
Chapter 75 Long Chen

Han Xing never thought that Long Yongcheng would do such an earth-shaking thing. I'm afraid that now, everything is really as Long Yongcheng wishes. The order in the territory of the whole Alexander family is under the control of Long Yongcheng. Now I don't want to think too much about the sea cucumber empire. Instead, I just feel tired. Maybe I can spend a little more energy to pay attention to Long Yongcheng, and maybe he will surprise himself unexpectedly.

"Tell him that if he does well enough, I can fight for the same rights for him in the sea cucumber empire."

Han Xing said to his daughter. In fact, Long Yongcheng's approach is quite nonsense for the people of the whole New Yuan continent, that is, from the perspective of the people of the New Yuan continent. In the New Yuan Dynasty, the strong are respected, and strength is the order of the New Yuan Dynasty. And when you are strong enough, this land can be under your control, but you can't force yourself to stipulate what order you want on this land, because order is inherent. So in this case, killing, *, has become commonplace.

If you have enough strength, you naturally don't have to worry about being killed or robbed. If you are lucky, it is certainly good not to encounter such a thing, but if you have neither strength nor luck, even if you kill at the door of the person who has the right to occupy this land,*, you will not be sanctioned. However, the advantage of Long Yongcheng is that Han Xing did not say that Long Yongcheng was his man.

That is to say, Long Yongcheng is equivalent to the same organization as other magicians' guilds. If you don't do well and are destroyed, you are too arrogant. But if you do well and really achieve the effect you want to achieve, it can only show that your organization is strong and can do these things, at least for outsiders, it has nothing to do with Han Xing. Anyway, it's just nonsense in the eyes of people in Xinyuan Continent. It is impossible for such a nonsense star to stand up and say that that person is my person.

Hanxing can acquiesce to the outside world to let Long Yongcheng continue to "nonsense" like this, but the sea cucumber empire can't. As an empire, how can the sea cucumber empire allow such a powerful influence to exist in the territory? Such an organization is basically completely above the power of this organization. If Long Yongcheng is really responsible for the whole sea cucumber empire, then is this empire of the king of the sea cucumber empire or the empire of Long Yongcheng?

Although Long Yongcheng is not so ambitious. In Long Yongcheng's eyes, this is just the same as the police on the earth, this is the New World, which is destined to be different from the earth on the New World. Even if the sea cucumber empire defected to the Mingyue Empire, the sea cucumber empire with full autonomy and the sea cucumber empire that did not defect to the Mingyue Empire are basically unchanged in this regard. Therefore, if Hanxing really wants to win the same rights for Long Yongcheng in the sea cucumber empire, it can only be said to be shocking.

Of course, if you really agree, it is impossible for the king of the sea cucumber empire to accompany Long Yongcheng to fool around. At most, like Han Xing, he sent several masters to assist Long Yongcheng, and he had no choice but to say who this force was with. That is to say, the sea cucumber empire can only acquiesce to Long Yongcheng's right, but the development still depends on Long Yongcheng himself step by step.

Ling Na's eyes lit up. In fact, for people like Long Yongcheng, what they need most is indeed not the full support of the empire, but as long as they do not restrict the development of Long Yongcheng. As long as they do not restrict the development of Long Yongcheng, then perhaps Long Yongcheng will have a lot of room for development. The person who always attracts himself who can't see through should not be an ordinary person. Ling Na hid a little thought and flashed away in her eyes.

Han Xing saw this subtle look of his daughter in his eyes. If Long Yongcheng does not involve too much with the Dark Holy See in his status as a dark deacon and does not let the Bright Holy See put down all his scruples and suppression, perhaps you can give my daughter a good future. Now the Dark Holy See and the Bright Holy See have been in a stalemate. As long as Long Yongcheng does not intervene too much, nothing will happen.

In the Public Security Bureau, the Xinyuan Continent is not the earth, and the Public Security Bureau of the New Yuan Continent will naturally be a little different from the Public Security Bureau on the earth. Moreover, Long Yongcheng's concept of the profession of police has been changing since he came to the New Yuan continent. On earth, Long Yongcheng's concept of the police is still based on serving the people. However, in the Xinyuan continent, Long Yongcheng's concept of the police has changed into a superparaous formulation and order maintenance. The same, but both goals are aimed at the same thing: evil.

When Long Yongcheng built the Public Security Bureau, he had already considered the combination of the Public Security Bureau and the mansion. Of course, the funds were still from Han Xing, but it was not clear. In fact, if it hadn't been for Ling Na, even if Long Yongcheng and some unprecedented opinions mentioned by Long Yongcheng made Han Xing feel so moved, Han Xing might not have been so laborious to let himself be a sixth-class boy at that time.

Since the incident of the six rich children, the territory of the entire Alexander family has suddenly become much more peaceful. At least, something will not happen, which is of course because of the deterrence caused by Long Yongcheng. The deterrent caused by Long Yongcheng is still there, and no one dares to offend the order formulated by Long Yongcheng, at least in a short time. Of course, people don't know about this so-called public security bureau, but there is a trace of awe because of the previous events, and it is even more impossible to go to the public security bureau to solve anything.

Long Yongcheng suddenly became idle. Fortunately, the beggar saved by Long Yongcheng was a good repair material, and Long Yongcheng was not too boring.

"What's your name?"

Long Yongcheng asked, looking at the beautiful little beggar who had just been cleaned in front of him.

"I don't have a name. Other people have always called me a little beggar when they see me."

The little beggar lowered his head and seemed to be a beggar since he remembered. How can a child who has been a beggar since he can remember have any name? In fact, he was beaten once or twice when begging, but he had never been so cruel as this time. The little beggar almost felt that he was going to die, but Long Yongcheng appeared and he saved himself. At that moment, the little beggar seemed to feel that Long Yongcheng had a brighter and warmer light than the god of light. The little beggar swore in his heart that if he had the opportunity, he would repay the person who saved him.

"From today on, you will be called Longchen. Later. I'm your eldest brother. I will teach you to practice, but you need to promise that I can't easily reveal the way I taught you to practice to others, even a little bit.

Long Yongcheng thought for a moment and said seriously to Long Chen. My cultivation method is the method of cultivation from the earth. The earth and the New World are not a big world at all. No one can estimate the distance between the three thousand worlds, the earth and the New World. In case others know that your cultivation methods are different from others, it may cause trouble. Although Longchen is just a child, Longchen's career as a beggar since childhood has already made Longchen very mature. Although Longchen is not clear about his practice, at least he told Longchen that he would not say that Longchen would realize that there are some things that can't be said.

Sure enough, Long Chen nodded seriously after hearing Long Yongcheng's words. Long Chen, big brother, he actually regarded himself as a family member. There seemed to be some light in the depths of his eyes, and his whole body was full of a firm breath. This is a person who has been honed to live a begging life since childhood. Although it is a good thing to have such a mind, how much hardships should they experience to hone such a mind? It's just a child. Think about it, I haven't experienced anything shocking before I practiced.

"Luo Shen, is there any skill suitable for Long Chen's cultivation? I want the most suitable one."

Luo Shen originally intended to let Long Yongcheng simply pass on his skills to Long Chen. Although this is his own skill, in the earth's cultivation world, even the skills he has cultivated by Jinxian cultivation in any big world may cause a bloody storm. But for the current Luo Shen, it seems that spreading his skills will make him feel very interesting and fulfilling. It's just that Long Yongcheng's words suitable for Long Chen's practice made Luo Shen choked.

Luo Shen naturally knew that Long Yongcheng meant something. If Long Yongcheng hadn't broken something during his practice and made his breath as vast as the sea, it would have been estimated that Long Yongcheng, who practiced Luo Shen's skills, still exuded a feminine smell of a woman. What kind of skill is suitable for Long Chen? A skill faintly appeared in the depths of Luo Shen's memory. Originally, it was almost forgotten by himself, but it was actually remembered at this time. Luo Shen smiled bitterly. Since he remembered it at this time, it was also said that Longchen was predestined, so he would pass it on to Long Chen.

Luo Shen has always said that he has no other skills of the same level as he practiced, but this skill is just that this skill was created by Hou Yi, a man he once loved deeply, and it was the skills he practiced. The name of the skill is the Rijie. Since Hou Yi's death, Luo Shen originally wanted to seal everything about Hou Yi in his memory, but he only did part of it in the end, and now, even the part that has been done is slowly unsealed.