very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1112 Difficult Tasks

The car here is a right steering car. When he first started, Yang Ming was still a little unaccustomed to it, but the good thing is that there are not many cars driving on the road. Occasionally, it is also a public truck or some military material truck.

However, no matter what kind of car it is, when you see Yang Ming, a military green car with a special license plate, you will avoid it from afar. It can be seen that some towns and roads near the interim government have been completely controlled by General Kars.

This car belongs to the government of General Kars, and these people are obviously clear about it. Later, Yang Ming learned that this car was one of General Kars's cars. No wonder it had such a great authority.

However, it can also be seen that General Kars's finances are really tight, and even his own car is very poor. No wonder he wants to exploit a rootless businessman like Huang Lele's family as soon as he took office.

Because Country X implements military control, there are soldiers standing guard every other way on the street. Yang Ming's posture is unimpeded all the way, and no one stops him from driving the car to the highest speed.

However, when they came out of Shoujie City again, a team of soldiers checked Yang Ming's car. Obviously, although they knew General Carls' car, they did not know Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan. In order to prevent accidents, Yang Ming was checked.

Yang Ming also cooperated to take out the power of attorney signed by General Carls. After the soldiers confirmed the true taste of the power of attorney, they immediately saluted and let it go.

Yang Ming also knew very well that the nearby cars and documents were relatively easy to use, but as he went further and further, these things would become difficult to use, because General Kars did not control several armed forces near the X border.

Gradually far away from Shoujie City, the capital of Country X, Yang Ming has also become low-key. According to the military map, this area is no longer under the control of General Kars, because other army-numbered vehicles have begun to walk around here, and for the license plate of Yang Ming's car, although these people He did not do anything too hostile, but it was obvious that Yang Ming's eyes had begun to be wrong, and there was no previous respect. Instead, it was a kind of vigilance and caution.

After all, this is a town, which nominally belongs to the territory of General Kars, but the people here do not pay taxes to the Kars government, but give it to the armed forces of the nearby garrison.

Yang Ming found a place where there was no one, got out of the car, took off the license plate, and put it into an iron box behind the car with the previous authorization letter of General Carls and locked it. Yang Ming's car turned into a black car without a license plate.

Fortunately, the traffic management here is very irregular. All cars do not have driving licenses, and the license plates are also arranged internally by various armed forces themselves. There are many cars like Yang Ming without a license plate. They are all cars belonging to those private mine owners. These people do not belong to any armed forces, so It is also normal for the car not to hang a sign.

After Yang Ming removed the license plate, it was much more normal for people passing by on the road to look at them. After all, there are many yellow people investing here, and no one doubts the purpose of Wang Xiaoyan and fame.

Gradually, except for the last town, it began to become sparsely populated. There were no shops and pedestrians here, only rugged dirt roads. Obviously, this is already the territory of those armed forces.

"Let's see if we can meet General Hao Yeton through normal channels." When Yang Ming was on the road, he had figured out the way to approach General Hao Yeton, but he didn't know if it was feasible.

"Normal way?" Wang Xiaoyan asked, "Directly between him?"

"Yes, we went to see him as a businessman who came here to invest. Let's see if we can see him." Yang Ming said, "According to common sense, these armed forces are in need of funds, and they should give a relatively high level of hospitality to foreign businessmen. Of course, after the reception, if you bring the money, it will be slaughtered by others."

"That's right, but at least before we invest, we should receive a more friendly reception." Wang Xiaoyan also understands the faces of these armed forces, but anyway, the two are here to kill, not to invest. At most, they are just fooling them.

At noon, Yang Ming found a residential house nearby, gave them some money and bought some food. In such a country, it is very difficult to find a restaurant. Unless it is near the capital, the more it deviates from the capital, the fewer business circles there are, and you can't even see small shops doing business. Even if there are, it is also .

However, the people in the house are relatively good. Yang Ming gave them ten dollars, asked them to help them make some food casually, and then talked to them: "Let's imagine the businessmen who invest here. Which sphere of influence does this belong here?"

Of course, Yang Ming uses English when talking, the official language of country X.

"The sphere of influence is more managed by General Hao Yeton. Although General Kevin IV is also nearby, he seldom interferes in local government affairs." The host made ten dollars. Obviously, he was very excited and talked happily with Yang Ming.

"That is to say, if we want to open a mine here or something, we have to consult General Hao Yedon?" Yang Ming asked.

"It's like this... But, alas, let's not talk about it..." The master shook his head and closed his mouth.

"Why didn't you say it? What's the matter? Yang Ming asked curiously.

"Well, you see, whether it's General Hao Yeton or General Kevins, they are very beautiful now, and they are in power. [can't see] when..." The male host sighed and said, "1 In fact, I shouldn't say this, but I still want to remind you that you must be cautious in investing... "

After listening to the male owner's words, Yang Ming smiled and said, "Don't worry, what we are doing is short-term investment business."

"It's okay in the short term! If it's long-term, you should be careful. The male host gave a breath and nodded: &qu; This country, the land of bullets, there are so many civil wars, and I don't know when I can live a peaceful life.

"It's coming soon. This day won't be too far away." Yang Ming said with a smile.

The hero thought that Yang Ming was comforting him, but he didn't think much about it. He also nodded with a smile.

"Yes, we are going to see General Hao Yeton. Can he see us?" Yang Ming asked.

"If you go to see General Hao Yeton himself, it seems to be a little difficult!" The host thought for a moment and said, "The businessmen who come to invest are all received by General Hao Yeton's adjutant, Mr. Wickson, the chief civil affairs officer of this area."

"Wickson?" Yang Ming frowned: "Isn't this under the scope of General Kars's government?"

"Nominally yes, but the people here no longer pay taxes to the Kars government, but give them to Chief Wilson." Introduced by the host.

"So that's it." Yang Ming nodded. It seemed that the development of things did not go in the direction he expected. If he wanted to see General Hao Yeton, it was obviously a little far-fetched to just use the interface of investment.

However, no matter what, let's try it first. Take a step at a time, maybe things will turn around.

"In fact, in terms of civil affairs, what Officer Wickson said is equivalent to what General Hao Yeton said. As long as he makes the decision, your investment here is completely fine. You don't have to see General Hao Yedon." The male host thought that Yang Ming was afraid that Officer Wickson could not make the decision, and he was in a dilemma without strength.

"Ha ha, that's true," Yang Ming said with a smile, "I just think it's better to see the highest person in charge for this kind of thing."

"Yes, but you can try to have a look. Maybe you will also see General Hao Yedon." Although the male host doesn't know how much Yang Ming and others are going to invest, it must be a lot of money. If they are careful, there is nothing to be picky about.

After dinner, Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan said goodbye to the host and hostess, except for the private house. Although the food is simple, it is very appetizing. Yang Ming is not looking for any delicacies to eat, as long as he eats too much. At least it's much better than some fast food.

"It seems that things are not easy to do." Yang Ming said, "We only use the investment interface, and we should not see General Hao Yeton."

"What can I do? Let's have a try first." Although Wang Xiaoyan did not express any opinions in the house just now, she also listened to the male host.

Yang Ming originally wanted to see General Hao Yeton in the name of arms trafficking, but it's okay to think about it. After all, they bought arms from fixed merchants. His appearance suddenly caused General Hao Yeton's vigilance, which made it even more difficult to do it.

So let's try it for normal investment reasons.

In the afternoon, Yang Ming easily found the location of General Hao Yeton's garrison according to the annotations on the military map and the guidance of the hero.

This is the location of the garrison built on a very open space. There are no buildings nearby, and there is no place to hide the figure. If such a place is assassinated, it will be even more difficult, unless all the missiles are blown up, but obviously, none of these armed forces can buy missiles, otherwise If so, this country must be a mess.

Seeing the terrain, Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan also directly gave up the idea of sneaking in and carrying out the assassination, because it is completely impossible. Unless it can be hidden, otherwise, the long distance from here has been targeted.

Just like now, Yang Ming drove his car to the gate of the garrison, and a military jeep that was more dilapidated than Yang Ming's car drove this way. Not far from Yang Ming, a few soldiers jumped off the car and then motioned Yang Ming to stop.

Yang Ming does not intend to have any conflict with them. Here, it is very unwise to conflict with these people as a bright target. Therefore, Yang Ming stopped the car and jumped out of the car according to the man's signal.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" A leading soldier asked.

"We are businessmen who plan to invest here. We want to meet General Wildton!" Yang Ming replied in English very kindly, with a very natural expression.

The soldier looked up and down at Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan, and then nodded: "For investment matters, you go to the administrative office in the town and find Officer Wilson."

"General Wickson..." Yang Ming hesitated and said, "Well, after all, we are not familiar with each other. We want to meet the most important military officer here, General Hao Yeton!"

"No need! General Hao Yeton is very busy! I don't have time to see you!" The soldier waved his hand and said, "This is a military forbidden place. Go back quickly. If you go further, we will shoot!"

"Well, if that's the case, forget it!" Yang Ming shook his head, returned to the car, and started the car.

When he got to the car, he started the car.

Obviously, the attempt failed, and even the garrison base was blocked back without entering, but if you think about it carefully, it's normal that General He Yeton can't be seen by anyone.

At least he is also the highest military officer in a place, and he can't be seen casually.

He turned the front of the car and made a name away from the military station.

"Failed." He shrugged his shoulders. Although he had long thought that there would be such a result, he was still a little frustrated. If the direct meeting is not successful, it will be difficult to enter the garrison in other ways.

Famous is a killer, not a superman. Although the time is really good under the strict training of Fang Tian, it can't be defeated by one hundred, let alone invincible.

Now it seems that I haven't approached the garrison, someone came to stop me, and I also used my power to see the terrain in the garrison's territory. After entering through the wall, there are large open spaces and military drills. The office area is located in the center of the entire military base. If you want to sneak in, you will be found unless you are airborne or underground.

This also increased the assassination. He sighed. In this way, other methods must be taken.

"You can't say that," Wang Xiaoyan said, "We have just come for the first day. If this task could be completed so easily, we would not have received it. Someone else would have picked it up."

"As long as you have this mentality." Famous and nodded

Wang Xiaoyan was right. The two of them came for a day and were not in a hurry to do the task. It's better to find a place to rest first, and then it's not too late to make plans.

He became famous in the car and went to the most advanced town nearby with Wang Xiaoyan, which is also the area of General He Yeton's sphere of influence, the area in which Officer Wickson is responsible for.

The economic development here is obviously much worse than that of Shoujie City in the capital, which looks very depressed. Because few outsiders come here, the people here are all locals.

After looking for a long time, I found a snack bar where I could stay in the restaurant, but the environment was not bad. I became famous and paid money and went upstairs to the guest room with Wang Xiaoyan.

Obviously, no one has lived here for a long time. There should not be many guests in this town, and the main business of this store is not a hotel but a small hotel. He ordered some simple meals and checked them carefully in the room with Wang Xiaoyan.

Although it should not be possible for monitoring equipment to exist in this kind of place, it is better to be careful. However, the result of the inspection is that there is really no monitoring equipment here.

"It seems that we are really a little too careful." Wang Xiaoyan said with some self-deprecating, "Uneven the president of General Carls has no monitoring equipment, and it is even more impossible to have a hotel in this small town."

He was famous and smiled, but he went out. Be careful, it's not a big mistake. Besides, the two of them usually talk about some ** topics. When they are heard by outsiders, it's a little bad.

After dinner in the evening, Yang Ming told Fang Tian what had happened here by phone. Fang Tian just told Yang Ming, don't worry, just be careful, and didn't say much.

"What did your master say?" After hanging up the phone, Wang Xiaoyan asked.

"Let's exercise carefully and don't worry." He famously said, "What else can I say?"

"He can't do anything about it?" Wang Xiaoyan asked.

"That's not true, but in this case. There is nothing anyone can do. Yang Ming said, "We can't wait for He Yeton to come out. Shall we kill him again?"

"He came out?" After listening to the famous words, Wang Xiaoyan suddenly fell into meditation for a while. An unexpected smile appeared on his face: "That's right, just wait for him to come out! That's a good note!"

"Wait for him to come out?" The fame was also at a sway: "Do you mean to lead the snake out of the hole?"

Naturally, fame will not be stupid enough to think that Wang Xiaoyan means to wait here, because it is impossible for a person like He Yeton to go out casually. Many things should not be done in person, and it doesn't make sense for him to go out.

"Um, it's just to lead the snake out of the hole!" Wang Xiaoyan nodded and said excitedly, "Only at this time is the best time to kill him!!!"

"Your idea is very good, but the key question is, how to lead him out? There is nothing outside to attract him, right? It's not a matter of pouring cold water to fame, but to let General He Yeton come out.

"This is indeed a problem, which needs to be studied carefully." Wang Xiaoyan nodded and said, "Anyway, I still have time, so I'm not in a hurry. Let's take a rest first. We've been tossing around a long time these days.

Yang Ming nodded and asked Wang Xiaoyan to lie in ** first. He picked up the satellite phone and called Li Qiang, asking them to prepare and pack up and pack up to meet himself in Country X of Africa.

Li Qiang didn't ask the reason, but just asked how many people he had brought. When he heard that the fame was all, Li Qiang said a good word.

He is quite satisfied with Li Qiang's performance. What he wants is to absolutely obey orders. Li Qiang has obviously done it now, but his strength still needs to be improved.

However, after all, this kind of war-torn African country is of great help to improve its strength. His name is Li Qiang, and he also wants them to develop and grow here.