
Chapter 196 Danger

"Do you feel it? Unparalleled City, the three empires, Kaifeng City, and what we don't know is the mysterious sea that we have never set foot in at our most chaotic times. The headquarters of the Dark Holy See is in the Unparalleled City near the sea. It may not be known that there is any communication. Our situation is very bad.

The Light God sighed, and there was a lot of fatigue in his tone. Behind the Light God stood one left and one right, the Pope of Light and the Knight, two respected strong men. The Holy See of Light is indeed very dangerous now. Although the queen of the Mingyue Empire is a master, they also feel that she has just broken through the master, and her strength is not very strong, and the strength of the Dark Demon God is needless to say. Only the three of them can barely suppress it together, and behind Long Yongcheng has a mysterious, powerful and even Far beyond the master of the Dark Demon God, if they really want to deal with the Holy See of Light, I'm afraid it will be more or less auspicious.

In this spell, the god of light is the best, so they did not intervene. It's just the obstruction of the three forces, but they feel it clearly. Originally, they wanted to take action, but they were stopped by the God of Light. The God of Light said that the war that should come will always come, and there is no need to bring the war too early, but the emergence of the three forces also made them feel helpless and worried.

What worries them more is that there is not only such a force on the New Yuan Dynasty, but also the Sea of New Yuan that they have never set foot in. They don't believe that since the birth of this world, there will only be two respected strong men, such as the Dark Demon God and the Queen of the Bright Moon Empire, from the world full of practitioners from Long Yongcheng, but they know that there are always some powerful old antiques who like to hide in an unknown place. . It's not that there are no masters, but that the masters have never come out.

They now only hate their plan, but all this happens when it is close to success. If everything happens later, yes, if everything happens later, then any problem will not be a problem.

"I only take action this time, and then I will continue to strive to refine the power of faith into the shadow of the world and try to complete our plan as soon as possible. If you really can't stop it, either I give up our plan and I will personally take action and we will advance and retreat together, or you will give up the Holy See and die with me. In this process, we will seize the completion of our plan. As long as the plan is successful, we don't have to worry about other things. Think about it. As for what, you can choose by yourself, so as not to say that I have made a decision without permission.

The God of Light said to the two of them. Originally, the three of them barely cultivated to the realm of immortals in the world full of practitioners of Long Yongcheng. At that time, even the earth-shaking war had not yet taken place, let alone the seal. The masters were everywhere, and the giants of various factions were not restrained, so the cultivation of the immortals of the three of them was really not enough.

Originally, they thought it was okay to be careful, but inadvertently, the three of them got a box. In this box, there was a secret book that they didn't understand and two pieces of holy jade.

They don't know the origin of this box, and they don't know what it means, but it doesn't mean that others don't know in such a powerful world, and it doesn't mean that no one coveted the things in this box.

Sure enough, although they don't know what's inside, they try to keep the secret of their possession of this box in accordance with the principle of caution, but this secret is still leaked. Some people who know the origin of this box chase and kill them, and the weakest of these people are the cultivation of the same level of immortal realm as them. , there are even powerful figures at the level of immortal emperors second only to immortals. If it hadn't been for the mutual restraint of these people who chased them, the three of them would have been bombarded into scum.

They also heard of the use of the holy jade and tried their best to finally inspire the holy jade and brought them here. After arriving here, although they have the strength of the elite masters who have almost reached the peak in Xinyuan mainland, they have no intention to compete in Xinyuan mainland. They are just unwilling to be chased by so many masters. At the same time, they also realized the importance of the box in their hands. How can the treasure that can be coveted by immortal emperor-level masters?

They thought that if they could understand this secret book, it goes without saying that there would be no problem to go back to revenge, and they may even become an anti-sky master at the level of immortals. So they found a place in the Xinyuan mainland and began to hide and practice seriously. At that time, the Dark Holy See had just begun to rise in the Xinyuan continent and gradually unified the whole New Yuan continent. They chose to retreat and turn a deaf ear to the affairs of the New Yuan Dynasty.

This understanding is thousands of years later. Thousands of years later, the Dark Holy See has already become the existence of ruling the New World, but they all regretted it. Because they have finally understood the secret book. What is recorded in the secret book is really against the sky, but it is not impossible. However, if you want to complete it, you must need a lot of thoughts of all sentient beings. If when the Dark Holy See was rising and the Dark Demon God had not yet become an honorable strong man, the three of them would certainly be able to make the Holy See of Light a real ruling the New Continent, and they did not have to worry about the rise of the current three super empires.

But when they understood the secret book, the general trend had been settled. When they fought with the Dark Holy See, the three empires inevitably rose from the middle, and the strength of the Dark Demon God was not what they could suppress, and even the Dark Holy See could not completely pull out their roots. But they can only do this. While using the Holy See of Light to control the ordinary people of the world, they cultivate the power they need to give to the Holy See of Light, which is the power of faith. The god of light refined these powers to complete their plan. In this process, the Holy See also tried its best to suppress the forces of all parties.

Since Long Yongcheng appeared in the New Yuan Continent, Long Yongcheng seems to be a signal that the New Yuan Continent has never stopped at all, and even those more stable forces that were originally suppressed by the Holy See of Light have begun to turbulence. Now the Holy See of Light has completely fallen into a situation on all sides.

All they want to do is to complete the records in the secret book, and finally get strong strength from it and go back to revenge. Is there anything wrong with them? They don't have that many ambitions. They just want to return all the shame that has been placed on them. But such a thing happened. Is it possible that the disappearance of Shengyu from the beginning is a warning to them, let them stay peacefully in the Xinyuan continent without warning of trouble?

"Anyway, we have paid so much for our plan, and even in order to condense so many sentient beings, we have given up the progress of our cultivation. Over the past ten thousand years, we have still stayed in the realm of immortals without any improvement. And if we don't continue our plan, we will have no way out, only a dead end. If the plan succeeds, maybe we can win a glimmer of life.

The opinions of the Pope and the Knight are very unified, and they are not willing to give up their plan to operate for ten thousand years. Anyway, the plan must be done. Even if the Bright Holy See is really destroyed this time, the supply of thought power is greatly damaged, and it will take more years to succeed. Anyway, it is about to succeed. In the last step, even if the energy supply is greatly damaged, it will not take too long.

"If this time, it's just the little girl who has just broken through the fairyland with the three empires, we can also deal with it. Although it will be a little difficult, at worst, we will reveal our cards. What I'm worried about is the mysterious master behind Long Yongcheng and the dark Holy See. The Dark Demon God intervened. Otherwise, we will expose all our strength and survive this battle. As long as we survive this battle, it will be too late for the person behind the Dark Demon God and Long Yongcheng to take action again.

As long as the two sides do not intervene, although there is no absolute guarantee that the two of them cannot intervene, as long as they do not actively provoke them, it seems that both sides are not so active. Long Yongcheng did not seem to deliberately oppose the Holy See, but could see that he had some antipathy to the Holy See. By the way, Long Yongcheng was single-minded to develop his own public security bureau. In the process, the Bright Holy See played an obstacle role. Long Yongcheng naturally did not deal with the Bright Holy See very politely, not to mention Previously, the Holy See dealt with Long Yongcheng first without any reason, just because he felt threatened.

As for the dark demon god, the dark demon god seems to be carefully accumulating the strength of the dark Holy See. When it reaches a certain peak, it should not be easy to take action without full certainty. Moreover, the dark demon god wants not only to revenge on the Holy See of Light, but also the past of the Dark Holy See. Prosperity, so it will take some time to save such savings not only for the Holy See, but also for the three super empires. However, when the three super empires and the Holy See were damaged by the vitality of both sides after the war, the Holy See could almost take action. However, at that time, the plan of the Holy See of Light was almost completed, so as long as they stabilized both sides and let the three empires make trouble, the Holy See was just a trouble. That's all.