Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 66 Kong Yutong sees Shen Yuhan

The address of the imperial capital of the new empire has been selected, in a plain in the south that exudes a strong atmosphere of heaven and earth. However, the construction of the new imperial capital has just been put into operation, so the whole Jun family still lives in the imperial capital of the Yongyuan Empire.

At this moment, in the royal family, in a small bridge and beautiful garden, there is a graceful woman standing in this quiet courtyard. At the same time, beside these noble women, there is even two beautiful girls. These women are talking and smiling from time to time.

In the other courtyard, a figure came out, and the woman's figure was Shen Yuhan.

"Is everyone here?" Shen Yuhan looked at dozens of women and girls in the other courtyard and asked softly.

A eunuch who looked like a man and a woman approached, and then said respectfully, "Women, a total of 37 noble ladies, with 41 girls, came..."

Shen Yuhan's graceful face showed a satisfied smile, but the silver wire between his temples unconsciously became more.

"Women, everyone knows the purpose of calling you here today. I won't say much else. I hope my future in-law is standing here, and my future daughter-in-law is one of you..." Shen Yuhan looked at the forty-one girls and said.

Say here, the forty-first girls are all red-faced and shy. This is a group of real girls.

Shen Yuhan is busy with the blind date for Jun Lintian. At this moment, Kong Yutong and Yuan Song also entered the palace under the leadership of the people patted by Jun Linba and passed through the magnificent streets. Although the royal family of the Yongyuan Empire lacked a kind of natural beauty than the ancient Yunzong's pavilion, it contains the emperor. The breath couldn't help but shock Kong Yutong and Yuan Song.

Through countless pavilions and some palaces, a luxurious palace appeared in front of Kong Yutong.

Kong Yutong and Yuan Song entered the palace and successfully met Jun Linba. When Jun Linba saw Kong Yutong, the face that inherited the inherent facial features of the Jun family showed a trace of happiness.

In her conversation with Jun Linba, she intentionally or unintentionally mentioned Jun Lintian. However, whenever she said something about Jun Lintian, Jun Linba could always avoid it well, which made Kong Yutong feel a trace of doubt and a trace of uneasiness in her heart. Kong Yutong couldn't help guessing in her heart. Is there any danger after Jun Lintian returns to the empire?

Unable to transfer the topic to Jun Lintian, Kong Yutong mentioned the Ye family and the change of the dynasty of the Yongyuan Empire. Finally, Kong Yutong mentioned a person, Ye Yiyu.

When talking about Ye Yiyu, Jun Linba's face showed a trace of pity. At the same time, Jun Linba also casually said something about Ye Yiyu. Hearing what Jun Linba said, coupled with some news that Kong Yutong heard outside these days, she roughly guessed about the incident between Ye Yiyu and Jun Lintian. Come out.

After learning that Ye Yiyu had married before Jun Lintian came back, an inexplicable feeling emerged in Kong Yutong's heart. This feeling was happy, but Kong Yutong obviously felt a pain.

Finally, when Kong Yutong felt that she could no longer ask anything from Jun Linba, she found an excuse and wanted to walk around the palace. At this moment, Yuan Song saw that Kong Yutong wanted to go out for a walk, Yuan Song came forward and talked to Jun Linba. Both of them talked about practice. The above thing, because Yuan Song is now a powerful nine-level strong man, can give Jun Linba a lot of reference on the way of practice, so in desperation, Jun Linba has to let Kong Yutong leave temporarily.

Jun Linba wanted to send someone to lead the way for Kong Yutong, but was rejected by Kong Yutong.

Kong Yutong walked alone in the palace. She walked through huge roads and palaces. Kong Yutong walked aimlessly, thinking about what was going on now.

"In fact, I prefer to walk around the original Jun's mansion to see where Lintian was born and grew up, and also to see if Lintian's room is as neat as Gu Yunzong..." Thinking of this, Kong Yutong's beautiful face couldn't help smiling, and then a trace of blush appeared.

Kong Yutong walked, and suddenly she felt that there were dozens of women in another courtyard not far away. These people seemed to be talking about something. Kong Yutong's face showed a smile on her face and was in a lively mood. Kong Yutong walked towards the other courtyard. Soon after, a gorgeous woman appeared in Kong Yutong's vision. In the wild.

Looking at the women in gorgeous clothes, Kong Yutong couldn't help sighing that the people here are outstanding. Almost all of these women have a beautiful face.

Kong Yutong's figure appeared here, and at this moment, Shen Yuhan's eyes also fell on Kong Yutong. Feeling the woman's eyes, Kong Yutong raised his head and forgot the past. Kong Yutong saw Shen Yuhan's graceful but gentle smile. Looking at this gentle smile, Kong Yutong suddenly remembered himself My mother, the same kindness, gives birth to a warm current in people's heart.

Shen Yuhan walked into Kong Yutong, and at this moment, due to Shen Yuhan's movements, everyone also found Kong Yutong's figure. When all the women present saw Kong Yutong's peerless face and dusty temperament, the girls around, including the mothers who brought them here, were not confident. Many people are asking in a low voice, whose woman is this? With such a woman, there is almost no hope.

"Girl, what's your name?" Shen Yuhan came to Kong Yutong's side and asked softly. At the same time, Shen Yuhan's beautiful face showed a smile.

"My name is Kong Yutong..." Kong Yutong bowed slightly and replied very politely.

With the conversation between Shen Yuhan and Kong Yutong, everyone present obediently closed their own and quietly looked at Shen Yuhan and Kong Yutong.

"Yu Tong, can I ask you a few questions?"

Kong Yutong nodded with a smile.

Shen Yuhan smiled faintly and then asked, "Lintian, what kind of person is in your heart?" When Kong Yutong heard this sentence, she couldn't help but be shocked. This was the first time she had heard Jun Lintian's name from the population these days, but with Kong Yutong's fourth-level cultivation, she well hid the shock and doubts in her heart.

Looking at the calm face of the people around him, as if facing an ordinary thing, Kong Yutong couldn't help but be more confused. When the girls present heard the name of Jun Lintian, their beautiful faces couldn't help showing yearning and worship.

"What's going on? Does everyone here know about Lintian? Kong Yutong asked in her heart, and at the same time, she replied, "Lintian?"

Kong Yutong seemed to have fallen into the memory of the past, but when Kong Yutong said the word 'Lintian', the calmness, warmth and gentleness were all seen by the careful Shen Yuhan. At the same time, it was Shen Yuhan's turn to doubt, "Do you say that the woman in front of her knows Lintian?"

This kind of cognition inexplicably flashed in Shen Yuhan's mind.