shake the nine bream

Chapter 10 Protection

The wild land of the West, once a glorious place, once even practitioners did not dare to step into this place. Once the Six Dausenluo flourished here, this is the birthplace of evil. A hundred years ago, the three sects of the Xiuzhen world captured this place, and the once prosperous Six Daosenluo was destroyed, and the former glory is now Only these ancient buildings have been left. Under the cruel wind and sand all year round, these ancient buildings have been submerged in the sand sea. Some fortunately towering buildings have also been eroded by the wind and sand. This is now just the habitat of some desert animals. Humans rarely set foot in this place, because this place is not welcome. Insignificant human beings.

Although Liu Dawson Luo was exterminated, there are still many evil things lurking in this place. People in the real world have never known why. Some ordinary people will be in danger when they come here, either seriously injured or die in this place. After investigation, they can't find them. There is a reason, but no one has been here for a long time.

Inorganic led the team to the sky above the ruins again. Inorganic, dust, Danyang stayed in the sky here, observing this once frightening place.

"I didn't expect to come to this place again!" Danyang said.

Inorganic also sighed in his heart, looked at the situation on the ground, and then said, "I came to this place again, but the master is no longer there. I still remember the scene when the three sects attacked this place together. Unexpectedly, after many years of turmoil, we are still standing still standing still. If the magic religion I don't know what will happen to us.

Speaking of inorganic, he took the lead in flying to the ground below. Danyang and Chenyuan summoned the magic weapon and also flew to the ground. It is difficult to find anything in detail in the sky. What inorganically wants to investigate this time is the true situation here. If Liu Dao Senluo has the possibility of restoration, There must be something wrong with the real qi around here. When I investigated here before, I just knew that there was no true qi in this place, but I couldn't explain the strange things in this place before. This time, I vowed to investigate why human beings who came to this place would be hurt for no reason.

When he came to the ground and walked on the sand, he sighed and saw nothing else. When the three of them walked to the middle, they began a formal ceremony. The main performer of this ceremony was the dust fate. What Ziyifeng is good at is fairy art. The fairy art can detect the flow of true qi around him. Signs, this fairy art requires a legal person not to be disturbed in the process. This is the unique fairy eye of the dust. The so-called fairy eye can explore some situations around you that are invisible to the naked eye by casting this spell, including soul, true qi flow or some strange invisible forces. Flow, this is a detection spell.

Duyuan has begun to cast this spell on the ground. Inorganic and Danyang have taken on the responsibility of protecting this spell. Inorganic and Danyang have both flown four or five meters on the ground and look at the surrounding situation.

Soon the dust edge sat down, and a huge circle appeared on the ground. This is a magic circle. The purpose of the magic array is to help the dust edge open that eye. With the help of the dragon's beard brush dust, the dust edge soon opened this so-called fairy eye. The fairy eye is located on the forehead of the dust edge and opened. After the fairy's eyes, the dust fate began to observe around.

"What's the matter? Is there any strange flow of true air around here?" Inorganic asked.

Chenyuan looked at it, but shook his head and said, "There is no strange flow of true air around here." Suddenly, the dust was shocked, then pointed to the direction in the north, and then said, "There is a huge collection of true qi over there rushing towards this!"

Both inorganic and Danyang hurriedly looked in the direction in the distance. Inorganic and Danyang did not find any signs, but there was indeed some abnormal movement there. The sand on the ground saw a surge, and the sand seemed to be hit by something. Inorganic hurriedly asked Danyang to use real worms to detect what was over there. What's going on? Danyang hurriedly summoned the real qi worm and sprinkled it in the distance. Sure enough, when the real qi worm spread there, he saw the real qi quickly climbed into the air. At this time, he could see what it was. It was a rhinoceros, a transparent rhinoceros gathered by the true qi, only through It was the real airworm who saw this guy's trick.

Inorganic smiled, and then immediately pointed to the sky with one hand. At this time, several swords in the sky landed from the sky and trapped the rushing rhinoceros in it. Inorganic and Danyang hurriedly walked towards the rhino.

"You go and see what's going on. There's only that real gas around here!" Chen Yuan said. Hearing Chen Yuan's words, Inorganic and Danyang walked towards the rhinoceros at ease. Just as Danyang and Inorganic had just walked in front of the rhinoceros, the true airworms suddenly dispersed, and the rhinoceros also suddenly disappeared. Inorganic and Danyang were shocked. At that time, there was a sudden shout from Chenyuan, and a huge streamer sand suddenly appeared at the feet of Chenyuan. Before this appearance, Chenyuan did not feel the existence of this thing at all. Maybe he forgot to look around and look at his feet.

The violent dust edge of the sand was sucked into it. Of course, this is nothing for the dust edge. The dust edge picked up the dragon's beard and brushed the dust and flew towards the sky, but it was not so simple. When the dust edge just flew, suddenly there were many tentacles stretched out in the sand. Those tentacles suddenly bound the dust edge and pulled the dust edge from the sky and looked down the ground, but it was not so simple to pull the dust edge down. A sword light swept across the distance fiercely, covering a wide area, like a light through the desert, sweeping across and sweeping the sword light. , the tentacle was cut off, so that the dust fate escaped and flew into the sky, and then hurriedly waved the dragon's beard to brush the dust. Only to see that countless light dragons shot out of the hands of the dust edge and shot from the sky to the ground, and there was a humming sound in the air. This blow immediately The flowing sand was destroyed, and a huge pit after burning appeared.

Inorganic and Danyang have gathered in this place, but the three looked at the ground but did not see anything. Chenyuan looked under the ground with the eyes of a fairy and found no sign of true qi flow.

"What if? Is there any real qi flow? Inorganic asked.

"No, only the flow of our true qi. In addition, there is no other true qi, and there is no other monster's true qi. It seems that those things that appeared before have escaped at this time!" Chen Yuan said.

"It's really fast to escape!" Danyang said.

"It seems that there is indeed something wrong with this place. It's just that we encounter this kind of thing when we walk on this road. Let's go. Since this place is not there, let's go to the Senluo Hall!" Inorganic said, that is, he took the lead in walking towards the Senluo Hall, which had become a ruin in the distance. The inorganic had already held the divine punishment sword in his hand. Danyang and Chenyuan couldn't help looking at each other, because the inorganic had not used the divine punishment sword for a long time, and now the inorganic had also been serious.

I heard that the divine punishment sword is made from a blade left by the ancestor of Piaomiao. It is one of the strongest magic weapons in Piaoshan at present. This sword has been accompanied by inorganic for some years. From the earliest prototype to now, the biggest impression of this sword is that it is an infinitely powerful artifact, which contains The power combined with the light of punishment of the critical peak is perfect, and the power is maximized. The blow just now proves that the combination of the sword and the light of punishment does extend the light of punishment to a terrible level, but there is no doubt that such a powerful spell also has a very high requirement for true qi, which requires density. Only a strong true spirit can make perfect use of the light of punishment.

This time, the three of them were fully prepared to walk towards the Senluo Hall. When they walked in front of the Senluo Hall, they saw that they could walk through a long road to the Senluo Hall. On both sides of this avenue were full of statues of evil gods standing on both sides, just like the evil of the guardian's place. Godlike, but it's a pity that these statues are out of shape now. The wind and sand here have almost eroded these statues. Walking in this place is like an ancient civilization. The huge building in front of it is the Senluo Hall. Senluo Hall seems to be a huge one opened from a distance. The big mouth, Senluo Hall is indeed very large. It is a triangular building. Every side around the triangle is a big mouth of a huge evil god, which puts a certain pressure on the hearts of people who come to this place.

Entering this Senluo Hall, you can see the glory of this place and the bloody battle that this place has experienced through these incomplete traces.

The proportion of people who come to this place is like the proportion of people and cats and dogs.

"Be careful, everyone. This place is already the core of the six-way Senluo in the past. Sister, look at the true atmosphere around here." Inorganic said.

Chenyuan looked at the situation around him carefully, but still shook his head and said, "There is nothing abnormal around here!" Chenyuan didn't forget to look under the ground. A previous experience made Chenyuan more afraid of the underground, but there was no sign of the flow of true qi under the ground here, which made him feel strange at this time.

"What is that thing before that? Now it seems that this place is already dead and silent. What do you two have?" Inorganic asked.

Danyang and Chenyuan can't ring all this. Danyang can only say: "Maybe it's some monsters around here? I have heard before that although Liu Dawson Luo has been destroyed, there are still many evil monsters practicing in this place. I don't know if that's the reason.

Although inorganic does not agree with this opinion, there is no reason to explain all this.

In fact, what the inorganic three people don't know is at the foot of this hall. There is also a hall at the foot of the Senluo Hall. This hall is a little different from the Senluo Hall. This hall is actually a replica of the Senluo Hall, but in the wrong direction. It is an inverted triangle. This is a lurking underground. A huge palace in an inverted triangle, and the biggest advantage of this palace is to hide the signs of the true flow of everything in it. In the middle of this inverted triangle, there is a large platform with a throne on it. The throne is carved with red diamonds, which is a huge diamond sitting There is a man on it. This person wears half of the white mask. Although he shows half of his face, he still can't see what this guy looks like, because the exposed face is no longer human. It is a face that seems to be burned, and some can be faintly seen under those burned skin. White bone, this is a frightening face.

There are several people standing in front of this person, one of whom is Blood Fog. The four guardians are now in this place. In addition to the blood fog, there are also spirit snakes, black scorpions and cave fish. These are the four guardians of that year. Now these four guys have appeared in this place, and there are two people behind the throne, and these two people are also They are the bigwigs of Six Dausenluo. They are known as the devil feathers. There are two devil feathers, the left devil feather flame heart and the right devil feather ice soul. At present, they are all the important figures of the six Daussenluo in those years. These people are all standing in this place with empty eyes, looking like the luster of living people, and standing there like several dead people. At this time, a hunchback guy in the distance came up. The hunchback walked to the masked man, then looked at the top of the hall, and then said, "Those guys are from the ethereal mountains. If they are right, they should be inorganic, Chenyuan and Danyang. I didn't expect these guys to come out again. Now this place."

"It must have been caused during the previous blood fog experiment, but don't worry, this place will not be found at all." The masked man said.

"Then shall we kill these guys?" The hunchback said.

The masked man smiled and then said, "No, I don't want any episode before our plan is perfect. I have just learned the divine sword. The momentum is really great. With my current skills, I may not be able to fight against them. Even if I can fight, I'm afraid it's two. It's just a failure. That's not what I want to see. Our plan is still going according to the original plan.

At this time, the hunchback man walked to the side of the spirit snake, turned around, and then said, "Now it should be the spirit snake and the black scorpion to take action, right?"

"No, I have a more suitable candidate." The masked man said, and then saw a man coming out of the dark cave in the distance. He was surprised to see this man's hunchback, but he soon laughed and said, "Mirror demon? I didn't expect the mirror demon to appear in this place.

"This is not the body of the mirror demon. This is what I copied. Although it took a lot of time to find the lens of the mirror demon, fortunately, this guy copied it. We have to watch the rest. We don't have to do anything!" The masked man said.

The inorganic three people on the Senluo Hall obviously did not notice what was under their feet at all. The inorganic three people investigated around here, but still did not investigate anything. At this time, a person flew down in the distant sky. This person was Chen Yuzhong. Inorganic did not expect that Chen Yuzhong actually I will come to this place. Although it is a camp, I still ask with a cautious look, "Brother Chen? Why are you here?" Inorganic now doesn't believe everything it sees in this place.

Chen Yuzhong was also a little surprised to see the three inorganic people. He soon laughed and said, "Actually, I was also investigating what happened in the place I dreamed of before. One of my men died in that place. I doubted that the forces of the demon religion would reappear, so I came to this place to investigate. I didn't expect you to be here. A place?

"Have you been to the place of your dreams?" Danyang asked.

"Yes, oh, by the way, I met several of your disciples, and it seems that they are very hurt!" Chen Yuzhong said.

Hearing Chen Yuzhong say this, he suddenly asked in a hurry, "Are they all right?"

Chen Yuzhong smiled and then said, "It's okay. It seems that it has been repaired. You should be able to see them when you go back, but I'm curious about what actually hurt the new generation of the most talented disciples of Piaomiao Mountain. Is it really done by the demon people?"

Chen Yuzhong said that the look was wrong, which made Wuxi very disgusted. Danyang said at this time, "It should be that according to the news is a blood fog trick, you'd better be careful. If this news is true, then I'm afraid none of the three sects can come down easily."

Of course, Chen Yuzhong knew that at this time, Chen Yuzhong looked around and then said, "I haven't come to this place for many years. I didn't expect this place to be like this. In fact, if Liu Daosenluo really appears again, I think it's good. In this way, the three major schools will also Unite again, but at that time, we don't know who will be the final status of the martial arts world. Of course, I believe in the strength of Piaomiao Mountain. Our small gangs still hope to meet all difficulties under the leadership of Piaomiao Mountain.

Chen Yuzhong's words made inorganic a little unhappy, but inorganic still smiled and said, "I hope there will be such a day." With that, Wuji left this place with Chenyuan and Danyang. Before leaving, Wuji deliberately turned his head and looked at Chen Yuzhong. Danyang seemed to have found the inorganic eyes and asked, "Will there be any problem with Chen Yuzhong? There is no one around. I suspect that this guy did the thing just now. ."

"Let's not talk nonsense until things are not clear." Inorganic said.