very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1115 Seizing Power

For the old man in front of her, Wang Xiaoyan's mood at this moment can only be described as shock. Although old Buffon has never seen her, she has seen photos of old Buffon from some materials. This person is the patriarch of the Buffon family today and one of the most complete people in Europe. But his current performance is similar to that of a naughty boy, and he doesn't look like a majestic old man at all.

"This is the master's wife, right?" Old Buffon had so many experience that he naturally saw at a glance that the relationship between Wang Xiaoyan and Yang Ming beside Yang Ming was unusual, so he quickly greeted him warmly and respectfully.

Wang Xiaoyan never thought that she would one day become the elder of old Buffon! You know, he is on the same level as his father! And although his family is also very powerful, the old Buffon is not bad, so the relationship between the two families can't be said to be very good, and it can only be neutral.

However, if you can win the help of the old Buffon family, the matter between himself and Yang Ming will obviously become much less resistant to his father. Now it seems that if Yang Ming asked Old Buffon to do something, as long as he could, he would not refuse. Hello, Mr. Buffon. Wang Xiaoyan nodded politely.

"Ha, what's your name, sir? Just call me Old Buffon!" Old Buffon said indifferently. Old Buffon, don't underestimate Yanyan. Her kung fu is not weaker than mine, so it's the same to ask her to give you some advice when you are free!" Since Yang Ming has decided to confirm his relationship with Wang Xiaoyan. I also introduced all the resources around me to her. The killer group is not Yang Ming's ultimate goal. Therefore, in the future, the affairs of the killer group will still be left to Wang Xiaoyan, and these relationships will also be handed over to Wang Xiaoyan one by one. For Yang Ming's words, old Buffon is naturally convinced. I heard that Wang Xiaoyan is also a master. There was an expression of worship in his eyes immediately: "Master, please give me more advice in the future."

"If I have time, I will give you guidance." Wang Xiaoyan said with a smile. She was extremely happy. She didn't expect that she would have such a day. Yang Ming's real identity and strength made Wang Xiaoyan more and more suspicious. Although Yang Ming didn't say anything and his usual performance was also very ordinary, Wang Xiaoyan just felt that he was very unusual. Li Qiang and others were well-trained and unloaded the arms on the ship in an orderly manner, but they were a little embarrassed to see the fighters and tanks. They were all from martial arts schools or killers, but they had never been exposed to these things.

Yang Ming suddenly regretted it. If he had known this, he would have come here with Hou Shock. He must have known about these things. Brother Yang, look~~~" Li Qiang looked at Yang Ming in embarrassment. To be honest, although they can't operate these things, they also want them very much. After all, with these things, it will decisively improve their strength.

"Old Buffon, you can do these things for me. My people won't use them. Do you have any operation? Give me a simple training. Yang Ming turned his head and asked Old Buffon. That's easy to say." Old Buffon casually greeted the gang leader next to him, "Leix, you can find some people who can operate and train my master's men!"

"Yes." The gang leader, known as Lex, hurriedly answered and began to call people away. And Li Qiang also found a few smarter men here. I went to learn the operation of fighter jets and tanks with Lex and others. Of course, after these people learn it, they can teach it to others. This time, Yang Ming and others set up the camp five kilometers away from the town. These tanks, armored vehicles and other huge things are really too eye-catching and easy to be discovered by others, so it's better not to be careful.

In order to make the relationship between Wang Xiaoyan and Old Buffon stronger, Yang Ming did not point out Old Buffon's kung's kungfu, but let Wang Xiaoyan know him. With Wang Xiaoyan's efforts, it is naturally more than enough to guide old Buffon. And the old Buffon assassin finally knew how skillful Wang Xiaoyan's kung fu was. In addition to worshiping, he also learned from Wang Xiaoyan very seriously.

Wang Xiaoyan also received instructions from Yang Ming. The kung fu she taught to old Buffon is also mainly based on the basic kung fu of strengthening the body, and some killing techniques are rarely dabbled in. Even if old Buffon wants to kill anyone, he doesn't have to do it himself. So Wang Xiaoyan didn't have to teach him these things.

Yang Ming was idle for two days, while Li Qiang and others were busy learning operation techniques with Lex. In two days, I was familiar with the operation techniques of fighter jets, tanks and armored vehicles. On the morning of the day after, General Hao Yeton and Officer Wickson boarded the car. On the way to the teahouse, a powerful armed force composed of air and land led by Li Qiang headed for Hao Yeton's station. Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan secretly lurked near the teahouse with Jinniu and others, waiting for the opportunity to act.

Old Buffon and Lex stayed at the base and did not participate in the operation. Patriarch Buffon, that young man is actually your master?" Lex asked incredulously. After two days of busy work, he finally had the opportunity to be alone with old Buffon, and Lex asked the questions in his heart.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Old Buffon regained his usual majesty: "What young man? If you are not ambitious, the master and the master will not say that they will dominate the world. He must also be a hermit master. Be respectful, do you understand! ( I can't see the last three words)

"I understand~~" Lex was supposed to ask casually, but he didn't expect Old Buffon to get angry and nodded quickly.

"After you go back, call your men, and I'll give them a training to ensure that their skills will be greatly improved!" Old Buffon learned some fighting skills from Wang Xiaoyan, and there is no place to fight. Yes, the head of the family, Lex nodded and answered.

Outside the teahouse, twenty people in different uniforms were scattered around the teahouse. These people were the guards of General Hamilton and General Kevins. Each of them only brought out 10 people, which also shows each other's sincerity. In their opinion, the town is the territory of two people, and there is no need to bring too many people at all. After General Hao Yeton and General Kevins entered the teahouse, Yang Ming whispered to the Taurus beside him, "It's time to move."

"Do you want to stay alive?" Taurus asked.

Yang Ming shook his head faintly. Taurus waved his hand and said to the people behind him: "Action, no one will stay." Neither General Newton nor General Kevins' bodyguards have been formally trained. It's just a selection of people with better skills from their subordinates. Both groups knew that today's negotiations were peaceful, so they were not too nervous. Although the guards were nearby, they chatted relaxedly. Hey, Lao San, you said that there are only a few people here. Isn't there any danger?" One of General Hao Yeton's guards said to the other guard beside him.

"How can I do it? This gilded territory is either our general or General Kevins. Who dares to provoke us?" The guard who called Lao San said indifferently, "Look, the people on the street are walking around us!"

"That's right. There are all our armed forces around here. It seems that I'm too careful!" The valuable guard listened to the third brother's words and laughed easily. Yes, you~~~" Lao San was talking to the valuable guard, but in the middle of the conversation, he stopped in astonishment! Because the previous guard had fallen straight to the ground, and his neck was constantly bleeding. Obviously, he couldn't live.

"What's going on!" The third brother just shouted half a word. I just felt that the back of my neck was cold, and I didn't know anything. Where are these people's opponents of Taurus and others? Many people had no time to take out their guns, but they were wiped off their necks by the golden bulls and others who rushed up. Some of them reacted quickly. Even if they took out the gun, they didn't have time to use it, and they were dead. Twenty people were quickly killed.

There are no ordinary people around here. Those people hid at home and did not dare to come out, so what happened just now passed insipidly without even a trace of waves. Yang Ming nodded with satisfaction. In Taurus's team, there were also several former Wang Xiaoyan's men. However, it has been fully integrated into this group. Everyone has learned to cooperate and established a tacit understanding with each other, so that 20 people can be killed without leaving a trace in an instant. Wang Xiaoyan is also very happy about the change of Taurus. It seems that Yang Ming's training method is effective. Let your original men get a qualitative leap in such a short time.

General Hao Yeton and General Kevins entered a luxury sword and sat at the table. Long time no see, Kevins!" General Hao Yeton stretched out his hand kindly, and the two of them were like friends they hadn't seen for many years. Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time!" General Kevins also kindly held his hand with General Hamilton: "Speaking of which, we have four or five years of old neighbors!"

"Yes, they are all old neighbors, because our policies of political harmony are different, so we get along well!" After General Hao Yedun's greeting, he entered the topic: "There is no war, it's relatively peaceful!"

"That's true!" General Kevins turned to an end and continued, "But this is just before. I'm afraid it's not like this recently, is it?

"How to say this?" General Hao Yeton said, "Is it up to me to ask this?"

"We don't talk in secret. I don't want the political harmony of the town, but my people go to the town to buy necessities. You have to interfere with it. Isn't your hand too long?" General Kevins was a little angry at General Hamilton's "pretend to be stupid".

"Eh?" General Hao Yeton was stunned and then said angrily, "What's wrong with you? General Kevins, if you are interested in the political harmony of the town, you can say that we will solve it through negotiation and don't want to do it?" After listening to General Hao Yeton's words, General Kevins was also angry. He slapped the table and said, "How Yeton, what do you mean by that?" Don't you know my development policy? The regime in my small town is not interested. I am here to establish armed forces, mainly to make money. I have mentioned mercenary service for some effects in this area. I have no interest in the struggle for political (Xiaoyue harmony) power!

"Well, since you're not interested, don't do those things?" General Hao Yeton was also angry: "Just say, what does it mean? Do you think I'm easy to bully?"

"Listen to what you mean, didn't you do the attack on my men?" Kevins' eyes widened. Did I attack your men? Didn't your people attack my men?" General Hao Yeton also widened his eyes: "Is it possible that there are still third-party forces here?" Listening to the quarrel between the two, Yang Ming suddenly felt a little funny. However, I also knew General Kevins' intention. Such a person is not a person with the ambition of harmonious governance, indeed. What he did is very (cannot be seen) in the current state, so that whether this person is eliminated or not has no conflict with Yang Ming's plan.

"Well, don't argue anymore. You're right. There are indeed third-party forces!" Yang Ming opened the door of the private room and went in with Wang Xiaoyan.

"Who are you? The guard!" When Hao Ye suddenly saw Yang Ming coming in, he subconsciously knew that things were not good, so he quickly shouted to the guard at the door. Did you call your person? It's already dead." Yang Ming said lightly, "Okay, Hao Yeton, you can also die." Hao Ye suddenly touched his hand to his waist in horror and wanted to take the gun, but before he touched the pistol, a blood hole came out of his eyebrows and fell to the ground. Taurus is holding a gun in his hand. There is still smoke from the muzzle of the gun.

General Kevins was also aware of the danger of the people coming. He did not dare to make mistakes. He sat there vigilantly and looked at Yang Ming and others. Kevins, right? Yang Ming asked in English. I know it." General Kevins nodded: "Who are you?"

"Don't worry, I'm just here to take Hao Yeton's life. It has nothing to do with you. Now you can go. Remember, don't interfere in the internal affairs of country X, otherwise, you will die next time." Yang Ming said calmly. Are you sent by General Carls? General Kevins was stunned and then figured out something.

"Knowing too much is not good for you." Yang Ming said without saying anything.

"Don't worry, please tell General Carls that I have no interest in the political Xiaoyue harmony right of Country X. I just set up a mercenary corps here to provide mercenaries to some small countries around me." General Kevins explained. I hope so." Yang Ming nodded.. He said, "You can go!"

General Kevins didn't expect Yang Ming to let himself go so easily. He didn't dare to delay. After saying thanking him, he quickly shocked General Carls's strength in addition to the private room. He could send someone to take General Hao Yeton's life so far away! General Kevins still knew something about the contradiction between General Hao Yeton and General Carls. He originally thought that with the power of General Hao Yeton, he could fight with General Kars, but he did not expect that he would have killed General Hao Yeton so quickly. This matter also made General Kevins more firm in his idea. Don't participate in the struggle for the harmony and power of the political month in Country X, so that he can protect himself wisely. Otherwise, it will become a thorn in other people's side.

In addition to the teahouse, he saw a large number of armed forces that he was not familiar with. The reason why General Kevins determined that these people did not belong to General Hao Yeton's power was that the uniform they wore was different from that of General Hao Yeton.

And the corpses on the ground also explained everything. His own people and the absurd general's people all died there. When I came, I came with people. When I left, I did drive away by myself. However, General Kevins is very contented that he has lost ten of his own soldiers, but it is better than anything else to ensure his life. At the same time, in the armed station of Hao Yeton, the arrival of Li Qiang and others had doomed the end of the war, which was originally an unfair war. This is one-sided. In front of the high-tech armed forces of Li Qiang and others, Hao Yedon's armed forces are so fragile.

When several armored vehicles drove to the door of General Hao Yeton's station, without much resistance, the people inside surrendered! These people are all poor people and local people. In order to survive, they joined the armed forces of Hao Yeton, so according to Yang Ming's instructions, as long as they surrender, they will no longer wake up the attack and killing.

The policy for these people is different from the guards brought by Hao Yeton before. The reason why Yang Ming killed the guards Hao Yedun took was that those people were Hao Yedun's cronies. After staying, they raised tigers instead. But these people are different. These people don't care whether their generals are replaced or not. All they want is food and clothing.

Only when you are full and warm will you go to the battlefield to work hard. In particular, these people heard that General Hao Yedun had been killed, and there was no point in resisting. A person in charge who stayed in the station personally ordered his men to open the door of the station to welcome Li Qiang and others to settle in. Because they also understand, resistance? That's impossible. Can you fight with the body of an armored car? This is obviously unrealistic. His equipment is ten times stronger than his own, and he can only die when he goes up.

So far, Li Qiang and others easily occupied the station of General Hao Yeton without any effort. Li Qiang quickly reported the good news to Yang Ming. It is also expected whether there is a situation experienced by Li Qiang and others. In fact, here, the grassroots of these armed forces are basically a rabbin. Without much professional training, they drove the ducks to the shelves and became a soldier. In fact, their belief and loyalty have not been established and can be easily disintegraTED.

"You did a good job. Put Du's responsibility in the station under house arrest first, and other soldiers will make new arrangements and be included in your team. I don't need to say more about this, right?" Yang Ming ordered.