
Chapter 197 War

The shock of the New Yuan continent is finally out of control, unless someone wins a real victory, or completely suppresses the Holy See of Light, or the three super empires are erased from the New Yuan continent and becomes history.

Those all over the New Yuan continent outside the three super empires, or ambitious people, want to learn from the rise of the three super empires when the Dark Holy See and the Holy See competed with each other, and want to step in, or some believers in the Holy See of Light, who have more and start to turn all their power towards the Holy See of Light. The direction of the headquarters is gathered. In just ten days, a new huge empire was formed with the Holy See of Light as the center, which is for the Empire of Light.

The Light Empire respects the Holy See of Light as the state religion, the Pope of Light as the head of the country, the Knight of Light as its commander, and the God of Light as the god of the whole country. On the New World, a real super empire rose abruptly. If it is one of the three empires, it is out of reach. After the founding of the Light Empire, the Pope of Light automatically got rid of the contradiction between the Holy See of Light and Long Yongcheng. Long Yongcheng can't be provoked yet. The three empires have given them a headache.

The Pope of Light gave a will. The only reason for the existence of the Light Empire is to punish those who dare to provoke God's dignity in order not to blasphish God's dignity. The sword of the Light Empire only points to the three super empires that intend to provoke God's dignity.

Although the Light Empire is headed by the Pope of Light, the Pope of Light deliberately issued such a will because the Holy See of Light cannot completely control the Empire of Light at all. Because the Empire of Light is spontaneously composed of the believers of the Holy See of Light, these believers do not have the thoughts of the Holy See of Light. They not only want to point their swords at the three super empires that provoke God's dignity, but also Long Yongcheng and the Dark Holy See. Maybe they don't mind fighting against all parties at the same time, but the Holy See of Light minds. It's too dangerous now.

On the surface, the three super empires are still the three super empires, but in fact they are also integrated. If they are announced, the hearts of the people will be shaken, but the effect is better than not being announced. The Dark Holy See and Long Yongcheng were voluntarily abandoned by the Bright Holy See. The Dark Holy See was still waiting for the opportunity, and Long Yongcheng began to watch the play completely.

Isn't it good to intervene in such a big battle now? How good it is to watch the play. When the two defeats are almost divided, no matter which side wins or loses, no matter which side continues to expand the Public Security Bureau and makes the public security bureau the purpose of the new continent. Biao, they can't stop them who are greatly damaged, and they are harmful but not beneficial to themselves. Long Yongcheng is very happy to watch the play.

After the formation of the Light Empire, the armies of the three super empires have finally been deployment. Such a large-scale war that is ready to win or never end has taken such a long time, which is extremely fast. And the Bright Empire has just been formed, and before it even has time to coordinate the interior, the armies of the three super empires have entered the Bright Empire.

The queen of the Mingyue Empire rode on a war horse first, showing the spirit of the king. The soldiers who followed were also boosted in morale, and only the kings of the Yunxiao Empire and the Qiankun Empire and some important ministers who knew that the queen of the Mingyue Empire had broken through to the level of masters. The reason why they were so vigorous was because of what they were about to do. The Bright Holy See has always been a high-level existence, and one day, they will challenge the high-level existence and trample this high-level existence under their feet. How can they not be excited?

The border of the Light Empire does not have a strict border, because the Light Empire is spontaneously formed by the believers of the Light Empire, and the land of the Light Empire is also voluntarily ceded by the large and small forces around the headquarters of the Holy See of Light for the Holy See to allocate. How much can be used to temporarily allocate the headquarters of the Bright Holy See headquarters, and the rest have not been planned, so even the headquarters of the Bright Holy See does not know how to calculate the land of the Bright Empire.

However, the soldiers of the three super empires do not know what is the land of the Bright Empire at all. The only thing they have to do is to advance. The target is the headquarters of the Holy See of Light. If there is resistance on the way, whether it is the power of the Holy See of Light or not, kill. The forces that were originally regarded as forces in the New Yuan Continent are the three super empires, the Bright and Dark Holy See. The rest, whether any of these forces, will be annexed sooner or later, so the three super empires have no scruples.

The armies of the three super empires soon advanced to the periphery of the Light Empire. After erasing some unformed and scattered followers of the Holy See, they finally arrived at the first city that had been transferred by the Holy See of Light and formed. The first war, whether it is the Holy See or the three super empires, attach great importance to it. The first battle has a great impact on the future of morale. Although the first battle cannot determine the outcome, the result of the first battle can basically affect the overall situation. If you win, the overall situation will have high morale. If you lose, the shadow of failure will affect the end of the war.

The queen of the Mingyue Empire is still the first. The kings of the Qiankun Empire and the Yunxiao Empire are on the left and right of the queen of the Mingyue Empire respectively, and behind them are the soldiers of the three super empires. The powerful momentum of the queen of the Mingyue Empire went to the opposite city without hesitation.

The pressure of a master is quite horrible just on a city. The queen of the Mingyue Empire did not hide her cultivation at this time, and the queen of the Mingyue Empire had never shown such terrible strength before.

Fee the terrible pressure on the queen of the Mingyue Empire. Some of them are relatively strong and can clearly identify which level of strong people should belong to such terrible pressure. They immediately exclaimed: "Master!"

Master! Whether it is the Bright Empire or the three super empires, there is an uproar. The queen of the Mingyue Empire is actually a master! There were high-level masters following the array, and the morale of the Bright Empire, as the enemy, immediately plummeted, while the morale of the three super empires was shocked again.

Originally, if you break through the Holy Land, you can be called a god-level master, but the god-level master has not really been regarded as a god, and only those ordinary people with weak strength will regard God-level masters and even Holy Land-level masters as gods. However, the master is different. Even if the known master is in the whole Xinyuan continent, there are only four, so no matter how powerful the master is on the Xinyuan continent, he will regard the master as a god.

Originally, the image of the queen of the Mingyue Empire in their minds was just an emperor. At this time, the image of the queen of the Mingyue Empire in their minds was steep, from an emperor to a god. And now, this god is leading them to flatten the Holy See of Light. Those who were originally speculative because of the existence of the three respected masters of the Holy See have no worries at all. The Holy See of Light has respected strong men, and they also have!

The queen of the Mingyue Empire stared sharply at the opposite city. The queen of the Mingyue Empire deliberately let them see their real strength in order to demorale and improve their own morale. If morale goes up, this first battle is bound to be more happy. The happier the first battle is, the more favorable it will be for the morale in the future war. Even if it is lost a few games in the future war, as long as it is not very tragic, it doesn't matter.

And this first time can take advantage of the first momentum to rush deep, but after this first time, there is no such momentum anymore. If you want to rush deep, it is impossible to get closer to the headquarters of the Holy See. You can only rely on the back and fight slowly step by step.

Just when the queen of the Mingyue Empire was in the limelight, an equally horrible momentum rose from the opposite city. This momentum was full of a sense of killing, which was obviously the momentum of perennial war. Blocked all the momentum of the queen of the Mingyue Empire. The pupils of the queen of the Mingyue Empire shrank slightly. It seems that the Bright Holy See not only attached great importance to this first battle, but also attached great importance to it. Even the Knight Knight of Light, one of the three respected masters, was sent over.

It's just that the knight's momentum has not gained an inch after blocking the momentum of the queen of the Mingyue Empire.

"Why, doesn't Her Majesty want to take action in person?"

A faint voice sounded, and the chief knight of the Bright Holy See appeared over the city and looked directly at the queen of the Moon Empire. From the momentum of the confrontation just now, the knight chief has explored the foundation of the queen of the Mingyue Empire. Sure enough, it has just broken through to the level of a master and strong man. Compared with them, it is indeed much worse, and it is not as powerful as the dark demon god. If it weren't for the difficulty of defeating the other party even if there is a gap in strength, and it is not suitable for the master to compete with the master now, I'm afraid the knight has the intention to kill the queen of the Mingyue Empire now.

"I didn't mean to take action, but whether I really take action in person depends on what the knight means."

The queen of the Mingyue Empire did not talk nonsense, but waved her hand directly, and thousands of troops and horses behind her rushed to the city. The knight frowned. He didn't expect that the queen of the Mingyue Empire would start fighting without even saying a word. At the beginning, the momentum here was photographed by the queen of the Mingyue Empire. After he appeared, he was slightly better, but he had not recovered, but the armies of the three super empires had already rushed to kill him. Come here.