Fruit Empire


can stop. Once you stop moving forward, it will be troublesome to be surrounded by those carnivorous dinosaurs.

When he rushed to the front of the feeding dinosaur group, Xiao Yang's angry Xiao opened the long mouth of Spinosaurus and roared loudly. For those who feed on dinosaurs, Spinosaurus is the most terrible predator. The roar and intimidation of Spinosaurus, coupled with the roaring power of fierce beasts, must be able to work on them.

Sure enough, this roar made many plant-eating dinosaurs tremble and no longer calm as before. Xiao Yang took the opportunity to drive away the front Thunder Dragon and Liang Long. As long as they can get a way out, it will be much easier to escape.

But his plan did not succeed, because the eating dinosaurs only panicked for a while and soon settled down, and no matter how much Xiao Yang roared, they could not move. Xiao Yang remembered the triangular dragons he had met before, and they were also fearless. Now it seems that it is not a coincidence. On second thought, it is really abnormal for carnivorous dinosaurs and plant-eating dinosaurs to go out together. Presumably, the abnormal movements of these dinosaurs did not come from their instincts. There must be other reasons why they all targeted their own team.

Damn it, who the hell is doing the trouble? That Reina should not have such ability. Is there another soul messenger on this island?

Xiao Yang did not think more deeply about this issue. Because the carnivorous dinosaurs behind have gradually caught up. The only thing Xiao Yang needs to do now is to escape from this desperate situation surrounded by strong enemies.

In the observation center, the monitor that originally showed the real-time situation on Xiaoyang is now completely dark. The system shows that the communication connection has not been cut off, but now Wang Hanren and Luo Ruzhi can neither see Xiao Yang's situation nor hear their voices. The situation has become like this since Xiao Yang's beast soul variant was successful, and it has not changed until now. Not only that, they can't hear the sound from the walkie-talkie on their watch.

Wang Hanren rubbed his nails anxiously. Her usually carefully cared for her nails have become rough and even cracked in some places, but she is not in the mood to think about it now. She just calms her uneasy mood by rubbing her nails.

Luo Ruzhi held the steering wheel tightly with his hand. There is one thing that worries him very much. The enchanted messenger who dragged himself out just now may not have died. The captain and the others were in crisis. Isn't it caused by the soul messenger?

In order not to worry Xiao Yang, Luo Ruzhi did not tell Xiao Yang that he had been abdiced by the enchanted messenger, but told him that he had gone out to patrol for a while. Moreover, Luo Ruzhi also felt that the soul messenger could not be so divine at that time. After being sealed into the stone, it should not be able to move normally, and it was impossible to go to Xiaoyang to make trouble again.

Maybe your judgment is wrong. Now find a way to tell the captain what happened to them just now, which may be helpful to them. Luo Ruzhi thought so and pressed the intercom button with his hand. Although Xiao Yang's voice can't be heard in the walkie-talkie, maybe the voice here can be transmitted.

"Oh!" Just before Luo Ruzhi was ready to open his mouth, there was a sound of broken glass windows in the observation center. Something broke into the window!

Soon, those things had rushed to the hall. It was more than a dozen adult jaw dragons, which quickly surrounded the flying car.

"Help me!" Helen shouted in horror. Luo Ruzhi thought for a moment and dragged Helen, who was tied up, into the flying car with one hand, and then quickly started the flying car.

The flying car broke through the encirclement of Xiu jaw dragon and flew out of the observation center. Luo Ruzhi was not in the mood to think about Xiao Yang's situation at this time. He must ensure the safety of himself and Wang Hanren. As for Xiao Yang, he could only pray for their safety.

Xiao Yang turned the head of Spinosaurus to the surrounding carnivorous dinosaurs and calmly thought about countermeasures. In the rear, the plant-eating dinosaurs who refused to retreat completely blocked the retreat of Spinosaurus, and countless carnivorous dinosaurs were staring at them in front of them.

However, it is far from being necessary to accept fate. Think calmly, there are still some advantages here. First of all, the Spinosaurus body has not suffered any serious injuries, and its combat effectiveness is still there, and the Spinosaurus body is still the strongest among all the dinosaurs present. No dinosaur can defeat itself one-on-one. Secondly, although there are many hostile carnivorous dragons, the space is limited, and they can't all rush up at the same time.

Xiao Yang's peace of mind. He knows how to fight.

At this time, the Velociraptors closest to Spinosaurus had rushed up. They surrounded the front limbs of Spinosaurus, and several Veloraptor even jumped directly on the back of Spinosaurus and bit the spineplate on the back of Spinosaurus. The pain came from the back of the spine dragon's body. Let alone Xiao Yang, the other two people have moaned with pain.

Xiao Yang turned to the nearest Liang Long, shook the body of the Spinosaurus body, and threw all the Velociraptors behind him heavily. Then, he suddenly bit the dragon's neck with the long mouth of the spiny dragon. Liang Long immediately struggled miserably, and his huge body shook from side to side, and squeezed out some space around him. Xiao Yang manipulated the spine dragon body and bit off Liang Long's neck, and then immediately got into the empty place beside Liang Long.

In this way, the Spinosaurus body is equivalent to inserting into the defense line of the plant-eating dinosaurs. Its left, right and rear are surrounded, and the carnivorous dinosaurs can only attack from the front.

Three veloraptors rushed, and the body of Spinosaurus suddenly bit one of the Velociraptors and swallowed it into its stomach, and then bit the second Velociraptor and threw it into the sky. The Velociraptor was thrown more than 20 meters high and could not move soon after landing.

At this time, another allosaurus jumped up from the carnivorous phalanx and landed directly in front of the body of Spinosaurus. The allosaurus bit its mouth on the neck of the Spinosaurus body, but the spinosaurus body immediately stretched out its sharp front paws and pierced the throat of the allosaurus, and the allosaurus fell to the ground in pain.

The allosaurus is much larger than the Velociraptor, and Xiao Yang came up with a good idea. He manipulated the body of Spinosaurus to hold the tail of the allosaurus and hit it against other carnivorous dinosaurs like a meteor hammer. The sound of dinosaurs' bones colliding and cracking came one after another. By the time the allosaurus had been smashed into a soft rotten meat, a lot of carnivorous dragons lying on the ground.

But the carnivorous dragons did not give up at all. Immediately, four allosauruses rushed to the body of Spinosaurus at the same time. In fact, the battle space can also accommodate three allosauruses at the same time. The last allosaurus did not squeeze in and jumped up suddenly!

The heavy body of allosaurus fell on the neck of Spinosaurus. Ka--" Xiao Yang seemed to hear the sound of his neck being broken.

Xiao Yang almost thought that his neck was broken at that time. Fortunately, what was broken was only a thorn plate on the neck of Spinosaurus. The allosaurus then slipped down from the neck of the Spinosaurus body, and Xiao Yang immediately bit off the head of the allosaurus with the long mouth of the Spinosaurus body and threw its body towards the allosaurus approaching him. Perhaps because the power thrown over was not strong enough, the three allosauruses hit by the corpses of the same kind were not seriously injured and continued to pounce on the body of Spinosaurus.

The spiny dragon body that fights with the three-headed allosaurus does not have much advantage. Although those allosaurus were bitten miserably, the head and neck of Spinosaurus were scarred, its right eye was scratched, and several teeth fell off. The blood from the struggle was sprinkled all over the ground, and the strong pain stimulated Xiao Yang's nerves.

The attack methods of Spinosaurus are far less than that of the diamond body. What's more troublesome is that the difference between the Spinosaurus body and the human body is so big that it is far less easy to control the diamond body. In fact, there were such problems when using the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the giant crocodile tortoise, but at that time, they did not encounter such a difficult battle as now, so it felt less obvious.

The fight continues. The movement of Spinosaurus became slower, while the attacks of allosauruses became more fierce. Xiao Yang could hear the sound of Jill and Fang Xin gritting their teeth and persisting. Not only myself, but also the two of them have reached the limit. But now the situation is so passive that even the three allosauruses in front of us can't see any hope of escape.

No, Spinosaurus should not be so weak. There must be ways to improve its combat effectiveness. At this time, Xiao Yang finally remembered a skill "beast soul sensing" that he had learned before. Through the beast soul induction, it can be synhoned with the memory of the beast soul, thus awakening the beast's own fighting instinct.

Xiao Yang immediately activated the beast soul induction. The memory of the giant raging on land before his death rushed to him. After a few seconds, the process of beast soul sensing has been completed.

Spinosaurus raised its head, and its momentum was completely different from before. Spinosaurus stretched out its thick forelimbs, and its sharp claws waved to the belly of the nearest Allosaurus. Just for a moment, the claw cut the belly of Allosaurus, and his intestines and belly poured out.

Then the spinysaurus turned to the second allosaurus. Spinosaurus's body closes its long mouth, let Allosaurus bite its mouth, and then suddenly shrugged its sharp mouth hard. The power of Spinosaurus's neck is beyond imagination, and its sharp mouth penetrates the throat of allosaurus like a spear!

Xiao Yang cheered up and was preparing to fight with the third allosaurus, but at this time, the voices of Jill and Fang Xin came from his body.

"Captain, I really can't stand the pain. Can you let me out?" This is Fang Xin talking.

"Xiao, I can't help this kind of pain..." Jill said.

"Hear back!" Xiao Yang roared while driving the Spinosaurus body to attack allosaurus. In fact, it's not just Jill and Fang Xin, but Xiao Yang himself is also in pain. It's just because he is now focused on the battle and ignores the pain on his body.

After killing the third allosaurus, a Velociraptor that had been blocked behind allosaurus jumped in and attacked the spinosaurus body. Spinosaurus quickly stretched out its long mouth and bit it into two pieces!

But at the same time, Fang Xin's weak voice came from his body: "...Captain, I have to rest for a while..."

Xiao Yang called Fang Xin in his body, but he did not get a response. Fang Xin really fainted.

Xiao Yang was very anxious to get the news. There are countless threatening carnivorous dragons in front of them, which can be said to be thousands of people. Even if Xiaoyang fights for his life, it is absolutely impossible to kill them all. Therefore, Xiao Yang's plan is to kill enough carnivorous dragons and build a wall with their corpses to completely block the road. After that, Xiao Yang will remove the beast soul variant and escape from the back of the plant-eating dinosaur with Jill and Fang Xin, so that the carnivorous dinosaurs can't catch up. And because these plant-eating dinosaurs are very crowded, running from their backs is like walking on a hillside, which is not too difficult.

But now Xiao Yang's plan has become a fantasy. In such a place, how can you escape with a fainted person! And if Jill also faints, there will be two people who can't act by herself.

At this time, a horrible low roar came from a very close place. The Velociraptor and Allosaurus in the front were brutally squeezed aside, and then a huge and horrible beast came out of the middle.

That's another Spinosaurus. Although it is smaller than Xiaoyang's Spinosaurus, its strength is not bad at all. It picked aside the other carnivorous dragons that dared to block the way and walked in the direction of Xiaoyang.

The new Spinosaurus walked to the pile of blocked dinosaur corpses, and Xiao opened his mouth and picked up one of the bodies and threw them back. Seeing this scene, Xiao Yang became more anxious. If this Spinosaurus is allowed to remove all the dinosaur corpses that have been piled up, there will really be no chance to escape.

Wait, since there is only one spinysaurus in front now, doesn't it mean that other carnivorous dragons can't rely on it? Xiao Yang thought of this and immediately removed the beast soul variant, and all three people in the body of Spinosaurus fell back to the ground. Fang Xin completely fell asleep on the ground, and Jill also held her knees and gasped there.

"Can you still move? Then quickly climb up the thunder dragon next to you and run that way!" Xiao Yang said to Jill, as he used his beast body skills, replaced King Kong's arms, raised Fang Xin and threw it at Leilong. Fang Xin fell on Lei Long's back and was finally woken up, but his head was still sweating coldly. The pain he just felt in Spinosaurus has caused serious damage to his spirit, and he is still suffering from headaches.

Jill and Xiao Yang helped each other climb on Leilong's back and came to Fang Xin. Xiao Yang began to use the camera to contact the observation center, but no one answered; as for the watch walkie-talkie, she couldn't get in touch at all. Xiao Yang originally wanted to throw away the camera directly, but thought that it might still be useful, so he let it stand on his shoulder and leave it alone.

At this time, the Spinosaurus was still cleaning up the body blocked by the road. Because some of the bones of Velociraptor and allosaurus corpses were stuck together and it was troublesome to pull them together, it began to eat the bodies directly.

The Velociraptor behind were ready to jump over Spinosaurus to chase Xiao Yang and others, but the Spinosaurus was very fierce. As long as a velociraptor jumped on itself, it would throw them down, so no Veloraptor had not chased it. Some Veloraptors began to find another way out and began to jump towards some thunder dragons and Liang Long next to them, trying to chase the three people from their backs. Leilong and Lianglong are very tall, and it is not easy for Velociraptors to jump up, but they have been trying hard and think that they will succeed in a while.

Xiao Yang sat down and rested for a minute, and then stood up: "Let's run. There is no time."

Jill immediately followed Xiao Yang and began to run. Fang Xin shook his head palely: "Let me rest for a while."

Xiao Yang did not agree to his request and took his hand with King Kong's arm to force him to run forward. Jill also took Xiao Yang's hand at this time. In this way, the three people pulled each other and ran on the backs of the feeding dinosaurs.

But gradually, even Xiao Yang couldn't run. This is not a matter of physical strength. Before the phantom reincarnation mission, Xiao Yang's rest was not enough. In addition, the time he just used the beast soul variant to fight was too long. His spirit was extremely tired, his body was as heavy as a stone, and his eyes were almost unable to open.

Xiao Yang cut his left shoulder with the nails on King Kong's arm, and the flowing blood made him suddenly wake up. At least this can keep him awake for a period of time, but it is hard to say whether he can escape from this dinosaur array.

A faint morning fog has risen. The head can't be seen on the slopes that feed on dinosaurs in front of them. Looking back, some persistent Velociraptors have jumped on the back of the shortest thunder dragon. They easily ran and jumped on the backs of the thunder dragons and dragons, and they were about to catch up.

"...It's over." Jill's voice was extremely frustrated.

"Don't give up. Run as much as possible and delay time!" Xiao Yang shouted, "It won't be long before I can use the beast soul variant again. This time, I will be able to escape easily with the diamond body!"

It's just that he is comforting the other two and deceiving himself. Even if you use the King Kong body, you may not be able to escape. What's more, Xiao Yang's current mental state needs to rest for at least three hours before he can return to the state of using the beast soul variant.

But Xiaoyang must also say so now. If anyone gives up, it's all over.

"Oh, my God, what is that?" Jill suddenly shouted.

There is a human-sized cocoon on the back of the thunder dragon in front of him. The skin of the thunder dragon around the cocoon seems to have been burned, completely blackened. The more you look at such a strange thing here, the more you look at it, the more incongruous it becomes.

Seeing this cocoon, Xiao Yang suddenly remembered Alexia, who had been killed several times. In the game, she transformed into a second form in such a cocoon, but the last time she was reborn in the flames on Axifort Island.

But the plot of Biochemistry has long been completed. Why did this kind of thing appear on this island? Xiao Yang thought calmly and pulled the other two to turn around and run in another direction.

"No matter what it is, don't mess with it now." Xiao Yang shouted, "It's important to escape first. This thing should not come out immediately.

"Ka-" The cocoon suddenly cracked. A pair of huge meat wings drilled out of the cocoon and stretched out! The wings are more than five meters long, a bit like the wings of a pterosaur and a little like the thin wings of a dragonfly.

The cocoon was completely stretched out, and the "things" inside stood up. Xiao Yang's eyes widened and couldn't speak for a moment.

"Ah! Meet here. I thought I would have to wait at least a little longer. The people in the cocoon smiled and said, "Brother Yang, are you all right?"

"Hmm." Xiao Yang also showed a long-lost smile, "We are fine, but it's better to add you, Peng Fei."

"It seems that I don't have time to explain what happened to me now. I'll talk to you later. Anyway, you hold me first. I'm going to drag the three of you to fly, and there should be no problem. Peng Fei said.

"Hold it?" Xiao Yang suspected that he had misheard. Peng Fei is about the same as Jill. Jill and Xiao Yang can barely hug him. As a big man, Fang Xin can't hold him.

"It's not for you to hold my body, so I can't fly." Peng Fei said, "This is what I told you to hold."

With that, Peng Fei stretched countless silky tentacles from his knees and woven them into two long ropes