very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1116 Gold Mine

Li Qiang seized the political Xiaoyue harmony power of Hao Yeton's armed forces with lightning speed. Jinniu also transported Hao Yeton's body back to the base. In this way, it also made those restless people die. Their former leaders have completely become history. If they want to live and develop, they must be absolutely convinced. From the existing new leadership policy, the harmony right of the month.

The reason why you want to build your own armed forces in country X is that you have your own ideas. Although General Carls knows the real identity of the diamond mine owner, other armed forces do not know. It is inevitable that they will not be greedy for the diamond mine and come to make trouble. Yang Ming can't go to General Carls to solve every time he has a problem. In this way, he owes General Carls a lot of favor. He wants to If there is any more request to himself, it is difficult for Yang Ming to refuse if he is reasonable. Therefore, Yang Ming is considering building his own armed force, so that he can also effectively prevent the crowding of other mine owners. As long as he has absolute strength, he can gain a foothold in such a war-tled country. The middle-level leaders of the original absurd armed forces were put under house arrest to prevent those who were loyal to Hao Yeton among them, causing the mutling of the soldiers in the team. It didn't take too long. After a month or two, it turned out that General Hao Yedun's soldiers were disrupted and integrated into Li Qiang's team. These middle-level leaders can't make any waves, and no one will listen to their orders at all.

And there is also a reason why Yang Ming did not let Li Qiang kill these middle-level leaders directly. The reason why these people can become middle-level leaders is definitely because they have extraordinary abilities that they are selected as leaders. It would be a pity to kill them directly, so Yang Ming put them under house arrest. After the soldiers did not obey their orders, they would be inspected for a period of time. After passing the inspection, they could continue to be used heavily. Yang Ming doesn't have too much of these skills of using people to know people. The organizational affairs still depends on Li Qiang and others. After all, it is impossible for Yang Ming to stay here for a long time to guide them, so they rely on themselves to explore slowly.

Fortunately, there is Lu Xinyang, a military strategist. You can discuss some things with him, and Li Qiang is not too passive. Yang Ming surfed the Internet by satellite phone, and the photo of Hao Yeton's body was emailed to General Kars' mailbox. The task was completed. Yang Ming had not asked Fang Tian what the reward was this time. After sending the email, Yang Ming called Fang Tian.

"Old man Fang, the task is completed!" Yang Ming was very comfortable. Although the task was a little difficult at the beginning, it was completed smoothly later. Oh? That's good!" Fang Tian heard Yang Ming say that the task had been completed, and he also laughed happily: "It seems that you finally found a solution, and you didn't need me to come forward."

"I also did it with the strength of a friend." Yang Ming said with some embarrassment.

"Anyway, you did it yourself, and your friends are also your own power, so I'm relieved." Fang Tian said. By the way, what's the reward this time? Yang Ming asked.

"It's probably two gold mines. General Kars has just taken office and has no resources in his hand. It's good to get two idle gold mines." Fang Tian said, "The things he gave are not very reliable and can't be exchanged for cash."

"Two gold mines? It's okay. Anyway, I'm going to let my people develop like this. If there is a gold mine, just accept it. Yang Ming thought for a moment and said. Anyway, gold is also one of the raw materials continued by our own jewelry company, so if there is a gold mine, it is naturally not too much. Well, that number, you can go to Carls to receive it. Fang Tian said, "I don't think he will repudiate the debt."

"That's true." Yang Ming nodded.. He said that after the previous sneak attack, General Carls was even more afraid of himself, and it was absolutely impossible to do something like repudiation. Sure enough, it didn't take long for General Carls to resume an email, expressing warm congratulations on the success of Yang Ming's mission, and saying that after Yang Ming returned to the capital city, he would solemnly entertain Yang Ming.

Yang Ming doesn't care about the banquet. Now it's all about Huang Lele's family. Yang Ming decided to go to the gold mine where Huang Lele's home is located first.

General Kevins is also a well-informed person. When he learned that Hao Yeton's station had been uprooted, he became more careful. Soldiers who went to the town to wear plain clothes and were not allowed to drive military vehicles. Because the spies sent by Kevins also saw the real strength brought by Yang Ming. Among other things, more than a dozen armored vehicles could level their bases.

In addition to sighing, General Kevins doubted the strength of General Kars. Is this group of people the power of General Kars? However, whether it is or not, General Kevins will not take care of X's domestic affairs. It's better to make money in a down-to-earth way.

After resting in place for two days, Li Qiang integrated the full chaos of General Hao Yedun's subordinates into his team for unified training. Most of these people are also bitter. Because their families are too poor or the perennial war has wronged their family business, they defected to General Hao Yeton and joined his armed forces. So, for them, as long as they can survive. If you have food to eat, it's the same with anyone. Of course, this is just their previous idea. From now on, Li Qiang will cultivate their sense of collective and honor, so that they can finally organize and be loyal to Yang Ming.

Because the number of General Hao Yeton's men was too large, Li Qiang, Jinniu and others had to divide these people into several small teams. His original subordinates served as the captain of the team. However, in this way, the original subordinates became small leaders, and each of them was very happy.

In these two days, Wang Xiaoyan will give advice to Old Buffon when she is free. Old Buffon also learns seriously. When Li Qiang's men see an old man who is so serious, they will work harder when they practice. On the morning of the third day, Yang Ming planned to return to Jie City. Under Yang Ming's good persuasion, he persuaded Old Buffon back. In this environment, it was indeed not suitable for Old Buffon to stay.

At first, Old Buffon naturally pestered and didn't want to leave, but in the end, under the threat of Yang Ming's statement to cut off the master-apprentice relationship, Old Buffon obediently stepped on the boat home and left Country X. This time to Shoujie City, Yang Ming went to Shoujie City with Wang Xiaoyan and Li Qiang and half of the strength of the base. Wang Peng, Liu Chao, Jin Niu and Lu Xinyang stayed at the base.

Because there are more admitting defeats, the speed of action is naturally full. Moreover, Yang Ming was afraid of attracting the attention of other armed forces on the road, so he had to choose to rush at night. ( Xiaoyue corrected a lot of typos on the old fish = =,)

Now Yang Ming doesn't want to have a large-scale conflict with the local armed forces, so everything is kept a low profile. Originally, Yang Ming and others walked for two nights before arriving at a mine near Shoujie City, the capital of Country X. This mountain is the property of Huang Lele's family.

"Which Singaporean wife's industry is this?" Wang Xiaoyan looked at the mine not far away and asked Yang Ming with a smile.

Regarding Huang Lele's matter, Yang Ming did not hide it from Wang Xiaoyan. The two came to the African X country together, and Yang Ming had to deal with Huang Lele's task. Even if he wanted to hide it from Wang Xiaoyan, he could not hide it. Moreover, the most important thing is that Wang Xiaoyan is not jealous of everything like Chen Mengyan~~~~ However, recently, it seems that Wang Xiaoyan has changed a little and has become like a woman~~~ She will also start to be a little emotional about these things.

"Say it's a lover, just like you." Yang Ming smiled and saw Wang Xiaoyan's mood. He pinched her little hand and said. Humph." Wang Xiaoyan stared at Yang Ming and said nothing more.

The group set out for the gold mine. When they were about to arrive at the door of the gold mine, Yang Ming was stunned. It was reasonable that there should be no talent here. How could there be someone guarding at the gate of the mine?

"What kind of person! Stop!" " When the people guarding at the gate of the mine saw Yang Ming and others coming, they immediately stopped him: "This is a private territory, and you are not allowed to enter, otherwise you will be killed!"

"Private territory?" After listening to the first words, Yang Ming immediately frowned: "What private territory? Who is your boss?"

"Who do you care who my boss is?" The guard's tone was very arrogant: "If you don't leave, I'll be called!"

"Call people?" Yang Ming would vomit and look at his large army not far away and smiled. If you have the ability to scream, just scream." What's going on? Who's making trouble here?" A jade-faced man came out of the mine and said that he was a jade-faced man who praised him. In fact, he was a little white face.

But to Yang Ming's surprise, this little white face actually speaks Chinese!

"Are you from the Huang family?" Yang Ming hesitated and asked. According to Huang Rongjin, everyone in the Huang family here has withdrawn to Singapore, and it should be gone here.

"Huang family?" Xiao Bai's face snorted coldly, "My surname here is Li now, not Huang."

"Well, whether it's the Huang family or not depends on whether my eldest brother married Huang Lele as my sister-in-law. But Huang Lele's woman was grinding. I think it's probably terrible!" The little white face snorted coldly and said, "Don't talk so much nonsense. What do you do? What's the matter with you? If you have nothing to do, just get out of here!"

After listening to the little white face's words, Yang Ming immediately remembered! This away from home is the Li family in Singapore mentioned by Huang Rongjin. It seems that this little white-faced Li Tianjia's younger brother.

They probably relied on their relationship with General Kars to occupy the mine first. If Huang Lele marries the Li family, it's okay to say that if they don't marry the Li family, I'm afraid that the mine will be taken by the Li family. It turned out to be the Li family in Singapore!" Yang Ming snorted coldly and said, "Are you Li Tianjia's younger brother?"

"How do you know?" The little white face was stunned: "Who are you?"

"I received this mineral on behalf of the Huang family, and now you can get out of here." Yang Ming said lightly. He did not have a good impression on the Li family in Singapore, especially Li Tianjia. Now when he saw the arrogant and domineering appearance of Li Tianjia's brother, Yang Ming was even more unhappy. He waved his hand directly, signaling that he could leave.

"Which green onion do you have? On behalf of the Huang family? Who can you represent as a harmonious mother? Li Tianyu was anxious at that time and pointed to Yang Ming and said, "If you don't get out of here, you will look good."

"Huang Lele is my wife, so I have the final say here." Yang Ming didn't want to talk nonsense with Li Tianyu. He grabbed his neck directly. With a force, Li Tianyu's thin body was like a kite. He flew out and directly fell a dog to eat mud. Li Tianyu was thrown, and the guard at the door was immediately anxious. As soon as he blew the whistle on his body, he began to call people. The people in the mine heard the whistle at the door and immediately rushed out. Don't move anyone. Just move and kill him!" It's time for Li Qiang to appear. Now that Yang Ming has done it, he has no reason to stay there anymore. Li Qiang and none of his men are holding the latest P7A1 submachine gun in their hands, which is a rare model in the armies of many countries.

The person who rushed out was immediately dumbfounded! They are not the opponents of the armed forces! They operate minerals here, mainly because of the relationship between the Li family and General Kars, so they are safe. And the nearby armed forces also knew the relationship between the mine and General Kars, so they did not trouble them. In this way, Li Tianyu thinks that Country X is his heaven, and he can do whatever he wants!

I didn't expect Yang Ming to come with armed forces. Where are Li Tianyu's opponents with iron bars? Although Li Tianyu can pretend to be harmonious, he is not stupid and harmonious. Knowing that there is a huge disparity between himself and others now, the result of hard confrontation is death, so Li Tianyu did not dare to make mistakes. He was so scared that he was soft: "Brother, I'm leaving. I'll take people away. It's yours here. Don't kill me!" I also carry out the orders of the family, which has nothing to do with me!"

"Get out of here!" Looking at Li Tianyu's cowardice, Yang Ming was disgusted and waved his hand impatiently. Yang Ming was also valuable and thought about killing Li Tianyu directly, but after all, it was designed to Singapore. Before figuring out what Huang Lele meant, he did not rush to take action. But it didn't arrive. Letting Li Tianyu go is equivalent to letting the tiger go back to the mountain! Let this guy go to the backup. Li Tianyu didn't dare to stay for a long time, so he hurriedly fled the mine with his men.

"Brother Yang, are we?" Li Qiang looked at Li Tianyu's back and asked.

"Let them go." Yang Ming said, "Keep these people for the time being." Li Qiang nodded. Although he didn't understand why Yang Ming didn't fool Li Tianyu and others, he absolutely obeyed Yang Ming's orders. When Li Tianyu and others evacuated, Li Qiang took his men into the mine.

Li Tianyu ran far away in one breath. He was relieved to know that there was no mine behind him. He wondered how the Huang family could have such a strong armed force here. If the Huang family were valuable, there would be such a powerful armed force. There is no need for Quqiu and their Li family! Although he couldn't figure it out, Li Tianyu was unwilling. So I began to think of a way.

He has always had a small armed force in Country X, but even if it was mobilized, he was not his opponent, so Li Tianyu thought about it and had no choice but to turn to General Carls for this matter. Karls held a tacit attitude towards the temporary occupation of the gold mine by the Li family, so Li Tianyu asked General Carls for help, believing that General Karls would not sit idly by.

Thinking of this, Li Tianyu dialed the phone number of General Kars's government office. Hello, I want to find General Carls!" After the phone was connected, Li Tianyu said very respectfully. General Kars is in a meeting. Who are you? General Carls' secretary asked.

"I'm Li Tianyu, the second son of the Li family in Singapore." Li Tianyu quickly said, "Please tell General Kars for me and say that I called the general."

"Okay, we will make a record here." General Kars' secretary hung up the phone after saying that.

Although he was in a hurry, Li Tianyu had no choice but to wait silently for General Kars to contact him. However, with the relationship between the Li family and General Carls, General Carls should call him back. Sure enough, after waiting anxiously for more than an hour, Li Tianyu received a call from General Carls. Previously, General Carls was in a meeting and excitedly discussed with his men their strategic policy after the destruction of General Hao Yeton, so he is in a particularly good mood now. Otherwise, he would not have called back to a junior of the Li family in person.

"Is it Li Tianyu? I'm Carls. Carls dialed Li Tianyu's phone and said concisely.

"Hello, General Carls!" Li Tianyu quickly said, "I'm so flattered that you can call me back in person!"

"Okay, let's talk about it. What can I do for you?" General Carls didn't have time to greet Li Tianyu, so he went straight to the topic. Here's the thing, General Carls, you have to make the decision for me!" Li Tianyu's voice suddenly burst into tears.

"Yes, yes!" Li Tianyu didn't dare to play anymore. He hurriedly said, "Well, I was fine with my people in the gold mine just now, but a man who claimed to be from the Huang family expelled us with armed forces. General Carls, you can help me drive them away and return the gold mine to me!"

"That gold mine is not yours either. What will you change?" General Kars snorted and said, "You still have to pay me the rent of the mineral, and now I'm just lending it to you temporarily!"