Fruit Empire


Gil picked up the rocket launcher and aimed at Spinosaurus's head and pulled the trigger. Because the ground was very slippery, the back seat of the rocket launched made Jill almost fall down, and Xiao Yang hurried to her back to support her.

"Thank you." Jill fired the rocket again while talking. The eight rockets fired twice in a row hit the target accurately, and the dull explosion sound came from.

Spinosaurus's head was already bloody. At this time, it finally moved and its huge body slowly stood up. Jill on the ridge continued to launch rockets mercilessly, and those rear seats were completely borne by Xiao Yang, who used the limbs of the Vajra beast.

Spinosaurus seemed to find that the attack came from above the ridge and muttered towards this side. Xiao Yang and Fang Xin aimed at the thick legs of Spinosaurus with Uzi*, hoping to delay its progress. Although Spinosaurus should not be able to climb the ridge, if it is too close, people may be shocked, so we should do our best to prevent it from moving forward.

Under the suppression of firepower, Spinosaurus is moving slower and slower. When Jill shot about 30 times, the Spinosaurus suddenly fell down.

"That's great. Next, go to it. I pried open its mouth with the body of King Kong, and Jill, you exploded its head directly from inside with a rocket launcher. Xiao Yang said and stood up, but at this moment, the voice of the "sages" sounded.

The first stage of the phantom reincarnation mission is completed. You get a random reward, a Yecha-level hell medal.

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yang felt a sudden heat on his right chest. He opened his clothes and saw a night fork-shaped mark on his skin. Xiao Yang was shocked. It turned out that the Yecha-level Hell Medal really existed, and it turned out to be physical!

But there is another thing that surprises him even more. It's incredible that the spinysaurus was killed so simply. Helen said that Spinosaurus is one of the most horrible predators on the island, so it should be much stronger than Tyrannosaurus, giant turtles and so on, right? How can such a powerful land overlord be killed by such a chaotic bombardment?

Jill felt that the palm of her left hand was a little itchy, so she raised her palm to look. A red circle appeared in the center of her left palm. One third of the circle has been dyed red, and the remaining two-thirds have no color. Jill's heart jumped up. What the "sage" said is indeed true. He really has a chance to get rid of his false fate and become a real human being!

"Is Spinosaurus dead?" Wang Hanren's voice came from the camera on Xiao Yang's shoulder. She and Luo Ruzhi also saw the battle between Xiao Yang. Wang Hanren saw that Spinosaurus did not move, so he asked Xiaoyang if Spinosaurus was dead.

According to the sages, it should be dead. But it's a little strange." Xiao Yang said and looked at Jill, "Miss Jill, let's take a closer look at the body of Spinosaurus."

Jill agreed to this suggestion. The sage hasn't prompted what the second small task is, and it doesn't matter to check the body.

In the observation center, the image of Xiao Yang is clearly displayed on one of the monitoring screens. Helen's hand is still tied behind her, but she is also allowed to watch Xiao Yang's situation.

On the screen, Xiao Yang and others have walked to the body of Spinosaurus. Spinosaurus's body was blown to blood in many places, and there are almost no other injuries except rocket wounds and gunshot wounds.

Helen had an ugly face and carefully observed the body of Spinosaurus. Her eyes suddenly lit up. In Spinosaurus's abdomen, there is a bowl-sized wound. It can't be caused by bullets. It's like being stabbed by something.

Helen suddenly realized. Sure enough, the guy who was used to being a traitor took action again. She has the ability to control her body to deform. As long as she drills a hole in Spinosaurus, she can drill her arm into it and quickly deform and stir it crazily. As long as the internal organs of Spinosaurus are messed up, the Spinosaurus can only wait to die in pain. Jill and Xiao Yang were dying when they saw Spinosaurus, and they just made up for the last one.

"Rina, do you think you can stop me like this? That's stupid." Helen said to herself in an inaudible volume, "In 40 minutes, nothing can bind me. After they are all solved, the next one will be you.

At an altitude of about 1000 meters above Sanna Island. Rina did not use a stealth device and glide briskly.

I don't know how those living people are doing. The little help you gave them should almost make a difference. However, with that guy's keen feeling, he must have found that he was playing tricks, and he couldn't go any further. How long will those living people last? That time limit is approaching. If they can last for 2 hours, it can definitely be called a miracle.

When Xiao Yang rushed to his side, he got its beast soul, and then began to inspect the body of Spinosaurus with others. Xiao Yang also noticed the strange wound. He thought for a long time before he remembered that the wound was probably caused by Rena.

"That Rena...she also came to the island." Xiao Yang habitually knocked on his head, "It's getting more complicated."

Rina is the most difficult soul messenger to deal with so far. She has scheming and means, and her combat effectiveness is also unusually powerful. If it hadn't been for the fact that the soul messenger could not kill the players at this stage, the team would have been completely destroyed by her.

But it's also strange for Rena to attack this spinysaurus. The purpose of the soul messenger is to prevent them from completing the task, and there should be no conflict with the enemy in the scene. I'm afraid it's no good for Rena to make this Spinosaurus dying. On the contrary, Xiaoyang and the others picked it up. This is probably a coincidence, otherwise it is really difficult to explain.

It would be very troublesome to meet Reina when the whole team came. Xiao Yang reminded the two people in the observation center to strengthen their vigilance, and at the same time, he also prayed that Peng Fei was fine. It's been so long since there has been no news of Peng Fei. At this jum, Raina is back. It's really bad that the house is leaking and it rains for days.

Xiao Yang looked at the sky. A glimmer of dawn can be seen in the sky, and it seems that it will be dawn soon.

Jill's face showed an expression of expectation and uneasiness. The first small task was completed easily, and I don't know what the "sages" will let her do next.

At this time, Jill's face changed slightly. The prompt of the sages arrived as scheduled.

"Xiao, I have one more thing to trouble you." Jill said, "Can you help me find an egg of a snake-necked dragon?"

"Uh..." Xiao Yang smiled faintly, "This is no problem."

In a word, this is the second stage of the task. It seems to be simpler than the first stage, but it should not be careless. Let's do it first.

Jill saw Xiao Yang's perfunctory smile in her eyes, and her heart became inexplicably irritable. Xiao Yang must think that he is still a false illusion after all, and he only said these words after being arranged by the system program. One day, I will say to Xiao Yang that I am a real human being. Jill made such a decision.

In the observation center, Wang Hanren and Luo Ruzhi received a message from Xiao Yang. Xiao Yang talked to Helen through the communication camera: "Dr. Helen, I want to confirm one thing. On this Xiao map, is there a snake-necked dragon in the lake in the G3 area? Is this true? Isn't plesiosaurs a marine life? Why do you live in the lake?

"That's because the lake in the F3 area is a saltwater lake." Helen looked very calm. "You must find the plesiosaur there."

"Thank you, Dr. Helen." Xiao Yang said apologetically, "I'm sorry to tie you up. Please rest assured that we will never hurt you."

Helen seemed to be angry and didn't say anything, but stared at the screen.

And just three minutes later, Rena, who was gliding in the sky, couldn't help but say "Uh": "That time has finally arrived."

At this time, Xiao Yang and others are already moving towards the G3 area in the southeast. There is a grassland ahead, and you can't see the edge at a glance. The grass here is two meters high, and when people walk in, it seems to be submerged by grass.

Xiao Yang walked at the front and split the long grass in front of him with a daily walker's knife. Jill and Fang Xin were close to him and alerted about the situation around him. The grass is too high and dense. I don't know how much danger there is hidden in it. If you don't pay attention, you may lose your life.

"There is a sound nearby." Xiao Yang said and stopped cweeting. The other two said that they didn't hear anything, so Xiao Yang fell down and listened with his ears close to the ground.

Xiao Yang heard it correctly. There were dinosaur footsteps in all directions, which sounded quite messy. The ground also began to have a weak shock, and it seemed that there were a large number of dinosaurs walking.

When Xiao Yang asked Helen if this was normal, Helen replied, "Don't worry. Now many dinosaurs are awake, and it's normal for them to walk around.

Xiao Yang was in a good mood and continued to move forward with the other two people. But he soon stopped again. The ground is shaking more and more. The footsteps of the dinosaurs are getting closer and closer. Judging from the sound, at least six dinosaurs are approaching this side. As for the quantity, it is impossible to estimate.

The function of the enemy radar has not been restored, and Xiao Yang is not sure that the target of these dinosaurs is the three of them.

"If those dinosaurs really run this way, it will be dangerous even if we are just stepped on." Jill said, "I think we'd better find a way to hide first."

The surrounding grasslands are nowhere to be hidden. It's impossible to go back to the mountain.

Then, we can only escape now. Xiao Yang took a deep breath: "All close to me. I'm going to use the beast soul variant."

It must be dangerous to seal them into the beasts and fight together for a long time, but it should not be a problem to carry them. That's how Xiao Yang thought about it.

The next moment, countless flesh and blood tissues quickly formed on the outside of the three people's bodies. It took less than a minute for the beast summoned by Xiao Yang to be fully constructed. The spine plate on the back, the sharp mouth and long tail, and the strong forelimbs; that is obviously the image of Spinosaurus that has just been bombarded by Jill.

The main reason why Xiaoyang uses the Spinosaurus body is that it walks quite fast. Secondly, it is the land hegemon on this island, which not only has considerable terrible combat effectiveness, but also has a natural deterrent to other terrestrial dinosaurs.

Judging from the footsteps of those dinosaurs, the number of dinosaurs in the south should be the smallest. So Xiao Yang manipulated the spiny dragon body and ran straight south.

The spinosaur is nearly 20 meters away in one step, and its huge body is not clumsy at all, and its pace is even similar to that of humans. The strong wind blew through both sides of the Spinosaurus body, and the nearby scenery quickly retreated. Even Xiao Yang, who manipulated the Spinosaurus body, was a little surprised. This Spinosaurus body was even faster than the original diamond body.

In fact, the real prehistoric dinosaurs can never run so fast, but the creatures here are all products of the artistic processing of movie games, so they have such a perverted running speed.

The footsteps of the dinosaurs behind them are gradually getting smaller, and it seems that their speed can't be compared with Spinosaurus. Many dinosaurs' footsteps calmed down in front of them, and dinosaurs were moving in a new direction. At this time, Xiao Yang felt that maybe it was really an illusion before that the movements of those dinosaurs were normal behavior.

Xiao Yang did not stop because of this. Anyway, we have to go south. Now let's take a bus.

Through the vision of Spinosaurus, Xiao Yang saw several Triceratops appear in front of him. Those Triceratops blocked Xiao Yang's way forward, and Xiao Yang immediately manipulated the body of Spinosaurus and roared, trying to scare off those triceratops.

I didn't expect that those Triceratops seemed to turn a deaf ear. They not only did not retreat, but also rushed in the direction of Spinosaurus! When Xiao Yang was surprised, those triceratops had rushed to the side of Spinosaurus and pushed their horns towards the Spinosaurus!

Xiao Yang manipulated the body of Spinosaurus to bite one of the triceratops, directly picked it up, and smashed it on the other triceratopus. The two Triceratops collided so heavily that they couldn't move for a while. However, other Triceratops still attacked the Spinosaurus body bravely, and the Spinosaurus body was stabbed several times.

Xiao Yang overturned the Triceratops one by one with the strong forelimbs of Spinosaurus, but they stood up tenaciously.

"Fit, are these Triceratops crazy? How dare you challenge the top predators! I don't have time to play with you!" Xiao Yang scolded like this and directly hit a road with the body of Spinosaurus and ran forward quickly. Those Triceratops were still chasing behind, but the spiny dragon's body was so fast that it quickly got rid of them.

"It hurts." Fang Xin's voice came from the body of Spinosaurus. At the same time, Jill also said that she was also in pain. The pain of being stabbed by some Triceratops just now also reached Fang Xin and others.

"Forbearance. Now I can't remove the beast soul variant. Xiao Yang said.

The Spinosaurus continued to run. The footsteps of the dinosaurs in front of them are getting less and less. But Xiao Yang was more worried, because his eyesight was not as good as usual, and he couldn't figure out the exact situation ahead.

Xiao Yang has super vision and super hearing, but after using the beast soul variant, his five senses are associated with the Spinosaurus body. He can't use these abilities, but can only rely on the five senses of Spinosaurus itself. The auditory range of Spinosaurus is similar to that of elves, but the field of vision is quite limited, and things more than 200 meters away can't be seen clearly.

Xiao Yang suddenly gave a "ah" sound. Countless dinosaurs were reflected in the vision of Spinosaurus. Dozens of arrow-backed dragons lined up in a square array; hundreds of allosaurus and allosauruses howled in a hoarse voice; countless Veloraptor were lying on the ground ready to go; and even more than a dozen tyrannosaurus rexes scattered among these carnivorous dinosaurs.

What's more, as soon as they saw Xiao Yang's Spinosaurus body, they all rushed over like hungry wolves!

Countless carnivorous dinosaurs surrounded Xiaoyang's Spinosaurus body. Xiao Yang manipulated the Spinosaurus body and made a deterrent action, but no dinosaur bought it. They rushed over like crazy, as if they didn't care about their lives at all.

More than a dozen Velociraptor were the first to rush to the body of Spinosaurus. Xiao Yang shook the long tail of Spinosaurus and swept towards the Velociraptors like a huge stick. The Velociraptors were immediately swept away and fell into the square array of the carnivorous dragons behind them, sounding the sound of broken bones.

Then a new Velociraptor continued to attack. Xiao Yang raised his long tail again to sweep the nearest Velociraptor, and then turned around and ran away. Such a large number of carnivorous dinosaurs can't be easily handled, and there is no need to risk fighting against them.

Spinosaurus runs very fast, and most carnivorous dragons can't catch up, but those pioneers and Raptors run faster than Spinosaurus. A large group of Veloraptor moved forward in parallel with the Spinosaurus body. From time to time, Velociraptor stretched out its mouth and bit the body of the Spinosaurus body, making the body bloody.

Xiao Yang resisted the pain from the body of Spinosaurus and took advantage of the tonnage of Spinosaurus body. While opening the way with two forelimbs, he rushed straight with his huge body. Some Velociraptor were even directly broken and collapsed to the ground, and the other carnivorous dragons chasing behind stepped directly over them, stepping on their flesh and blood.

At the same time, Xiao Yang is also changing the course of action and stepping on those Velociraptors who are parallel to the Spinosaurus. The number of Velociraptors around them began to decrease significantly. However, the number of Velociraptors is too large. Some of the Velociraptors that run very fast have even rushed to the front, forming a line of defense to block Xiao Yang's road.

Xiao Yang grabbed a Velociraptor in front of him with the long mouth of Spinosaurus and used his huge body to squeeze out a road to rush out. In this way, more than a dozen Velociraptors were overturned, and these Velociraptors that fell to the ground for a while turned into roadblocks to stop the pursuers behind them.

The Velociraptor held in its mouth was still struggling. Xiao Yang chewed its body while running and swallowed it into his stomach. The vitality of the veloraptor turned into natural force and rushed into Xiao Yang's body, cheering him up, continuing to sweep the Velociraptor around him and accelerating forward.

The swept-off Velociraptor turned into an obstacle, greatly slowing down the speed of the pursuers behind. Seeing that there are fewer and fewer carnivorous dragons chasing behind Spinosaurus's body.

But at this moment, Xiao Yang's heart suddenly shocked. Hundreds of meters ahead, small mountains stand quietly. Although he couldn't see it clearly with Spinosaurus's eyes, Xiao Yang also knew that these things were by no means mountain bags. There are no hills on the grassland. These things that look like hill bags are all those super-large plant-eating dinosaurs.

Planting dinosaurs and carnivorous dinosaurs came out at the same time to form a siege. Xiao Yang couldn't even dream of this scene. But the reality is so cruel in front of Xiao Yang and others that there is no place to hide.

The defense line composed of those plant-eating dinosaurs is endless, and I don't know how long it is. Although Spinosaurus's body is huge, it can't be compared with those plant-eating dinosaurs. I'm afraid it will be difficult to break through this line smoothly.

Desp> Despite this, Xiao Yang still drove the Spinosaurus body to charge forward. He doesn't