Fruit Empire


Looking around, he finally looked at the sandstone hidden by Xiao Yang. The big bone wings vibrated violently and flew over to Xiao Yang. Several vulture flew past Rena and were instantly torn into meat dregs by her bone wings.

Xiao Yang's heart was beating. He held his breath and completely hidden his figure behind the sandstone. Presumably, you won't find yourself with Reina's eyesight.

Rina should be in a state of unconsciousness now. She is full of aggression and is likely to kill without distinguishing the enemy.

Xiao Yang wanted to avoid fighting with Rena as much as possible, so he hid here cautiously. I hope Rena will fly over like this and don't find yourself. But if you really can't avoid it, I'm afraid you have to use that trick.

Rina flew over Xiaoyang. She stopped and began to land on the sandstone.

Xiao Yang curled up his body tighter. The sand from the strong wind hit him in the face. He knew that Reina was very close to him.

The black storm gradually weakened. The tank carrying Luo Ruzhi, Jill and Aina finally fell back to the sand and no longer moved with the wind. The instruments inside the tank seemed to have automatically shut down, and the three people all closed their eyes and fell on their seats in an ugly position. There are no scars on Jill and Luo Ruzhi's body. The protection of protective clothing has made them not suffer any major injuries, and those minor injuries have been repaired by their rebirth potential.

When the tank was blown in the air by the black storm, all three of them were knocked unconscious. The impact is accompanied by a slight concussion, and it is difficult to wake up in a short time without external stimulation.

Dozens of minutes have passed, and the center of the black storm has passed. A few kilometers away from the tank, a team of people are marching. They all wear strange clothes with tubes, bright blue eyes and bronze skin. The leaders of this group of people held a special-shaped telescope in their hands and looked around.

He found three tanks in the field of vision of the telescope.

"It's a sonic tank!" The leader whispered, "It's a little old and there is no sign. Although I can't see anyone inside, it's mostly abandoned by someone outside.

"There must be some usable parts that can't be wasted. Let's call the transport plane to drag it back." Someone suggested.

"Okay." The leader agreed with his suggestion.

Soon, a multi-wing transport plane with a total length of more than 30 meters flew over. The team walked in the direction of the tank with the transport plane.

They walked to the sonic tank and shouted. But no one answered in the tank. They checked the operation of the tank with instruments and found that the engine and instrument of the tank had stopped working.

"We don't have an infrared device or life detection device here, and we can't detect anyone in it. And we don't have a special device to open the hood of the sonic tank. A man in work clothes said to the leader, "What should we do?"

"Don't worry, this tank is 100% unusal. Trust my experience." The leader said, "We will ship it directly back to the tribe. If there is really someone in it, we can take their water away.

"I see. Let's do it."

The tank was hoisted into the cargo compartment of the transport plane and flew towards the distance.

In the tank, Aina was the first to wake up. She found that the engines and meters of the tank were automatically turned off and immediately restarted them. A small part of the instrument has been broken, but the main part is still intact.

Aina saw the situation outside the tank from the surveillance screen. This is in a closed space, perhaps in the cargo hold of some means of transport.

Aina stood up. She stepped to Luo Ruzhi's seat, squeezed him out of his seat with her small body, and sat up by herself.

Luo Ruzhi woke up. He just felt that his mind was confused and couldn't remember why he was here. He saw Ina sitting next to him and thought about it before vaguely remembering her name: "Aina?"

Aina didn't answer him. She skillfully operated the turret and fired in the direction of the cab.

With a loud sound, the whole transport plane shook violently. The steel plate that isolated the cockpit and the cargo compartment suddenly cracked into several pieces. Luo Ruzhi saw that the steel plates were all more than one meter thick in the tank, and he couldn't help gasping. What exactly did this tank launch just now? Obviously, I didn't see the explosion, but it produced such a terrible power. Is it that kind of science fiction weapon?

Several people in strange clothes came out of the cockpit, all with all kinds of guns and * in their hands. Ina aimed at those people and was ready to press the launch button.

"Stop!" Luo Ruzhi subconsciously took Aina's hand, "You can't shoot at people!"

"Why?" Ina asked him with her big eyes.

"Don't you understand? Then they will die! Then you will kill people!" Luo Ruzhi roared.

"They are facing me with weapons. They are the enemy. What's wrong with me killing the enemy?" Ina seemed to feel very strange. "Dad told me that only by killing all the enemies can we be happy."

Luo Ruzhi felt cold in his heart. Bastard! Why is there such a father?

No. It's too difficult to convince her now. There is only one thing I can do.

"Listen, Ina, you don't have to kill anymore." Luo Ruzhi pressed the launch button fiercely, "I will kill all those enemies!"

The bodies of the group in front of them were torn apart in the air and their blood splashed. Looking at the broken corpse, Luo Ruzhi remembered the reason why he was here.

This is in the hell game. And he is also a lonely soul who should aim to kill people.

Luo Ruzhi couldn't help but be surprised by his behavior just now. Why did you stop Aina from firing? Is it because I saw my sister's shadow on Ina's body?

The multi-wing transport plane suffered two consecutive sonic attacks, and the body finally couldn't stand it and cracked. The sonic tank slid down and fell from a height of 100 meters.

Xiao Yang felt that the palms of his hands were sweating. He knew that Rena had landed on the sandstone. Now the vertical distance between the two sides is no more than ten meters, but Xiao Yang's hiding position is very hidden. It is reasonable that Rena should not find him easily.

But Xiao Yang soon saw the pair of bone wings unfolding in all directions and searching near the sandstone. You can't avoid it if it goes on like this.

Xiao Yang took a deep breath. There is no way. We have to take the lead to avoid worse situations. He used his beast skills to replace King Kong's limbs, and then quickly climbed to the top of the sandstone.

Xiao Yang just went up and happened to meet with Reina. He immediately released three blood orchid blows on Rena. Rena's feeling is also extremely sensitive, so this pain should have a good effect on her, and three consecutive times should make her fall into a coma.

"It hurts... Xiao... Xiao Yang, you... actually attacked me... Are you sick?" Reina fell to the ground and rolled while cursing.

Xiao Yang was shocked. Rena's reaction doesn't seem to have lost self-control at all.

"Are you out of control?" Xiao Yang asked in disbelief.

"Out of control... What out of control? I have successfully completed the evolution. You idiot!" Reina finally recovered and gasped in the sand.

"But your horrible bone wings and burning eyes... In addition, you also inexplicably killed a lot of vulture."

"There is nothing we can do. It's always like this when the evolution is completed. It will take some time to return to normal. As for those vulture, I'm testing my own strength. Rena looked at Xiao Yang with resentful eyes, "You are also cruel enough. Without asking me, he began to attack directly.

Xiao Yang is speechless. This Rena is really out of common sense. Who would think she is normal with her current ghostly appearance?

"...Forget it, as long as you are normal." Xiao Yang finally said, "Hurry up and accompany me to find Luo Ruzhi and Jill. I can't feel their existence. Most of them are more than 100 kilometers away from us, so they cut off contact.

"Wait. Tell me first, where to find them? Our sense of direction has been messed up for a long time, and the black storm is not visible now. Reina said, "In my opinion, it's better to act separately. I think they should be able to save their lives."

Xiao Yang was silent. Renea is right, but...

"The living people of this team will enter this scene in five minutes. All units, please start to obstruct the battle." The voice of the sages sounded.

In all parts of the sand sea, every soul envoy and lonely soul heard this sentence. This round of games is about to begin.

"A living person is going to appear." Xiao Yang said to Rena, "What do you think now?"

Rina is tidying up her bone wings at this time. The bone wings more than 200 meters long and wide gradually retracted into her body, but there was no trace, just like a four-dimensional pocket in her body that could be infinitely folded.

Rena raised her head after hearing Xiao Yang's words: "First of all, we must find those living people. Then explore their tasks as soon as possible and formulate corresponding countermeasures. Ordinary soul messengers obstruct the battle in this way.

"Is this a general method?" Xiao Yang asked, "Do you mean there is a special way?"

Rina smiled and said, "Look for the misty stone first."

"Mist Stone? I have never heard of such a thing."

"Few people know the mist stone even among the soul messengers. But I am the exception. You are lucky to meet me. Rena moistened her lips and continued to explain, "The mist stone is an excellent prop for dealing with living people. It can disable the enemy's radar within a certain time and space."

"What!" Xiao Yang lost his voice and said, "Then the radar failure we encountered before..."

"Yes. That's all caused by mist stones. Rena smiled and said, "Once the misty stone is activated, it can be played by the enemy radar, and it will be easy to play some tricks after that."

"...It's terrible." Xiao Yang held his forehead, "Then how can I get this misty stone?"

"The mist stones can't be sold, but there must be several pieces in each scene, but no one knows exactly where they are." Reina said, "They are irregular black crystals. The smallest is as big as the palm of your hand and the largest person is as big as someone."

"The scope of the scene is so large, how can we find the mist stone?"

The mist stone is very light, and it must be floating on the surface. And according to my experience, it will not be hidden in a too hidden place. At this time, Reina has recovered all the bone wings, and the reddish-brown lines that climbed on her face have faded a lot. "Relying on your eyesight, we should be able to find it easily. Of course, we are looking for more than a sty stone. By the way, scout the whole scene and get as much valuable information as possible.

Xiao Yang began to meditate. It is a good idea to conduct a comprehensive reconnaissance of the whole scene. In addition to the ros, you can also search for living people and Luo Ruzhi. Besides, Rina has high mobility and super vision, and the combination of the two can be regarded as a perfect battlefield reconnaissance partner. The only problem is--

"How big is the scene in general? Is it too late to conduct a comprehensive reconnaissance? Xiao Yang asked.

"Each scene is different in size, and some are even as big as the real earth. But I don't think the desert scene is big this time. Rena said, "In a day and night, you should be able to search all the major areas."

"Intuition is not reliable at all." Xiao Yang leaned against Rena, "But I can't think of a better strategy now. Take me to heaven."

Rina hugged Xiao Yang as before, spread her wings about ten meters and went straight to the sky. At this time, Xiao Yang noticed that the color of her bones and wings had changed again and became quite light blue and white, integrating with the sky.

"Your wings will change color?" Xiao Yang asked.

"Not only this pair of wings, but every part of my body can change color at will." Rena said that she stretched out more blue and white bone rings from her torso and limbs, wrapped Xiao Yang's body almost completely in it, and then said, "In this way, I can directly rely on camouflage to hide myself in most areas without always relying on invisible devices."

"Yes, I wanted to ask you for a long time. Will there be side effects when using that thing? Xiao Yang asked.

"Ah, you found it." Reina put her head to Xiao Yang's ear, "That's right. The longer the continuous use of the invisible generator, the weaker the user will be, and the longer the time of weakness will be. So it's better to use less."

Xiao Yang vaguely felt this when he was on the other side of the tower. At that time, they met Yuan Hu, and Reina, who said she would definitely kill Yuan Hu, did not provoke a fight at that time. This was not like Rena's style at all, so Xiao Yang speculated that Rena was not in the best state at that time. Later, Reina was attacked by sandworms, which also proved her weakness. Even if Rena is injured, she will not become weak, so the only factor that causes Rena's weakness can only be the invisible device.

Reina herself didn't know that there were side effects before, but she understood it as soon as she used it. Now that I think about it, Lei Yang, who once commanded the four soul messengers, died really unjustly. If he hadn't used the invisible device for dozens of hours, I'm afraid Reina and Ladi wouldn't have killed him at all.

Xiao Yang's eyes swept over the sand below. Some small animals often crawl on the undulating sand surface, and occasionally sandworms run under the sand sea, leaving traces of uplift on the sand surface.

"There are a lot of sandworms in this place." Xiao Yang said, "In the future, we should pay attention when we act on the sand to avoid being attacked by sandworms again. I don't want to fight with this kind of thing again.

"That's right, the sandworm that attacked me at first..." Reina recalled, "It looks strange, doesn't it?"

"Hmm. I thought it was at least dozens of meters long, but I didn't expect it to be so short and the body proportion was very uncoordinated.

"I don't think it's a whole sandworm, but a part of the sandworm's body." Reina said, "There is a healing wound in the lower half of the sandworm, but you may not have noticed it at that time."

"Wound?" Xiao Yang frowned, "You mean someone attacked it?"

"I remember its wound is very new. There were no plot characters within the scope of our activities at that time, so it was probably done by the enchanted messenger. And judging from the shape of the wound, that guy may be a difficult opponent to deal with.

The air exhaled by Rena brushed on Xiao Yang's neck, making him feel a little itchy. I remember the voice in the tower on the other side said that there were 7 soul messengers this time, and there were two living people. Two soul messengers have died, and the remaining soul messengers are themselves, Reina, the person who uses the sword, and Yuan Hu. Reina doesn't pay attention to Yuan Hu and the swordsman at all, so this person who is considered tricky by Rena should be the last soul messenger.

"Xiao Yang, are you worried about the soul messenger? Listen to me, there is no need at all." Rena used a rare serious tone, "Although most of the soul messengers are cunning, treacherous and combat effectiveness, they are not our most difficult enemies to solve."

"What?" Xiao Yang was surprised that Rina would say that. He asked, "As you say, who is the most difficult to solve?"

"Of course, those living people." Reina said with certainty, "As far as I know, there are more soul messengers in the hands of fallen living people than those who were killed by soul messengers. A soul messenger once told me such a sentence, saying that he should never underestimate a living heart. Now I know he is right. Didn't you even kill such a strong Ladi?"

Xiao Yang fell silent. Even he himself buried many enchanted messengers when he was still alive. According to analysis, compared with the soul messenger, the living man has an enemy radar, a walkie-talkie that can be contacted at will, and has convenient hints from the sages, and does not need to be restricted by any taboos. But even so, Xiao Yang agrees with Rena's statement. After all, the enchanted messenger has a sense of immortality, and there are also some abnormal props. He can also enter the scene first to arrange. If he is lucky, he can even know the tasks of the living in advance. No matter how you look at it, the soul messenger is still more dominant.

"I know you don't believe me. But I can't tell you clearly now." Rena said, "Anyway, wait and see. The disadvantage of the soul messenger is very obvious, and you will soon understand this.

About an hour later, Xiao Yang found human existence on the sand surface for the first time. It was a group of human beings in strange clothes with pipes, and their eyes were bright blue. They hide under a sandstone