Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 74 Test

Jun Lintian took his step. He stared at the brothers on the stone steps. In Jun Lintian's mind, such words suddenly flashed, 'Fight for Yutong...' and these words flashed in Jun Lintian's mind. He suddenly sounded his former self, * left his hometown, and again and again. Struggle on the edge of life and death, and try your last strength in countless battles.

Once, I fought for Ye Yiyu, and now... I will fight for Yutong.


There is no superfluous idea. Only such a word appeared in Jun Lintian's mind. He looked at the people on the stone steps and said in a low voice, "You go together..."

As soon as Jun Lintian's words fell, everyone felt a breeze brushing everyone's cheeks, and Jun Lintian's figure had disappeared from the place where he stood before. Everyone only saw a deep footprint on the stone steps leading to the top of the mountain. Everything was so sudden that when everyone still When he was shocked, the figure of Jun Lintian once again appeared in everyone's vision.

The figure of Jun Lintian is almost a disciple of Gu Yunzong on the stone steps. The voice of Jun Lintian seems to echo in everyone's ears.

"To the brothers, even if I pass this level..." Jun Lintian's words still echoed in everyone's ears, and before the people present reacted, the brothers of Gu Yunzong suddenly felt that their figure had suffered an unimaginable force impact, which made everyone's minds ache. At the same time, the whole soul is trembling, as if his consciousness is a little blurred.

Although it feels like they have suffered a serious injury, in fact, everyone has only suffered a trace of skin trauma.

Only those powerful elite disciples and some powerful rulers can see what happened in the field. They have no choice but to use the speed and power of Jun Lintian are so fast and accurate that many people think that they have hallucinations.

"This control of power, and in the face of such a powerful man, that kind of calmness and proficient... It seems that Gu Yunzong will have a terrible existence in the next generation."

"Is this the guy who was just a first-level power at the beginning? Although I heard that he could defeat the powerful strong man at the beginning, now... How can it be so easy to defeat many strong people there? You know, it is much more difficult to defeat a person, or kill one, and today's Junlintian can do this, so there is only one possibility. That's the point where Jun Lintian's strength is unimaginable.

"Is this Gu Yunzong giving us a horse?"


Many of the big forces onlookers have their own calculations. They stared at the king on the stone steps and showed a solemn look. No one knew what these big forces were thinking.

Jun Lintian's figure continued to walk above the stone steps. If he did not take a step, Jun Lintian's figure would move forward dozens of feet. This was just walking on foot. When Jun Lintian's figure left, the ancient Yunzong disciples who were the first level to stop Jun Lintian seemed to condense. At the previous moment, until Jun Lintian's figure was far away, everyone felt that their bodies were soft and sat directly on the ground.

The eyes of these disciples of Gu Yunzong are full of horror. In their perception, in the face of Jun Lintian, they have no resistance. They are like fish on the cutting board, while Jun Lintian is a knife, and they are allowed to be slaughtered by Jun Lintian.

"Brother Lintian, how powerful is it?"

This is a problem in the hearts of these disciples of Gu Yunzong. However, there is only one vague legend about this problem. That is, today's King Lintian has jihad-level power.

However, as a peer, the people of Gu Yunzong can't believe a fact. After all, the existence of the jihad level is enough to become the foundation of a big force. Now how big is the king's genius, how many years he has been involved in practice, and in such a short time, he has stepped into the wishes that countless people can't fulfill in their lifetime. Looking at it, everyone was shocked.

At the beginning, people who were suspicious of Jun Lintian's jihad-level power, even if some people said that Jun Lintian resisted the power of fat elders and elders still did not believe that Jun Lintian's jihad-level power, many people were gradually believing in this earth-shaking fact, and many people shook their doubts. Thoughts.

"Maybe he has reached that point naively."

"Don't forget, what was the most famous thing about King Lintian in ancient Yunzong? Isn't it just to make a shocking miracle?"


Everyone's discussion continues, and at this moment, in Jun Lintian's heart, in the depths of those dark eyes, there is only the peak of the main peak. There, Kong Yutong is quietly waiting for herself, fighting for Yutong and for the people he loves. This is Jun Lintian's brave belief, whether it is today's various examinations Test, or between all kinds of life and death in the future, Jun Lintian will protect it with this belief and fight until the last trace of strength and the last drop of blood.

"Yiyu, I once dare not swear to you or promise you, but now... Even if I know that 'always' is a heavy responsibility and luxury, today again, I still want to swear to God that in this life or the next life, I will live for you and fight for you..."

Jun Lintian looked at the peak, and all the time, the wounds and cracks that suppressed Jun Lintian's heart have healed with this oath.

Ye Yiyu has been put down in his heart, but Jun Lintian still leaves a shadow on the oath of the past, but when Jun Lintian dares to face the word 'vowledge', his heart seems to have undergone a subtle change. This change is from the inside to the outside, which makes people can't help but look at Jun Lintian's eyes.

"That's the transformation of the soul..."

"What kind of monster is that guy? When he holds his wedding, he can also understand his mood and change..."

"This son's future is unlimited..."


Feeling the change of Jun Lintian's soul, everyone felt unbelievable. At this time, Jun Lintian's pace has never stopped. Along the way, Jun Lintian encountered various prohibitions, various illusions and so on. Countless obstacles were in front of Jun Lintian, but the letter in his heart that fought for Kong Yutong Nian, let Jun Lintian take his step by step, and finally the last step appeared in Jun Lintian's vision.