Fruit Empire


is talking about something around a half-person-high instrument.

"That kind of clothes seems to be a filter clothing that can preserve moisture. They should indeed be the Flemans, the indigenous people of the sand dune planet Argus in Dune Castle. Xiao Yang speculated, "It seems that there are indeed a lot of things in the Dune Castle in this area."

"Can you hear what they are saying?" Rena asked.

"I may not understand what they said. They speak local language, right? Xiao Yang said.

"You will definitely understand. Unlike living people, the soul messenger is born with the ability to be proficient in all languages. Rena explained.

Xiao Yang began to concentrate his attention and used his super auditory completely to listen to the voices of those Freman people.

"They really did this!" A middle-aged Freman roared, "Which family dares to be so bold? Is it a Harkeni who is as vicious as a scorpion? Or those Odoth people who are as cunning as snakes? Or the Sadoka people of the emperor's guard? They have to pay for it! We are going to take all their water!"

"Maybe it's just smugglers? A few days after the ceasefire, there should be no blind family that will take action at this time. An old man said.

"No! That's not the case!" A young man said, "They used the old sonic tank to destroy our transport plane and kill our brothers and sisters!" It must have been done by those hateful families! Because the water of those dead brothers and sisters has not been taken away, and the smugglers will not do so.

"That's right. This is provocation, it's war! We will contact the patriarch immediately and ask him to report to Moadi. Peace is just a cover, and those hypocritical family forces still want to start a war!" The middle-aged Freman shouted, "Ho long live Freman! Long live Moadi!"

The emotions of the other Fremans were mobilized, and the old man's voice was drowned in fanatical shouts.

Xiao Yang conveyed the dialogue of those people below to Rena intact.

"...this, honey... In fact, I don't quite understand what they said..." Rene said shyly, "Can you explain it to me again?"

Huh? You should be familiar with Dune Castle, right? The original book you blurted out in front of Yuan Hu was Dune. Xiao Yang's strange way.

"It's a lot! I just talked about it casually. Who knows if it's really this? I'm not familiar with it at all. Rena muttered, "Say it quickly. What are the Freman, Hackney, Odos and Sadoka? What is Moadi?

"Okay." Xiao Yang had to start explaining.

Dune Castle takes place on the desert planet Aragis, which is rich in decaying spices. The indigenous people here are called Fremans. Water here means life, so they attach great importance to water. Anyone who dies will dry his body and get the water in it, so "taking away someone's water" means killing the other party.

Moadi is the protagonist of the novel Dune. His original name is Paul Atridi, the son of Redo Atridi, the Duke of the Atridi people, and later became the leader shared by the Fremans and the Atridi. As for the Hakeni and Odus, they are the common enemies of Freman and Moadei and the invaders who want to occupy the planet. The Sadokas are some wolf mercenaries, used by the Hakenny. Their forces kept fighting, and in the end, Moyadi led the Fremans and Atridi to victory.

"Judging from the current situation, their war is not over yet." Xiao Yang said, "Maybe this is information worth using."

"Trouble." Rena's tone became heavy, "There is a war here, which shows that the mission of the living is likely to be a war-type mission."

"What is that?" Xiao Yang asked.

"There was once a soul messenger who summarized the tasks of the living into five categories: search type, event type, killing type, survival type and war type. Of course, this is not a standard classification, but it is very valuable for reference. Rena explained, "The so-called war-type mission means that living people are transported to the battlefield, and their mission is designated to assist one party in the war to win. This is an extremely horrible task for living people.

"Isn't that good news for us?" Xiao Yang's strange way.

"Not necessarily. The system is not completely random when dispatching tasks, and the difficulty of the task is directly related to the total combat effectiveness of the living people. Rena said, "Any living person who participates in war-type missions will not be weak. If I am a living person now, I may not be selected for a war-type mission.

At this time, Xiao Yang suddenly heard a scream in his ear. That's from the Freman people below. Xiao Yang immediately refocused his attention on Freman.

"...Help! We are the Kaming Mountain Guard! We were attacked! Everyone is dead, and I'm the only one left!" Such a sound came from that machine.

"What, your whole army has been destroyed? Don't you have so many tanks and turrets? How many people are there on the other side and which family are they from? The middle-aged man who shouted slogans asked.

"There are only two people on the other side! Only one person attacked! No, he is not a human, but a monster! He can even...ah!" Finally, a scream came from the machine.

Xiao Yang looked up at Reina above him: "Is this done by a new person?"

Rina nodded speechlessly.

The Freman below began to **. They were panicked and couldn't believe the news that the alert army in the Canming Mountains was completely destroyed. According to them, the guard army has 500 ordinary infantry and is a very powerful army. Such a legion will be destroyed by the enemy in an instant, and even the appearance and origin of the enemy cannot be conveyed, which is really hard for them to imagine.

In the sky, Rena circled and whispered, "What is the level of military technology in Dune?"

"Very high. They can mobilize terrible tanks and all kinds of high-tech weapons, even laser weapons. Those weapons are probably many times more powerful than in the real world. Xiao Yang calmed his mood with a deep breath and continued, "In addition, the technology of the Freman people is not advanced, but they are the most good at fighting race. Their infantry is the most terrible on the desert planet Argus."

Rina blew in Xiao Yang's ear: "Listen to your tone, it seems that you don't believe that this is done by working people?"

"In terms of combat effectiveness, a strong living person should be able to destroy such an army. It's just that it will kill 500 people so cruelly, which is more like the work of the soul messenger. Xiao Yang speculated.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you. I bet it was done by a living person. Rena suggested, "Why don't we go to Kanming Mountain?"

Xiao Yang accepted this suggestion. The group of Fremans below are also ready to send a team to check the situation in Kanming Mountain, so Xiao Yang and Reina just need to follow the team.

In order to avoid being discovered by the keen Fremans on the way, Reina raised her flight altitude to 2,000 meters, which is the highest altitude she can fly normally after evolution. At the same time, she also flew back five or six kilometers behind the Freman reconnaissance team, far behind. Although Rena has a camouflage effect, it is safer to do so. After all, she has such a large size that the shadow falling on the ground alone is enough to expose the existence of her and Xiao Yang.

The Freman's reconnaissance team is driving an air cushion motorcycle, which is very mobile. There are five members of this reconnaissance team, one captain and one correspondent, and the other three are also on reconnaissance and combat missions.

Xiao Yang listened to the members of the reconnaissance team in the air. Although the two sides are far away, this is not a problem for Xiao Yang. There is no sandstorm in this area, and there is no other sound interference, so it is easy to hear their voices.

The three scouts and fighters seemed excited and vowed to kill the enemies who killed their compatriots. The captain was quite calm. He stopped the discussion and told them to stay awake at all times.

"The enemy is very powerful. Our mission on this trip is to at least figure out the camp they belong to and the purpose of attacking the security forces. Of course, it would be better to get their weapon intelligence. You can't contact or fight with them at will. Everything should be under my command. The captain said. The rest of the people were silent, and it seemed that they were ready to obey the captain's orders.

A few minutes later, the Freman reconnaissance team was attacked by a group of desert wolves. The number of desert wolves is about 20, and the leading wolf is tall and majestic.

"Look carefully at how strong the Freman's combat ability is." Rena said to Xiao Yang. She could only barely see the wolf and the human figure clearly, and the detailed battle situation could only be seen by Xiao Yang's eyes.

Xiao Yang nodded. By examining the combat ability of the Freman infantry, we can know from the side what kind of combat effectiveness the people who destroy 500 Freman infantry in a few minutes have.

To Xiao Yang's surprise, the reconnaissance team left only one person to deal with the wolves, and the rest continued to move forward on the air cushion motorcycle, just slowing down a little and waiting for him to catch up for a while.

The Freman infantryman left behind is the thinnest, and he is at most a boy no more than ten years old.

The wolf roared. Two wolves chased in the direction of the reconnaissance team. But the thin Freman took action. He stepped in front of the two wolves, and the white sharp knife in his hand flashed twice. Xiao Yang knows that kind of knife, which is called the whistling blade knife, which is made of the teeth of sandworms. The hollow thin tube is a sticky venom. As long as it pierces the creature, it can poison the other party.

Two desert wolves fell down. Their throats are spraying blood. The Freman's attack was quick and accurate, with a fatal blow.

The head wolf roared wildly and rushed to the Freman, but the Freman turned sideways to avoid the attack of the head wolf. He jumped up and rode on the neck of the head wolf. The Freman grabbed the wolf's fur tightly and pierced the back of its head with the whistling knife in his hand. The rest of the wolves also wanted to attack the Freman, but he cleverly used the body of the wolf to resist the attack of the wolves, and counterattacked the desert wolves in a few minutes. The wolf fell unwillingly to the ground, surrounded by three dead wolves. And the Freman suffered only some minor abrasions. He took a gun from his clothes and shot at the remaining wolves, and the wolves who lost their leader were forced to leave. The thin Freman stepped on the air cushion motorcycle again and rushed towards his companion.

"He won beautifully." Xiao Yang sincerely praised, "If I only fight with a knife, I will definitely be defeated by this infantryman."

"Although I didn't see the specific battle situation clearly, I don't think he is great. It took so long to kill six wolves." Reina said, "I'm afraid he's not as strong as the ordinary Velociraptor you met in the last level."

"He is excellent in close combat alone, and his reaction speed can even suppress ordinary firearms users at close range." Xiao Yang's words turned around, "But you're right. I don't see what special abilities or powerful weapons he has. For a slightly stronger living person or soul messenger, killing such a person is as easy as drinking water.

"Maybe we can be a little more optimistic. If the combat effectiveness of the Fremans is only at this level, it's nothing to slaughter them. Rena smiled and said, "Maybe it will be faster for me to kill."

Xiao Yang has no doubt that Reina can quickly destroy such 500 Freman infantry. However, we can't make a conclusion about the combat effectiveness of the slaughterer for the time being. Everything will not know until you see the other party with your own eyes.

The Freman reconnaissance team arrived on the outskirts of its destination, Canming Mountain, about four hours later. This is a mountainous area, but in fact, it is just a group of hills in a desert.

Half an hour before the reconnaissance team resisted the mountain, Xiao Yang saw the existence of the mountain, but he did not let Reina fly by for safety, but looked from afar. From where Xiaoyang is located, you can see some turrets in the mountains, which are all paralyzed. Next to the turret were the bodies and weapons of a small number of Fremans. They all died miserably, and their bodies were torn apart, as if they had jumped off a tall building and fell into pieces. But it seems that the main force of this guard army is hidden in the mountains, and now Xiao Yang can only see a small part of it.

After entering the mountain area, the reconnaissance team got off the air cushion motorcycle. Air cushion motorcycles are inconvenient to move in the mountains, and in the mountains in the desert, no one can run faster than the Fremans.

The terrain in the mountains is much more complex than the sand, and Rena has to narrow the distance between herself and the reconnaissance team. But this is not enough, because they are about to walk into the mountains and can't see them from the sky.

Rina had to fly to the edge of the mountain quickly, then landed, and let go of Xiao Yang. The color of Rena's body has changed into a perfect rock color. She walks in front, while Xiao Yang uses her body as a cover and walks behind. They are about one kilometer away from the Freman reconnaissance team, and it should be difficult for the other party to find them at this distance.

At this time, the reconnaissance team suddenly **, and several people were looking around. Rena and Xiao Yang quickly hid behind the stone.

"I promise that someone just showed up. Maybe they are right behind us." A reconnaissance infantryman said.

"Well, that's true, but don't panic. Their number should be two. Judging from the footsteps, they are at least one kilometer away from us. And I don't feel that they have obvious hostility, so I don't have to worry about them at all. If they are really the attackers of the guards, they will catch up with them themselves. The reconnaissance captain gave the order, "From now on, we will move forward separately and communicate regularly on the walkie-talkie every ten minutes. Report to me immediately if there is a situation, and run away immediately after being chased by the enemy. It is strictly forbidden to fight with the enemy without permission.

The reconnaissance team was divided into two groups. The first group was composed of the captain and the largest soldiers of the team, while the other three formed the second group. Among them, the captain took out a strange gun, and the others were holding whistling knives.

Xiao Yang finally decided to follow the reconnaissance captain with Reina. Anyway, even if something happens in the other group, you can hear it from the reconnaissance captain.

The two followed the reconnaissance captain far behind and headed for the hinterland of the mountain. There are many weapons on the ground, and they are all completely destroyed. Xiao Yang saw the new corpses again, and their death was still as if they had fallen to death as before.

The reconnaissance captain obviously knew that Xiao Yang and Rena were following, but he didn't even look back. He seemed to be convinced that Xiao Yang and Ruina were not the attackers, which made Xiao Yang admire him.

Half an hour has passed. The reconnaissance captain suppressed his voice very low when contacting the other team, but Xiao Yang still heard it clearly. In the three contacts, the other team reported that no suspicious situation was found.

"Captain, I can't imagine that this is a man. Many compatriots were killed before they even had time to resist. During the third contact, the other team said, "It may have been a legion that attacked the guard, and they must have used terrible new weapons."

"I will make my own judgment on what the situation is. You continue to scout." The reconnaissance captain just said so.

After the contact, the scout captain and the big man continued to move forward. As they walked through a corner of a valley, the reconnaissance captain suddenly stopped the big man: "Don't move, come back!"

The big man immediately took back his leg, but it was too late. Something grabbed his foot and pulled him up and threw him high into the sky. The big man was thrown to an altitude of more than 300 meters, and then fell down and fell into a pool of meat mud.

Without saying a word, the reconnaissance captain immediately turned around, jumped to the nearest rock and hid behind the rock. He contacted another group and said, "We met the enemy and Homes was killed. We can't deal with this enemy. You immediately stand by two kilometers away and inform Elder Jacques that the enemy's new weapon is invisible and can throw people into the sky!"

"Captain, what about you?"

"Do as I say immediately! I'll meet you later!" The reconnaissance captain did not turn off the walkie-talkie after saying that.

One kilometer behind the reconnaissance captain, Xiao Yang was hiding behind Rena's camouflage body and watching all this. The hiding position of the two was very hidden, and Reina reversed in front of her with bone wings to simulate the appearance of sandstone, and the attackers could not find them.

"This reconnaissance captain is going to die by himself." Rena concluded, "Thanks to me, I thought he was a very calm guy."

Xiao Yang didn't say anything, but quietly looked at the reconnaissance captain who still didn't know his name. He took out a rope and tied one of his feet to the hidden rock, and then poked his head out from the edge of the rock.

Then, he was pulled by something like his companions,