Fruit Empire


There's no way to tear it open!"

Xiao Yang looked heavy. Peng Fei is right. This bastard's shell is so hard that he can't save Jill from it with a beast soul variant.

While thinking about it, the strange turtle had approached Xiao Yang, and the iron eagle's mouth bit him. Hearing the sound of Zheng, sparks splashed on the eagle's mouth. It turned out that Xiao Yang urgently pulled out the sun walker's knife to block the blow. The strange turtle was frustrated and raised its head to close its eagle's beak. The bird's beak pecked Xiao Yang's right shoulder like an awl.

The sun traveler's knife, which glowed red on the edge, blocked the eagle's beak again and made a shallow mark on it. Xiao Yang showed an unbelievable look. This king's mouth was so hard that even the invincible immortal blood front could only leave traces on it?

At this time, the strange turtle's eagle's beak attacked again, and Xiao Yang could only barely swing his knife to block it. Although Xiao Yang himself is not dangerous, the precious time is passing by minute by minute.

"The core character Jill will die in 4 minutes." Here comes the hint of the sages again. Xiao Yang's heart is in turmoil. Damn, what method can be used to save Jill in the stomach of the strange turtle now? In the stomach... By the way, if you can enter the stomach of the strange turtle...

"Brother Yang, transfer the gun! Throw me the teleport gun!" Peng Fei's shout sounded in Xiao Yang's ear. Xiao Yang also understood what Peng Fei meant, immediately called out the teleport gun from the warehouse space and threw it directly at Peng Fei: "I know! Please, send me in!"

"Well, it's up to you!" Peng Fei replied at the same time, he had caught the teleportation gun and aimed at Xiao Yang to pull the trigger! Xiao Yang's body immediately disappeared on the deck.

Xiao Yang's eyes were dark, surrounded by a suffocating smell. Although he couldn't see where he was, he also obviously felt that he was soaked in some kind of sticky **. Soon, a feeling of severe pain came from all over his body. These ** are corrosive!

Xiao Yang immediately withdrew his knife and used his beast body skills to cover the limbs of Tyrannosaurus rex's limbs and chest to resist the corrosion of **. At the same time, he withdrew his knife and raised his super vision to the maximum, which barely saw the situation around him. Now he is floating in a puddle composed of yellow-green **, and there is still steaming heat around the water. On top of his head is a pink inner wall with countless folds on it.

Everything shows that Peng Fei's transmission this time is accurate. This place is the stomach of the strange turtle. The ** in the puddle is the stomach of the strange turtle, and Jill should also be in those stomach fluids.

At this time, the visibility around was too low, and Xiao Yang couldn't find Jill everywhere. He could only shout, "Jill, where are you?"

"I... I'm here..." Jill's extremely weak voice came from behind Xiao Yang.

Xiao Yang immediately turned around and swam in the direction of Jill. The corrosiveness of the strange turtle gastric juice is beyond imagination, and Xiao Yang's strong Tyrannosaurus rex body also buzzes in the gastric juice and dissolves quickly.

Xiao Yang swam desperately in the gastric juice, and I don't know how long it took him to finally find Jill. At this time, Jill had only one head floating on the water, and her whole body was immersed in gastric juice.

"... Jill will die in 30 seconds." The cruel voice of the sage sounded again.

Xiao Yang tried her best to lift Jill out of the water, and saw that more than half of her clothes were corroded, and the skin that came out of ** was also seriously corroded, which could be said to be unbearable.

Fortunately, as soon as Xiao Yang raised Jill, the sages prompted that "the countdown to the death of the core character Jill is temporarily terminated". It seems that as long as Jill does not continue to soak in the gastric juice, Jill still has a way to live. Xiao Yang just breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly felt a pain in his leg, and his whole body sank into the stomach fluid together with Jill. It turns out that the hind limbs of Tyrannosaurus that covered his legs have been completely corroded!

The strange turtle's stomach surrounded Xiao Yang, and the tingling sensation surged into his face, and his eyes were even more painful. He desperately held Jill in his arms, trying to rely on his body to protect Jill from gastric juice. But it didn't work at all, and the countdown to Jill's death began again.

Xiao Yang's heart was full of despair. Bastard, now you can only rely on the beast soul variant to save Jill, but even if you use half-body transformation, the space here is too small to be used at all!

Wait, the space is small... That is to say, if you do that, there may still be vitality!

Peng Fei has returned to the flying car. Now, like everyone else in the car, he is looking closely at the giant turtle on the deck of the transport ship. It has been a minute since Xiao Yang entered. During this period, the countdown to Jill's death paused once, and then continued to start the countdown, but finally stopped again.

The giant turtle suddenly began to struggle, with its head and limbs moving wildly. Just listen to "Papa!" The sound sounded, and a gap between the upper and lower shells of the strange turtle cracked, and then suddenly expanded! A bloody big head appeared from the middle of the crack, and a huge tyrannosaurus rex stretched out the turtle shell of the strange turtle and leaned out from the middle of the two turtle shells!

"Brother Xiao?" Peng Fei blurted out.

The Tyrannosaurus reappeared in an instant, and Xiao Yang's body reappeared. He still held Jill, who was ragged and bruised, and his own injury was not much better than Jill's.

Just in the stomach of the strange turtle, Xiao Yang said in his heart, "Beast soul transformation, tyrannosaurus rex body, positive body transformation!" Countless flesh and blood organizations wrapped him and Jill and grew out crazily. In the puddle of gastric juice, a complete version of the Tyrannosaurus Rex body was quickly formed, opening the body of the strange turtle! Xiao Yang and Jill were finally saved. Jill has now been in a coma, but her breath is peaceful and her life should be in danger.

Xiao Yang and Jill fell on the inclined deck and slid towards the sea without stepping firmly. However, they did not slide into the sea, because the next moment, the whole ship cracked, and they just slipped to one of the big boards and floated on the sea by the buoyancy of the board. The weight of the giant tortoise burden on the transport ship has been very reluctant, and coupled with the weight of the full version of the Tyrannosaurus rex, it naturally can't bear and is destroyed.

The body of the turtle was divided into two halves and slid into the sea. Xiao Yang stretched out his hand in its direction and turned its beast soul into an engraving into the back of his right hand. After getting the beast soul engraving of King Kong, he finally got a new beast soul engraving. This strange turtle's unbreakable defense ability will definitely come in handy in the future.

Luo Ruzhi drove a flying car and connected Xiao Yang and Jill. Wang Hanren and Peng Fei bandaged Jill and Xiao Yang respectively. Xiao Yang glanced at the corner of his eyes and saw that a turtle shell was still floating on the sea. He closed his eyes and smiled bitterly and said, "This big bastard is really difficult to deal with."

"I'm almost sure it's a giant crocodile turtle. It should be the ancestor of modern South American crocodile turtles. Wang Hanren sighed, "I have a friend who also kept a crocodile turtle as a pet. I didn't expect his ancestors to be so fierce."

"God opens your eyes, now the fog is not so thick, and we can fly to the island smoothly." Luo Ruzhi said and pulled the joystick, and the jeep flew forward.

Hearing Luo Ruzhi's words, Xiao Yang opened his eyes and looked forward. The white fog has really faded a lot. However, Xiao Yang's expression did not relax at all, because he saw something that Luo Ruzhi's eyesight could not find in the fog.

In the air a few kilometers away, nearly a hundred "that kind of thing" glide vigorously. Even Xiao Yang, who is not familiar with ancient creatures, knows that they are the air hegemon of the Middle Generation - pterosaurs.

Xiao Yang asked Luo Ruzhi to minimize the flight speed of the car, and then explained the situation ahead to everyone - there were nearly 100 pterosaurs hovering in the air a few kilometers away. If they flew over rashly, it would be dangerous once they attacked them.

"One hundred?" Peng Fei thought of something, "Brother Yang, isn't the cry you heard before the cry of these pterodactyls?"

Xiao Yang listened carefully, and the cry of the pterosaurs in front of him was indeed consistent with the sound he had heard before. It turns out that the biggest threat is not at sea, but in the air. Come to think of it, if the ship had been saved before, everyone would have been much safer.

But it's too late to regret. At present, we should consider how to avoid the attack of pterosaurs. After discussing for a while, they finally decided to fly close to the sea. Pterodactyl can't be too close to the sea. As long as the jeep flies low enough, it can effectively avoid pterodactyl attacks. Now that the fog is gradually dissipating, the reefs protruding from the sea will not pose much threat to the flying car, so this plan is feasible.

The jeep flew smoothly close to the sea. From time to time, reefs appeared on the route of the flying car, and Luo Ruzhi skillfully drove the car to avoid the reef and continued to move forward.

"It won't be long before we can log in smoothly." Fang Xin said.

Before the others answered, Luo Ruzhi suddenly said, "We have to slow down."

"What's going on?" Fang Xin is confused.

"Don't you find it? The fog... has thicken again. Xiao Yang couldn't help shaking his head, "The weather on this sea is too unpredictable."

The white fog became thicker again, and the previously clearly visible front sea became blurred, and nothing could be seen clearly. Therefore, it is necessary to slow down the speed of the flying car and move carefully.

The visibility in the fog was too low. In order to find the reef in time to prevent the car from hitting it, everyone stared at the front. Xiao Yang raised his super vision to the maximum, and felt tinnitus and brain swelling in a few minutes, and he was exhausted. He lowered his head to rub his eyes, but he didn't expect to see a dark shadow floating up quickly under the water. Seeing the shape of the shadow, Xiao Yang panicked. He immediately stretched out his left hand and grabbed the joystick of the jeep and pressed it down. At the same time, he shouted, "Sit firmly!"

The jeep suddenly looked up and flew up, and Wang Hanren, who was sitting in the back, was almost thrown out. Fortunately, Peng Fei grabbed her. Wang Hanren just sat firmly and didn't have time to ask what was wrong. Suddenly, he felt his body flying up, as if something had pulled the car from below.

" hiss--" That's the sound of the jeep's tire deflated. When Wang Hanren looked sideways, he saw a pointed head with a long neck and bit the rear tire on the right side of the car with a big mouth.

"It's a snake-necked dragon!" Wang Hanren took a cold breath.

As Wang Hanren said, it was a snake-necked dragon that bit the car. Serpentine often rushes out of the water and raids seabirds or pterosaurs for food, and this jeep is no different from those flying creatures.

The snake-necked dragon bit the rear tire of the jeep and dragged it into the sea, and Luo Ruzhi also pressed the joystick desperately to raise the horsepower of the jeep to the highest. Seeing that the two could not hold each other, Xiao Yang used a blood orchid to hit the snake-necked dragon. Unexpectedly, the snake-necked dragon was stimulated by severe pain, but went crazy. With a violent pull, it actually pulled off the tire skin! The flying car was no longer bound, and it sprayed fire and went straight to the sky.

Luo Ruzhi hung the car in the air, and Wang Hanren and Fang Xin were shocked and gasped. Peng Fei sighed: "There is no rear wheel."

"It doesn't matter if the tire is. Anyway, there is a spare one tied under the car." Xiao Yang said, "The question is what should we do now? Fly back to the sea or continue to fly at this altitude?

"Stop flying to the sea!" Wang Hanren shouted. She doesn't want to try the experience just now. Other people's ideas are the same as Wang Hanren's. They would rather touch the pterosaur than be the prey of the snake-necked dragon. Peng Fei's reason is more convincing - the mobility of this flying car is quite good, and with Luo Ruzhi's driving skills, it should be able to avoid those pterosaurs. No matter how you look at this car, it belongs to the future technology, and the fastest speed should be faster than the ancient pterosaurs.

Luo Ruzhi reminded him not to fly too fast in the thick fog, otherwise he might hit the reef at this height. Peng Fei said, "Then let's fly as high as we can. Just fly to a height of 1,000 meters, then even those pterosaurs are unlikely to pose a threat to us.

"This car will never fly as high as 1,000 meters." Xiao Yang said to Luo Ruzhi, "But Peng Fei is right. Let's fly as high as possible."

Luo Ruzhi pressed down the joystick, and the flying car rushed to the sky along an extremely steep slope.

A figure passed by not far away.

"Is it a pterosaur?" Wang Hanren is very worried.

"Don't panic. That's just an ordinary seabird. As soon as Xiao Yang finished speaking, everyone was relieved. At this time, Luo Ruzhi suddenly said, "I said, do you take these pterosaurs too seriously? There are only some low-level reptiles hovering in this airspace. Is it necessary to worry so much?

"Don't say it so easily! The power of pterosaurs is quite amazing. They can easily tear us to pieces!" Wang Hanren said angrily, "And you should know that we are in the air, and Xiao Yang and Peng Fei's strong melee ability can't be exerted!"

"So what?" Luo Ruzhi pulled the lever to restore the flying car to a horizontal state and said, "Can these pterosaurs be compared with Alexia buried in the magma by the captain?"

Wang Hanren said: "That's..."

"That's right, Luo Ruzhi. We overestimated these beasts. We have even dealt with that perverted Alexia. Are you afraid of these stupid pterosaurs? Xiao Yang said righteously, "Guys, take your guns and get ready to fight against those beasts who dare to attack us."

Luo Ruzhi's reminder came at the right time. People have been attacked many times in the sea and can't fight back, so they are afraid of these dinosaurs. In fact, the combat effectiveness of these ancient creatures is not as good as the red dots they have encountered before, let alone the soul messengers with wisdom. The reason why people were so embarrassed during this period was that those reptiles occupied the sea. Now in the air, the situation is different. The mobility of the flying car is good, and it really can't take advantage of air combat pterosaurs.

Luo Ruzhi reminded that Xiao Yang and Peng Fei both recovered their composure and were ready to fight. Fang Xin and Wang Hanren also picked up the gun again, but obviously there was still some lack of confidence.

In the thick fog, the flying car continued to move forward.

"Bum-bang-" two consecutive gunshots. That was Wang Hanren's shot, because she saw a figure on the left side of the flying car. However, she failed to hit these two shots and let the other party fly away.

" it a seabird again?" Wang Hanren put down the gun. The other party flew so fast that she didn't see the other party clearly.

"This time it's a pterosaur." Xiao Yang replied. He looked a little ugly, because this time he also aimed at the pterosaur and also missed it. He clenched his fist and maximized his hearing. If pterosaurs bully again, Xiao Yang will never let himself fail again.

" hiss--" the sound of violent friction of the air. The sound comes from the bottom right and is approaching rapidly. No, it suddenly changed its direction. Now it's directly below!

"Quickly to the left!" Xiao Yang roared fiercely at Luo Ruzhi. Luo Ruzhi was stunned for a moment before he reacted and quickly manipulated the car to the left.

However, this is already slow. A huge pterosaur rushed over from the bottom right of the flying car and crashed into the flying car in an instant!

The pterodactyl crashed from the lower right of the flying car, and the whole flying car was directly knocked over and turned over several times horizontally. In more than ten seconds, except for Luo Ruzhi and Xiao Yang, who were wearing seat belts, the other four people, including Jill, were thrown out of the car!

This impact was so severe that even Xiao Yang turned upside down in front of him. Xiao Yang stretched out his hand to catch those who were thrown out, but only caught a handful of air.

Luo Ruzhi finally stopped the flying car in the air again, and then heard Xiao Yang shouting, "Swoop down!"

Luo Ruzhi immediately raised the operating lever. The rocket jet at the rear of the car changed the direction of the jet, and the flying car rushed down like a hunting seagull. Soon, Xiao Yang saw Jill and Fang Xin in the fog, and they were falling down quickly. Xiao Yang aimed the transmission gun at Jill and sent her directly back to the flying car. Jill hasn't woken up yet and returned to her seat confusedly.

Next, Xiao Yang aimed at Fang's new trigger of the transmission gun, but failed to hit it. It's not easy to hit such a vague target in the process of moving at high speed. It was a little lucky that he hit Jill at one time just now.

Xiao Yang missed three consecutive shots. He temporarily put down the transmission gun. After the speeding car and Fang Xin got closer, he sent Fang Xin back to the car with the transmission gun.

At this time, Wang Hanren and Peng Fei also appeared in Xiao Yang's vision. They fell to the other side, and both of them were far away, so Xiao Yang didn't see it just now.

Xiao Yang aimed his teleportation gun at Wang Hanren, but suddenly felt dark in front of him and couldn't see anything for a moment. This is a symptom of temporary hypoxia in the head. Previously, Xiao Yang lost a lot of blood in the stomach of the giant crocodile turtle. Later, it took a lot of effort to break the giant crocodile turtle with the Tyrannosaurus body, and now he finally developed the symptoms of hypoxia.

"Luo Ruzhi, I'm a little dizzy and can't use the teleportation gun. Hurry up and catch them." Xiao Yang said to Luo Ruzhi while closing his eyes and rubbing his temples.

"I see."

The flying car continues to dive