Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 61 Crossing the Disaster

The cloudless blue sky suddenly covered with dark clouds, and hurricanes blew in the void. The ground suddenly flew fewer stones. A doomsday scene, the dark void was filled with a heavy breath. An unimaginable pressure came to this world. All the creatures trembled under the pressure of heaven, and the endless beasts were more It crawled on the ground and roared angrily.


The fierce wind blew off the towering ancient trees, and huge rocks flew in the air, which was very ferocious.

Jun Lintian's figure flashed and appeared in the void. He felt the increasingly crazy breath of the void and frowned slightly. At the same time, Jun Lintian looked below, and there was a space in Jun's cemetery.

A ferocious space cracks are extending little by little, and at the same time, the breath of a wild space storm permeates, but the breath of this violent space storm, compared with the atmosphere of thunderstorm, is weaker by more than one or two points. There are more cracks in the void, and finally under the body of the king's body. The main void has completely collapsed, and the cemetery of the Jun family, the cursed two-dimensional, also disappeared in the collapse of space. At least in the perception of Jun Lintian, the collapsed void turned into nothingness.

"Curse? About my curse, but... what the hell is going on? How can the curse of ancient times be me after endless years, and what is the content of the curse? What does everything in that mural represent?

There are too many doubts surrounding the king, but today's king, even the old wooden old man can't give a specific answer.

The dark ink-like disaster cloud in the sky is rapidly condensing, and at the same time, the pressure of the thunderstorm between heaven and earth is increasing at an unimaginable speed. However, compared with the thunderstorm between heaven and earth, at this moment, Jun Lintian's eyes are still on the completely collapsed void.

Looking at the completely collapsed emptiness, in the depths of Jun Lintian's mind, he suddenly remembered the once nine-death sacrificial tomb, but when the whole sacrificial tomb completely collapsed, it seemed to be the same, but its power was much weaker than the collapse of the two-dimensional.

Jun Lintian's head is above and in the rapidly condensed disaster clouds, and he is meditating in his mind, and at this time, in the far north, in the north of the wilderness, the far north.

When the power of the pulse seal in the king's cemetery escaped, in the far north, the sound of a magnificent road came out from the top of a magnificent mountain peak, and this far north is the area where the holy land of Yantian is located. Now, the figure of Jun Lintian stands quietly under the thunderstorm and thinks about all kinds of hardships. At that time, a long sacrifice in the far north was coming to an end.

The mountains towering into the clouds are like a sharp sword inserted upside down on the earth, and a condensed breath of terror spread in the void. However, the endless rivers and the vast earth are full of various arrays, prohibitions, and even a trace of curse-like runes.

Whether it is in the void or on the earth, there are countless practitioners who crawl, and each of these practitioners prays that the endless power of faith is integrated into the void and gradually converges in the void to form a wheel.

This illusory wheel seems to be able to crush the world, and the void is filled with terrible pressure. This pressure is in line with the pressure of the king's disaster at this moment. After years of convergence, the roulette finally approaches to solidify at this moment, and sits cross-legged in the final heart of the wheel. Old man.

Dressed in a green robe, white hair spread around the waist, and there is a heroic atmosphere in the eyebrows. Even if the years leave traces on this old face, with the precipitation of history, the almost substantial breath emitted by this figure is suffocating.

"The twelve-week dragon vein appeared, the ancient divine soldiers were exposed, and the ancient curse came again... It seems that this world should change. The era of the gods, the era that has been submerged in the long river of time, will come one day!"

The magnificent voice of the white-haired old man resounded all over the world, and the earth trembled in this voice, which was a supreme pressure and an unquestionable voice.

"Children of the Holy Land, go, the last opportunity to change the world is in the south..."

With the appearance of this sound, countless figures suddenly rose among the mountains. Yes, there are countless figures. Each figure has a powerful level of cultivation. Among these figures, there are occasionally extremely powerful breaths. These people are jihad-level strong men.

Whether it is the Yongyuan Empire or the northern wilderness, jihad-level strong men are extremely scarce. However, in this and the north, the number of jihad-level strong men has reached an outrageous level, and this northern land seems to have an ancient momentum.


Countless black shadows are shining into the sky. They are moving towards the south, looking for the last opportunity to change the world.

Jun Lintian naturally did not know the scene of the holy land of Yantian. At this moment, he was awakened by a thunderbolt and recovered from endless meditation. He looked at the completely dark void. In the dark clouds were wandering electric snakes, and at the same time, the terrible pressure completely shrouded the world.


A shining thunder and lightning directly hit the top of a towering mountain, but this huge peak was instantly smashed by the falling thunder.

Feeling the horrible power in the cloud that was enough to break the void, and looking at the horrible aftermath that completely destroyed a huge mountain in an instant, Jun Lintian felt a burst of fright in his heart. The breath of thunder was so huge that Jun Lintian smelled a wave of actual battles far beyond the jihad level. The breath of death.

The dark cloud seemed to fall down, and the breath around him was completely solidified. He suddenly felt that the whole void was like a solidified iron block, in which he could not extricate himself.

"The breath of this thunderstorm is more horrible than when the fat elder stepped into the jihad level."

In his heart, Jun Lintian compared the thunder disaster with the thunderstorm of the fat elder's original thunderstorm. He was surprised to find that the breath of this natural disaster was more horrible and more turbulent. Generally speaking, the strength of the people who crossed the disaster became more and more horrible, and the natural disaster that fell would increase proportionally, and the fat elder's own fear Jun Lintian can't know how scary it is. As soon as he stepped into the jihad level, he can shout with the elders. However, now, his thunderstorm is actually much more terrible than that of the fat elder.

"This also means that after the baptism of thunderstorm, my own strength will make another qualitative leap?" Thinking of this, Jun Lintian couldn't help smiling at the corners of his mouth.

But at this time, the old man's heavy voice hit Jun Lintian's mind like a heavy hammer: "Lintian, indeed, as you think, the strength and weakness of the thunder disaster comes from the strength and potential of the person who crossed the disaster. At the same time, after the disaster, the stronger the strength of the person who crossed the disaster, the strength of the person who crossed the disaster is also becomes stronger. But the premise is that you can survive the disaster safely.

"In the ancient times, I don't know how many heroes died in this disaster, and I don't know how many days of proud people are trapped in this heavenly lesson. The more horrible the thunder disaster is, the more dangerous it is compared to the more powerful the robbers."

The solemn voice of the ancient wood old man echoed in Jun Lintian's mind. At this moment, Jun Lintian also realized the seriousness of the matter, but today's Jun Lintian and the ancient wood old man did not know the situation in the far north. If the ancient wood old man knew the sacrifice of the Yantian Holy Land, he would have fallen off his chin in surprise. .

Even if Jun Lintian saw the sacrifice, he would definitely feel shocked, because the sacrifice in the holy land of Yantian was extremely similar to the sacrificial tomb that Jun Lintian and Kong Yutong entered.


The thunder is rolling, and above the sky, it seems that boiling boiling water is bursting. At the same time, in the depths of the clouds, ferocious cracks are not only extending, but also the void is broken and healing, healing with cracks. The terrible power of thunder is constantly tearing the void and falling down terrible pressure.

"Is that... thunder manifestation?"

In the dark clouds, Jun Lintian suddenly saw a dark chain pulling across the void, and at the same time, the sound of dark and cold chains pulled, which made Jun Lintian afraid, and his spine felt a deep chill.

The electric snake wandering in the clouds is rattling, and at this moment, Jun Lintian is also fully prepared for the arrival of the disaster. In the clouds, the deep cold iron chain made Jun Lintian stunned for a while.


Once again, there was a deafening roar in the void. At the same time, in Jun Lintian's vision, this void, not only inside the disaster cloud, but also in the position where Jun Lintian was there were space tears.

The solemnity of the void became more and more horrible. At this time, the cloud that had been accumulating the power of terrible thunderstorm suddenly snapped, and a dark lightning crossed the dark void. Where the thunder and lightning passed, the void collapsed, and the broken void pointed straight to the eyebrows of the king.

"Black Thunder?"

Looking at this black thunder, Jun Lintian couldn't help but subconsciously dodge, but at this time, the voice of the old man Gumu suddenly echoed in Jun Lintian's mind, "Lintian, you can't hide, or your fate will be erased from the world. This is the rule and the trajectory of fate..."

The old man of Gumu shouted, and Jun Lintian immediately stopped his pace, and the black thunder had been split.


Jun Lintian used rage in an instant. At the same time, the endless power of the wilderness was used to form an energy protection outside the body. However, this layer of energy protection collapsed in an instant under this black thunderstorm. Next, the black thunder directly hit Jun Lintian's body. At this moment, the void around Jun Lintian's body is complete. After the collapse, Jun Lintian was in a space storm.