very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1261 Liwei

"My name is Yang Ming. I don't know if you have heard of it?" Yang Ming's voice was very soft, but with unquestionable majesty, he stood on the spot and looked down at the high-rise buildings of Sunjia Company, which was bought by Tian Long.

"Yang Ming!?" Most of the people present have never heard of the name Yang Ming, but there are also a few people who are very close to Tian Long, such as Li Baihu, who know Yang Ming's existence.

Li Baihu suddenly frowned and glanced at Wang Renping: "Brother Wang, what do you mean by chasing? Don't you know that Brother Long is going to deal with Yang Ming now?

After Yang Ming reminded him, Li Baihu immediately remembered that Tian Long showed him Yang Ming's photo, but he was not impressed at that time, but now when Yang Ming said it, the shadows of the two people coincided! This person is Yang Ming, who Tian Long wants to kill. How can he be with Wang Renping?

Li Baihu was not stupid. He suddenly became nervous and stared at Wang Renping.

"It's not interesting." Yang Ming interrupted Li Baihu's words; "I've already said that if you don't want to die, shut up!" I think my speech is very concise. Don't you understand?

I don't want to say the third time, I won't say it again, but take action.

"Fuck you! What the hell are you? Dare you talk to me like that? Wang Renping, you little bastard, I'll settle accounts with you when I solve this boy!" As Li Baihu said, he took out a gun from his waist and pointed it at Yang Ming. However, before he could shoot, he lay straight on the ground with his neck.

This sudden change shocked everyone present. Hearing Li Baihu's exaggeration, everyone immediately understood that Wang Renping was probably in collusion with Yang Ming! Seeing that Li Baihu was going to take out a gun to solve Yang Ming, they were all very excited and secretly congratulated that Wang Renping had not dropped their weapons before.

However, just as they YY Li Baihu killed Yang Ming with one shot, and then solved Wang Renping, the traitor, the accident happened again! Li Baihu fell down without warning! He fell straight down!" I have warned you, but. Again and again, you are looking for your own death, and you can't blame others. Yang Ming said lightly, as if the previous scene was not his slight.

The whole audience was shocked! The whole audience was in an uproar! Including Wang Renping, they were all incredible and looked at the facts in front of them in surprise and horror! Li Baihu was killed like this?

In an instant, they didn't even see Yang Ming's action. Those with sharp eyes only saw Yang Ming's hand raised slightly, and then they saw Li Baihu hum and fell to the ground.

And they didn't know what Yang Mingyang did and how Li Baihu fell to the ground.

Yang Ming's sudden hand shocked everyone in the audience, and he could kill people when he raised his hand! What kind of horrible strength is this?

"Don't be silly. He's not dead." Yang Ming was very satisfied with the situation at the scene. That's how he killed chickens to warn monkeys. If he didn't show his hand to deter these people, then they would not be afraid of themselves, and they would not cooperate with them obediently.

"Isn't you dead?" Everyone was relieved and said it well if they didn't die.

"However, he can't wake up anymore. It's no different from dying. He has become a fool." Yang Ming said indifferently, "It's the first time. Give me a lesson. I'll speak next. If anyone doubts again, then I'm really not polite."

After Yang Ming finished speaking, he glanced at the whole audience coldly. Seeing that everyone was trembling, he was quite satisfied: "Very good. Since everyone has no doubts, I will continue to talk."

Li Baihu lay straight on the ground, but the people present no longer care about his safety. Now these people feel that they are a little difficult to protect themselves. How can they have the heart to care about other people's affairs?

In fact, Yang Ming also settled the minds of these people. He asked Wang Renping to call these people urgently before. After calling them, he just let them rest and wait in the room, and did not tell them what was going on.

It was not until all the people came that Yang Ming appeared, which gave them a chance to make a move, so that they did not have any chance of collusion! So in this way, as long as Yang Ming disposes of one of them and gives them a way to show them a hundred, he can deter others and give them a chance! These people are in danger, and it is impossible to attack them in groups. If these people take out weapons to resist at the same time, Yang Ming is really not sure to control them all! After all, Yang Ming is a man, not a god, and he is not a thousand-handed Guanyin. It is impossible to defeat or kill all these people at the same time.

Although Yang Ming can be confident that he will not be hurt by these people, there is no guarantee that this plan will not be ruined! But Yang Ming is sure that everyone is in danger. In this case, without a unified premeditation, who will make the head of these people? Whoever comes out first will end up like Li Baihu on the ground! Everyone has selfishness. Who can selflessly resist everyone at this time? Don't be poor. These people are bowing their heads one after another and dare not make any more meaning.

"Wang Renping, give them the pills in this box one by one." Yang Ming handed the small box in his pocket to Wang Renping and ordered.

Wang Renping nodded and took the small box handed over by Yang Ming, came to Mr. Zhang, and said, "Mr. Zhang, open your mouth. Obviously, it's not a good thing, so Mr. Zhang immediately became a little cowardly: "What is this...?"

"I've eaten it too. I can't die." Wang Renping snorted, ignored him, and pinched his cheeks. Just like Yang Ming pinched himself before, he took out a pill and threw it in.

Seeing Mr. Zhang's throat rumbling, he let go of his hand with satisfaction.

Mr. Zhang covered his throat and was a little at a loss. However, since he had eaten, he accepted his fate. He was originally a timid and greedy person. At the beginning, it was also under Tian Long's great profit and coercion that he agreed to help Tian Long embezzled the Sun family's company. Therefore, as soon

He doesn't want to resist at this moment, just wait for a while to see what Yang Ming will order him to do.

"It's your turn, open your mouth!" Wang Renping came to the next person of Mr. Zhang, grabbed this person's cheeks, and then shouted.

The transporter is also a bag!! He didn't dare to say a word, so he ate the pill given by Wang Renping.

The unusually smooth progress of things surprised Yang Ming.

With the good precedent of these two beginnings, the people behind were smoother and opened their mouth obediently. After that, one person seemed to be a little reluctant, but when he saw Li Baihu lying straight on the ground, he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes and obediently took the pills Wang Renping gave him.

However, honest people have it, and there are naturally people who are not convinced, such as Ma Qiang! That is, the person Wang Renping called Uncle Ma before! Ma Qiang is not a role to be bullied by others. He was one of the swords and guns that followed Tianlong in those years, and even his seniority in Donghai Road was earlier than that of Tianlong! He is an old man. Although he can't be said to have a lot of life, he is also a guy who dares to kill. He has never been afraid of anyone! Moreover, Ma Qiang, like Wang Renping and Li Baihu, are more cronies around Tian Long, but they are much earlier than Wang Renping and Li Baihu and Tian Long, so he is also the most loyal one.

Now I see that Li Baihu's life and death are unknown, but Wang Renping betrayed Tian Long and Yang Ming and made a group! In the field, Ma Qiang knew very well that most of these people were as timid as the wind, otherwise Tian Long could not make it very easy to succeed and buy them.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to unite these people to resist Yang Ming and Wang Renping. Who will come out first? Therefore, in desperation, Ma Qiang had no choice but to wait for the right time. He also knew that the pill Wang Renping gave them was definitely not a good thing. It was a chronic poison. As long as he ate it into his stomach and wanted to resist again, it was basically impossible! If you want to live at that time, it's not Yang Ming who let them do what they do? So Ma Qiang saw that it was his turn, and he suddenly became nervous! He can't make Yang Ming and Wang Renping succeed! He must resist! Thinking of this, Ma Qiang's hand slowly touched his waist! After he used a gun to kill Yang Ming, he ended up with Wang Renping! Previously, Li Baihu failed, but Ma Qiang didn't think he would also fail! Because before Li Baihu took out the gun, Rory I! He talked a lot to Yang Ming, which also aroused Yang Ming's vigilance, so he failed! As long as you take advantage of Yang Ming's unpreparedness, take out the gun silently and shoot Yang Ming in one shot! Although Yang Ming did not stare at Ma Qiang's direction, it seemed that Yang Ming stood there indifferently, but Yang Ming's power was looking around, and he could know the movements of these people without staring.

But where does Ma Qiang know? When he saw that Yang Ming didn't look at him, he thought it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Suppressing the excitement in his heart, he held his breath and pulled out the gun from his waist. He was about to design Yang Ming. Unfortunately, before his hand holding the pistol was raised, he collapsed to the ground, and he was still holding the pistol...

Although many of Ma Qiang's previous premeditated people did not see, at this moment, when he saw him lying on the ground with a handshake gun, he quickly understood what was going on! It must be Ma Qiang who wanted to shoot Yang Ming with a gun when Yang Ming was unprepared, but he was noticed by Yang Ming and didn't know how to use it. As a result, he lost Ma Qiang!" I'll say it again, take the medicine obediently to ensure that you are safe, otherwise, he will end up.

"Yang Ming didn't even look at Ma Qiang, but still lowered his head indifferently and said coldly to the people present.

With the previous teaching of Li Baihu, "In addition to Ma Qiang, a latecomer, these people dare not have any strange intentions at all! And those who are as eager to move as Ma Qiang have also given up the idea of resistance at this moment.

Resistance is death. If you don't resist, you may still be able to live. Although you don't know what the pill is, it seems that there is nothing to do for the time being when you see the person who took it, and it is not something that can poison people immediately.

It seems that Yang Ming asked them to do something. If they do it, they can continue to live, so these people are also relieved. Now that things have reached this point, they just do what Yang Ming says! The previous Mr. Zhang and the people who had taken the pills were secretly glad. Fortunately, they waited for everyone to take the pills given to them by Wang Renping obediently. Otherwise, they might be the ones who fell to the ground! After Ma Qiang fell to the ground, the follow-up people even took the initiative to open their mouths when Wang Renping came to the front of him and ate the pills into his mouth, but it is no wonder who wants to be the second generation of Fuqiang or the second generation of Li Baihu?

Soon, the pills were finished, and there was still some left in the box. Wang Renping returned the box to Yang Ming, and Yang Ming put it in his pocket.

"It seems that you are all obedient!" Yang Ming looked around everyone in the room with satisfaction: "I just like to cooperate with obedient people!"

The people present, including Wang Renping, smiled bitterly and disobeyed, okay? You raised your hand and lay down two people silently. If we are disobedient, isn't it us next?

As for cooperation... Where is cooperation? Obviously, it is a unilateral threat, and it is not cooperation at all... However, these can only be thought about. Who dares to anger Yang Ming's mildew and say these things?

Therefore, these people had to show gratitude and panic: "Mr. Yang, if you have anything, just tell me. As long as we can do it, we will try our best to do it!" At this time, these people were in the same mind and said this sentence almost in unison.

"Actually, if I don't say something, you should also understand in your heart that Li Baihu has already said that Tian Long is regarded as a sworn enemy, so the same is also my enemy!" Yang Ming said.

Everyone nodded. Even if Yang Ming didn't say anything, they all got it.

"I don't ask you to do anything. You just need to empty Tian Long's power. I'll go to find Tian Long's trouble. Whether you don't ask or not, just watch the hustle and bustle." Yang Ming looked at the crowd and said.

"What?" Everyone present looked at Yang Ming incredulously. Is it that simple? They are still a little afraid to let them fight against Tian Long, but under pressure, they have to do it, but Yang Ming let them watch the fun regardless of whether they ask or not! They don't believe this kind of good thing! Doesn't this mean that the two don't help each other?

"I don't need anyone else's help to deal with, but you just don't mess around!" Yang Ming said lightly.

Everyone thought about it. It's really such a thing. Yang Ming raised his hand and could put down Ma Qiang and Li Baihu. If he wants to deal with Tian Long, does anyone need any help? And Yang Ming controlled them, just because he didn't want them to make trouble.

Thinking of this, everyone also calmed down. Tian Long is immortal and has a bird bubble relationship with them, as long as it doesn't affect them.

"Where are the Sun family under house arrest?" Yang Ming asked.

After listening to Yang Ming's question, Zhang Jinguo quickly stood up: "Mr. Yang, everyone in the Sun family is detained in a garbage disposal yard, and I am in charge of it!"

"Very good, then you can take good care of it. If someone lacks a wolf's hair, then you want to live." Yang Ming glanced at Zhang Jinguo and said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Yang, everything is fine with the Sun family!" Zhang Jinguo said quickly.

Yang Ming nodded, and then looked at the people present: "What I gave to my friends is a kind of poison. If you don't understand what it means, it can also be understood as a chronic poison. Have you heard of the three corpse brain pills in Jin Yong? The effect is similar to that. You must take the antidote every twenty-four to thirty hours, otherwise... think about the consequences.

Everyone had guessed that Yang Ming was giving them a poison. After they cooperated with Yang Ming, Yang Ming would give them the antidote, but they didn't expect that the poison would attack every 24 hours! This frequency is a little faster, isn't it?

However, even if everyone's face changes color, no one dares to raise any doubts. It's better to die tomorrow than to die now, not to mention that you can't die tomorrow! If Yang Ming wanted these people to die, he would not give them any chronic poison at all. Wouldn't it be easier to kill them directly? Therefore, even if this poison was very scary, everyone calmed down and listened quietly to Yang Ming continue talking.

"Wang Renping, you give everyone one of the pressure pill you need to take tomorrow!" As Yang Ming said, he took out another small box from his pocket, which was a pill made by Zhang to suppress the poison.

"Yes!" Wang Renping took the small box and began to distribute it to everyone. The people who got the pill were very careful to put it close to their bodies. This is a life-saving thing. Don't lose it! If things go well, I will detoxify for you. Don't worry about this. After all, the operation of the whole group still needs you!" Yang Ming drew an impossible cake for these people. Who can't talk nonsense? After listening to Yang Ming's words, these people immediately looked happy. Although they don't know whether what Yang Ming said can be fulfilled, it is much better to have this promise than nothing.

After the antidote to suppressing the poison was issued, Wang Renping himself left one, and then returned the rest to Yang Ming. In fact, Yang Ming has been watching Wang Renping's movements with the afterglow of his power. He wants to see if he has left a few more antidote to suppress the poison, but Wang Renping is still honest, and he only left one! This made Yang Ming very satisfied. In fact, Wang Renping also understood that this suppressing antidote can only be suppressed and cannot be completely detoxified. What's the point of leaving a few more?