very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1260 My name is Yang Ming

It only took a moment for Yang Ming to change his cold expression from the devilish smile before to the cold expression, and Wang Renping's body suddenly surged up. He doesn't care about Ying at all; Yang Ming will do this.

Wang Renping still doesn't know which force Yang Ming is and what to ask him to do. However, Wang Renping is not stupid. He has vaguely guessed that Yang Ming's intention should be related to the enmity between the Sun family and Tian Long this time.

Thinking of this, Wang Renmu also calmed down. He thought of a sentence and came out to make a fool of it. Sooner or later, he would pay it back.

From the day he betrayed the Sun family, Wang Renping understood that sooner or later, he would be approached by the power of the Sun family, but he had to do so! On the one hand, he owes Juelong, and on the other hand, his grandparents are controlled by Tian Long. Of course, with Wang Renping's current economic strength, it is easy to pay back the money he owed to Tian Long. Sun Hongjun treated him well at the beginning, and Wang Renping took a lot of big and small red envelopes! But when Wang Renping and Tian Long mentioned that they wanted to return the matter, Tian Long smiled and waved his hand to tell Wang Renping that he was not in a hurry. Tianlong didn't want it, and Wang Renping had no choice. He also understood that it was Tian Long who made him owe this favor all the time, but who made his most difficult right 1 at the beginning? Did Tian Long extend a helping hand?

This reason is actually not the main reason. If Wang Renping really wants to fall out with Tian Long, it is enough to forcibly repay the money he owed at the beginning, but Wang Renping can't do this! Because his grandparents are within Tian Long's sphere of influence, Tian Long will definitely use this as a threat. In desperation, Wang Renping has done so many things for Tian Long.

But now, before Tian Long's business is done, someone has found his head.

"I can do it, and I will try my best." Wang Renping took a deep breath and said. How dare Wang Renping not do it when his grandfather and grandmother are in the hands of the other party?

"Very good", Yang Mingche thought that Wang Renping was so easy to break through. Originally, he thought it would take a lot of twists and turns, but after careful thinking about it, it was normal.

He stuck Wang Renping's lifeline, which is also the only thing that Wang Renping can't care about, that is, family affection. Therefore, under this threat and pressure, Wang Renping has no choice but to compromise.

When Yang Ming, Wang Renping's attitude was very satisfied. He turned his head and closed the door behind him, and then said to Wang Renping, "You must have probably got it. Why did I come to you?"

This is a very safe place, and Yang Ming decided to implement his plan here.

In the absence of Yang Ming's accident, Wang Renping nodded.

"How are the people of the Sun family? Is it safe?" Yang Ming looked into Wang Renping's eyes and asked.

At this time, Yang Ming is not afraid that Wang Renping will lie, but be careful not to have a lot of money.

"Brother Long just put the Sun family under house arrest and didn't hurt them." Wang Renping said the truth.

Yang Ming nodded, which was the same as Tian Donghua said before. At least the lives of the Sun family were not in danger, and Yang Ming was relieved. Thinking of Tian Donghua, Yang Ming quickly asked again:

"Where's Tian Donghua? Do you know where he has gone?

"Young master, he... was also under house arrest by Brother Long..." Speaking of this, Wang Renping suddenly woke up and looked at Yang Ming in surprise: "I know! I know who you are!"

"Wow?" Hearing Wang Renping say this, he became interested, looked him up and down, and then said, "Do you know who I am?"

"You are Yang Ming! The young master's classmate!" Wang Renping nodded and said affirmatively.

"Ha ha, you're smart. How did you guess it?" Yang Ming looked at Wang Renping and asked.

"You ask me about the young master, which means that you are familiar with the young master, and you care about the affairs of the Sun family, which shows that you and the Sun family also have a lot of relationship." Wang Renping analyzed and said, "Besides, your age should be similar to that of the young master. In the above points, I can infer that you are Yang Ming!"

When Tian Donghua and Tian Long quarreled because of Yang Ming, Wang Renping was in the next room, so he also knew something about Yang Ming, which was also the reason why he could immediately guess that the person in front of him was Yang Ming.

"Yes, I'm Yang Ming." Yang Ming appreciates Wang Renping's quick thinking. No wonder such a person can be trusted and appreciated by Sun Hongjun, but he didn't expect it to be Tian Long's person. It's just that after this time, I'm afraid he will never work for Tian Long again.

"No wonder Brother Long said that you are a difficult character." Wang Renping sighed and laughed at himself, "I thought you were just a college student. Can you save it? See you today...

Only then did I know that I really underestimated you! You can actually find my grandfather's *** residence, and you can settle the two bodyguards outside to kidnap my grandparents. This strength should not be underestimated!"

"What you see is just the tip of the iceberg." Yang Ming said lightly, "You have to die after this incident, but you have to thank your grandparents. It was their words that made me change my mind."

"What are you talking about?" Wang Renping didn't want to live from beginning to end. He felt that Yang Ming would not let him go. All he prayed for was that Yang Ming would not be innocent after the event and let go of his grandparents.

However, Jiu was listening to Yang Ming's words. It seemed that he could still let him go, and Wang Renping naturally became energetic.

"You borrowed money from Tian Long in order to treat them! Then I had to work for him and was constrained by him. In this way, you are also a filial son, so you have no choice but to let you live. Yang Ming said this, which was also a reassurance for Wang Renping. He told him that as long as he did things for himself, he would have the hope of reuniting with his grandparents, and he would not kill him. This is also a psychological hint to people. Only a strong survival ** can make him die.

This is the only chance to overthrow Tian Long. Yang Ming did not allow any mistakes in the middle, so he used kindness and power to Wang Renping. Although he was under coercion, he also saw hope. In this way, he was not afraid that Wang Renping would not work hard.

Wang Renping took a deep breath. He still can't judge whether what Yang Ming said is true or false, and he doesn't know if he can fulfill it afterwards, but it's always good to have hope.

"Thank you." Wang Renping nodded: "Now that things have developed to such a point, let me do anything, just say it."

"How many senior executives of Sunjia Company participated in Tian Long's usurpation of power this time?"

Yang Ming asked.

"There are about 30 people..." Wang Renping thought for a moment and said.

"How many people exactly!" Yang Ming frowned. Yang Ming was very annoyed by this ambiguous answer. This is a crucial matter. If one person is missing, it may lead to the failure of the whole plan! Therefore, Yang Ming does not allow any omissions.

"Thirty-two people!" Wang Renping pondered for a moment and then said.

"Are you sure?" Yang Ming glanced at Wang Renping and asked again.

"Determine! If you add me, you are thirty people!" Wang Renping said affirmatively.

"Well, you can call them now and ask him to come here. Anyway, I don't believe I need to teach you." Yang Ming said lightly, "However, as long as the fancy is revealed, Tian Long will be alert, and you can imagine the consequences yourself."

Wang Renping nodded. Naturally, he knew how powerful it was. He picked up the phone and dialed the phone number in the order of the phone book.

"Hello? Mr. Zhang? I'm Wang Renping..." Wang Renping's tone was very flat. Even if the other party was a manager, he didn't have a flattering tone.

And Mr. Zhang over there, when he heard that the other party was Wang Renping, he immediately became enthusiastic: "Hello, Secretary Wang! What's the matter?"

"Come to my old house now. I have something to tell you." Wang Renping's tone was very natural, and he couldn't see any inappropriateness.

"Oh? Okay, okay, I'll be right there!" Naturally, Mr. Zhang would not think much about it. In most cases, Wang Renping's words represented Tian Long's meaning, so Mr. Zhang was naturally very respectful to Wang Renping, and Wang Renping asked him to talk about it. He was obviously very happy and felt that this was a good opportunity to have a close relationship with Wang Renping.

Wang Renping hung up the phone and dialed another number: "Hello? Uncle Ma?? I'm Wang Renping..."

This Uncle Ma is a veteran of the world with Tian Long, but after receiving a phone call from Wang Renping, his attitude is still very kind. There is nothing he can do. This situation has happened since ancient times. The meritorious officials of the emperor still dare not offend when they see the little eunuchs beside the emperor.

"Hello, Secretary Wang. I don't know it's so late. What can I do for you?" Uncle Ma asked.

"Well, are you free now?" Wang Renping asked, "Come to my old house. I have something to ask you."

Many of Tian Long's orders were issued through Wang Renping, so Uncle Ma naturally did not dare to neglect it. Since Wang Renping said that he had something to do with him, he naturally went: "Okay, then I'll go there... Yang Ming watched Wang Renping dial one phone call after another, which was extremely smooth, almost a few In a word, just deal with one person, Yang Ming sighed that he had really found the right person! It's really appropriate for Wang Renping to do this! It seems that Wang Renping is proud of his prestige among these people.

It was not until the last phone call that Wang Renping breathed a sigh of relief and said to Yang Ming, "Mr. Yang, according to your instructions, I have made an appointment with all these people. It may be coming soon. What do I need to do next?"

"Before they enter the door, you can say that there is something important to discuss and ask them to hand in the communication tools and weapons." Yang Ming thought for a moment and told Wang Renping.

"It's okay to hand in communication tools, but weapons..." Wang Renping paused and said, "When we usually have communication tools in meetings, but we have never received weapons. If I want to take their weapons this time, they will definitely have doubts, in case the situation is difficult to control. If it is made, what's wrong..."

Wang Renping is also out of consideration for Yang Ming now. There is nothing he can do. His grandparents are in Yang Ming's hands. He can't help but fall to Yang Ming.

Yang Ming nodded after listening to Wang Renping's words. These people are holding weapons in their hands, but Yang Ming is not afraid. He is a super killer, and the flying needle is in his hand. Are they still afraid of these people?

Collect the weapons just to be more secure. Since Wang Renping said so, it doesn't matter whether the weapons are collected or not.

"Then just collect the communication tools." Yang Ming said after hearing this.

"But..." Wang Renping was a little embarrassed at this time. He was originally standing on the opposite side with Yang Ming, but now he has become the same front. He can't help but think about Yang Ming. Once Yang Ming fails, he must help Yang Ming: "If they have weapons, will they still be at your mercy?"

"Don't think that I will only coerce others by means.

" Yang Ming smiled and said, "They can't afford to turn over the wind and waves."

Seeing that Yang Ming is full of confidence, Wang Renping can't help it. At this moment, he can only believe that Yang Ming has a way.

Not long after, there was a knock outside the door. Yang Ming made a color to Wang Renping and dodged into the kitchen, while Wang Renping went to open the door.

The person who came was Mr. Zhang, the first person to call Mr. Zhang. After Mr. Zhang came in, he saw Wang Renping and quickly said, "Hello, Secretary Wang. What can I do for you?"

"Mr. Zhang, please give me the communication tools first." Wang Renping said.

"Wow? All right, damn it!" Mr. Zhang also attended Tian Long's high-level meeting and knew the rules of the meeting, so he did not hesitate to take out his mobile phone and turn it off and give it to Wang Renping.

Mr. Zhang not only didn't think it was inappropriate, but on the contrary, he was very happy. The more important the meeting was, the more it showed that he was valued, and Mr. Zhang was naturally happy! Mr. Zhang, please go to the house for a rest. There are still some people who haven't come. When they come, we will discuss the big thing. Wang Renping's expression is very natural. If it can be well controlled on the phone, it is also acceptable. After all, there is no face-to-face, and now Wang Renping has not shown any tension in the face-to-face situation, which shows that Wang Renping's psychological quality is very good! Yang Ming looked at what happened at the door with his power in the kitchen. He felt that Wang Renping was really a good talent. No wonder he could win the trust of Sun Hongjun. It seemed that he was also a tough role.

Mr. Zhang entered the big room of the old house and waited without any doubt. Next, other people came one after another. At Wang Renping's request, they all handed over the communication tools.

However, everyone else is fine. There is only one person, but he shows doubts. This person is Li Baihu. Like Wang Renping, he is also one of the most trusted people around Tian Long.

"Brother Wang, I don't have to hand over my mobile phone, do I?" Li Baihu frowned and asked.

"Brother Tiger, this is the rule, you know." Wang Renping did not show any nervousness at all, and still said neither humble nor arrogant.

"Brother Wang, why did you gather so many people here? Does it mean Brother Long?" Li Baihu took a look inside the room and then asked.

"What, don't you believe it?" Wang Renping snorted coldly, "Do you need me to call Brother Long to talk to you?"

Li Baihu took a deep look at Wang Renping and then said, "Then there is no need!" After saying that, he took out his mobile phone, turned it off and threw it into the small basket in front of Wang Ren's plane.

Although Li Baihu was a little unconvinced, he really didn't dare to ask Tian Long to call him! He also knew that for a period of time, Wang Renping's status had advanced by leaps and bounds before him, so what Wang Renping said could really represent what Tian Long said. The reason why Li Baihu stabbed was because he was not convinced and took the opportunity to find a stubble.

"Brother Tiger!" Hello, Brother Tiger!" Brother Tiger is coming!"

Li Baihu was also a celebrity around Tian Long, so after entering the room, everyone greeted him one after another. This kind of high-level awesome feeling made Li Baihu's self-esteem unprecedented satisfaction and forgot the previous unhappiness.

It seems that I am still very prestigious! Li Baihu thought like this in his heart.

Wang Renping locked the door and walked into the room. The room suddenly quieted down, including Li Baihu, who also closed his mouth, but the previous sense of superiority was suddenly broken by Wang Renping's arrival, which made him even more unhappy.

"I'm looking for everyone this time to discuss a big thing together..." Wang Renping said this and looked at the door. At this time, Yang Ming also came in.

And Li Baihu became more and more dissatisfied with Wang Renping's tone. At this time, he couldn't help saying, "What's the big deal? Is it so late? Why don't you let people sleep?"

I'm afraid that only Li Baihu dares to talk to Wang Renping like this. Everyone looks at Li Baihu and Wang Renping here like a joke to see how Wang Renping will deal with it.

However, Wang Renping ignored Li Baihu at all and gave way. At this time, a young man came in...

"If you don't want to die, shut me up!" Yang Ming looked at Li Baihu coldly, walked to the middle of the room, and stood proudly in front of these people.

"Who are you?" Li Baihu and others had never seen Yang Ming, so they were shocked to see a stranger coming in.

Because Wang Renping is the most important person around Tian Long, the people brought by Wang Renping will naturally not be an ordinary role. Maybe they were sent by Tian Long, so these people dare not show anything easily before they figure out Yang Ming's real identity, otherwise, to When Tian Long pursues it, it will be a big deal! Hearing Yang Ming's words was very hard, and these people did not know Yang Ming's background, so they immediately settled down, including Li Baihu. They just asked who Yang Ming was, and they didn't dare to say rudely! My name is Yang Ming. I don't know if you have heard of it?