Fruit Empire


Xiao Yang's persistence has been rewarded. Ten minutes later, the sound of biting the steel plate could no longer be heard. Presumably, the plesiosaur also found that it was meaningless to continue to bite the steel plate like this, so he left tiredly.

However, Xiao Yang was relieved, and there was a loud bang at the bottom of the boat. Before Xiao Yang could react, his body had fallen to the floor. A few seconds later, his body bounced up again and fell to the floor again.

"How is everyone doing now?" Peng Fei's voice came.

"I and Jill are all right." Luo Ruzhi replied.

"Wang Hanren and I are fine, but we were just thrown up." Xiao Yang asked, "What happened outside?"

"Just now, the bottom of the ship was severely hit, and the whole ship was thrown several meters away from the sea before falling back to the sea." Peng Fei's voice was a little anxious, "That snake-necked dragon seems to be angry!"

"Is it still stable now?" Luo Ruzhi asked.

"Do not move!" Xiao Yang insisted on his decision, "That low-level reptile hasn't found us yet. It was only because it was knocked out of its teeth when biting the steel plate, so it became angry with our ship and will leave in a moment... Ah!"

The snake-necked dragon hit the transport ship again, and Xiao Yang was thrown up again.

"Let's go to war with the plesiosaurs." Wang Hanren said worriedly, "The ship will not be able to support it if it goes on like this."

"The snake-necked dragon is in the water, and we are very unfavorable to fight it." Xiao Yang said, "Don't worry about the problem of the ship. Believe me, this ship is quite strong, and the beast under the water can't sink it.

Wang Hanren felt a little confident after hearing this, but this was actually what Xiao Yang said to comfort her, and he himself had no idea. Now the steel plate at the bottom of the ship has been bitten by the snake-necked dragon, and so much water has penetrated in. The firmness of this ship requires a question mark. But Xiao Yang didn't want to have a water battle with the snake-necked dragon anyway, so he could only pray that the ship could hold on. If the ship really can't hold on, the last plan must be used.

"Bang--" Every impact made Xiao Yang's heart beat violently, and he felt that the boat could not hold on. Fortunately, the ship seems to be really strong. After six collisions, it is still safe, but the speed of water seepage has increased, probably because the bitten openings have become larger due to the impact. However, because Xiao Yang has been sucking water from the faucet, the water level in the cabin has not only not risen, but is still decreasing.

The seventh impact. Xiao Yang seemed to hear the sound of the steel plate cracking at the bottom of the boat. He locked his eyebrows and pressed the intercom button to give a new order. However, at this moment, Luo Ruzhi's voice sounded: "That thing is gone! Finally gone!"

"Huh?" Xiao Yang didn't react for a moment.

"Snake-necked Dragon! The snake-necked dragon finally gave up the attempt to continue to hit the transport ship and dive into the deep water!" Luo Ruzhi said excitedly.

Let's sail. Go at full speed. Xiao Yang stood up and took a breath. I finally got through this difficult time.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Yang found the leaking place at the bottom of the boat. At this time, he found that the damage to the bottom of the ship was not too serious. There were several layers of steel plates at the bottom of the ship itself. The damage was only the outermost layer, and the water oozed out of the mezzanine. Because Xiao Yang must be responsible for continuing to absorb water, he called Fang Xin and Luo Ruzhi to repair the bottom of the ship. There were repair tools in the cabin, and it took them about an hour to finally complete the repair work.

During this period, Wang Hanren went to the cockpit, while Peng Fei continued to patrol the deck. No other plesiosaurs or any other large creatures were found on the sea. It seems that the snake-necked dragon that caused the accident just now seems to be out of the group for foraging, and it can only be blamed for everyone's bad luck if it meets it.

Xiao Yang returned to the deck. By this time, the sun had come out, but there was a thick fog on the sea, and nothing could be seen clearly.

In the cockpit, Jill was looking at the electronic navigation system, while Wang Hanren sat next to her. The chart shows that the transport ship has arrived offshore and is very close to the island.

The sound of the door opening. Jill turned her head and saw Xiao Yang's figure.

"Is there no problem with the ship's navigation with such a big fog?" Xiao Yang asked.

"This navigation system is very advanced, which can detect objects within 30 meters underwater nearby, and will not touch the reef even in the fog." Jill asked again after explaining, "Yes, the snake-necked dragon just now..."

"If you want to ask me how it came from, I can only answer that I don't know." Xiao Yang smiled calmly, "But I guess we may encounter a lot of such things in the future."

"It's just a snake-necked dragon that makes us so embarrassed. What if we encounter something more troublesome?"

"Water war is really our weakness. It will be fine after landing." Xiao Yang said, "Remember the difficulties we encountered on Yaxiford Island, right? We have even encountered volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. What are we afraid of?

Jill's blue eyes stared at Xiao Yang: "You knew from the beginning that we would encounter these things."

Wang Hanren beside him was about to speak for Xiao Yang, but Xiao Yang stopped her.

"Oh, how can I know this in advance?" Xiao Yang shrugged his shoulders at Jill, "All I know is that we are unlucky, and all strange things will happen."

Jill shook her head helplessly and smiled bitterly. She stopped asking questions and looked at the navigation system in front of her silently.

There was still a thick fog in front of the transport ship and could not see anything clearly, so Xiao Yang also followed Jill's eyes to the navigation system. The navigation system includes several windows, one of which shows a three-dimensional simulation within 30 meters underwater, and some fish-shaped objects composed of contours shuttle through it. It seems that all underwater objects will be displayed in this window. Jill and Luo Ruzhi also found the figure of plesiosaur in the picture before.

Xiao Yang stared at the surveillance window for about five minutes and didn't find anything strange, so he turned to Wang Hanren next to him: "I'll go outside and have a look. You continue to stay here and report the situation."

After Wang Hanren nodded, Xiao Yang turned around and walked out of the cabin. However, as soon as he walked to the hatch, two shouts came from behind him: "Wait, something happened!" What is this... again!"

These two voices come from Wang Hanren and Jill respectively. Xiao Yang quickly turned around and rushed to the driver's platform: "What's wrong?"

"There is a large group of unknown objects approaching!" Jill said.

Xiao Yang looked at the monitoring window. About 20 meters underwater, dozens of objects shaped like dolphins appeared, moving in the direction of the ship.

"That's a fish dragon." Wang Hanren affirmed, "The fish dragon is also a ferocious marine reptile, but it is not as dangerous as the snake-necked dragon."

The fish dragon group quickly swam near the bottom of the ship, but did not attack the ship, but dived again. Hundreds of fish formed by hundreds of fish appeared underwater. Those ichthyosaurs may have just been curious about transport ships before, and then they changed their targets when they saw their prey.

Dozens of fish dragons rushed to the fish and shuttled across the water like lightning. Within dozens of seconds, there was almost no outline of the fish on the monitoring window, leaving only the reassembling fish and dragons.

When Xiao Yang was still surprised by the fierceness of the ichthyosaurs, he saw a huge body floating in the water under the ichthyosaurs. Its round body has a long neck, which is the characteristic of the plesiosaur.

As soon as the snake-necked dragon appeared, the fish dragons who were still powerful before immediately began to flee. Although the snake-necked dragon was big, it was quite agile. In the chaos, it still caught a fish dragon, swallowed it into its stomach and then went away. Xiao Yang was a little relieved. If this snake-necked dragon crashed into the ship like the beast just now, it would be in trouble.

Xiao Yang continued to stay in the cockpit and stared at the surveillance window. As the transport ship progressed, more and more paleontists gradually appeared underwater, but most of them were small creatures such as trilobites and ammonite, many of which Xiao Yang could not name.

The navigation system shows that it will take about 40 minutes for the ship to get to Sanna Island. At this time, the fog in front of him not only did not dissipate, but became thicker, making Xiao Yang feel a little uneasy. He left the cockpit and walked to the deck, and then fully turned on his super hearing. Since you can't see it, listen to the sound in front of you with your ears first.

A few seconds later, Xiao Yang's face suddenly changed.

There are continuous lows in front of us, obviously from dinosaur reptiles. Those sounds came from about five kilometers to ten kilometers ahead, and Xiao Yang initially estimated that the number of sound sources was more than 100. The fog on the sea is so thick that even with Xiao Yang's eyesight, he can't see what kind of dinosaurs are in front of him. If these hundreds of dinosaurs are aggressive carnivorous dinosaurs, it will be more dangerous than when they faced a plesiosaur, and the transport ship is likely to sink.

At this time, Peng Fei walked from behind to Xiao Yang. After discussing with him, Xiao Yang called everyone to the deck.

"According to the sound I heard, there are more than 100 dinosaurs in the front sea." Xiao Yang said to the crowd, "If they attack our ship, I'm afraid we will have to abandon the ship."

"Abandoned the ship?" Wang Hanren was a little puzzled, "Then how can we land on Sanna Island?"

"Use this." Xiao Yang pointed to the jeep parked on the deck and then turned his eyes to Luo Ruzhi, "Can you drive it now?"

Luo Ruzhi said there was no problem. This sea trip can basically be said to be calm and windless, and his seasickness has eased a lot.

The driver of the car was settled, but Xiao Yang's expression was only a little better. He asked everyone else to get into the jeep first, and then called Jill back to the cockpit.

The fog on the sea will not dissipate for a while, and there are many high reefs near Sanna Island. Even if you fly with a jeep, it may not be safe. Therefore, we still have to move forward with the boat as much as possible, and then use the jeep when the boat really can't hold on.

The electronic navigation system shows that it will take 35 minutes for the ship to leave Sanna Island. According to the speed of the transport ship at 25 nautical miles per hour, the ship is only 26 kilometers away from the coast.

"There are still 26 kilometers. May God bless us to land smoothly. Jill looked at the sea in the fog and said.

"It's useless to rely on God, but you still have to rely on your sailing skills." Xiao Yang said, "Let this ship last as long as possible."

Jill nodded happily. She is very confident in her sailing skills.

The transport ship is marching in the fog. I still can't see anything ahead, so I can only rely on the underwater detection device of the transport ship to check the situation. The roar of dinosaurs was getting closer and closer, and Jill's hand holding the steering wheel trembled slightly. Xiao Yang patted Jill on the shoulder: "There's nothing to worry about."

"I'm just a little tight. There seems to be a lot of big guys in front..." Jill's face changed when she said this, and she desperately hit the steering wheel to the right while lowering the speed of the ship. A huge outline in the white fog is already close in front of you, and if you don't avoid it quickly, you will bump into it.

There is no light spot on Xiaoyang's enemy radar indicating this giant, but this does not mean that the other party is a docile plant-eating dinosaur, perhaps just because the other party has not found the ship.

The bow of the transport ship turned 60 degrees to the right, and then Jill accelerated again. Fortunately, the huge thing did not move. When the ship was about to arrive at that thing, Xiao Yang finally saw its appearance - it was not a dinosaur at all, but a giant reef.

Xiao Yang just breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly felt his body lean back, and the back of his head hit the bulkhead, hitting Xiao Yang's head full of stars.

There seemed to be a sound like a bite behind. At the same time, a harsh siren sounded on the driving panel.

"The tail rudder is broken! There is something behind the boat!" Jill said in panic.

Xiao Yang immediately opened the hatch, took Jill's hand and ran out. As soon as they ran out of the cockpit, they heard continuous gunfire from the deck. At the same time, a large tail several meters long rose from the stern.

Xiao Yang rushed to the deck and saw an ugly head in the stern, which was the size of two people. Most of its body is submerged in water, and now only this head and tail can be seen.

The monster's head looks like a turtle, with an eagle-like sharp beak at the front end. Its eagle's beak is bigger than people, constantly opening and closing, biting the rudder of the stern with interest. Those steel parts didn't seem to be able to withstand the bite force on its mouth. They were torn apart like cardboard and thrown into the sea.

At this time, others were sitting on the jeep and shooting at the monster. The bullet hit the monster's hard head, but it was bounced off as if it had hit the bulletproof steel plate, and only Mars splashed on it.

Xiao Yang recited a spell in his heart, and the moon fire immediately burned on the monster's head. The monster seemed to feel a little pain and stopped biting the rudder and sinking into the water. Xiao Yang quickly pulled Jill up and ran to the jeep, and the two jumped into the car together. At this time, Xiao Yang asked Wang Hanren, "What is that?"

"I don't know either." Wang Hanren shook his head, "I have never seen a dinosaur grow like this in the book of paleontology."

"I think that thing looks like a eagle-billed turtle." Peng Fei interrupted.

"Impossible! Eagle-billed turtles can grow to more than half a meter at most. Wang Hanren retorted, "But this monster is at least about the same size as our ship!"

"But it looks..." Before Peng Fei finished his words, he saw a huge dark shadow break out of the waves and lay on the deck of the ship! The monster's body was extremely heavy, and the bow of the transport ship was raised high, and the jeep was bounced into the sky!

The jeep turned over two in the air. Jill and Peng Fei were not seated and were directly thrown out and fell back to the deck. Peng Fei reacted quickly and stretched out a sharp blade on the deck, so that he would not fall down. Jill's luck is not so good. The deck is a little slippery. She didn't hold the railing and was about to slide down.

Luo Ruzhi started the flying car and stabilized in the air again. Luo Ruzhi drove down in a flying car, and Xiao Yang stretched out King Kong's arm from his hand to pull Jill up.

However, the monster lying on the deck worked hard again, and the tilt angle of the boat became larger. Xiao Yang and Jill missed their hands and watched her quickly slide to the sea.

Jill slipped about five meters and suddenly stretched out a pile of blood vines from the deck to stop her from continuing to fall down.

"That's great." Wang Hanren, sitting in the car, couldn't help saying.

Xiao Yang, who called the bleeding vines, did not relax at all. Those blood vines punctured Jill's skin, and Jill's blood flowed into the vines. This is the inherent attribute of the blood vine itself, and even Xiao Yang can't stop it.

At this time, the monster was still climbing on the deck, and it was a little dangerous to fly down to save Jill. Xiao Yang was anxious and shouted to Luo Ruzhi, "I'm going to make those blood vines to throw Jill into the car. You catch it well!"

Luo Ruzhi nodded. Xiao Yang immediately drove the blood vine to throw Jill up, and at the same time, the jeep rushed in the direction of Jill flying.

The car is only two meters away from catch Jill.

one meter.

At that moment, a huge dark shadow flew up. He had a big mouth and swallowed Jill into his stomach like a dog jumping up to pick up food!

Jill's figure disappeared into Xiao Yang's eyes. Xiao Yang's eyes were dull, and his right hand, which was holding the teleportation gun, also hung down.

A few seconds ago, when Xiao Yang manipulated the blood vine to throw Jill up, he suddenly remembered that it was safer to use a teleportation gun, so he took out the teleportation gun. Unexpectedly, just as he was about to aim at Jill, the monster suddenly jumped up and suddenly swallowed Jill. In this case, Xiao Yang can only give up his intention to use the transport gun. To complete the transmission with the transmission gun, the operator must first aim and lock the transmission target. Jill was swallowed by the monster. Xiao Yang couldn't see her figure, so he naturally couldn't aim and lock her.

Tip: Jill, the core character, is nearing death and is about to die in 5 minutes. Jill died, and this mission automatically failed. Please pay special attention. The cold voice of the sages came again.

Xiao Yang woke up suddenly. Jill is not dead yet! As long as you cut open the monster's stomach and save Jill, there is still hope!

Xiao Yang cheered up, jumped off the flying car and fell on the deck. The monster also found Xiao Yang and moved his limbs to climb towards him. The monster's whole body was on the deck, and Xiao Yang saw its whole picture clearly. It has a large shell on its back, which does look a little like an eagle-billed turtle, but unlike the eagle-billed turtle, its turtle shell is uneven, with countless hard bulges like horns, which looks a little like crocodile skin.

"Don't use the beast soul variant!" Peng Fei on the other side of the deck shouted to Xiao Yang, "His shell is too hard, even your King Kong body