Fruit Empire


It's your expression." Yuan Hu laughed, "All the soul messengers can't replenish the potential of rebirth halfway? This is just a general situation! And my insect star descending world is one of the special skills that can fill the potential of a rebirth in the scene! The 'Rain of Stars' just now completely restored my body to its best condition. Therefore, even the consumed rebirth potential will be filled at the same time!"

Xiao Yang lowered his head and took a deep breath. Yuan Hu's horror can no longer be described in words. If Xiao Yang's own ability is only slightly beyond the scope of human beings, then Yuan Hu's ability has undoubtedly entered the realm of God, and the power he has is not comparable to anyone here.

Xiao Yang looked up at the opposite side. Yuan Hu is laughing wildly. Yuan Hu regained the potential of 370,000 rebirth and completely returned to the best state, appearing in the strongest form.

The gap in combat effectiveness between the two sides is as far away as the distance between the stars. Yuan Hu is invincible to himself. Moreover, I have run out of food, and I have no chance to win at all. No matter how I look at it, I can't avoid the fate of fiasco.

However, in this situation, a smile suddenly appeared at the corners of Xiao Yang's mouth. His lips moved slightly and ordered, "Gill, start to explode."

Then, the red stone layer next to Yuan Hu burst open. Continuous explosions, countless gravel flying around.

In the stone slag flying, Yuan Hu did not move.

"As the final struggle, this is really too powerless. Isn't there anything more powerful?" Yuan Hu said with laughter.

The next moment, behind Yuan Hu, a huge figure rushed up from the ground. That's the last giant sandworm that just disappeared.

"Is there another sandworm?" Yuan Hu waved his hand gently, "Let me go to heaven."

A meat thorn appeared from the ground, completely penetrating the body of the giant sandworm.

"Haha, it's all over." Yuan Hu smiled all over his face.

"La la la..." Countless sticky ** suddenly spewed out of the body of the giant sandworm, completely drenching Yuan Hu's whole body!

Yuan Hu's body was drenched by that **. He was so worried that he quickly moved his limbs to shake off those **. However, his limbs could not move for a few seconds, and immediately stuck like a rusty machine and could not move.

"The bastard... it's actually a paralyzed toxin!" Yuan Hu gritted his teeth and said angrily, "With this kind of thing... Do you think you can defeat me with this kind of thing? I'm the 'worm emperor', I..."

Yuan Hu's words couldn't be finished.

"Boom--" An ion cannon directly bombarded Yuan Hu and blew his head off. However, he is worthy of having the ability of the "worm emperor". Xiao Yang actually bombarded his upper body, but only blew his head. After that, Yuan Hu was soon reborn, but what greeted him was the continuous bombardment of ordinary bullets and Jill's high-explosive gun.

At the same time, the remnants of the giant sandworm's body under the ground appeared again, and another large paralyzed toxin was directly splashed on Yuan Hu. Subsequently, the body of the giant sandworm vibrated violently and attacked Yuan Hu with vibration waves. Coupled with the delayed explosion of high-explosive bullets in Yuan Hu's body, Yuan Hu's body suffered great damage from the inside, a big opening in his chest burst out, and many bones and internal organs were blown out.

However, Yuan Hu's body was reborn faster than imagined, and soon he returned to his original state.

Xiao Yang did not say a word and continuously attacked Yuan Hu with ordinary * bullets. Those bullets could only wipe through Yuan Hu's skin outside his body, but he poured out the bullets without interruption. Jill is also using oscillation* to destroy Yuan Hu's body from the inside, but obviously the effect is not significant.

"Do you want to kill me with this level of attack?" Yuan Hu laughed and said, "It's not even enough to tickle me. Your ion cannon gave me hundreds of thousands of shots, but it's really possible to kill me."

"Yes, these bullets can't kill you." Xiao Yang said at this time, "But... do you feel that your body is more dull now than just now?"

Yuan Hu's expression changed greatly: "What!"

"Wh whether it's an ion cannon, a bullet or a high-explosive gun, it's all to accelerate your body's rebirth, so as to promote metabolism and blood circulation in your body, and let paralyze toxins quickly penetrate into your nerves and blood vessels. You may still be able to move your body just now. Now you are completely like a statue made of stone. You can't move. Xiao Yang said.

Yuan Hu's face became extremely ugly. Xiao Yang is right. Due to the subsequent series of attacks by Xiao Yang and Jill, the metabolic cycle in Yuan Hu's body accelerated many times. The paralytic toxin has penetrated into every corner of his body, and it is not so easy to excrete it from his body.

"I... I was tricked by you... OK, you are awesome." Yuan Hu hummed, "However, don't think you can be arrogant for long. You have blocked me at most now. With your current attack ability, you can't kill me at all. And the time you can block me is also limited. As the 'worm emperor', I can quickly create antibodies in my body to solve this paralytic toxin.

"I know." Xiao Yang continued to shoot Yuan Hu with Uzi*, and at the same time looked at the spirit box, "We can't kill you, we can only delay the time. But this is enough. Next, we just need to destroy the spirit box five-eating array while you can't move.

"Haha!" Yuan Hu laughed wildly, "Destroy the spirit box and five-eating arrays? It's so funny. I've never heard such a ridiculous joke! That thing is not much more fragile than the walls of heaven and earth. Even I can't destroy it. It's up to you two wastes. Don't have such daydreams!"

"Just try to lie." Xiao Yang was unmoved, "If this array is really as strong as you said, then you can take back the lage and easily dodge our attack, instead of relying on that little rebirth potential to fight with us. Therefore, there must be a flaw in this array.

Yuan Hu was stunned at first, and then smiled again: "Haha! You're right, there is indeed a way to crack the spirit box five-eating array. But that requires special props, and it is absolutely impossible for you to get those props!"

An idea flashed in Xiao Yang's heart and couldn't help blurt out: "Hulao zhu?!"

"Haha, you react quite quickly at this time. Yes, Hulao zhu can indeed directly absorb the nine spirit box and crack the five-eating array of the spirit box. Unfortunately, you woke up too late! After ensuring that the spirit box five-eating array is fully activated, the tiger beads will be thrown into the sand by me; of course, you can't notice my little action at all. And the fall of the insect star just now completely sealed the tiger beads in the ground. A cruel smile appeared on Yuan Hu's face, "You give up quickly. Victory belongs to me from the beginning, and no matter how hard you struggle, it will be futile. Instead of trying your best to accept the fate of failure in the future, it is better to admit defeat now. If I'm in a good mood, maybe I'll let you go, haha."

Xiao Yang stared at Yuan Hu. Yuan Hu looked at him fearlessly, and there was no false look on his face. Xiao Yang's heart is burning. Yuan Hu's words this time are very likely to be true. Although Hulao zhu is valuable, since it may cause Yuan Hu's failure, Yuan Hu is indeed likely to throw it away. Yuan Hu is very cunning and can do this kind of thing very much like his style.

Xiao Yang was not completely dead at this time. He summoned dozens of blood vines from the ground and wrapped Yuan Hu's body tightly. However, the blood vines were not found from Yuan Hu. Although Yuan Hu may also hide the tiger's beads in his body, it is impossible to search in his body now.

Xiao Yang raised his head and looked at the gray sky. Among the five people being particleized in the air, Paul Moadi's image can hardly be seen; among the two companions, Luo Ruzhi's figure is also very blurred. Reina's condition is slightly better, but it can't last for a few minutes.

In contrast, the round hole hanging in the gray sky has a radius of more than ten meters. I don't know how much time is left before the gate of heaven is fully opened.

"Captain...what should I do now?" Jill asked behind Xiao Yang.

"What should I do..." Xiao Yang crossed his forehead with ten fingers and gritted his teeth and said, "I'm fighting. Directly attack the nine spirit box at the bottom of the array.

The nine spirit box looks the most indestructible, but Xiao Yang always feels that it is like the five-eating arrays of the whole spirit box. I'm afraid he can only start from the array to break this array.

Jill directly hit all the remaining bullets of the high-explosive gun on the nine spirit box. Then, she accumulated all the remaining oscillating energy and kept making explosions around the target nine spirit box. On Xiao Yang's side, all the weapons that can be used such as rocket launchers and ion cannons have been used.

However, the nine spirit box is unharmed. Like the sky and earth wall, its defense ability is close to infinite, not something that can be broken.

"Squeaky~~" A sharp voice suddenly came from the middle of the gate of heaven. Xiao Yang suddenly felt a "buzz" in his ears, which seemed to have a warm feeling. He couldn't help putting his hand to his ear and saw that it was full of bright red blood. The "squeak" really broke his eardrums.

At this time, Paul's figure completely disappeared in the five-eating array of the spirit box. Then, a white smoke rushed directly into the interior of the gate of heaven from the nine spirit box opposite Paul. Then, Luo Ruzhi also suddenly disappeared.

"Luo Ruzhi!" Xiao Yang shouted his name, but the only thing that answered him was the green smoke rushing into the gate of heaven.

A few seconds later, the living person disappeared. Black smoke penetrates into the gate of heaven. After another half a minute, even Rena's figure disappeared, and the blue smoke flew into the round hole.

Xiao Yang desperately opened fire crazily at the bottom of the nine spirit box, and also released a triple hit of moon fire. But the five-eating array of the spiritual box was still hanging in place safely, as if laughing at Xiao Yang's powerlessness.

Finally, Ma Boran disappeared. The last yellow smoke finally penetrated into the gate of heaven.

The round hole of the Gate of Heaven has been almost 30 meters wide by this time. The light lit up from the huge round hole. What color of light is that? Xiao Yang can't explain it at all. It seems to contain all the colors, and there seems to be no color. Such a light lit up, illuminating the gray sky... everything.

"The conditions for opening the gate of heaven have been confirmed. The process is officially started. Chaos calculus is in progress. Please wait a moment to determine the open type." The voice of the sages sounded ruthlessly.

Xiao Yang knelt to the ground and tightened his hair with both hands. It's over. It's all over. Both Rena and Luo Ruzhi are dead. The promise to take them away alive has completely turned into an empty word that can never be realized.

There seems to be something in his heart. There were so many companions who died in front of me, but I have never been more uncomfortable than now. Unspeakable loneliness, like a spoiled liquor, surged into my heart.

"Captain..." That's Jill's voice.

Xiao Yang took a deep breath as if he was about to burst his lungs, and then looked at Jill: "There are only... two of us left. Promise me not to leave me like them, okay? I...I don't want to be a person..."

Gill suddenly said silently: ", no, no... I... I know... but... captain... they... behind you..."

Xiao Yang turned around in astonishment. Less than 100 meters behind him, the old man Ma Bairan was standing on the ground with a crutch that he got from nowhere. And beside Ma Boran, Luo Ruzhi, who was as thin as a reed stick, was sitting on the ground; Rena leaned against him.

Xiao Yang pinched his arm hard, and then rubbed his eyes again. The situation in front of us remains unchanged.

"Rena! Luo Ruzhi!" Xiao Yang shouted the names of the two people and ran in their direction crazily. The ground covered with red rocks was very difficult to walk. Xiao Yang almost fell down several times, but he didn't care and continued to run wildly.

Rina also heard Xiao Yang's voice. She raised her wings, but as soon as she flew less than half a meter high and fell to the ground. Luo Ruzhi reluctantly waved to Xiao Yang to show that he was not dead yet.

Xiao Yang finally arrived in front of those two people and actually touched their bodies. The real touch made Xiao Yang finally understand that he was not dreaming. Both of them are still alive!

"Look at you so excited." Ma Bairan said, "This living ceremony will not kill the sacrifice directly."

"Ha ha, that's true. However, the person selected as a living sacrifice will fall into a state of extreme weakness after the ceremony and can't resist any attack at all. You are still going to die here. This is your established fate. Yuan Hu's laughter came from behind.

Xiao Yang's heart tightened and blurted out, "Bak, antibodies have been produced in the body so quickly..."

"Ha ha, you overestimated me. Antibodies have not been produced yet. Yuan Hu said, "However, it doesn't matter whether it is produced or not."

When Xiao Yang was puzzled, the voice of the "sages" came again: "Chaotic calculation is over. The door of heaven opens.

"Boom!" The thunderous sound sounded, and then the round hole began to expand at an unprecedented speed, and in a few seconds it became a super hole with a diameter of more than 500 meters across the world.

When the expansion of the hole stopped, Yuan Hu began to laugh and then shouted, "Aina, the time limit for the last order has come. You are not rolling, are you? Get up immediately and pass me to the gate of heaven with a long-range teleportation gun. Then, start the dimensional annihilation bomb in your body and blow up everything here for me.

Xiao Yang understood in an instant. This is Yuan Hu's last step and the real card he used to destroy everything.

Xiao Yang's first reaction was to pull everyone to run away. He doesn't know the power of the dimensional annihilation bomb, but since Yuan Hu used this thing as the last trump card, it must be unusual. Fortunately, Aina's physical fitness is quite poor. If she escapes now, she should be able to leave her behind soon. The only problem is that I don't know how big the scope of the dimensional annihilation bomb is, and I hope it can escape to a safe area before it explodes.

"Haha, do you still want to escape? The power of the dimensional annihilation bomb is not as you can imagine. It is enough to blow up the whole scene and cause the system to recreate the scene. If you want to escape, try to escape. Anyway, it's the same wherever you go!" Yuan Hu's complacent laughter came from behind.

But he didn't laugh for a few seconds. Suddenly, he stopped laughing and said unhappily, "Aina, do as I say!" What are you doing standing there like a dead dog now!"

Xiao Yang turned around and looked at Yuan Hu. Only then did he notice a fact. Aina, not far away from Yuan Hu, did not move. She trembled, but still stood still stubbornly, not even moving forward half a step.

"Start the dimensional annihilation bomb, and the big brother will die... I... don't kill the big brother. The eldest brother is very good to me. Ina bit her lip and said in a vague voice, "I don't want to start the annihilation bomb... don't..."

At this time, Xiao Yang, who was watching all this behind, felt that his hand was pulled. It's Reina.

"When I said to do it, you attacked Yuan Hu's head with a triple blow of moon fire." Reina said weakly, "The reason... I'll explain it to you later."

Xiao Yang nodded.

In the face of Aina's performance, Yuan Hu was very angry, but at this time, he still suppressed his anger and persuaded him: "...Aina, good boy, listen to Dad, take out your teleport gun, send Dad over, and then..."

"No, no... I don't want to listen." Ina shook her head, "Dad...Dad lied, I...I..."

"Damn!" Yuan Hu showed his fierce eyes, "In the name of the soul messenger Yuan Hu, I hereby order..."

"Do it!" Reina shouted.

In fact, just before Reina shouted, Xiao Yang had already released a triple attack on Yuan Hu. His head was burned black under the power of the triple blow of the moon fire, and the words of the order could not be fully said.

Yuan Hu's head quickly returned to its original state. He had no time to be angry, but said again, "In the name of Yuan Hu, the soul messenger..."

Xiao Yang used the moon fire triple attack again to burn Yuan Hu's head.

However, Yuan Hu's words are still continuing!

" this order! Aina immediately took out the teleportation gun I stored with you and sent me to the gate of heaven. Then start the dimensional annihilation bomb and destroy everything here!"

Xiao Yang was stunned: "I obviously burned his head..."

"Haha! Some antibodies have been produced, and my skin is ready to move. Therefore, I gave birth to vocal organs everywhere on my skin to complete the order I just ordered.