very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1113 Draw the snake out of the hole

For two days in a row, Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan did not think of an appropriate way to lure General Herdon out. Because there is nothing worth paying attention to. Even if he pays attention to it, he doesn't have to come out in person.

This made Yang Ming feel very embarrassed. After all, He is not an ordinary person, but a leader of an armed force. Even if he is for his prestige, he will not casually walk on the street.

Therefore, it is not easy to lead He Yeton out and wait for the opportunity to kill him.

However, with the comfort of Fang Tian, Yang Ming was not in a hurry. In addition to flirting with Wang Xiaoyan in the room every day, the two regarded this task as a leisure trip. When they had nothing to do, they went around and took photos, and had a lot of fun.

And the owner of the hotel also regards this pair of young people as tourists. Of course, he did not expect that they would come here from thousands of miles away from Asia, but thought that they were relatives or children of a mine owner nearby.

On the afternoon of the third day, Li Qiang sneaked into the X country in Africa with a group of people. Yang Ming had told Li Qiang the latitude and longitude of his location through GP, so Li Qiang could easily find it here with GP equipment.

Yang Ming has to praise the strength of modern scientific and technological equipment. If it had been in the past, it would have been difficult for the two groups to meet in a strange country, but now it is indeed extremely simple.

Li Qiang, who acted at night, did not enter the town, but stopped two kilometers away from the town and stationed there. After all, there are too many people like Li Qiang. If they rush into the town, they will definitely attract the attention of others.

At night, Yang Ming drove a jeep and went with Wang Xiaoyan to the station of Li Qiang and others two kilometers away from the town.

The management of militarization, the centralized training of killers, and the essence of Chinese fighting martial arts have formed Li Qiang, a powerful team.

The personnel on duty patrolling outside the station found Yang Ming's car coming this way and immediately reported to Li Qiang that the whole station had entered a state of emergency against the enemy.

However, after Li Qiang confirmed that the visitor was Yang Ming, the stationed the alarm was lifted. Li Qiang and Liu. Li Qiang stood outside the station with Liu Chao, Wang Peng, Jinniu and Lu Xinyang, waiting for the arrival of Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan.

"Brother Yang, sister-in-law!" Li Qiang and others waited for Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan to park their cars, quickly trot over and shouted loudly. Even Jinniu, who had been following Wang Xiaoyan, changed his name at this moment.

So far, the Black Widow and Li Qiang's original group have been completely integrated into a new group - the Black Butterfly Organization. Jinniu also became a member of Li Qiang's circle. Naturally, he also followed the local customs and changed the name of Wang Xiaoyan.

After all, he also understood the relationship between Wang Xiaoyan and Yang Ming at this moment. Respect for Yang Ming is equivalent to respect for Wang Xiaoyan, and he called her sister-in-law. It seems that Wang Xiaoyan seems to be happier.

Looking at the neat and orderly station, Yang Ming nodded slightly and praised: &qu; Yes, I have not seen you for a few days, which makes me look at it with new eyes, especially Taurus. Your original men have also changed their previous habits and integrated into this group, which makes me very happy."

Yang Ming praised the bonus cow, and Taurus's face naturally showed a look of joy. In fact, what Taurus is most afraid of is Yang Ming's subordinates and does not accept himself and those brothers, but now it seems that his worries are completely superfluous.

In this organization, there is only cooperation and unity. Training and suffering together, no one regards them as outsiders, so this is also an important reason why Taurus and others can change their previous habits in such a short time.

"Everyone must understand that the domestic environment is not suitable for your survival, nor is it suitable for our development and growth." Yang Ming looked at Li Qiang and others and said, "So, if our organization wants to gain a foothold in the world, it is most suitable for North Africa. There are no laws and no rules here. Everything depends on power and fist Whoever is powerful is the boss. I think that here, you will be able to realize yourself and break out of the world!"

Indeed, Yang Ming is right. Because of the domestic environment, Li Qiang and others are afraid to do things and train, and they dare not make a big fan, and this is different. They have long heard that North Africa is the world of armed forces and mercenaries. Therefore, after listening to Yang Ming's words, his face showed excitement and expectation.

"I won't say anything superfluous. The future of the ice crystal depends on you. I have taught you how to train. Whether you can stand firm here depends on your strength!" Yang Ming said very seriously.

"Brother Yang, don't worry, we are the strongest, and we can definitely stand firm here!" Li Qiang and others said one after another.

"Good, I will help you solve the problem of weapons as soon as possible. In the next few days, you should familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment first!" Yang Ming ordered.

"Yes, Brother Yang." Li Qiang and others said hurriedly.

Yang Ming nodded and was about to leave when he suddenly saw Lu Xinyang beside him. He was stunned and then touched his forehead. How could he forget him? This ready-made military strategist, don't use it for nothing!

"Lu Xinyang, you go back with me. The others are stationed here. If you need anything, please contact me by satellite phone at any time!" Yang Ming said.

When Lu Xinyang heard Yang Ming call himself, he quickly trotted over and got into Yang Ming's car. Li Qiang and others also returned to the station to discuss how to show their fists in the X National University in the future.

"Brother Yang, are you looking for me?" After getting on the bus, Lu Xinyang asked carefully.

"Um, I have something to discuss with you." Yang Ming said while driving.

"Brother Yang, if you need anything, just tell me. I will try my best to do it!" Lu Xinyang said hurriedly.

"Here's the thing..." Yang Ming told Lu Xinyang about his purpose and the trouble he is encountering now. After all, Lu Xinyang are people trusted by Yang Ming, and there is no need to hide anything Yang Ming does.

They are about to become part of Yang Ming's ambition and ideals!

"My sister-in-law's idea is very good, leading the snake out of the hole!" After listening to Yang Ming's analysis, Lu Xinyang nodded with great certainty and said, "This is the only way at present. As you said, it is almost impossible to meet General Heeton. No matter what reason you use, it is impossible for the other party to easily let you and General Heeton meet directly, so now you have to If the assassination plan is carried out, General Hjidon can only come out by himself. Other than that, there is no other way.

"I also know that. Do you have any good ideas?" Yang Ming asked.

"What can I do?" Lu Xinyang shrugged his shoulders and smiled bitterly, "My sister-in-law's method is already very good. I just plan it in detail on the basis of her method."

Yang Ming was stunned, and then immediately understood that Lu Xinyang was modest. What he said so showed that he had a way, but he was afraid that Wang Xiaoyan would be embarrassed to say so deliberately.

"Well, if there is any good way, just say it. Yanyan and I can't do these conspiracy and tricks. No one is better than you!" Yang Ming said with a smile.

"It's not a good idea." Lu Xinyang also smiled and said, "What kind of identity can I see General Hughington in person? Of course, it is a person who is similar to his identity, and our advantage is that in this place, there is an armed force comparable to that of General H. Huydon, General Kevins! Therefore, here, General Kevins is the only one who can let General Hjeton meet in person!"

"Keep talking!" Yang Ming did not interrupt Lu Xinyang, but made a gesture to let him continue.

"General Heyeton and General Kevins have always been living in peace with each other. Brother Yang, what do you think Heyeton and Kevins, the leaders of the two armed forces, will do if there is a conflict between the two groups?" When Lu Xinyang said this, he paused and continued, "Obviously, it is unwise to go to war directly, because in the environment of North Africa, one more friend is ten times better than one more enemy! Even if you are not a friend, it is much better than an enemy, right?"

Yang Ming nodded: "You are right. In this environment, it is very unwise for the two armed forces to rush to war and become enemies, so what they are most likely to do is to negotiate!"

"That's right, it's negotiation!" Lu Xinyang said, "As long as they negotiate, our opportunity will come!" The two groups have just clashed, and their trust in each other has declined. Therefore, it is impossible for General Hiveton to go to General Kevin's station to negotiate, and General Kevins is not likely to go to General Hiveton's station to negotiate. If they want to negotiate, they can only choose a place that does not belong to each other's territory We will choose the small town, and the two of them will negotiate, and this is the time for us to do it!"

After listening to Lu Xinyang's analysis, Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan both showed a look of approval. This Lu Xinyang is really a rare talent. The two of them have thought about things that have not been solved for a long time, but Lu Xinyang said the whole plan to the nail on the head, and the feasibility is very high. As for the conflict between the two groups, it can't be simpler. If you bring so many people here, then the people who pretend to be General Huryeton and General Kevins respectively will create a conflict with the other group. I believe that it won't be long before the relationship between the two sides will become tense.

"Very good, Lu Xinyang, I'll leave this matter to you. How to create a conflict? You can go back tonight to discuss with Li Qiang and others tonight," Yang Ming ordered excitedly.

After all, the matter has been solved, and Yang Ming is also very happy. Finally, I can breathe a sigh of relief. Otherwise, although I am not in a hurry on the surface and play with Wang Xiaoyan these days, in fact, Yang Ming is still very anxious.

This is the first time he has carried out a mission with Wang Xiaoyan. Yang Ming doesn't want to give up halfway. They all said that the beginning is a success. Although Yang Ming is not superstitious, he also wants to maintain a good mood.

In this border town, after a few years of short peace, the three-day armed forces conflict finally began. In these three days, Li Qiang, Liu Chao, Wang Peng and Jin Niu Bing were divided into four ways, pretending to be General He Yeton, General Kevins, and the subordinates of the Chief Executive. When they saw the military vehicle, Robbery, plunder, for a while, the whole town was shrouded in a layer of terrible anger. People hid at home one after another and did not dare to go out, and the powerful administrative office was also destroyed, and their men were also injured to varying degrees.

"What exactly does this Kevins want to do? Does he also want to intervene in the regime of the town? Wickson complained angrily to General Hrieton: "The administrative office has been destroyed. I really don't know what he is thinking. The town was made smoky by him!"

"Okay, Wickson!" General Huffleton waved his hand and said, "It is reasonable that this town should be managed by our two armed forces, but General Kevins did not interfere in the affairs of the town. Over the years, we have also received a lot of military expenses in the town. General Kevins is very dissatisfied with this, and it is normal to want a piece of the pie!"

"But there should always be a first-come, first-served? Besides, even if he wants to get a piece of the pie, he doesn't need to do this. Why don't he just say it directly? Wickson still said angrily.

"Um, indeed, he said, we can't help but share his share." General Hutton nodded. He said.

"That's right, I think he just owes a beating! Teach him a lesson and let him know the depth of heaven!" Wickson said angrily.

"Don't be impulsive!" General Hutton waved his hand and said, "I'm fighting with General Kevins. It's not good for anyone!" Originally, there was no hostile state, and there was nothing to do with each other. Once there was a fight, there would be an enemy, and the two tigers fighting would be injured. Maybe both of them would be injured. In this way, the happiest person would be the bastard with Carls!"

"Ah!" Wickson was immediately shocked. After listening to General Hoverton's analysis, he immediately broke out in a cold sweat: "I'm not thinking about it. That's right, once there is a conflict, isn't it a fisherman's profit?"

"Well, go and send a letter to General Kevins. I'm going to negotiate with him!" General Hjeton ordered.

At the same time, at General Kevin's station, General Kevin's and his adjutant are also urgently discussing a solution to the armed conflict. No matter how it goes on, things will get bigger and bigger!

"This General Hurdayton is too much of a thing!" General Kevins' adjutant scolded, "We are all tolerant enough. The regime in the small town has completely given it to them. It's just to buy some necessities of life in the small town, and they never take the initiative to make trouble. They can take the initiative to attack us! Don't they want to kick us out of here? We are not easy to mess with. If we don't argue with them, it doesn't mean that we can't swallow our anger!"

"Don't quarrel!" General Kevins waved his hand and sighed, "Let me think about it. It's reasonable that General Hurtton is not such a person who likes to find trouble. If I fight with him, no one will have a good result."

"Then why did he do this?" The adjutant said urgently.

"Maybe there is someone around him who is agitating him."

General Kevins said, "Well, find someone to send a letter to General Hhedon saying that I want to talk to him! It doesn't matter if it goes on like this."

"Yes! I'll order someone to do it!" The adjutant said quickly.

Of course, what happened at the headquarters of these two armed forces did not escape Yang Ming's sight. While Li Qiang and others provoked, Yang Ming was in the hotel room, quietly monitoring the movement of people on both sides with extraordinary power. When they made a decision to negotiate at the same time, Yang Ming suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and his face showed A happy smile.

The news between the two sides was communicated quickly. When General Hiveton and General Kevins received the message of the negotiation, they agreed one after another. After replying to the other party's messenger, they began to have a telephone discussion. It was scheduled to negotiate in a teahouse in the town in the morning of the day after tomorrow.

Both of them tacitly chose this third-party location. After all, the other person will not be relieved to negotiate on whose territory. In this way, it is beneficial to each other's safety.

However, how could they have thought that in this way, their safety would be even worse.

"You, a subordinate named Lu Xinyang, are really awesome. Things have developed exactly as he expected. After it's done, you should get him a good reward!" Wang Xiaoyan said excitedly.

"There is no need for rewards. Too many rewards are easy to make people proud." Yang Ming smiled and said, "But it's better to encourage me."

"That's right." Wang Xiaoyan nodded, and she didn't know much about these employment matters.

For the negotiation location of the two armed forces, Yang Ming has made it clear through his power. Now, it's time to start. The town seems to have calmed down again because the two forces reached an agreement. In fact, it is because Yang Ming asked Li Qiang and others to stop. Of course, only Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan know the reason.

Because General Hiveton and General Kevins rarely interact with each other, they are not familiar with each other's people and horses, so they all ignore the power of this third party.

Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan began to appear in the streets and alleys again and became a traveling couple. Although the innkeeper discouraged them from going out recently, it was not safe, but Yang Ming naturally knew what was going on.

Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan went out today to inspect the terrain of the teahouse to see if there is a place to help, so that they can prepare in advance. This is the only opportunity. Don't miss the opportunity and never come again. If you miss it, it's not so easy to lure General He Yeton out again.

Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan are very clear about this, so both of them are very focused on this matter.