Fruit Empire


Yuan Hu smiled proudly and said, "Farewell, everyone. Just sleep here!"

Hearing Yuan Hu's order, Aina seemed to have been electrocuted. She silently opened her warehouse space, took out a long-range teleport gun from it, and aimed it at Yuan Hu.

"Ah!" Ina suddenly screamed, and the long-range transport gun fell from her hand. She knelt to the ground, held her head with both hands, and let out a cry of pain.

"Waste! What the hell are you doing! Hurry up and send me!" Yuan Hu roared, "Did you hear that? That's my order, it's an order!"

The extremely high-frequency low sound sounded from Ina's head. Ina let go of her hand holding her head as if she had been stabbed. There was a circle of black light flashing in the middle of her forehead, and then a black grain of light suddenly shot out of the middle of her forehead! The light particles fell into the ground and disappeared, and a black circle appeared on Ina's forehead.

"What!" Yuan Hu's eyes widened, "It's released... Unexpectedly..."

"Remove..." Xiao Yang frowned and repeated these three words.

"Aina forcibly terminated the contract." Rena sighed softly, "Now, Yuan Hu's order has no effect on her."

"Cancellation of the contract... No, this is absolutely impossible!!" Yuan Hu shouted crazily over there, "In the name of the enchanting messenger Yuan Hu, I hereby order! Ina, send me now! Then start! Start the dimensional annihilation bomb!"

Aina stood up from the ground. She stretched out her right hand, drew a cross in her heart, and then whispered, "Dimensional annihilation bomb, start."

"Dong Dong..." Inside Ena's body, there was a sound like a heavy hammer beating a muffled drum, which was like a prelude to the arrival of death. This is obviously a sign that the dimensional annihilation bomb has been launched.

Xiao Yang was shocked: "What's going on? Doesn't she no longer accept Yuan Hu's orders?"

Rina was also very surprised: "In theory, it should be true... I don't know what's going on."

"Very good, very good, Ina!" Yuan Hu seemed relieved, "Although the order is wrong, it doesn't matter. Hurry up and send me to the front of the gate of heaven!"

However, Ina didn't do that. She walked slowly, but firmly in the direction of Yuan Hu.

"What...what are you doing!" Yuan Hu scolded angrily, "Transfer me away!"

Aina didn't listen to Yuan Hu at all. She went all the way to Yuan Hu and took his hand.

Aina raised her head and looked at the high face of Yuan Hu. Her eyes are as clear and transparent as usual.

"Ren go! Get out of here!" Yuan Hu showed extremely frightened eyes and roared in a hurry. Obviously, the antibodies in his body have not been fully manufactured, and there is no way to forcibly push away Ina.

"Aina...Don't get out of here." Ina looked into Yuan Hu's eyes and smiled, " you very much."

"Who is your father! Get out of here now!" Yuan Hu roared, "In the name of Yuan Hu, the soul messenger, here..."

However, Ina remained unmoved. She said to herself, "As Aina knows, her father has never regarded Ina as his daughter. However, Aina still loves her father very much. Even if she is beaten by her father and forced by her father to do what she doesn't want to do, Ina still loves her father.

"You bastard... If you love me, you can do it. You... What are you going to do now!" Yuan Hu panicked, "The dimensional annihilation bomb is about to explode, so that even I will die!"

"Dad, didn't you say that as long as you start the dimensional annihilation bomb, Aina can go to heaven?" Ina said, "Aina... just wants to go to heaven."

"...bastard! You idiot! Waste! Traitor! A toy dares to betray me! Just die by yourself. Don't think you can pull me into the water!" Yuan Hu showed a fierce expression again, "I will never die so easily!"

Xiao Yang looked at this scene in a daze. It was completely unexpected to him. Ai Na is going to die with Yuan Hu? But in this way, the dimensional annihilation bomb will still kill all the people at the scene. Is this Aina's wish?

"Aina..." Around Xiao Yang, Luo Ruzhi, who was so weak that he could hardly speak, stretched out his hand in the direction of Aina with difficulty, "You... you don't..."

Aina turned her head towards Luo Ruzhi. She smiled and said, "Big brother, thank you. Ina felt very happy when she was with you. But Aina has to say goodbye to her eldest brother. Goodbye, big brother.

"Aina..." Luo Ruzhi said Aina's name and lost his mind.

"Ah!" Yuan Hu suddenly roared, and his whole body burst. From the broken body, a newborn Yuan Hu full of mucus reappeared! Yuan Hu's antibodies were finally completed in time! His newborn body has returned to freedom!

"You useless toy, just go to die with them!" Yuan Hu pushed Ai away and flew directly in the direction of the gate of heaven!

However, Aina sat on the ground and made a gesture and whispered, "Kong Haiyu, turn on the absolute space locking mode."

Yuan Hu's head hit something and fell to the ground. As soon as he got up, four transparent high walls had been erected around the two of them, and then they were immediately sealed with a roof, forming a cube "room" about 100 meters long. Aina and Yuan Hu were completely sealed in this transparent "room".

Yuan Hu was furious and his whole body was full of depression, summoning countless Zerg troops. Those Zerg troops almost filled the whole cube of the locked space, and Ina was also squeezed into the corner of the locked space.

The crazy Zerg army launched an attack on the transparent high wall around it. Zerg troops that can easily defeat everything and use their spore bullets to corrode saliva, spikes and sharp teeth to attack those high walls.

However, all this is in vain. Those transparent high walls are as hard as the inner walls of heaven and earth and tiger beads; even if they are as strong as Yuan Hu, there is no way to break them.

"Dong Dong..." The frequency of the sound is getting faster and faster. The dimensional annihilation bomb will explode soon.

The Zerg army in the locked space melted into a ball in an instant and flew back into Yuan Hu's mouth. Yuan Hu knelt down at Aina with a "plop" and said in fear, "Aina! Dad, please let Dad go! Dad will never abuse you again. I will love you very much! Hurry up, stop the dimensional annihilation bomb and let Dad live!"

"Don't be afraid, Dad." Aina walked over to Yuan Hu and said with a smile, "Aina is a good child. Ina will take her father... to heaven together."

"Don't...don't come here!" Yuan Hu was scared by Aina's look, and he got up and fled back violently. At this moment, he even forgot how powerful he was. He just rolled and crawled like a bereaved dog. As a result, he ran a few steps and hit the wall and fell to the ground. He got up and beat the transparent wall crazily: "Who will save me! Come and save me! me..."

However, all the survivors outside just looked at him with cold eyes. Yuan Hu understood his isolation and helplessness. He fell to the ground and cried bitterly: "I... don't want to die... no... I don't want to die..."

The sound of "dongdong" is louder. Luo Ruzhi, who was so weak that he could hardly stand up, propped up desperately and shouted with all his strength, "...Aina! Ina! Stop it! You...don't...don't die..."

Aina still waved to him with a smile.

"If only... could live a little longer." On Ina's smiling face, the tears in her eyes rolled down.

Quietly, a dark light overflowed from Ina's body, followed by a brighter and dazzling light than all the lights in the world combined. All people temporarily lost their sight at this moment.

They know. The dimensional annihilation bomb exploded.

Two minutes later. There is only a flat pit in the cube where Yuan Hu and Reina are located, and nothing can be seen in it. The red rocks summoned by Yuan Hu with the fall of the insect star also disappeared, and the surrounding environment returned to the appearance of a desert.

"Xiao Yang, there is something I probably didn't tell you before, right?" Rena said, "Every day, there are five absolute orders that the soul messenger can give to the numbered soldiers he belongs to. After the five, although the order of the soul messenger is still binding, the lonely soul can resist the order to a certain extent by its own will.

" it is. No wonder Yuan Hu usually doesn't use orders easily. Xiao Yang said, "That's why you specifically asked me to attack Yuan Hu's head when he issued the order. As long as you say the word command, even if it is interrupted, it will be regarded as an absolute order.

"Well, that's it." Rena sighed, "However, to be honest, I didn't expect that the child not only resisted Yuan Hu's orders, but also forcibly annulled the master-slave contract with Yuan Hu by his own will. It's extremely difficult to do this. I've never heard of any lonely soul succeeding.

"But she succeeded..." Xiao Yang said and looked at Luo Ruzhi. Luo Ruzhi's eyes were extremely blank. There is almost no expression on his face. Sadness and pain have been engraved in his heart, and now he is still immersed in that atmosphere.

"Dears, don't pestle there." Ma Bairan suddenly said, "Everything is not over yet. After everything is dealt with, let's slowly miss the little girl.

Xiao Yang asked doubtfully, "What do you mean?"

Ma Bairan pointed to the gate of heaven behind: "Once the gate of heaven is opened, whether it is the task of the living or the obstruction of the soul messenger, it will all be automatically terminated. The only way to survive is to walk in before the gate of heaven is closed. Otherwise, once the gate of heaven is closed, the living people and soul messengers who stay here will die.

"Wait, do you know what's behind the Gate of Heaven?" The question was Rena, "Is it really the world that that guy said? Will we become heavenly beings as soon as we enter?

"probably." Ma Bairan smiled and said, "You will know when you walk there."

However, just before they started, a silver boat rushed out of the sand in front of them with a "bang".

"Ha are still alive!" Ran Ping's voice came from the cockpit of the boat, "I'm really lucky. Yuan Hu is over, and you have become so weak. God's eyes are really open. You can obediently become my karma points!"

Ran Ping is back. When Yuan Hu covered the sky with one hand, he was simply an insignificant little role. But now, Ran Ping, who returned to the self-discipline alloy warship, has become a strong enemy again.

Although all the people selected by Yuan Hu as living sacrifices did not die on the spot during the ceremony, they were all in an extremely weak situation. At this point, Ran Ping and Reina and others should be the same. However, Ran Ping took advantage of the chaos to find the self-discipline alloy warship (the original warship was eroded by spores, but due to Yuan Hu's death, the warship was automatically repaired), so his combat power has completely surpassed that of everyone.

Xiao Yang is very anxious. Now there is only one old, weak, sick and disabled on his side. In this situation, he will lose the war. Ran Ping's warship is extremely excellent in performance, and even if it escapes, it may not be able to escape.

When I was thinking about it, Ma Bairan suddenly laughed: "A living boy... Saying that you are stupid, you are really stupid. It's really not a coincidence that you were played with by Yuan Hu!"

"Bad old man, what are you talking about!" Ran Ping was furious and immediately fired at Ma Boran. An electromagnetic gun directly bombarded Ma Boran, but Ma Boran was not hit at all. Instead, there was a big explosion hundreds of meters to his right.

"Ejection field!" Ran Ping hummed, "Use this thing to bounce off the electromagnetic bomb, stinky old man, but you have two brushes. It seems that I have to replace it with a stronger weapon.

"Change slowly. Old man, I went to the gate of heaven first. Stupid boy, you will regret it." Ma Bairan said this, and his body fell forward, turned into a flat shadow, and galloped along the sand to the direction of the gate of heaven.

"Bad!" Ran Ping was shocked and immediately drove the self-disciplined alloy warship and rushed to the gate of heaven at the fastest speed. In an instant, it had turned into a distant shadow.

Xiao Yang knocked on his head: "What the hell... Which one is this?"

"You are confused. Obviously, this is a bad trick. Rena shouted to the side, "Old Ma, should I come out?"

Ma Bairan emerged from the sand and stood up again with difficulty. Xiao Yang then woke up: "The dark shadow just now is not your body!"

"Ha ha." Ma Boran coughed, "As the lady said, that's just a blindfold. But even if this blindfolding method is released, the old man is almost impossible for me. Now I'm really weak."

Xiao Yang asked, "Is this to lead him to the gate of heaven? Use him as a test?"

"Think about it and you will know that's it. Old man, you pretended to be the first to go to the gate of heaven, but in fact, you just used it as bait to let Ran Ping break through the gate of heaven. After what happened just now, Ran Ping was very in awe of Yuan Hu. Therefore, the gate of heaven specially summoned by Yuan Hu was also very attractive to Ran Ping. If you tease him again, Ran Ping will naturally not doubt it and quickly go to the gate of heaven. Rena stared at Ma Boran, " According to your behavior, the gate of heaven is probably a very dangerous thing, isn't it?"

"Your reasoning ability is really strong." Ma Bairan said, "As you said, I want that living person to try the gate of heaven. As for whether the gate of heaven is dangerous or not? I can only say that there are risks. If we hadn't had to go in, I wouldn't have said let us go there together just now. Anyway, let's see what happens to that living person now.

Xiao Yang turned his eyes to the gate of heaven. Ran Ping's self-disciplined alloy warship has been 100 meters away in front of the Gate of Heaven and is about to get in.

But at this time, the warship suddenly stopped.

Jill asked, "Is he conscious of being cheated by himself?"

"No, it's not." Ma Bairan's expression became serious. He said while brushing his beard, "Maybe this time... I really encountered the most troublesome situation..."

As soon as Ma Boran finished his words, Xiao Yang suddenly felt that his knees were soft and involuntarily knelt down on one leg. He looked aside in surprise, but saw that the rest of the people also knelt down.

What's going on? Xiao Yang opened his mouth and said this sentence, but he didn't hear anything. He quickly looked at Reina, and saw Rena point to his ear and nodded to him. Xiao Yang immediately understood that Rena's situation was the same as his own. Looking at the others, they are all the same, and no sound can be heard.

Then, they all heard a voice.

"A living person touches the door of heaven. Now release the information about the launch of the Gate of Heaven. The start type is the second type of start, and the nine large rotors will appear in half a minute. Now begins the countdown, 30...29..."

That is the voice and authoritative statement of the "sages". In this announcement, there was a noun that Xiao Yang had never heard of, "nine big wheels". Obviously, this thing will play an extremely important role, but Xiao Yang's team didn't know what it was at all. After hearing this word, even Renea looked puzzled. Ma Bairan looked like "it's really this thing", but because everyone's hearing problems for the time being, they couldn't talk smoothly.

After the half-minute countdown, a vision occurred where the gate of heaven was located. Something came out of the huge round hole. It was a huge object shaped like a Ferris wheel, and when it was completely exposed from the round hole, everyone took a deep breath.

is too big.

It's really too big. That's hundreds of times, thousands of times, or even hundreds of millions of times bigger than the round hole. This is not everyone's feeling, but the fact that undoubtedly exists here.

When the thing came out of the round hole, it began to expand. In just a blink of an eye, it becomes infinitely huge. No, maybe this is not an expansion, but it has restored its original size, right?

The top of the "ferris wheel" rushed straight into the sky and penetrated through the clouds until it was extremely high and far away. Even with Xiao Yang's eyes, he could not see where its peak was. And both sides of it also extend infinitely, crossing beyond the horizon on both sides.

Not long ago, Yuan