shake the nine bream

Chapter 40 Dragon Ball 5

The next day came quickly. Because of the hurried last night, Qiu Gu, who didn't close his eyes all night, felt that time passed quickly. What was strange was that Qiu Gu was not sleepy and still standing there energetic waiting for Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger to come out.

Early in the morning, Qiugu and his party prepared to go to the destination ahead. The destination in front is the east, and the wind and sand in the east are even greater. Fortunately, Qiugu can fly above the eastern sky and look down above the sky here. The wind and sand in this place is really big, and you can see the wind and sand in the sky. It looks thousands of meters, the storm is very big, and a huge tornado is constantly spinning here in the east.

At this time, Qiu Gu slowly landed, and the strong wind on the ground could be felt. There was really nothing he could do. Qiu Gu had to take the others farther away, because the storm here was indeed too violent. Qiu Gu entered the storm in front of him alone.

Entering the storm, the strong wind came to make it difficult to open their eyes, but in a faint time, Qiu Gu saw several people coming from the front. Qiu Gu was shocked and was about to prepare, but was pushed to the back by the strong wind here.

This time, Qiu Gu was repulsed. In the distance, Qiu Gu saw Liu Lianyi and others.

"Brother, are you all right?" Liu Lianyi asked.

"It's okay, it's okay. The storm here is really terrible. It's really difficult to walk in it. Just now, I seemed to see a few people in this storm in a trance." Akiya said.

"Will you read it wrong? How can there be someone in the eye?" Shangguan Qinger asked.

"That's right. I think it must have something to do with Dragon Ball. Look, this compass shakes the fastest in this place. I think the location of Dragon Ball is ahead." Akiya said that he got into this eye again. This time, Akiya was determined to enter this eye. This time, Akiya came up with a way. He also summoned a strong wind around his body, and Akiya did not expect that it was really effective. The wind around his body Unexpectedly, the strong wind blowing to his body was pushed back by the reaction force by the strong wind around his body, so that Qiu Gu could walk in this place without being hindered by too much. As he walked, Qiu Gu really saw a few people, and when Qiu Gu walked in and looked at it, Now the so-called people are actually some weathered stones, and what surprised Qiu Gu more is that there is no wind in this eye. There is no wind in the wind eye, only those humanoid statues that have been weathered. Qiu Gu walked in and found that there were actually two statues in these statues. There are actually two dragon balls hanging on his hand.

Qiu Gu didn't expect to be so lucky. He got two dragon balls at once, which made Qiu Gu very happy. He hurried to get the two dragon balls, but as soon as he got the two dragon balls, suddenly the feet of this eye suddenly collapsed. Qiu Gu inadtentionally fell down and fell down in autumn. When Gu fell down, Qiu Gu hurriedly summoned Dao Liyun to fly out, but he found that he could not fly out. The mouth that fell began to close, and the previous sand began to cover the place.

Qiu Gu had no choice but to fall all the time. There was Dao Li Yun supporting himself. Qiu Gu found that it was hollow under this sand, which could actually let people swim freely in it. Qiu Gu hurriedly took out the Dao Li Yun, but asked Qiu Gu to give Dao Li Yun When it came out, Qiu Gu was very surprised by the scene in front of him. There was a big cave in front of him. What was surprising was that these caves were full of people. Strictly speaking, they were not human beings. They were all monsters, but presented a human form with a black body, like some black statues lying on the wall here. On the wall, Qiu Gu was very surprised to see this scene and was about to touch it, but at the moment Qiu Gu approached, he suddenly saw those monsters suddenly move.

Qiu Gu was shocked and hurriedly held the gods in his hand. At this time, the gods had been injected into the spirit of Danxia by Qiu Gu, looking like a red iron rod.

Those monsters seemed to feel the heat and immediately moved. Some monsters turned their heads to look at Qiugu. The eyes of those monsters could also emit light and orange light in the dark.

Akiya hurriedly hit the front with a flash of lightning. The lightning was so powerful that it shot down a large number of monsters at once, and another wave rose again. Many monsters began to jump towards Akiya. Although they didn't know how deep they were under their feet, they saw one of those monsters. One fearlessly rushed towards Akiya, as if there was no sense of fear. Akiya hurriedly summoned the sky fire boundary. In this place, Akiya could only fight quickly. With the dragon ball, it was not allowed to fall in this place. At this time, Akiya used the dance of the great witch, and the dance of the great witch was used. Suddenly, the whole cave under the ground was illuminated by fire and electric light. The wind, which was more terrible than the outside, began to sweep out of Qiu Gu's body. This momentum was quite powerful to destroy everything. Akiya was also surprised that he could use such a powerful power. Now the power is dozens of Akiya in the past. Bei Zhiqiang, this force destroyed all the monsters here in an instant, and even the tornado outside was destroyed, and Qiu Gu suddenly burst out of the sand.

Liu Lianyi and others in the distance were also shocked by what was going on under the ground and hurriedly fled farther away. Soon a hurricane blew by, and Qiu Gu flew out of the sand and soared into the sky.

When Akiya landed on the ground again, Akiya could not understand why his power had reached such a terrible situation now. There were many fragments of the bodies of that kind of monster in the sky, and many black ** fell down, which may be the blood of those monsters. These ** were evaporated on the skyfire boundary of Qiugu. After knowing that the last ** fell clean, Liu Lianyi and his party approached Qiugu.

"Did you make the one just now?" Shang Fangjian looked at Qiu Gu in surprise and asked.

"Yes, I don't know why when I use the Great Witch Dance now, my strength has increased by dozens of times compared with before. This is the second time I have used the Great Witch Dance since I found my true spirit. This is amazing." Akiya said.

"Did you get the Dragon Ball?" Shang Fangjian asked.

Akiya hurriedly took out the dragon ball in his chest, and then said with a smile, "Haha, this time I got two dragon balls at once. It seems that I'm really lucky."

"It seems that I'm really lucky, but it seems that my luck has run out. Look, the weather is almost dark now. It seems that I still have to go back to that inn for a night's rest today." Shang Fangjian said.

Liu Lianyi felt furious when he thought of the inn selling human flesh, and said with a disgusting face, "Where must I go back?"

"There's nothing we can do. It's surrounded by the wilderness. If we spend the night here, it will be very dangerous. Even if we are not killed by the poisonous snakes and jackals around us, I'm afraid our bodies can't resist the bad weather here. There is only that inn nearby. Brother Qiu has no rest at all and must give it to him. Find a better place to have a good rest. Shang Fangjian said.

Shang Fangjian's words are indeed reasonable, and Liu Lianyi also agreed with this view and said, "Are you all right, Qiu Gu? I didn't sleep all night last night, and now I've done so many things and experienced so many hardships. How are you?

Qiu Gu patted his chest and said, "I'm fine. I don't know why I have endless physical strength now. It's okay to sleep or not."

"You'd better not be stubborn. Let's go back while it's still early!" Shangguan Qinger said.

The group flew back to the Humen Inn again and saw the Qiugu party coming back. The owner of the inn said in surprise, "Are you back? Can't you get into that place?

"No, we went in, so we came back so late." Akiya said.

For Qiu Gu's answer, the boss's wife didn't seem to see it. In his eyes, Qiu Gu's words were nonsense. In the boss's mind, there was no one who could go to that place and come back.