shake the nine bream

Chapter 41 Dragon Ball 6

It was already night. After others fell asleep, Qiu Gu came out quietly. After a day, everyone else was so tired that they wanted to sleep, but Qiu Gu couldn't sleep. Qiu Gu couldn't sleep but remembered one thing, that is, the true flowers he cultivated in Huayang City.

Qiu Gu is very confident that he can fly to Huayang City quickly. After all, the real flower is also a very important thing. Qiu Gu walked out of the inn and found a place where there was no one to summon Dao Liyun. If the flowers bloom, things in the future will improve a lot of efficiency. It has always been Qiu As the main offensive force to solve the problem of these four auspicious beasts, Qiu Gu also feels that it is really too troublesome. Besides, Liu Lianyi and Shangguan Qinger will become safe if they have true qi.

summoned Dao Liyun, and Qiu Gu ran to Huayang City at the fastest speed. At this time, Qiu Gu found that he could really fly very fast, much faster than before. Qiu Gu didn't know why the spirit of Danxia had soared recently.

The wind blew on Qiu Gu's face, but in less than an hour, Qiu Gu had already reached the sky over Huayang City. At this time, it was still night.

Qiu Gu quietly landed in his yard. In the yard, Qiu Gu built a separate secret room to cultivate those true qi flowers, and also made an automatic watering instrument so that these flowers can get good water. The water used is also water from Changjue Yudu, and the soil is Obtained from the canyon found by the Zhenqi flower, these two should be said to meet the external conditions that the Zhenqi flower can grow.

When Qiu Gu entered the secret room with hope and surprise, he was stunned by everything in front of him. The flowers cultivated before had really bloomed, and the flowers were really beautiful. The whole body was golden, but the light emitted was light blue, these light blue. Like a firefly, it filled the whole room with an unprecedented atmosphere.

Akiya was surprised and slowly squatted down, and then gently touched a petal. When he touched the petals, he could feel that the pollen on it was very delicate and felt very good. And most importantly, Akiya could feel the amazing power contained in it. It spread all over the body. Akiya hurriedly took out the bottle and hurriedly collected pollen on these petals. The most of these flowers are pollen. There is a thick layer on the petals, which can be pinched easily. No wonder Hu Fei could collect so much at the beginning, because it is really easy to collect. Set.

Soon Qiu Gu collected a large bottle, and each flower collected pollen slowly faded and began to wither until Qiu Gu collected all the pollen of the flowers, and the flowers here withered one after another.

This is the only soil at present. These soils seem to have been sucked out for nutrients. At this time, they begin to become dry and cracked. Only the water recovered from the rain has a lot.

After collecting the pattern, the faint light before here also disappeared. Qiu Gu looked at the pollen in the bottle, which was a big bottle. In the bottle, it was like a imprisoned firefly with an amazing light.

While the night was still very dark, Qiu Gu left here in a hurry to avoid being discovered. When Qiu Gu returned to the inn again, the genius had just dawned. Qiu Gu seemed to have infinite physical strength and just came to the inn. At this time, Liu Lianyi and others just got up. Qiu Gu hurriedly woke everyone up and asked everyone to sort it out and get together for a while.

Seeing Qiu Gu's very excited appearance, everyone didn't know what to do and packed up all the things. Qiu Gu hurriedly took everyone out of the inn. Before leaving, the boss's wife was still a little reluctant to leave, because Qiu Gu's money is indeed very generous. Of course, such a generous guest is the most Favorite what the boss likes.

Walking to an empty place, Qiu Gu stopped, then took out the bottle and said, "Look, what is this!"

Seeing a glowing bottle in Qiu Gu's hand, no one knew what it was. They shook their heads. Shangguan Qinger said, "Don't sell it, just say it directly."

"Haha, this is the pollen on the Zhenqi flower. I couldn't sleep last night and suddenly remembered it. We also had some time since we left Huayang City, just remembered the flowers I cultivated before. Anyway, it was okay. I went back. I didn't expect those flowers to really bloom. These are all collected from above. It seems that everyone can have real anger again!"

Hearing Qiu Gu say this, Shang Fangjian was the most excited one who came over, took the bottle and looked at it. Shang Fangjian said, "Can this thing really restore people's true spirit?"

At this time, Qiu Gu saw that there was no wind around, and then grabbed some from the bottle, and then let Shang Fangjian come over with a long mouth. For Shang Fangjian, this action was indeed a little indecent, but Shang Fangjian also wanted to quickly try whether this thing worked or not.

Shang Fangjian walked over, then took out a cloth from his pocket, and said, "Brother, pour these pollens on this cloth. I'll do it myself!"

Qiu Gu smiled and poured the pollen on the cloth. Looking at the elite pollen, Shang Fangjian swallowed his saliva, and then poured the pollen on the cloth into his body. Not long after the pollen entered Shang Fangjian's body, Shang Fangjian felt that he began to He had a headache and began to feel uncomfortable all over. Shang Fangjian looked very painful and asked Qiu Gu, "Brother, are you sure that this thing can really restore your true spirit? Why do I feel that I feel very uncomfortable?

"It's okay. It's normal. I felt very uncomfortable when I ate this for the first time. I thought it would be fine after a while." Akiya said.

Sure enough, after a while, Shang Fangjian felt that his body was much smoother. In the past, some feelings did seem to have returned to his body, and the closed meridians began to move, as if the blocked pipes began to dredge water.

"Try to see if this thing really works?" Akiya said.

Shang Fangjian responded, that is, he began to be lucky according to the previous practice methods. When Shang Fangjian was lucky, he really found that he could really use true qi. At this time, Shang Fangjian knotted his hands and hit the front. Suddenly, he saw a sword light and flew out in front, in front of him. The sand exploded, and the momentum did not diminish.

Seeing that Shang Fangjian returned to normal, Qiu Gu divided all these pollens to others. Soon everyone could use spells, and Zhenqi began to flow in everyone's body again. Now everyone boiled, which was like something very important that had been lost. However, when I returned to my body, the feeling was self-evident and very happy.

"Everyone should not use spells. Because of Danxia qi in my body, I can continuously restore the true qi, but you are different. The true qi in your body is one-time. Everyone should know this. After using Zhenqi, you can recover it through some subsequent methods. That's because there is true qi in the world. Cultivators can gather the surrounding true qi into their bodies by sitting and other methods to restore their lost true qi, but now there is no true qi around. These true qi also come from an easy way. Everyone should make good use of it. Akiya said.

"Are those flowers gone?" Qiu Gu asked.

Qiu Gu frowned and said, "No, there is no way, because the soil for cultivating those flowers has dried up, and it seems that they can no longer be cultivated. On the one's soil, and on the other, there are no seeds, it seems difficult to cultivate such flowers in the future, so these true qi in everyone's bodies are short-lived. But don't worry. As long as we open the wheel of true qi in the divine world, there will be true qi in the world again. In the future, we don't have to rely on these things to replenish the true qi, so we must speed up the pace, so I think so. We are divided into two teams, me, Lianyi and Qing'er. Team, brother, you take your team as a team. We are responsible for finding the rest of the dragon balls. Now that the rosefinch blood is already available, and we will solve the Qinglong. Then you try your best to solve Xuanwu or one of the white tigers, so that the efficiency will be doubled. I hope that soon the world will have true spirit again, and we can also be in position. List of fairy classes.

"That's what I think. Then the most troublesome Qinglong can be dealt with by my brother. Now that everyone has true qi, it's simple and twice as efficient. I've always been struggling alone. Now we can all struggle for our common goal!" Shang Fangjian seemed to be very excited and said that the long-lost true qi returned to Shang Fangjian's body again. Shang Fangjian was very excited. Seeing Shang Fangjian's state, Qiu Gu was a little worried and said, "Brother, don't use the true qi indiscriminately. By the way, how is your evil king?"

Hearing Qiu Gu say this, Shang Fangjian already knew what it meant, that is, he took out the Great Evil King, and then said, "It's okay. You see, this Great Evil King has no red. The evil power in it has died with the death of the Evil King. Now the Great Evil King is just an extremely sharp It's just a sword. Don't worry that I will be attracted by the evil power of the Great Evil King again.

Qiu Gu smiled, patted Shang Fangjian on the shoulder and said, "I don't mean that. Everyone, work hard. We will contact you through thousands of miles of mirrors when we have collected things."