very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 837 It turned out to be her

It turned out to be her

Yang Ming casually bought a newspaper by the roadside and held it in his hand, so that he looked more like a local. A white-collar worker working in the company.

Yang Ming came to the vicinity of the gambling seminar venue according to the address provided in the Australian Street Shopping magazine. This is a small private club. As soon as Yang Ming was about to enter, he was stopped by the security guard at the door: "Hello, sir, please show me the invitation."

Yang Ming was stunned. He didn't expect that he still needed an invitation to enter here. It seems that he needs a strict inspection to enter here. Yang Ming smiled shyly and said, "I didn't have an invitation. I thought it was open to the outside world.


"I'm sorry, sir, you can't enter without an invitation." The security guard politely stretched out his hand and stopped Yang Ming.

"Well... Forget it, it's nothing." Yang Ming shook his head pretending to be indifferent and turned around and left the clubhouse.

The security guard doesn't care. There are a few people like Yang Ming every day. It's no wonder.

However, Yang Ming did not leave immediately, but turned around and turned back after walking far away, but this time he did not go to the main door of the clubhouse and turned around the clubhouse.

The clubhouse is surrounded by a tall fence. You can see that at the top of the fence, there are surveillance cameras in operation. Although Yang Ming can climb over, he will definitely be recorded by the camera.

is also said. The security here is very tight. I want to enter here. Except for the invitation. Then I have no choice but to break through. And there are assassinations here. Obviously unwisely.

First. It is a big difficulty to enter here. Unless it is an invitation. Go in openly. If you force it. It's not like this here now. Those security guards must have taken action a long time ago.

Second. Even if you enter here. Darkness also succeeded. That's quite difficult to get out of. But if the first one is possible. It is not impossible to do so.

But. The key question is. Yang Ming didn't think that the killer who came here would get an invitation! The reason is very simple. He is the same as Yang Ming. It's also today. After reading the magazine, I knew the location of the assassination site. It is impossible to prepare the invitation here in advance. Now find a way to forge the invitation. It's almost too late.

So. That man probably left behind closed doors like Yang Ming. Or. Or. He hasn't come yet!

Think of this. Yang Ming decided to wait at the door of the clubhouse for a while. If you can meet that killer. That would be great.

But for the sake of safety, Yang Ming still looked around the situation in the clubhouse in the yard with his power. Except for the security personnel, all the other people gathered in a conference room. It seemed that they knew each other and were discussing something enthusiastically. It can be concluded that the killer is not among them. Yang Ming was slightly relieved.

However, Yang Ming waited here for nearly 20 minutes, and he didn't see anyone else approaching the clubhouse. Yang Ming couldn't help but be a little disappointed, but the killer should not have come yet. When Yang Ming came, the seminar had just begun, unless the killer came earlier.

I was thinking about it when Yang Ming suddenly found a young man in a cap walking to the door of the clubhouse! Yang Ming was shocked and immediately became vigilant.

"Brother Wang, are you on duty today?" The cap said to the security guard on duty. Although Yang Ming can't hear it, he can judge what they are saying by looking at the mouth shape.

"Yes, Mr. Zhu, let's have 20 chicken chops to take out today!" The security guard called Brother Wang said.

"OKK, no problem, or will it be delivered at that time?" The man in the cap, known as Boss Zhu, asked.

"Well, every day is that time!" Brother Wang nodded: "Give me some more food!"

"Don't worry! They are all regular customers. They will definitely make you full!" Boss Zhu nodded with a smile and promised, and then turned around and left.

Yang Ming sighed and shook his head helplessly. It seemed that this was just a takeaway delivery, and it could not be a killer. However, Yang Ming was still patient, otherwise there would be no other place to go at this time. He sat on a bench by the roadside, holding the newspaper he had just bought in his hand, and seemed to be reading the newspaper seriously. In fact, Yang Ming's eyes had passed through the newspaper and stared at the door of the clubhouse.

After about ten minutes, a girl dressed in fashion and sunshine came to the door of the clubhouse with a small bag on her back! Looking at the clothes, he should be a student. He is not tall but very well-proportioned. A pair of sunglasses is pinned to his head, which looks more charming and cute.

According to common sense, this person should have no contact with the killer. Such a pure and lovely girl really can't match the killer, but Yang Ming did not relax his vigilance because of this.

Killer? Must look like a killer? Yang Ming shook his head. His usual appearance was also very sunny, and his identity was also a college student of Songjiang University of Engineering. Isn't his secret identity also shocking?

The moment the girl approached the clubhouse, Yang Ming

I didn't leave her.

The girl is very beautiful. How to put it, she has an indescribable temperament, lazy, but very cute. This feeling gives Yang Ming the illusion of déjà vu.

There seems to be such a person beside him, but Yang Ming doesn't think who is more like her. ( The whole text is small???,? In .16κ.(1(6)κ.. Text.? W?)

When Yang Ming pulled his eyes closer to the focal length like a telescope, Yang Ming felt an unusual smell! The girl's appearance looks natural and sweet, but it has been carefully decorated!

Although the current non-mainstream likes to draw completely different faces, it is also because she can't grow well on the ground, and this girl is perfect in terms of her face shape and facial features. There is no need to draw so much makeup for herself!

This made Yang Ming look over with perspective. When he saw the girl's real appearance, he couldn't help but be shocked! I almost didn't even hold the newspaper in my hand!

Because the shock brought to him by this matter was so great that Yang Ming could not imagine that this girl would be that person! The person I know!

That's right, this is his neighbor, Wang Xiaoyan, who looks like a little sister! This shocked Yang Ming. What is Wang Xiaoyan doing here?

Yang Ming frowned together, and things became more and more complicated. Although Yang Ming didn't believe that Wang Xiaoyan was the murderer, if not, why did Wang Xiaoyan come here after dressing herself up carefully?

Yang believes that there are such coincidences in the world, but coincidences still exist. Yang Ming adjusted his mood and decided to wait and see how the next situation will be.

Wang Xiaoyan walked lightly to the front of the clubhouse and looked at the clubhouse curiously, but did not take the initiative to talk to the security guard.

Brother Wang, the security guard, saw a cute little girl coming here. Although it was a little strange, he still asked, "Little sister, what are you doing here?"

"Where is this place? Can I go in?" Wang Xiaoyan said, took out her mobile phone and said, "I'm a tourist here. Seeing this place is very beautiful, I want to take some photos."

"Little sister, this is a private clubhouse. People without invitations can't enter casually..." Brother Wang, the security guard, shook his head shyly: "If you want to take a picture, just stand outside and take a picture..."

"Well..." Wang Xiaoyan showed a disappointed look on her face: "Then I'll pat around..."

After saying that, Wang Xiaoyan turned around the clubhouse and walked around. Brother Wang, the security guard, was not there and let her go by herself. Because Wang Xiaoyan's appearance is so harmless that Brother Wang will not be vigilant at all.

From the conversation between Wang Xiaoyan and the security guard alone, Yang Ming can't determine whether Wang Xiaoyan is the killer or a member of the killer, so he can only continue to observe her.

However, Wang Xiaoyan's behavior next made Yang Ming deeply suspicious! The reason is very simple. While Wang Xiaoyan walked around the clubhouse, she did not take pictures with her mobile phone, but turned her eyes to the fence and the monitor above!

When she saw that the protection here was so strict, she seemed to shake her head slightly and sigh, which aroused Yang Ming's suspicion even more. Wang Xiaoyan did not come here to take pictures, but had other pictures!

Her approach was exactly the same as herself. First, she found an excuse to talk to the security guard, and then observed the security situation and terrain of the clubhouse, which made Yang Ming doubt that he refused to do it.

It's just that Wang Xiaoyan is the killer who takes over the task? This is a little ridiculous, isn't it? Yang Ming couldn't connect her with the killer. However, there is a good saying that people can't be looked at, and ** can't be measured. Do you look like a killer?

Even if Wang Xiaoyan is not a killer, she should have any connection with that killer. Yang Ming then turned his eyes to Wang Xiaoyan's bag. The next moment, Yang Ming no longer had any doubts!

Small silencer pistol, small dagger for assassination, telescope, flashlight... All of this is very familiar to Yang Ming. This is a killer suit...

You can only describe Yang Ming's current mood in one sentence, that is, the world is really crazy...

Well? What is this? In Wang Xiaoyan's backpack, there is also a bag of women's sanitary pads, Yang Ming sweats...

After observing the terrain, Wang Xiaoyan probably felt that it was basically impossible to do it here. She turned around and left the clubhouse, looked around, and found the bench where Yang Ming was.

This is the nearest bench near the clubhouse. Although there is already someone on it, Wang Xiaoyan hesitated for a moment and came this way.