Fruit Empire


But because his feet were tied to the stone, he was not pulled into the sky, but deadlocked with that huge force.

"The enemy's weapon is the line! It's a very thin line, so it's hard to see! The line is sticky and can't be pulled!" The reconnaissance captain said and looked around, "The enemy is..."

The reconnaissance captain's body was suddenly pulled in half, and he couldn't say the next words. Until the end, there was no fear or panic on his face. Xiao Yang couldn't help salute the nameless reconnaissance captain in his heart.

Xiao Yang searched carefully with his eyes and finally found the line said by the reconnaissance captain in the air. The line is transparent, and I'm afraid it's not as thick as one-tenth of the hair, which is difficult to find even with Xiao Yang's hyper vision.

"Hee hee!" Xiao Yang heard someone laughing, "I smelled the enchanting monster! Monsters, do you want to hunt me? Hee, I think you made a mistake. I'm the hunter. You're just prey!"

Xiao Yang leaned close to Rena and whispered, "That guy has a very resilient silk thread. The combat effectiveness is unknown, but it is absolutely not weak. At present, we don't need to fight for the time being. Let's go to a safe place first.

Rina nodded. She wrapped around Xiao Yang and took off quickly.

At this time, Xiao Yang felt as if there was a slight sound flowing in the air. That's the other party attacking! However, Rena suddenly accelerated, and a strong hot air swept over Xiao Yang's body. In the sand and dust swept by the wind, Xiao Yang felt dozens of crystal clear silk threads rushing towards himself and Reina. Those silk threads passed through desperately as if they were alive, but in the end they could not penetrate the strong airflow and had to fall.

Rina rose to a height of 2,000 meters before she stopped rising, and then flew out for another kilometer before stopping. At this time, the mountainous area with corpses has become a small map in Xiao Yang's eyes, but Xiaoyang's eyes beyond ordinary people can still see the situation in the mountainous area. Just below, on the body of the dead reconnaissance captain stood a young man with blond hair and a nose ring on his nose. From Xiao Yang, you can see that he is wearing a reinforced protective suit in his T-shirt.

"Bah, let them run away." The blonde young man withdrew his open hands and spit on the body under his feet, looking quite unwilling.

"Don't be depressed, take your time. Anyway, they can avoid the first day of junior high school, and they can't avoid the fifteenth day of junior high school. Another sound sounded. At this time, Xiao Yang was shocked to find that there was still a man standing beside the blonde young man. It was a middle-aged man who looked very smart, and his belly under a striped suit was faintly visible.

Xiao Yang shook his head. He didn't know when this person appeared. Maybe the other party has a transmission gun?

Thinking of this, Xiao Yang couldn't help but be shocked.

"Reina, maybe you're really right..." Xiao Yang's breathing became uneven. "Live people can use teleportation guns directly against us! Even the giant red dots can be transmitted to the ground, and we will be no exception!"

"Oh, are you talking about?" What surprised Xiao Yang was that Rena didn't care about it. "That thing doesn't matter. Anyway, the shooting of the transmission gun is delayed. You just need to dodge before being hit. I will definitely avoid it unless I am attacked. Your problem is not big. It won't take long to avoid it.

Xiao Yang once again realized the current gap between himself and Reina. With Reina's strange speed of action, it is really possible to avoid the shooting of the transport gun. If you are yourself, you don't know when you will have this movement speed.

But now you don't have to think about the teleport gun. After all, this distance must be outside the shooting range of the teleport gun, and the other party is obviously not enough to find their eyesight.

Xiao Yang continued to stare at the two living people below. I only heard the blonde young man say to the middle-aged man, "Brother, have you finished dealing with it?"

"Of course. The monster's luck is not as good as the two guys who ran away. I have caught him. Take a look." The middle-aged man said and took out a small crystal ball the size of a palm with a light red light. Xiao Yang couldn't help shouting "ah" when he saw the things in the crystal ball.

"What's wrong?" Rena asked.

"I... I'm not sure if what I saw is real. Wait for me to have a look." Xiao Yang held his breath and looked down.

In the crystal ball, a small little man is being imprisoned. He danced with one or two swords in his hand and knocked on the inner wall of the crystal ball, but in vain, not even a crack appeared on the crystal ball. He seemed to be shouting something, but his voice could not be heard from outside.

"'s really him. It's the soul messenger with the sword!" Xiao Yang took a long breath before saying, "He is now... locked in a crystal ball by them!"

Rina's face changed: "Crystal ball? Is it shining red?"

"That's right." Xiao Yang looked up at Reina, "Do you know what that is?"

Rina did not answer him, but immediately turned her head, stretched out her bone wings more than 50 meters, and accelerated back.

Xiao Yang shouted, "Hell! Is that so terrible? Need to escape immediately?"

"We'll talk about the details later. I'm going to accelerate to supersonic and protect myself. Reina stretched out two pieces of something similar to earmuffs from her neck and pressed them tightly to Xiaoyang's ears.

"This will be discovered!" Xiao Yang shouted. Rina has spread more than 50 meters of bone wings, and the target is much bigger than just now. Even if she has camouflage, it is very dangerous. If her flight speed exceeds the speed of sound, there will be a sock phenomenon, which will easily expose her existence.

"I can't control so much! Let's escape first!" Reina said and began to speed up. Xiao Yang felt that the airflow around him suddenly rose, and the hurricane made him unable to open his eyes at all.

The violent sound explosion soon began. Although the special earplugs made by Rena isolated most of the explosion, Xiao Yang still felt that his internal organs would be blown up by the shock wave of the explosion. This feeling was so uncomfortable that Xiao Yang felt that he was about to faint. He had to grit his teeth and give himself a blood orchid blow, paralyzed the pain of his internal organs with the pain beyond the limit.

The sonotic explosion caused by Rena also made the two living people left in the mountains feel it. The hair-dyed young man looked in the direction of Rena and said, "Supersonic flight?" It's really interesting. Many of us have never encountered such an interesting monster, have we? Anyway, they didn't escape at the beginning, and they were really brave enough.

"That's just self-powering stupidity." The middle-aged man began to turn over his warehouse space.

The blonde young man hurriedly said, "Brother, do you want to solve them here? Isn't that good? We still need two living enchanted monsters to complete that ceremony.

"I just want to give them a small gift." The middle-aged man smiled and narrowed his eyes into a crack. "It doesn't matter if they can't accept this gift. Anyway, aren't there two soul messengers at this level?"

After saying that, he took out a big thing from the warehouse space. That is a QW-72 individual soldier * launcher, with 1000S engraved on the side of the launcher, which means that this * launcher can shoot 1000 times by air.

* roared and flew in the direction of Reina and Xiao Yang. Middle-aged people did not deliberately aim at Rena's launch*, but this * itself has an extremely good biological tracking function, and it is not difficult to catch up with Rena and Xiao Yang.


Xiao Yang gradually adapted to the sound explosion phenomenon and was not as uncomfortable as before, but he still couldn't open his eyes under the strong airflow. Rena's "dong-dong" heartbeat came from Xiao Yang's back. Her heartbeat is many times faster than usual, and it feels like a drummer beating the drum crazily.

Xiao Yang realized that Rena's body was burdened much heavier than himself. Breaking through the sound barrier is not a joke even for Reina. She is really trying her best. What the hell is a crystal ball? Why can it imprison the soul messenger? Why is even Reina so scared?

While Xiao Yang was thinking, he suddenly found a special sound mixed with the sound burst, which was a bit like the sound of rocket jet, and the sound source was about ten kilometers behind. The special earbuds are mainly used to reduce the sound bomb effect. Xiao Yang's hearing has not been greatly affected, so he can still listen to other sounds.

Xiao Yang soon realized that something was chasing Rina and himself. At first, he thought it was a rocket, but later he was shocked, because from the sound, the trajectory of the thing was as if it had eyes. This means that the latter thing is...

"Tracking*! Rena, there is a follower* chasing us!" Xiao Yang roared. But his voice was completely submerged in the sonotic, although Rina couldn't hear it nearby. And Reina was absorbed in the flight and didn't seem to notice that there was * coming later.

Xiao Yang felt that his heart also began to jump wildly. Rena's speed barely exceeds the speed of sound, * obviously faster than her. If no measures are taken now, Reina and herself will definitely be hit. It is not clear how powerful that * is. If you are unlucky, maybe the two will be blown into fireworks in the sky together.

What on earth are you going to do now? She was definitely unable to hear when talking to Rena, and her hands and feet were tied to death, and it was impossible to write on Rena. Forced to break free or hit Rena to remind her that she has something to say? That's even worse. As soon as Rena's speed drops, the two will only die faster.

Fing hell! Why do you always want to rely on Reina? Even if Rena knows that there is *, she may not be able to avoid it. She can only solve * by herself. But now I can't see*, and I can't use skills such as moonfire. By the way, let's use the beast soul variant. The giant crocodile turtle should be able to withstand the attack of *.

Xiao Yang immediately began to summon the full version of the giant crocodile turtle. However, the ruthless voice immediately sounded in his ear: "The additional occupant was too large, and the beast soul variant failed."

At this time, Xiao Yang remembered that Rena's bones and wings were more than 50 meters long, and the giant crocodile tortoise body was far from being so big that it was impossible to wrap Rena up, so the beast soul variant failed.

* is getting closer and closer. Xiao Yang bit his lips out of blood, but he still didn't come up with a good way.

"I know you can hear it." Rena suddenly said, "Listen to me, I found * in the back. I'm flying at supersonic speed, causing a horrible vacuum circle around here. Now if I throw something out, it will be cut into pieces. And if I stop, I can catch up with us in an instant. So, I can't separate limbs to attract*.

"Rina, take back the bone wings, and I will protect us with the giant crocodile!" Xiao Yang shouted, but Rena couldn't hear it at all.

"I will throw you down with the bone ring tied to you. The bone ring should be able to resist some of the destructive power of the vacuum, and you will be seriously injured when you leave the vacuum ring at most. Remember to use the beast soul variant when landing, so that you won't die. Rena continued, "As for me, don't worry. I will fight* by myself. At most, I will be blown up some rebirth potential and I can't die."

"B bastard! How do you know you can't die! Hey, do you hear me? I won't allow you to hit it*! I'm the captain. Why do you make a decision without permission!" Xiao Yang's voice was hoarse, but Reina still couldn't seem to hear it. She really broke the bone ring tied to Xiao Yang, and then let go of her arms holding Xiao Yang.

Xiao Yang still wanted to catch Rena, but the surrounding vacuum circle immediately sucked him over. He heard the sound of the hard bone ring breaking in the vacuum ring, and then was forced to close his eyes in the horrible vacuum. He felt that Rena was constantly rising high, and he was getting farther and farther away from Rena.

Soon, Xiao Yang heard the sound of flying not far away. * Also rising with Rena. At this speed, you can hit Rena 100% within half a minute.

Xiao Yang had left the vacuum circle at this time. As Ruina said, his body was seriously injured and is gradually recovering. The airflow around him was still very strong, but Xiao Yang still forced himself to open his eyes. A broken bone ring scratched his left eye from the side, but he still endured the pain and looked for the position of * with his blood- blurred eyes.

Xiao Yang quickly found the fire-breathing track in the air. Although his vision can't capture the fast-moving body, Xiao Yang knows that it is at the forefront of the fire!

He immediately launched the moon fire, but failed to hit it. Moonfire is indeed a skill that must be seen to hit the target. Now it can't hit it at all.

* It's getting closer and closer to Rena. It will be too late if you don't blow it down.

Xiao Yang opened his eyes to the maximum, and he felt that the blood all over his body poured into his eyes. You must see that*, you must see it!

Gradually, the vision in Xiao Yang's eyes changed. * The speed seems to be slowing down in his eyes.

"The second activation of the elf Druid physique. Dynamic vision has been upgraded to the second gear. Such a prompt sounded in Xiao Yang's mind, but he didn't listen to it at all. All his attention was on the * chasing Rena's past, and he had no time to pay attention to other things.

In Xiao Yang's vision, the originally vague * suddenly slowed down, and he clearly saw its appearance. The second moon fire is immediately launched!

"Boom-"* burst and blew out a strong fireball in the air.

Xiao Yang found something wrong. The scale of this explosion has far exceeded his expectations and continues to expand! Xiao Yang saw that Rena had been swallowed up by the fireball, and the violent shock wave from the explosion swept towards Xiao Yang. Xiao Yang just transformed the beast soul, but lost consciousness in the severe pain caused by the shock wave.

The condensed half of the giant crocodile turtle body dissipated in the air. The exploding fireball devoured towards the defenseless Xiao Yang.

A few seconds after the first explosion, a smaller and brighter fireball burst into the air, emitting a terrible flash, and white mushroom clouds rushed to the sky.

On the ground in the mountains, the young man with a blonde nose looked at the magnificent fireballs and mushroom clouds in the distant sky and couldn't help applaud: "That's awesome! Brother, this * actually exploded twice in a row. The power of the second explosion is really amazing! And that flash is like a nuclear bomb explosion!"

"The first explosion is only ordinary*, and the second explosion is not strictly a nuclear bomb, but an ultra-micro anti-material weapon." The middle-aged man laughed and said, "The design of this weapon from the future world is really strange. In fact, this thing is not easy to use. It's good luck to hit it this time.

"Anti-material weapons?" The blonde young man was scared, "Is there radiation?"

"There is almost no radiation. And its explosion range is actually very small. The middle-aged man looked at the sky and said, "But its explosive equivalent is also more than thousands of tons*. It should be no problem to blow up tens of thousands of the rebirth potential of the soul messengers."

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Yang felt a cold feeling on his face. He opened his eyes and saw that Rena's side face was clinging to his cheek. She closed her eyes, and the cold ** from the corners of her eyes flowed down her skin to Xiao Yang's face.

Rina is crying? It took Xiao Yang a few seconds to realize that it was true, because he had never seen Reina show such an expression.

Xiao Yang felt that there were uncontrollable emotions in his heart, but he finally raised his hand and stroked Reina's forehead: "Hey, why are you crying, stupid girl? I'm not dead."

Rina opened her eyes. When she saw Xiao Yang, she immediately turned her head and said, "Who...who cried! Don't talk nonsense! I just..."

"The sand went into the eyes, right?" Xiao Yang smiled and said, "I know."

"...Forget it, I won't lie to you. I did cry." Reina finally turned her head and looked directly at Xiao Yang, "But maybe it's different from what you think. I didn't cry because you died. The body of the soul messenger will decompose after death, and you are still here, which means that you are not dead.

Xiao Yang smiled awkwardly: "Sorry, I'm sentimental..."

Rina stared at Xiao Yang: "Xiao Yang, do you know? Since my phantom awakening, all people have just used me as their knives and shields. As for my sister, she just passively accepted my protection. In three missions, more than 40 living people have been my teammates; in the following five obstructions, I have met more than 20 soul messengers. No one has ever done anything for me, and no one has ever protected me. All I have experienced is lies and betrayal, which has become the only way to survive.

When she said this, there was endless sadness in Rena's eyes, and the usual coldness was completely invisible.

Xiao Yang was speechless. Rena also became a real human after knowing the truth of the hell world and fought to survive in this hell world. And Rena's luck is not