shake the nine bream

Chapter 11 Shadowless

This night seemed very quiet. There was no moonlight and no wind. Tang Man practiced alone in the mountains and forests. Tang Man was one of the few people in the Floating Mountains who used physical skills as an advantage. Because of his unique bloodline, he was inorganic to receive the door. In the ethereal mountains, the task of the critical peak was to be responsible for the attack. This It is inevitable that some people who rely on physical skills to win. This is because one of the advantages of physical arts is that physical arts have the strongest immunity to illusion, which makes physical skills slowly be valued by the critical peak. Tang Man is undoubtedly the most important part of this department, but it plays such an important role. Ren also made Tang Man feel very stressed. The pressure makes Tang Man more hard than ordinary people. Tang Man is practicing every day. This forest is Tang Man's favorite place. One of the reasons is that this place is quiet. Basically, no one will come to this place. Tang Man likes quietness, and quietness will make people more professional. Pay attention to what you have done.

It was late at night, and Tang Man still came to this place as usual. The shattered stones around him were the consequences after Tang Man's practice this night. Tang Man's strength has also greatly increased since he got the inorganic disaster stick, and his level can be said to be on par with Yang Lingfeng. In the case of illusion immunity, Tang Man also seemed to be more powerful. At this time, Tang Man was already sweating heavily and looking at the places around him that were destroyed like the end of the world, which made Tang Man very happy. Tang Man was making progressing every day.

When Tang Man relied on a big stone in this place to rest, a figure in the distance suddenly appeared next to the tree over there. This figure immediately attracted Tang Man's attention. Tang Man clenched the pole in his hand and was ready to make a sudden attack at any time.

The figure in the distance stopped in the distance and said, "The ten thousand rods? Giant blood? A good combination, looking at the ranks of physical skills in the world, you are already at the top!"

Hearing the man over there say this, Tang Man did not discuss this question, but said, "Who are you?" Do you know that if you come to this place at this time, you are likely to be killed by me by mistake? I will not be responsible for the people I kill in this place!"

"I know, of course I know that I have been observing you in this place for a long time. The destructive power is indeed very powerful. Of course, it was not me who came to this place and was killed, but you!"

Hearing the mysterious guy say this, Tang Man immediately stood up and said, "Who are you?" If you don't explain, I won't be polite to you!"

"You're welcome. I'm just here to find you!" The guy said and came out of the woods over there. As soon as the man came out, Tang Man smashed the ten thousand cane to the ground hard. This smash saw the general outline of the guy. The ten thousand cane light lit up. In the golden light, Tang Man saw the man's appearance. It was Tang Man. The familiar guy, that guy is Chen Yuzhong. Seeing Chen Yuzhong come to this place and say those words just now, Tang Man is also very puzzled and cautiously said, "Who the hell are you?"

"Who am I? You should know very well that I am Chen Yuzhong, a member of Wanxing Palace!" That guy said, but Tang Man didn't believe this. Although he couldn't see what the difference this person was, Tang Man just felt that this guy was a little different from Chen Yuzhong, whom he knew.

"Since you are Chen Yuzhong, what exactly do you want to do when you come to this place? Don't you know what happened between the three sects? It's hard for you to explain that you came uninvited in the middle of the night!" Tang Man said.

"I don't need to explain, because I came here to kill you!" With that, he saw that Chen Yuzhong's hand stretched out, and then put his hands on his chest. This time, a purple light in Chen Yuzhong's hand was generated. It was a purple fog wrapped in a white light. Seeing this thing, Tang Man also raised the pole and said He said, "The power of the dead? Are you serious? Are you really Chen Yuzhong?

Tang Man just said that Chen Yuzhong in the distance expanded the fog in his hand. These fogs soon formed a huge fog in front of Chen Yuzhong. These fogs soon surrounded the surroundings in the fog. Tang Man knew the power of this undead power, these Fog is an illusion. If you hit this illusion, you will almost be defeated, but Tang Man is immune to these illusions, but even if you have immunity, it is very dangerous, because there will be undead in these fog, which are some things that can't be killed, and those things will make anyone feel bad. Pay.

At this time, Tang Man was not allowed to imagine. Soon, many fully armed skeleton soldiers appeared in these fog. These skeleton soldiers began to attack Tang Man. The current scene is like a small battlefield, but unfortunately Tang Man is alone.

At this time, a rune on Tang Man's forehead lit up, which was the rune of their bloodline. The rune lit up. Tang Man seemed to be a different person and rushed into those skeleton soldiers. Among the skeleton soldiers, Tang Man rushed straight, and those skeleton soldiers were completely vulnerable to the help of the perpetence rod. Next, Tang Man's power was even more horrible. When a rod hit it, he saw the golden explosive power and shattered the skeleton soldiers in an instant. Half of the skeleton soldiers were quickly dealt with, but this is the undead army. The power of this kind of the legion is that they are immortal. Their lives are endless, even if they are If killed, it will still appear again. Tang Man knew the power of this trick, so Tang Man rushed to Chen Yuzhong at the beginning. In several times, Tang Man almost hit Chen Yuzhong's reluctance, but he was still blocked by the swarming skeleton soldiers, which made Tang Man only have the power in his body again. Once it was raised to another strength. After reaching another strength, Tang Man's attack power was indeed more fierce. This time, Tang Man finally hit Chen Yuzhong, but at this time, when Tang Man's ten thousand rod was about to be struck out, Tang Man suddenly knelt down, and Chen Yuzhong did not He stood in front of Tang Man in a panic and said, "It's really dangerous. Don't you know that I'm not really good at using those summoning skills?"

Hearing Chen Yuzhong say this, Tang Man suddenly reacted and said, "No shadow poison? When did you release it? As long as I seal the air hole, it won't be poisoned. What the hell is going on?

"Of course you don't know what's going on. The bones of the skeleton soldiers who were smashed by you just now contain this poison. The group of skeleton soldiers just now are actually successful. A wound has been cut on your leg. Don't you feel it? It seems that you really can't feel pain when your body is strengthened!" Chen Yuzhong said that the skeleton soldiers also disappeared. Tang Man looked very painful. He took out his feet and found that there was indeed a very small wound. The poison in the shattered bones was transmitted to Tang Man's body through this wound, so Tang Man is now lying on the ground. However, at this time, Tang Man also confirmed one thing, that is, the guy in front of him is definitely not Chen Yuzhong. The reason is very simple, that is, the shadowless poison must have been used through the disaster dagger. Tang Man never knew that Chen Yuzhong would use this poison without the disaster dagger, and the most fundamental thing is Tang Man knew that the body of a person who was poisoned would quickly begin to rot and fester and die, but so far Tang Man has not had any phenomenon. Just now, according to Chen Yuzhong's admission, he did use shadow poison, but Tang Man still did not feel that his body began to fest, but feel that his body function was open. It just began to shrink.

"You are not Chen Yuzhong, are you? The technique you use is not shadowless. This is a spell similar to shadowless poison. Who are you?" Tang Man said.

This surprised the man and said, "I didn't expect you to distinguish the difference between shadowless? It really surprises me, but it's a pity that you are going to die. Although you guessed that this is not shadowless poison, others will definitely not think that it is not shadowless poison. After a while, I will make your body rot like the effect of shadowless poison, but I really regret that I can't watch you slowly decay and die. I can't let you bear shadowless poison. Power, it's really my failure!" Speaking of this guy, he took out a broken lens-like thing from his pocket. It was a sharp fragment. The guy held this thing in his hand. Tang Man didn't know what he was going to do. Tang Man could only feel that his body was difficult to listen to his command, but in that guy's sharp When the lens approached him, Tang Man suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood on the pole. At this time, he saw those vine-like things on the pole suddenly scattered and quickly climbed towards Chen Yuzhong. The pretending Chen Yuzhong was very surprised and hurriedly retreated, but that Some things crawled very fast and soon climbed on the guy's body. Although most of them were knocked off by that guy, the things that had not been knocked off actually climbed on the guy's body and stopped falling. Soon I saw these little snake-like things leaving marks on the guy's body. Seeing all this, the fake Chen Yuzhong was also very surprised, but there was no time to surprise him at this time, because after those things were embedded in the body of the fake Chen Yuzhong, it actually began to explode. This explosion was to blow up the fake Chen Yuzhong, but it shocked Tang Man. Surprisingly, this man exploded and turned into countless broken glass, broken to the ground.

Tang Man remembered what this guy was and said, "Mirror Magic?" After saying this, Tang Man lost the signs of life in regret.

And those broken lenses also began to converge at this time. From broken to recombined, the mirror demon appeared in this place again, but at this time, the mirror demon is no longer the appearance of Chen Yuzhong. At this time, standing in this place is a relatively abstract mirror image. This is the real image of the mirror demon, but at this time, it seems that the mirror demon is not very good. One hand is still slowly recovering. The mirror demon paused, then took out the broken mirror he held before, and then said to Tang Man, who had died on the ground, "I didn't expect to die. Drag me into the water!" With that, he just looked at the mirror demon and cut Tang Man's neck at once. Suddenly, starting from that neck, he only saw many degrees of pus begin to appear. Such a scene had the same effect as Chen Yuzhong's trick of the disaster dagger. Soon, he saw that the whole body of Tang Man began to decay, and finally the whole head of the big man decayed into After a pool of rotten meat, Jingmo was relieved and hurriedly left the place.

The next day, inorganic received a shocking news. Inorganic came to the place of the incident under the leadership of Yang Lingfeng. At this time, what he saw was not Tang Man, but a pool of rotten meat. The meat was full of insects. Those insects were eating the meat of the corpse. Yang Lingfeng told Inorganic before. This may be Tang Man. Seeing this pile of meat, he didn't say anything for a moment. He burned the insects lying on this body. Seeing this body, he stood there without saying anything. After a long time, Yang Lingfeng came over and said, "This may not be Tang Man. Tang Man is our ethereal mountain. How can the most powerful physical master die like this?

The inorganic picked up the ten thousand rod next to it and said, and then said, "There can't be wrong. The power of the ten thousand ten thousand ten thousand rods has been used. I said that I have no choice but not to use the devastating power of the ten thousand ten thousand rod, but you see that this power has been used. This is indeed Tang Man. The world knows Only Tang Man and I used the spell of Voldemort with the ten thousand rod. This is what I passed on to him. I can be sure that this is indeed Tang Man.

Yang Lingfeng didn't know what to say for a moment, but Yang Lingfeng still wanted to persuade the inorganic, but the inorganic had squatted down at this time, then grabbed a ball of rotten meat, and then said, "This is caused by shadowless poison. The only people in the world who use shadowless poison are Chen Yuzhong, and only Chen Yuzhong's disaster dagger can It's enough to use this spell."

"Does that mean that Chen Yuzhong killed Tang Man? But why is this? What motive does he have to kill Tang Man? This seems to be unreasonable. Besides, Chen Yuzhong is the elder of Wanxing Palace. How can he take the initiative to provoke the Floating Mountain? Yang Lingfeng said.

"We have seen Chen Yuzhong before we went to the wilderness of the West, and you have also seen this guy in the dream land before. I have suspected that this guy has something to do with recent events. This is probably related to Liu Dawson Luo. Of course, I think Chen Yuzhong may also be involved in this. Although this scene is temporarily I can't be sure that it's definitely Chen Yuzhong, but I will definitely find out the reason. You find someone to deal with here and deal with Tang Man's aftermath. After three days, we will go to Wanxing Palace!" Speaking of inorganic, he flew to the sky without looking back, but looking at the distant inorganic, Yang Lingfeng can imagine what it feels like to be inorganic at this time. After all, Tang Man is a physical master cultivated by inorganic hands. Tang Man has been brought up by inorganic since he was a child. At this time, Tang Man has come to such an inorganic end. Naturally, it is uncomfortable. Although it seems to be so cold, Yang Lingfeng knows that it must be psychologically uncomfortable when it is inorganic and cold.

It is indeed a very difficult thing to deal with Tang Man's body. This is already a pool of rotten meat. Everyone covered their mouths to deal with the body. Yang Lingfeng saw something in the carrion pile. Yang Lingfeng saw something in the carrion, which was suspected to be hand-made. In the palm of his hand, Yang Lingfeng saw something similar to a mirror, which was a small piece of broken lens, which was very inconsistent with the surrounding situation, which attracted Yang Lingfeng's attention, but Yang Lingfeng did not know how to explain this matter, so he collected it.

On this night, the inorganic summoned both Chenyuan and Danyang. On the hall, the inorganic looked serious. The inorganic in this peaceful day is very different. After hearing the news, Chenyuan and Danyang can also understand the inorganic expression.

"Tang Man died. At the scene, it was found that the technique was Chen Yuzhong's technique. What do you think of this matter?" Inorganic said.

"I saw Chen Yuzhong in the previous two events. After the words of the disciples from the dreamland, I also saw Chen Yuzhong there. I think Chen Yuzhong must have nothing to do with recent events. Chen Yuzhong has been practicing some very evil spells. I wonder if they will be the latest ones. The master of the matter?" Danyang said.

"Things can't be so one-sided. Although recent events are indeed like this, we have no evidence that this is what Chen Yuzhong did. Tang Man is dead, but no one sees that this is what Chen Yuzhong did, so I don't think we can make a conclusion yet." Chen Yuan said.

"In fact, Chenyuan's sister is right. Among the three major schools, this Wanxing Palace has developed too fast in recent years. In just 20 years, their strength has greatly increased. Their disciples have far exceeded our Great Compassion Temple. Now he is the strongest. We don't want to have any conflicts with them without evidence, so We still have to secretly investigate this matter. Inorganic said.

"Don't you know what your brother has planned?" Danyang asked.

"I don't have any ideas at present. I hope we can visit Wanxing Palace in three days, hoping to find something." Inorganic said.

But in fact, Wanxing Palace is not clean. On this night, the vigilance of Wanxing Palace is as strict as that, and Chen Yuzhong looked at Yueguan in the attic as if he felt that something bad was about to happen, but Chen Yuzhong couldn't tell what was going on for a while.