broken mouth, and air came out of the hole.

"It's fresh air!" Xiao Yang shouted out excitedly.

In the small hole pierced by Xiao Yang, the fresh air source was endless, and the crisis of suffocation was finally temporarily relieved.

"But I'm surprised why there happens to be air circulation in such a place?" The newcomer Hou Bao calmed down and asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, the other side of this thin wall should be the respiratory system of the insect owner." Wang Hanren's eyes lit a light of hope, "Maybe if we go from here, we can find its pores and go out of there."

Xiao Yang also felt reasonable when he heard the words and cut open the thin meat wall with a knife worn by a Japanese walker. Behind the meat wall, there is indeed a spacious passage, crooked, and I don't know where to lead. This channel is full of oxygen, which is also very likely to be the respiratory tract of the insect owner. Xiao Yang decided to let the whole team enter the channel.

is still led by Su Feiqi, Xiao Yang is the second. After the other two people's hall, everyone got into the channel like this.

It won't take long, and there is a fork in the road ahead, and everyone is facing the situation of choosing one of two holes. Xiao Yang heard that the two voices were actually similar, so he didn't bother to think about it and directly chose the left lane to move forward.

After walking for about five minutes, Xiao Yang suddenly stopped: "Wait, don't go forward. I heard some strange sounds.

What he heard was the strange sound of "Hiss--". Although the sound is very weak, it does exist nearby. Other people didn't hear the sound, but when they saw that Xiao Yang looked serious and didn't dare to move, they stopped and waited for Xiao Yang to make a conclusion.

However, the sound only sounded for less than ten seconds and could not be heard. Xiao Yang did not know where the sound came from, so she had to shake her head: "Forget it, keep moving forward."

The crowd walked for less than three minutes, and Xiao Yang heard the strange sound again. This strange sound still lasted for a short time. As soon as Xiao Yang realized it, the insects stopped screaming.

Su Feiqi saw Xiao Yang's eyebrows and asked, "Are we still moving forward?"

Xiao Yang nodded: "Keep going."

"Oh..." Su Feiqi just took a step forward, and suddenly with an "ah" sound, her whole body disappeared. She held the cold light lamp, the only lighting device of the crowd, in her hand, and the whole passage was dark and could not see anything.

"Su Feiqi!" Xiao Yang shouted Su Feiqi's name, but did not get any response. Damn, where the hell is this guy? Did something take her away?

"Holy, don't move..." Before Xiao Yang finished his words, he said again, "Ah", which was Hou Bao's voice.

In just a few seconds, the two disappeared! Damn, what the hell is going on? When Xiao Yang was anxious, his hand was suddenly pulled by something, and he shouted out, and the other party also shouted.

"It's Wang Hanren." Xiao Yang finally calmed down, "Don't grab my hand from behind. It's scary."

"Don't joke." Wang Hanren said, "I didn't grab your hand."

"Ah?!" Xiao Yang screamed again, but he quickly covered his mouth and whispered, "Stay on the wall of the meat and be ready to fight at any time."

You can't see anything now. You must calm down, otherwise you will die miserably.

Xiao Yang himself has