
Chapter 74 Three Fires for the New Official

After replacing the fate of the two people, Long Yongcheng threw them to the patriarch of the Bingyi family, and at the same time, all the pressure exerted was removed. Luo Shen's power is very cool to use, but it also depends on who uses it. Although due to Luo Shen Yuan Shen's extremely serious injury, such power is much worse than that of Jin Xian. However, Long Yongcheng, a monk in the early stage of his fetal breath, forced his spiritual power to attract power that was countless times stronger than himself, which consumed his spiritual power very much. Before these families saw that his spiritual power was greatly depleted, he must withdraw his spiritual power.

If you wait until you can't stand it before withdrawing, your weakness will be clearly reflected. What's more, leave some mental strength in case you need it from time to time. The patriarch of the Bingyi family took the direct descendants of the two families in his hands, and his face suddenly changed greatly. Although the patriarch of the Bingyi family can't use the power of fate, as a high-level master, he can still clearly feel that the fate of these two children has been changed. This situation can no longer be solved by strength alone. If you don't understand anything about fate, I'm afraid you will have no choice but to become a master.

However, these two children are the two immortal geniuses of the Bingyi family. Although they are not their own children, as long as these two children are vigorously cultivated, maybe under the leadership of these two children, the Bingyi family can achieve unprecedented glory, but all the glory is gone at this moment. The patriarch of the Bingyi family looked at the high-level magician of fate and the high-level magician of fate who came with him for help. There should be a way. At least there was no way at that time, and he could do it slowly.

The fate magician did not talk nonsense. He directly covered the children of the two ice wing family with his hand. A ball of mysterious, which made people feel a little intoxicated, floated out of the magician's hand and covered the two people, but after a long time, the light was by fate. After the magician of the department took back, a touch of surprise flashed in the eyes of the magician of the fate department, and then shook his head helplessly. He fell into meditation, but he didn't know what he was thinking about. The high-level fate mage can't do anything about it. Is all the glorious hopes of the Icewing family really gone like this?

However, no matter what, will you continue to stay here and continue to spend time with the so-called public security bureau? The patriarch of the Bingyi family took a resentful look at Long Yongcheng and left with everyone in the family. Originally, the confidence of the Black Dragon family and the other two families was not very confident after seeing Long Yongcheng's power. Now as soon as the people of the Bingyi family left, they felt even more lack of confidence, but the children of several families were still in the hands of Long Yongcheng. Even if he was scared by Long Yongcheng's means just now and dare not ask for people, at least he should know how Long Yongcheng will deal with these children of their families, right?

"Why, do you also want people?"

Long Yongcheng took a look at the patriarchs of the three families who were still hesitant there.

"Don't dare, we just want to ask, you... what will you do with these unscscold children of our families?"

Finally, the patriarch of the Black Dragon family carefully came to ask Long Yongcheng. The other two families really have no way to leave people alone, but they can't. If it is an ordinary child, even if it is an elite child, he will gritt his teeth and leave. His son is still in it. So he also grits his teeth, one clenches his teeth and walks, and the other clenches his teeth to ask.

"My purpose is very simple, which is to make everyone understand that the territory of the Alexander family will be an orderly territory in the future. Anyone who dares to break the order will be punished accordingly. I just want to imprison them for a few days as a punishment.

The attitude of these families softened, and Long Yongcheng's attitude naturally softened. My original intention was to make a little punishment. With this punishment, everyone can understand what to do in the future, and at the same time, it is also the first step taken by Long Yongcheng. The new official took office with three fires, and the fire ignited by Long Yongcheng has begun to burn brightly.

When the patriarch of the Black Dragon family heard Long Yongcheng say this, although he was a little worried, since others had said so, it was difficult to say anything more, so he also left with him. When the other two families saw this scene, they also left with their own people. At this time, those who join in the fun really dispersed. There is nothing lively to see here. Moreover, the Public Security Bureau has such a strong Long Yongcheng in the town. It is inevitable to feel a little scared to see the excitement of such a master. Almost after the dispersal, Long Yongcheng stood there for a while, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Became it back."

Long Yongcheng sighed and said to several subordinates that he had to go back to the Public Security Bureau first. It seems that the Public Security Bureau should also be repaired, which has been overwhelmed by the pressure of those families, really.

"Why did you do this?"

Suddenly someone asked Long Yongcheng. Long Yongcheng turned his head and looked at him. One of the remaining four children of the rich family stared at him with very serious eyes and asked. At that moment, Long Yongcheng felt that the rich son did not seem to be as bad as he saw. On the contrary, Long Yongcheng also saw a trace of innocence, but in this innocence, with A trace of stubbornness. Long Yongcheng remembered this person. It was this person who shouted that the Black Dragon family would not let go of Long Yongcheng on that day. This person should be the Black Dragon family.

"Don't you feel that there are too many desires in people's hearts. If there is desire, there will be sin. I just want to sweep away all the sins in the world with my own strength and return the world to a clear world, of course, because of another distant dream.

After Long Yongcheng gave such an answer, the rich man's face showed a thoughtful look. The son of the rich family seems to have only heard that Long Yongcheng wants to sweep away the sins of the world and return the world to a clear dream, but he did not hear the domineering spirit in Long Yongcheng's words. How can he say such words, sweep away all the sins of time, and return the world to a clear world!

"I was really wrong this time, and I am willing to accept your punishment. When this punishment is over, I think I may be able to help you."

The son of the rich family suddenly said seriously. Long Yongcheng was stunned and instinctively judged whether the words of the rich son were true. He looked into the eyes of the rich son, but the eyes of the rich son were actually clear! And the eyes of several children around looked at the rich children were full of contempt, as if they were looking at an idiot. Long Yongcheng suddenly understood that in fact, this rich son may not be bad, but he lives in this circle. No one teaches him what is right and what is wrong, only people teach him what to do when and when.

Perhaps the son of the rich family sometimes feels guilty and sometimes feels happy while doing so, but the heart of the son of this rich family is as clear as his eyes.

"Okay, I look forward to the day when you come to help me. What's your name?"

"My name is Luoyue."

Luoyue, Long Yongcheng silently read the name of Luoyue in his heart. If there is no sin in the world, then people like Luoyue should not follow a group of people who actually don't know what they don't know to do evil things that they don't understand, right?

The Alexander family, Alexander just came back from the king today.

"How's it going, father?"

Ling Na saw her father's tired look, and Ling Na hurried to meet him. Father's fatigue seems to be not only physical fatigue, but also from the heart. What happened? In fact, his father is a beginner. How can a master of this level have physical fatigue?

"The king decided to turn to the Mingyue Empire. With the national strength of the Mingyue Empire, the people of the Yunxiao Empire were expelled. Moreover, the Mingyue Empire also agreed that as long as the sea cucumber empire is attached to the Mingyue Empire, the sea cucumber empire can still have its own autonomy, and the original ruling class remains unchanged.

"Has the king defected to the Bright Moon Empire? Isn't that what you thought at the beginning? Isn't that a good thing? Why are you still like this?"

Ling Na was unknown for a moment. Han Xing did not answer Ling Na's words, but sighed deeply, as if it was full of a certain kind of attachment. Ling Na suddenly realized that no matter what kind of decision the king made in the end, her father would be so tired. If you choose to resist to the death, the fate of the whole sea cucumber empire will be turned into ruins. And if you turn to the Mingyue Empire, you will be attached to others and become your own empire. After all, it is different.

"What happened to Long Yongcheng?"

Han Xing thought of Long Yongcheng. Although those actions also felt a little nonsense, Han Xing did think that it would be quite good if it could be achieved. I just don't know what the boy has done now.

Ling Na has always been concerned about Long Yongcheng. Although I haven't met Long Yongcheng again, the strange feeling in my heart has increased. Ling Na can know everything very clearly about Long Yongcheng's every move. Long Yongcheng did several very sensational things, and they became more and more sensational. In the end, she shocked several families with the power of one person, and among them were two high-level masters. Ling Na told Han Xing these things one by one, and a trace of brilliance flashed in Han Xing's eyes.