very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 836 Preparation for Going Out

Looking at Su Ya disappearing from sight, Yang Ming turned around and left the variety show hall. Looking back on this magical night, it's like a dream.

The knot that had been wrapped around his heart was untied like this, just like a sentence, all this came too suddenly!

Moreover, what surprised Yang Ming most was that Su Ya and Chen Mengyan had already had a private contact and established some kind of tacit understanding! This surprised Yang Ming, but at the same time, he was a little puzzled. According to reason, with Chen Mengyan's nature, how could he accept Su Ya so easily?

How could Yang Ming have thought that Chen Mengyan did this in order not to live up to her promise, and Chen Mengyan also understood Su Ya's position in Yang Ming's heart. Indeed, she can make trouble with Yang Ming about Lan Ling, Lin Zhiyun and even Zhou Jiajia, but only Su Ya... she can't make trouble.

When he returned to the hotel and opened the door, Yang Ming hesitated for a moment and still looked at Zhang Bin's room opposite with his power. Fortunately, Zhang Bin and Wang Mei did not leave, and they were sleeping together.

Yang Ming is not the kind of person who likes to peep at people's privacy, but he has to be more cautious at this moment. If Zhang Bin is not in the room, he will have another忙.

When I was with Su Ya just now, I didn't feel very sleepy. I'm energetic. Now when I return to the hotel, I feel sleepy. Yang Ming fell ** and soon fell asleep.

However, he didn't sleep long, but Yang Ming woke up in a rapid ringing ringing of his mobile phone! I took a look at my mobile phone. It turned out that there was a reminder on the memo schedule!

Yang suddenly remembered that today is the day of the release of the new issue of Australian Street Shopping magazine, that is to say, today, the killer who took over the task will find the place to assassinate Zheng Shaopeng in the magazine!

Think of this. Yang dares not delay any longer. This is the first task that Fang Tian gave himself to carry out alone. Yang Ming didn't dare to be careless. Although it's just to let him figure out the ins and outs of the matter. But Yang Ming should also take it seriously.

Simply wash your face. Yang Ming went out. I came to the cafe near the hotel where I went last time. Yang Ming saw the waiter in the last place.

The waiter naturally has an impression of Yang Ming. I gave him so many tips last time. It's impossible for him to forget. 忙 greeted him with a smile: "Sir. Here you are again. Welcome."

Yang Ming nodded. Since the waiter still knows himself. Then he doesn't have to be polite anymore. He said directly, "Australian Street Shopping DM magazine is the latest magazine today, right? Show it to me. Give me a cup of coffee by the way.

"Good ground. Sir. Please wait a moment." The waiter said with a smile. But I was puzzled. It's really a strange thing in the world. Unexpectedly, some people are interested in this kind of advertising magazine.

The waiter handed the coffee and the latest issue of the magazine to Yang Ming. Yang Ming casually paid him 100 Portuguese dollars. He said, "Don't look for it."

The waiter happily took the money, thanked him, and then turned around and left.

Yang Ming did not dare to delay at all. He opened the magazine and turned to the page number of the advertisement in the middle. Sure enough, it was still in that position that, and a dark code was published!

Yang Ming can't immediately read out the meaning of this dark code. After all, Yang Ming's contact with the killer industry is still short. Although he has mastered a lot of things, these dark codes really can't be memorized. He can only query according to the "dictionary".

Yang Ming took out his mobile phone, took a picture of the dark code, and then quickly got up and left the cafe. Only the waiter was left, and he shook his head inexplicably. This guest is really strange. It's true that he is generous, but why is he interested in that broken magazine?

The waiter packed up Yang Ming's table and flipped through the magazine Yang Ming had just read. He didn't think there was any particularly wonderful content, and then threw it in the newspaper column in front of the bar.

After Yang Ming returned to the hotel, he called up the dictionary file in the computer, and then translated it one by one with the hidden code on the mobile phone to get the complete information.

"At eight o'clock tonight, Zheng Shaopeng, director of Warwick Casino, will attend a small exchange meeting organized by the Folk Gambling Association. After the meeting, he will attend a banquet and dance."

Of course, the specific banquet and dance time are not mentioned. I think it is probably not fixed, and the possibility of temporary arrangements is relatively high. The timing of the action is controlled by the person receiving the task.

At 8 p.m., Yang Ming still has a long time to prepare. Seeing this information, Yang Ming was also relieved. At least on the surface, the assassination had little to do with Huang Lele, because the place of the assassination was not in the Warwick Casino, but was killed when Zheng Shaopeng participated in the event.

But it's not for Huang Lele's casino. Yang Ming has no time to investigate, and he has no clue to investigate, but these are not important, as long as Huang Lele is not hurt.

To Zheng Shaopeng? Yang Ming is not anything yet

Taoism doesn't care about the life or death of this stranger.

There was a knock on the door outside the room. Yang Minglian turned off the dictionary file in the computer, set the mobile phone screen back to standby, and then got up and opened the door.

Zhang Bin and Wang Mei have woken up and just had breakfast.

Wang Mei thought of a very important thing, so her parents are still in Macao! She was in a very unstable mood yesterday and didn't think too much. Today, I thought that if I went back to Songjiang with Zhang Bin, what should my parents do?

The most important thing is that Yang Ming played with Liu Jihao yesterday. What if he can't find himself and revenge on his parents? Although Wang Mei has never mentioned her family to Liu Jihao, this is nothing to hide. As long as Liu Jihao goes to the airline to check the file, he can easily know the address of his parents!

"Big boss, I want to accompany Mei home and take her parents to the hotel..." Wang Mei didn't dare to say anything, so Zhang Bin said Wang Mei's idea.

Yang Ming couldn't help wrinkled after hearing this. During this period, the most taboo is to go out and hang out! If Liu Jihao is not a child, he should be aware of it, and the check can't disappear for no reason. He didn't lose it himself, and there are only a few possibilities left.

So, once Zhang and others encounter any trouble, it's really not easy for them to do! Because Yang Ming has more important things to do today, he can't split up!

"Can we go tomorrow? I'll accompany you. I have other important things to do today..." Yang Ming looked at Zhang Bin and said.

"But... boss, I'm afraid that tomorrow, Liu Jihao will..." Zhang Bin said with some embarrassment.

Yang Ming hesitated for a moment and knew that Zhang Bin was telling the truth. If Liu Jihao really took Wang Mei's parents, it would be troublesome. After meditating for a long time, he said, "Well, go back quickly. Remember, don't take anything at home. Just come over. There will be nothing missing when you get to Songjiang!"

Yang Ming can now hope that Liu Jihao didn't think of this. Yang Ming doesn't feel sorry for this ten million, but Liu Jihao is really unhavital.

"I know." Wang Meilian nodded. She also understood the current situation and didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble to Yang Ming. And Yang Ming is right. He doesn't have to care about the little thing at home at all. He has everything when he comes back to Songjiang.

"If you are in trouble, call me quickly." Yang Ming ordered.

After Zhang Bin and Wang Mei left, Yang Ming began to prepare for the evening. Yang Ming's previous plan was to put on makeup carefully. Yang Ming doesn't want to reveal his true identity. After all, today's events have nothing to do with him, and there is no need to get involved in him.

But now, this plan is completely unnecessary. Yang Ming can change his face without any decoration! To be honest, Yang Ming had never thought that his glasses had this function before!

Even if he learned about Su Ya's Yirong from Su Haikuo before, he completely benefited from such a pair of glasses, but Yang Ming thought at that time that each pair of glasses had the unique effect of each pair of glasses. Until Su Ya said that she got the glasses, the old man told her that it was an undeveloped pair of glasses, while Yang Ming's pair may be a fully functional version!

If you follow this idea, then your glasses can't just be the functions you see now. There must be other functions that have not been discovered, but Yang Ming can't find them one by one now.

Yang Ming pulled the curtains, then looked at the mirror and began to change his appearance. After changing several appearances, Yang Ming was not very satisfied. He was either too handsome or too ugly.

Of course, Yang Ming doesn't care about his ugly appearance or not. It doesn't matter. Anyway, it's not his real face. What he cares about is that his face should not be too distinctive. It should be the kind of popular face, which makes people feel very ordinary and forget it in a blink of an eye.

In the end, Yang Ming integrated the image of many people in his memory and made a very ordinary face. It was neither handsome nor ugly, and the ordinary could not be ordinary.

Yang Ming nodded with satisfaction, took out a pair of sunglasses from the suitcase and put them on his face. Cover your eyes. A person's face has changed, but his eyes are difficult to change, so for the sake of safety, Yang Ming still put on sunglasses.

Before going out, Yang Ming first scanned the corridor with his power and found that no guests and servicemen had passed by, so he quickly flashed out of the door of the room.

When he went downstairs and left the hotel, no one doubted Yang Ming's identity. There are many strangers coming and going in the hotel every day, especially Yang Ming's public face now.