Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 67 Finally Meet

The late autumn season is far away, and now it is winter. The cold wind is blowing in the imperial capital. Even if it is Kong Yutong, who is the fourth-order power, can't help feeling a chill that invades the bones at this moment.

Kong Yutong quietly looked at the drizzle falling in the sky. Maybe soon, it will be your snowflakes falling from the air...

"Lintian..." Kong Yutong muttered softly, and at the same time, her beautiful face showed a happy and warm smile. She fell into the memory of the past, an accidental encounter, the body and death in the tomb of the sacrifice, accompanied for several months, the misunderstanding of the second child in the inn, and the reappearance of Gu Yunzong Encounter... Too many memories are frozen in Kong Yutong's memory.

When these pictures flashed in the depths of Kong Yutong's mind, the smile on Kong Yutong's face was warm and happy, but the subtle scene was seen by Shen Yuhan.

However, when these words appeared in the depths of Kong Yutong's mind, Kong Yutong suddenly felt a sense of pain and bitterness, which was a heartbreaking pain. Even if several years passed, Kong Yutong still could not forget his heartless mood. It was a kind of despair, as if the whole world had collapsed.

No one disturbed Kong Yutong with Shen Yuhan and the people present. When Kong Yutong came back from her memory, she saw Shen Yuhan's kind smiling face: "What kind of person is he?"

"I'm sorry, madam, I don't know how to express the image of Lin Tian in my heart. Maybe... As long as I follow him silently and look at his thin but safe *, it will be enough..." Kong Yutong said softly, but this plain sentence was heard in the ears of everyone present. But it is extremely firm.

Shen Yuhan stared at the woman with a beautiful face in front of her for a moment. She couldn't remember who this woman was, but in her heart, she was inexplicably moved by the emotions just revealed by Kong Yutong. In Shen Yuhan's heart, she seemed to have recognized Kong Yutong. As for whether Jun Lintian agreed with herself The blind date he has chosen for him is not within the scope of Shen Yuhan's consideration.

Shen Yuhan shifted her eyes from Kong Yutong to the people present. She said apologetically, "Everyone, I'm sorry, maybe I know who I want to choose."

Shen Yuhan said, although some of the people present were slightly dissatisfied, the power of the Jun family and the power of Jun Lintian were there. Even if they were lent them 120 courage, they did not dare to make anything. What's more, regardless of their appearance and temperament, Kong Yutong was an impeccable person. It can be said that Everyone present was not dissatisfied with losing to a woman like Kong Yutong.

Everyone in the field left, and finally there were only Kong Yutong and Shen Yuhan left.

"Where are your parents? And in the imperial capital, I don't seem to have heard of a prosperous Confucius family..."

"My home is far away and there are not enough women. Can Yutong ask you to tell me about the past?" Kong Yutong looked at Shen Yuhan quietly. Although she did not know what the woman in front of her had to do with Jun Lintian, Kong Yutong guessed that she must be a few close people.

"What happened in the sky?" Shen Yuhan was a little stunned for a moment, and then relieved. She said, "That's right. Since you want to introduce you to Lintian, you should at least know Lintian..."

At the invitation of Shen Yuhan, Kong Yutong went to a garden and sat in a small pavilion in the lake for a nap, and then the two talked to each other.

Shen Yuhan told Kong Yutong about the past of Jun Lintian, and also explained many of Kong Yutong's questions. However, when Kong Yutong asked Ye Yiyu, Shen Yuhan did not want to mention it and took it over in one sentence, but Kong Yutong understood Jun Lintian's heartbreaking words. Pain.

The two women climbed together and always had endless topics around an extremely important person. Unconsciously, it was already dusk. At this time, Kong Yutong also roughly knew the past of Jun Lintian. However, during this period, about the relationship between Jun Lintian and Kong Yutong, Shen Yu Han didn't know at all that so far, Shen Yuhan has treated Kong Yutong as a lady of the empire.

"Yutong, it's getting late. Do you live in the palace or will you be a family? I don't know when Lintian will come back, but when he comes back, I will arrange for you to meet..."

"I still have to go to your majesty's place. My brother is still talking to your majesty. As for where I go... Yutong has a mercy and hopes that the woman can complete it..."


"Well, I don't know if the woman can allow me to go to the king's mansion. I want to see the place where Lintian grew up..."

Shen Yuhan looked at the woman in front of him. After a long time, Shen Yuhan nodded gently and agreed, and Kong Yutong also bowed slightly and turned around to prepare to leave. At this time, a powerful breath suddenly came from the far north, which shocked the world, but fell into the palace in an instant.

For this powerful breath, Kong Yutong and Yuan Song are both facing great enemies, and even those strong people in the palace show frightened, but behind this extremely powerful breath, everyone feels a little familiar with it.

When this breath submerged in the palace, one disappeared and came back after leaving for a month or two.

However, Kong Yutong, Yuan Song and others did not know this news.

Kong Yutong looked at Shen Yuhan. After saliting, he turned around and left. As long as he passed through the door and walked through several corridors, he could turn with the ape pine. However, at the moment Kong Yutong turned around, a familiar voice echoed in Kong Yutong's ear, "Mother, I'm back..."

"Lintian..." For a moment, Kong Yutong's figure stayed where she was. She felt that her body seemed to be stiff and not under her control.

Shen Yuhan looked at Kong Yutong parked at the door. At the same time, she heard Jun Lintian's voice. The next moment, Jun Lintian's figure appeared at the door, still the handsome face and the familiar facial features, but now Jun Lintian has become more mature and powerful, so that Kong Yutong can't believe it. At this moment, standing in front of him is the guy who has just stepped into the power level.

The guy who missed himself day and night and once sank for him.

Jun Lintian looked at his mother's kind face in the distance, but the next moment, he focused his eyes on Kong Yutong, who was only a few meters away from him.

Jun Lintian looked at it in a daze, the beautiful face, the familiar breath, and the affectionate eyes. In Jun Lintian's perception, this noisy world suddenly became silent, and the rolling red dust also seemed to be fixed at that moment. In Jun Lintian's vision, there was only this immortal body left in this world. Shadow.

The past scene echoed in Jun Lintian's mind. The original reunion and parting still seem to be vivid in my mind.

Unconsciously, the depths of Kong Yutong's beautiful eyes have been completely wet. At this moment, she is like a homeless girl, suddenly finding her own belonging. Her tearful eyes are endless grievances and fatigue.

Jun Lintian and Kong Yutong stood quietly like this. They looked at each other and no one spoke. However, Shen Yuhan, who was standing in the distance at this moment, looked at the strange scene in front of her doubtfully. In Shen Yuhan's memory, since Jun Lintian returned to the empire, she had never seen Jun Lintian lose her mind so much. Even when he learned of Ye Yiyu's betrayal, he did not lose himself so much except for the grief that was enough to soak in the wilderness.

Shen Yuhan couldn't help walking forward. She looked at her son, and then looked at Kong Yutong. Shen Yuhan wanted to break the silence at this moment. She said, "Lintian, I'll give you Jian Shao. This is Yutong..."

"Yutong, this is Lintian..." Shen Yuhan looked at Jun Lintian and Kong Yutong quietly. At this moment, Jun Lintian's eyes were still focused on Kong Yutong. Suddenly, a smile appeared on Jun Lintian's face, which was a heartfelt smile. Shen Yuhan saw satisfaction from this smile for countless years. Come on, the most sincere and happiest smile Shen Yuhan saw on Jun Lintian's face.

"How have you been over the years?"

Jun Lintian looked at Kong Yutong. He asked in a low voice, while Kong Yutong looked at Jun Lintian and cried on his beautiful face, but showed a sad smile. Kong Yutong shook his head and said, "Why didn't you let me follow you at the beginning? Why..."

Jun Lintian looked at Kong Yutong and Kong Yutong's deep roar. Since he met Kong Yutong, he had never seen Kong Yutong lose his temper. However, at this moment, Kan Ze and Kong Yutong lost his temper, but a trace of bitterness appeared in his heart. After a long time, he said today, "I don't want to delay you. I hope you can find what you belong to Your happiness, your belonging..."

"Lintian, don't you understand now? My best belonging is you. I don't ask for much. It's enough for me to follow you silently. It's really enough..."


Jun Lintian and Kong Yutong fell silent again, while Shen Yuhan, who was beside him, looked at the conversation between them in shock, looked at Kong Yutong's true feelings, looked at Jun Lintian's inner struggle, once again met Jun Lintian, and once again saw the handsome face, the grievances that had been squeezed in Kong Yutong's heart for several years. The pain is like a mountain torrent that breaks the dike, and it can't be stopped.

What did a daughter come here thousands of miles away? What have you been missing day and night over the years? And... why do you dare to reveal your heart despite your daughter's apity? Isn't it your own desire that is not extravagant?

Kong Yutong cried, and Jun Lintian stood in front of Kong Yutong. Time was quietly passing. Kong Yutong quietly watched standing in front of Jun Lintian.

"Jun Lintian, I hate you..." Kong Yutong cried loudly, but the next moment, she rushed directly to Jun Lintian and hugged Jun Lintian tightly, as if she was afraid that Jun Lintian would stay away from her again the next moment.

Shen Yuhan looked at the scene in front of him puzzledly. For a moment, Shen Yuhan was dull and didn't know what to do.