Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 75 Confession

The frightened eyes focused on Jun Lintian, who were the rulers from major forces. When these people looked at Jun Lintian, their deep eyes were deeply afraid of and all kinds of speculation.

"Maybe it won't be long before Gu Yunzong, who is in charge of us, is the guy in front of him..."

The rulers of many big forces almost guessed that, after all, with the strength and mood shown by Jun Lintian now, coupled with the current relationship between Jun Lintian and Kong Yutong, the next suzerain of Gu Yunzong, although the huge Gu Yunzong does not lack competition, these descendants of disciples are compared with Jun Lintian. Compared with it, it looks so pale and powerless.

In fact, if there is no accident, it is a certainty that Jun Lintian will become the next suzerain of Gu Yunzong, but no one can predict what fate is and where the trajectory of fate will go.

Jun Lintian looked at the last stone steps, and his dark eyes were extremely firm. With every step taken, the momentum of Jun Lintian will suddenly increase, which is a qualitative change in his mood. In this process, his willpower has been best refined. As long as there is a firm belief in his heart, in the future practice There will be unimaginable benefits.

The momentum of Jun Lintian is constantly climbing, and in the eyes of everyone, the eyes of Jun Lintian are also becoming more and more shocking.

Some of them talked with each other: "I heard that what this son is most proud of is not his own cultivation, nor the height of his state of mind, but the extreme physical strength. Since ancient times, the refinement of the body has been extremely difficult, but this son is at a height that ordinary people can't reach at all. He has reached an unimaginable height. As early as a few years ago, when he was in Gu Yunzong, he heard that his physical strength had reached the power level. Now that several years have passed, it is difficult to imagine how his physical strength has reached now.

"How can you have such a horrible physical strength? However, although several years have passed, I don't know how difficult it is to improve the strength of the body than the cultivation of the original strength. Even if several years have passed now, I don't think even if he is the body of an ancient god, he can't grow too much..."

"What Master Duan said is that even if he has a proud potential, is it so easy to improve his physical strength? Now a few years have passed, according to some information obtained in those years, the physical strength of this son is at most to the level of the second and third level..."

"Yes, with his current cultivation, his physical strength will reach the second and third levels of power, but even so, it is amazing enough..."

"Although you say so, have you found that with our jihad-level cultivation, you can't see through him. What extent has his own cultivation reached?"

"We can understand that we can't see through his cultivation. After all, he is the body of an ancient god. What flows in his body is the power of the wilderness, which is older and stronger than the original power, so it is difficult for us to determine his cultivation of the power of the wilderness. As for the physical strength, it is difficult for me to know if I don't personally see him use all his strength to fight. Xiao.


Jun Lintian walked to the top with one foot, and at this time, many powerful people who came to the wedding were whispering.

Looking at the top stone steps, Jun Lintian stepped up. When Jun Lintian's figure stepped on the peak, Jun Lintian's eyes showed an endless sea of people, and a red carpet spread across the ground. The red carpet went straight to the center of the square, where there was an altar, which was used to preside over the wedding. On the other side of the red carpet is a luxuriously decorated gift car.

The gift car is only a few tens of meters away from Jun Lintian. At this moment, the gift car stands quietly on the square. There are dozens of maids around the gift cart, who quietly wait next to the carriage.

In front of the carriage, outside the curtain stood three peerless women with various colors of Shenyun. The three women have different temperaments and have all of them. These three are the other three women among the four women of Gu Yunzong at the beginning. At this moment, the three women stood in front of the curtain of the carriage with a smile. They looked at the gentleman not far away with a smile. Lintian.

Jun Lintian looked at the carriage dozens of meters away. He knew that Kong Yutong was now sitting quietly on the carriage, waiting for himself.

He gently took his step, but at this moment, Jun Lintian felt that his feet were as heavy as a mountain. Every time he raised his feet, he had to use his strength, and Jun Lintian's deep eyes had been staring at the luxurious and warm carriage.

"Why do I feel so heavy!"

"This weight is your inner responsibility. Lintian, from now on, you will shoulder the responsibility of a husband, and a family that belongs to you will be supported by you. This is something every man has to go through..." The voice of the old man of Gumu suddenly echoed in Jun Lintian's mind.

"Responsibility?" Jun Lintian muttered in a low voice, and he still took his step firmly, getting closer to the carriage not far away.

If the distance is tens of meters, if it is normal, Jun Lintian can appear dozens of meters away with just one thought. But now, in Jun Lintian's vision, the luxuriously decorated carriage seems to be as far away as several worlds.

"My responsibility should be borne by me, not to mention that the responsibility I chose is so warm and happy..." Jun Lintian looked at the carriage. His eyes seemed to be covered by the carriage and saw Kong Yutong quietly waiting for him in the carriage. Jun Lintian seemed to see Kong Yutong's beautiful face. Let out a happy smile.

Thinking like this, Jun Lintian suddenly felt that his feet were no longer so heavy. He quickly stepped forward and soon came to the carriage.

"Lintian, if you want to hold hands with Yutong, you have to pass our pass..." Qiuya looked at Jun Lintian and said with a gentle smile.

"Do you still have to pass this?"

"That's of course, but how can we give our little sister to you?"

"Well, what should I do?" Looking at the three women with beautiful faces in front of him, Jun Lintian said helplessly, as he said to Qiu Ya, if he didn't pass the three women, maybe his pace would stop here. However, when Jun Lintian saw the happy smile on the three women's faces, Jun Lintian suddenly felt whether he had fallen into the three women's In the trap.

"Actually, it's very simple. Use all your methods to let Yutong come out of it!"

Jun Lintian was stunned there for a moment, and then he looked into the carriage. At this moment, he suddenly realized that the three women had already colluded with Kong Yutong to embarrass himself and understand the mystery of it. Jun Lintian sighed helplessly and nodded.

"Yutong, you won't embarrass me, will you?"

"Ha, it depends on your performance..." Kong Yutong's smiling voice came from the carriage. He didn't see him. He only heard the sound, which couldn't help but make people intoxicated with the sweet voice. This is Kong Yutong's charm.

Jun Lintian took a deep breath, and at this moment, the eyes of countless people in the square were concentrated here, and the dialogue between several people also spread all over the magnificent main peak through the role of array, and even some peaks next to it could be heard. At this moment, Jun Lintian quietly looked at Kong Yutong in the carriage and sank. After a long silence, Jun Lintian slowly said.

"Yutong, in fact, there has always been something I want to say to you, but I have never had a chance to say it, and now, I have taken this opportunity to confess the words in my heart one by one..."

"Do you remember the nameless mountain village? To be honest, even if you were dressed in an ordinary costume, the amazing face still shocked me. I didn't expect that I would lose my mind in the face of such a face. Do you remember picking medicine on the cliff? You were willing to risk your life and death for a group of ordinary people. At that time, you knew what I was like. Does it look at you? What a kind silly girl! Do you remember the subsequent sacrifice and burial? When I think about it this time, the experience of life and death may be the most precious..."

"Although I always escape when I am with you, what I want to say is that I don't know when your words and deeds are deeply engraved in my mind. Your smile and your sadness are imprinted in the depths of my soul, but all the time, I don't want to face it, and I dare not face it. !"

"I'm sorry to bother you... Yutong, do you know? These six words haunt me like a nightmare every dark and cold night. Looking at your lonely and far away figure, I deceived my inner throbbing and grief with indifference!"

"There are not many extravagant things. I know. I silently look at everything in my eyes. In the past days, I failed to protect and take good care of you. From now on, I will do everything to protect and cherish this love. There is no earth-shaking oath or promise of eternal life in this relationship. Nuo...Yutong, no matter what happens in the future, everything is with me..."

Jun Lintian looked at the luxurious carriage quietly. His memories flowed through his heart. He said affectionately, and everything around him fell into silence. For a moment, everything in the world was fixed.


In this quiet void, a crisp voice echoed in everyone's ears. This crisp voice was crystal ** dripping from the low level. The next moment, in everyone's vision, a figure in a dress rushed out of the carriage, and this figure rushed directly into Jun Lintian's arms, and Jun Lintian is also a person who holds his arms tightly.