Fruit Empire


Fang Xin woke up from a dream and apologized repeatedly, saying that he had just been stunned and didn't react. Xiao Yang did not blame Fang Xin, but looked straight at the direction of those strange dragons running.

In front of the alien dragon group, those shock dragons are still sleeping. Is the goal of the alien dragon group to hunt shock dragons? Although this situation should not be rare, Xiao Yang always feels that something is wrong.

"What do those strange dragons want to do?" Jill also felt abnormal. "Generally speaking, such a large-scale hunting operation takes place during the day. And the number of strange dragons is too small. How can such a strange dragon deal with Zhenlong?

The alien dragon group quickly rushed to the dragons. They seemed to have discussed several ways, and every two to three alien dragons surrounded a plant-eating dinosaur. The alien dragons bit through the skin of the dinosaurs and began to eat their meat.

Almost at the same time, the dragons woke up because of the severe pain. They stood up.

Fang Xin took a breath: "What the hell, this is too big."

The whole picture of the dragon is huge, more than 40 meters long, just like a super chariot. The alien dragon is a medium-sized carnivorous dragon, with a body length of 8 meters, but it is only like a baby in front of the dragon.

The shocking dragons shook their huge bodies and shook away some of the alien dragons that had bitten too tightly. Some strange dragons still bite the flesh of the dragon. The painful dragons began to walk on the ground. Every step they took, the ground shook fiercely. When the first vibration was made, Fang Xin accidentally fell to the ground and cut his foot.

"click", that is the sound of some dragon bones breaking that fell on the ground. Looking carefully, it can be seen that several alien dragons have been trampled flat, and their flesh and blood are blurred.

Xiao Yang had a chill. That's not because they saw the tragic scene of the alien dragons being trampled flat, but because several shock dragons rushed towards them. Behind the dragons, there are some strange dragons chasing them, and the more important reason why they run this way is that there are flames burning over there. Fang Xin's torch fell to the dragons just now, and now it has burned.

"Run!" When Xiao Yang subconsciously shouted this sentence, he remembered that Fang Xin's ankle was sore that he couldn't run. Xiao Yang had to help Fang Xin run with Jill.

But only a few seconds later, the first dragon's leg has been lifted on Xiaoyang's head. For this huge thing, the distance of about 100 meters is the same.

Just before it was about to become a meat pie, Xiao Yang said in his heart: "...beast soul variant, giant crocodile turtle body, positive body change."

This time, the beast soul variant comes faster than ever before. Only in an instant, a large tortoise shell has been constructed, just against the soles of the dragon's feet. The terrible weight of the dragon was completely pressed on the tortoise shell, almost stepping on the whole tortoise shell to the ground. But at the same time, other parts of the giant turtle are also rapidly forming, and the underground soil is completely squeezed directly to one side by the newborn giant turtle body.

The heavy pressure of the dragon made Xiao Yang under the tortoise shell almost breathless. He felt as if he had been stepped on by an elephant, and his spine was about to be broken. Although his body was actually not harmed, the feeling from the giant crocodile's body was so real that it gave him the illusion that he was under heavy pressure.

The giant crocodile turtle body was quickly constructed, and Xiao Yang, Jill and Fang Xin were sealed in it. Xiao Yang felt an unprecedented sense of narrowness. It seemed that it was the limit to seal three people in it with a beast soul variant. At this time, the whole giant crocodile turtle was trampled into the ground, and there was still a tortoise shell exposed on the ground.

The first shock dragon has passed. Xiao Yanggang commanded the giant crocodile turtle to stretch out his head and take a look, but saw the second shock dragon coming again. Xiao Yang immediately withdrew the head of the giant crocodile turtle.

"Dong-dong-" stepped on the tortoise shell several times in a row, as if to crush the extremely hard shell. The ground next to the tortoise shell has been stepped on huge footprints, like a pit formed by a small meteorite on the ground.

At this time, Xiao Yang didn't bother to command the turtle's head to come out and look at it, allowing those shocking dragons to step on the giant crocodile turtle body one by one. This taste is absolutely uncomfortable, but now there is no other way to save your life. Xiao Yang gritted his teeth and endured heavy pressure again and again, and suddenly remembered the pterodactyl that he had encountered in the canyon. It was a pity that I didn't get its beast soul at that time. If you can fly, you won't be so passive.

After a few minutes, the Zhenlong group finally passed. The defense ability of the giant crocodile tortoise body is indeed outstanding. Even if it has been trampled on by so many dragons, there is no crack in the tortoise shell. But Xiao Yang was already with a splitting headache at this time. He quickly removed the beast soul variant and sat on the ground with his hands. The torch he held in his hand had already been extinguished.

Fang Xin, who escaped the disaster, moved his sprained ankle and felt a tingling. He muttered, "I'm still alive."

"It's terrible. I feel like I'm going to be trampled to death." Jill said and stood up.

Xiao Yang asked, "Do you also feel heavy pressure?"

"Hmm. I was in the dark just now, and I couldn't see anything, but I felt like I had been stepped on by a rhinoceros on my back. That feeling is so horrible. If I am trampled a few more times, I will definitely not be able to stand it. Jill replied.

Xiao Yang frowned. It seems that the companions who are sealed in the beast soul variant will also bear the feeling of part of the beast body. This means that you can't just seal them into the fight, otherwise they may collapse because of empathy.

Xiao Yang cured Fang Xin's sprain with the wooden spirit of the surrounding shrubs, and the three continued to move forward. The place where the Zhenlong group originally lived was full of corpses of alien dragons, but several alien dragons were lying on the ground dying. Xiao Yang released the bleeding vines and absorbed the vitality of these dragons to supplement the natural power he had consumed. In normal conditions, the blood vines can't trap the strong alien dragon, and it is precisely because they seriously injured Xiao Yang that they have the opportunity to do so.

Unconsciously, it rained in the sky, and the flames on the ground were gradually extinguished. Originally, Xiao Yang wanted to get a few more torches to move forward, but now he can only give up.

The three of them didn't walk long in the rain, but the rain stopped. They continued to move forward without any danger along the way. Probably there are no dinosaurs out at this time.

About an hour later, they saw the mountain. As long as you cross that mountain, you can enter the F6 area. But at this moment, the rain poured down again. This time, the rain is getting bigger and bigger, and soon I can't even see the road ahead and can't move forward at all.

"Avoid the rain." Jill said.

The three people found a lush abera and hid under it. It rained heavily, and the ground began to become muddy. Xiao Yang looked at the high mountain that could only be seen in the rain and fog, while feeling the natural power in his body. With the addition just now, there is still about 70% of the natural force, which is enough to deal with a spinyrosaurus.

"...Xiao Yang!" An eager shout came from the speaker of the watch. That's Wang Hanren calling.

Xiao Yang was shocked. Less than 20 minutes ago, Xiao Yang and Luo Ruzhi made regular contact. Now that Wang Hanren suddenly sent a call, there must be a special situation.

Sure enough, Wang Hanren said anxiously, "Luo Ruzhi is missing!" I didn't see him as soon as I woke up, and I didn't respond when I called him. I don't know whether to get out of the car to find him now.

"No, you stay there and take the teleportation gun. If there is danger, send yourself away quickly." Xiao Yang said.

"...Oh, the conveyor gun... Ah, the conveyor gun is also missing!"

Now even Xiao Yang's face has changed.

The observation center is about 100 meters high. An ordinary pterosaur is slowly hovering, and it is holding a man under its claws.

"Human." Pterodactyl suddenly said, "Do you know what will happen to people who fall from this height?"

"It will fall into a piece of meat pie." Luo Ruzhi, who was caught by the pterosaur, said affirmatively. Although I don't know why the pterosaur can speak, Luo Ruzhi still hasn't lost his calm.

"Oh, just understand." The pterosaur said, "If you don't want to fall down, just tell me what your task is."

Luo Ruzhi was shocked: "What the hell are you? Why do you even know that we have a task!"

It's okay to tell you. I am the nightmare of your living people, the soul messenger. The pterosaur giggled, "Okay, tell me your mission and I can consider not killing you."

Luo Ruzhi asked, "Don't you know our mission? Why do you ask me again?"

"Just tell me the content of the task. Don't talk nonsense." Pterodactyl said, "If you talk nonsense, I'll let go of my claws."

"Okay. Our mission is to destroy all soul messengers. Luo Ruzhi casually said nonsense.

The other party seemed surprised and muttered a few words, "How can it be", and then suddenly said bluntly, "Don't play tricks on me, or I will definitely make you regret it."

Luo Ruzhi smiled secretly in his heart. Sure enough, as he thought, these soul messengers could not know the player's mission at any time.

He said with a serious look, "I'm a mercenary. Mercenaries always put their own interests first. If you see through the lie, I will die. I won't do such a stupid thing.

"It seems that mercenaries are really a smart creature." Pterodactyl said, "You are so smart, and you should know that it is impossible for you to complete the task, right?" Why don't you stay in your team as an undercover agent, and I will give you a generous reward afterwards.

Luo Ruzhi smiled and said, "What's the use of remuneration? Anyway, if the mission fails, I will die.

"Dead? ...Oh, yes, it will indeed die. Then, I will help you so that you won't die if your mission fails. The pterosaur said.

Luo Ruzhi was shocked, but quickly shook his head and said, "No. I can't believe what you said yet."

"Well, I wanted to give you a chance, but you don't want it yourself. No wonder me." The pterosaur said angrily, "In 6 hours at most, you can die with those idiots!"

"Oh, I see." Luo Ruzhi sighed, "It's a pity that I can't see it."

"What..." Before the pterosaur finished his words, its whole body had disappeared from the air. In Luo Ruzhi's hand, he held the teleportation gun that Xiao Yang gave to Wang Hanren.

Luo Ruzhi's body fell from the sky, and he immediately pointed the teleportation gun at himself. The next moment, he reappeared in front of the gate of the observation center. Luo Ruzhi couldn't help smiling when he remembered the pterodactyl: "Hey, that's stupid. Doesn't he know that mercenaries can stab people at any time?

Luo Ruzhi walked back to the lobby of the observation center and greeted Wang Hanren in the car.

Wang Hanren stared at him with wide eyes and was speechless for a moment. Luo Ruzhi walked to her and handed the gun to her: "I'm sorry. I just borrowed this transport gun and now I'll give it back to you.

Wang Hanren reacted and asked, "Where have you... gone?"

"You definitely don't believe it. Unexpectedly, a pterosaur broke through the window and flew in. He grabbed me and left. If I hadn't caught your teleportation gun quickly, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come back now. Luo Ruzhi sighed.

Helen's room. Helen, who had fallen asleep, suddenly opened her eyes.

"B bastard, he was actually ridd by a teleport gun." Helen said to herself like this, and her originally intellectual eyes had become extremely dark. "It's so troublesome to start from the task. If I had known, I wouldn't have pretended to be this broken scholar. Forget it, let's just get rid of them directly. Anyway, I can't be restricted by that clause.

After thinking for a while, Helen shouted in the room: "Hey! People outside, I have something to tell you!"

Wang Hanren informed Xiao Yang and others that Luo Ruzhi was safe, and the transmission gun was fine. After hearing the news, Xiao Yang was relieved and said that Luo Ruzhi would not let himself down. As a mercenary, that guy is quite slippery. Although it is difficult for Luo Ruzhi to make an analysis and decision, his life-saving wisdom is probably second to none in the team.

Then came a new message. Dr. Helen suddenly changed her attitude and decided to help everyone. She told Wang Hanren and Luo Ruzhi that there was a small laboratory on the hill entering the F6 area, which contained a portable camera that could communicate with the observation center and its own lighting equipment. As long as you take that thing out, you can realize instant video communication between the two sides.

"In this way, both sides can grasp each other's situation in time, and there is no need to contact each other regularly. Anyway, we are on our way, and it won't be too troublesome. Jill said.

Xiao Yang doubted how useful such a camera could play, but the mission of phantom reincarnation required all to listen to Jill, so he didn't say much.

The rain stopped almost 20 minutes later. Dark clouds could no longer be seen in the sky, and the stars poured down without hindrance. It seems that it won't rain again.

Three people stepped on the muddy earth and walked towards the mountain. Although this land boundary is still hilly, it is relatively wide. If something attacks them, it can be found immediately, so their pace of progress is much lighter.

Until they climbed halfway up the hill, the three of them did not encounter any danger. The only enemy they met on the road was a single Velociraptor. Before Xiao Yang took action, Jill and Fang Xin opened fire at the same time and beat its stomach to pieces.

Helen's research laboratory is located on a rather steep rocky platform halfway up the mountain. With the body structure of dinosaurs, there is no way to climb up. It is estimated that the only reptiles that can climb up are snakes.

The three of them finally climbed to the door of the laboratory and entered the password given by Helen to enter the laboratory. The space in the laboratory is quite small, and you can see at a glance that the camera Helen mentioned is placed in the glass cabinet in the corner. It is about the same size as an ordinary digital camera and comes with a telescopic tripod.

Jill was about to walk in the direction of the camera when Xiao Yang suddenly shouted at her: "...Don't be busy."

"Are you worried that that thing will be dangerous?" Jill asked.

Xiao Yang nodded: "...Hmm. I think we should be more careful. If there are explosives or poison gas or something in it, it will be troublesome. That Helen thinks we are terrorists, so it is very likely that she will deceive us.

"You don't have to worry about the poison gas. I know at a glance. As for the explosives, I still need to test them. Jill said as she walked into the camera and said, "Don't worry about my safety. I am a blasting expert myself, and I am very experienced in the identification of explosives.

After Jill's test, the camera is not dangerous. So Xiao Yang was ready to get the camera by himself. Anyway, whoever dies is a mission failure. In case it is really dangerous, you can at least control it.

The camera started smoothly and the communication device operated normally. At this time, Xiao Yang found that its own lighting equipment was quite powerful, just like a 100-watt cold light bulb. Helen said that there was a large-capacity battery in it, but Xiao Yang didn't expect it to support such a lighting device.

Xiao Yang put the camera on his shoulder facing forward, which can be used to illuminate the road without a flashlight.

The slope of going up the mountain is getting steeper and steeper, and it rains and the ground is slippery. The three people can only use their hands and feet together and climb up very carefully. Fortunately, Xiao Yang replaced King Kong's limbs with animal body skills. Not only did he climb up much more easily, but he also had the strength to help the other two people climb.

After climbing for about four hours, they finally climbed to the ridge. This is not climbing. There is no need to climb to the top of the mountain, just cross the ridge.

"Wow...Wow..." Fang Xin leaned against a mountain and gasped, "This road is so difficult to walk. Fortunately, the road was not attacked by dinosaurs, otherwise we would be finished."

"Hmm. Only snakes and flying dinosaurs can get here, but now most of them are sleeping. Xiao Yang said and turned his eyes to the other side of the ridge. That should be the F6 area. The work of hunting Spinosaurus will begin soon.

"Uh?" Xiao Yang suddenly stood up. He saw it. Less than 500 meters down the ridge, a large dinosaur lay sideways and its body was slightly undulating. Strong forelimbs, iconic spine-like protuberances on the back, long and horrible sharp mouth. Isn't that Spinosaurus?

Xiao Yang touched Jill and told her that Spinosaurus was below. Jill looked at the spiny dragon carefully and immediately cheered up.

"You can bombard it with a rocket launcher directly here, and I'll assist you." Xiao Yang said. From the ridge to the direction of Spinosaurus is very open without any obstacles. And Jill's shooting skills are no worse than Xiao Yang's, and he can definitely hit Spinosaurus at this distance.

Although Spinosaurus is strong, it does not have armor as hard as the giant crocodile turtle. Bombarding it with a rocket launcher will definitely cause damage to it. Although it can't be killed, it's much easier to make it seriously injured.