very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1515-1516

1515 Response. Listening to Thomas's words, Wang Songshan's heart tightened and faintly guessed something. The old fox really has a different plan. If the quota is really reduced, then he can't say these words. Obviously, there is still room for recovery. Relatives?" Wang Songshan snorted without saying anything. He already knew Thomas's plan. It seemed that the boy Good must have said something to Thomas before Thomas did so. In fact, it's not a big deal. He has had a good impression on your Xiaodie since he was a child. If Xiaodie marries Good in the future, then Wang Weoshui will be his aunt, aunt's eldest niece and son-in-law, isn't it the most normal thing? Thomas laughed and said, "And Good is my grandson. To support your butterfly family is to support my grandson. No one can say anything different." Master Thomas, I'm sorry that I can't make your proposal. ˇ·. The little girl already has a marriage contract. Wang Songshan took a deep breath. Although he knew that his approach might be a complete crime to the Lancer family, there was nothing he could do. If it had been before, it was possible before Wang Xiaoyan had any contact with Yang Ming, but now, Wang Songshan will never agree to Thomas. Really?" Thomas didn't expect Wang Songshan to be so stubborn. He sneered and said, "Well, then I can only do things according to the rules." This--" Wang Songshan's heart tightened: "Mr. Thomas,

Is there any other way?" No, that's it. Call me when you think about it. ˇ·. Well, within five days. If you haven't decided within five days, then I'm sorry, I can only give the arms quota to others. Thomas said in an unquestionable low voice, "Okay, I'll hang up the phone when it's okay. I'm going to rest." After Thomas finished his words, he hung up the phone without waiting for Wang Songshan to react. Five days? ˇ·. Wang Songshan sighed. He sighed. I suddenly thought of Good's words before, five days, up to five days. Sure enough, if there was a sound at the beginning, it would have been realized so quickly! Indeed, the butterfly family only has five days. Thomas's deadline is like this. If it exceeds five days, then the Butterfly family must bear the revenge brought by the Lancer family to the Butterfly family and stop all business cooperation! What did Thomas say? Seeing Wang Songshan's appearance, Wang Weoshui knew that the negotiation was very unsuccessful. The other party must have put forward some harsh conditions to make it difficult for Wang Songshan to agree. Thomas said that let your precious niece marry Good, so that the two families will become relatives, and he can supply us, and you will become Good's aunt, so Good will not investigate your beating him. Wang Songshan said with a wry smile. He is dreaming!" Wang Songshan was so angry that he gritted his teeth: "Isn't this forcing us to do it? It's too much deception!"

"What if you bully people too much? Now they have that qualification!" Wang Songshan said, "As Good said, Thomas gave us a deadline of five days, only five days." Good boy, he really did what he said!" Fang Tian's face also turned gloomy after listening to Wang Songshan's words. We can't agree to Thomas's request. It seems that this matter has become a certainty. We should come up with countermeasures as soon as possible. Wang Songshan nodded and said, "Old man Fang, I'm going to trouble your relationship. Although the number may be small, the relief is still okay." Don't worry! This matter not only has something to do with weak water, but also has something to do with my apprentice. Naturally, I can't shit!" Fang Tian nodded solemnly: "I will contact my old friends early tomorrow morning and try my best to buy more arms." There is no problem with the price, as long as it is available. Wang Songshan told, "The butterfly family is still not short of money." I'm clear about this. I'll try my best to fight for it for you. Fang Tian nodded and said. Tonight, some people are destined to be happy and some are sad. Good and Thomas are all of the types of sleeping soundly and sweetly, while Wang Song. Shan, Wang Weakshui and Fang Tian, the three of them hardly slept. They sat on the sofa in the study and thought about how to save the family. If Fang Tian and Wang Weoshui can really get together, plus the relationship between Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan, it can be said that Fang Tian has basically become a member of the butterfly family,

The fate of the butterfly family has become closely related to Fang Tian. Some people want to carry out a conspiracy against the butterfly family. Fang Tian can't sit idly by and ignore it, but Yang Ming didn't think about it at all. He slept soundly. In his eyes, Good is a jumping clown, a flea-like figure, and can't set off any wind and waves. Yang Ming didn't pay attention to this kind of figure, including the Lancer family behind him. The biggest difference between Yang Ming and Fang Tian is that Yang Ming has great powers. Since he had this power, Yang Ming has hardly been afraid of anyone, including the behind-the-scenes boss, the mysterious superpower of the right elder Yang Ming, has never been afraid, let alone a Lancer family. Perhaps, with Fang Tian's ability, he can't assassinate Thomas. After all, it is very difficult to sneak into the heavily guarded Lancer family, let alone kill people under those heavy defenses. But for Yang Ming, it's not difficult! With the experience of successfully avoiding the monitoring record of the Immortal Building of the Sui Group, Yang Ming believes that as long as he relies on his power, it is not impossible to sneak into the Lancer family. So as long as you want, Thomas's life may return at any time. This is Yang Ming's card, a card that saves lives and attacks others, which is an absolute advantage over anyone else. What gives Yang Ming a headache is the test that Wang Weakshui said. He can't win or lose. Only when he is tied can he leave the butterfly family safely. This is what really annoys Yang Ming*Although Yang Ming praised Haikou during the meal,

It seems that he is very confident, but in fact, Yang Ming has no bottom in his heart. If he wins or loses, it is easy to say that the draw... As long as Wang Weoshui takes the initiative to show weakness a little, the draw may also become his own victory. This is really a little difficult to do! I can't say, I can only do some tricks and feet by myself first. When I collide with Wang Weakshui, when Wang Weakshui retreats, I also take the initiative to retreat, so that it can create the illusion of a draw. However, it takes an opportunity to do so. It can't be used under any circumstances. Those present are all masters, and they must do it in the same way. Otherwise, if Wang Weoshui refutes, it is really difficult to explain himself. It can only make everyone think that it is a draw. In the case that Wang Weoshui suffers a dumb loss, It's a draw. Others can't see the frailment, so no one speaks for Wang Weakshui. Even if Wang Weakshui is entangled, he is not afraid. When I woke up, it was already eight o'clock in the morning. All the fatigue caused by the plane was relieved, stretched out, and jumped up from **, but when his eyes fell on the wall clock, there was a slight difference. When he came yesterday, according to the receptionist, he would call on time at 8 o'clock every morning to inform him to have breakfast. It's half past eight. Why didn't he call? What about the phone call? Did you sleep so much that you didn't hear it? It's impossible. Yang Ming has been trained as a killer since. Although sleep is very good, the sound sensing to the outside world is extremely sensitive and can easily capture extremely subtle movements

It's impossible not to hear such a big phone ring. There is only one possibility that no one calls him. Since no one called, Yang Ming didn't think much about it. Or maybe the person who notified you forgot it. After getting dressed and washing up, he opened the door and went downstairs. The disciples of the butterfly family on duty all knew Yang Ming, so when they saw Yang Ming coming out of the room, they all greeted him. Yang Ming walked to the restaurant where he ate yesterday, but unexpectedly found that there was no one in the restaurant! Of course, in addition to the disciples of the butterfly family, Yang Ming refers to Wang Songshan, Wang Weoshui and Fang Tian. The largest family in 1516 "Mr. Yang, you are here!" When the on-duty disciple of the restaurant saw Yang Ming coming in, he hurriedly greeted him. Oh. ˇ·. That... ˇ·. Has everyone finished their meal? Yang Ming looked at the empty restaurant with some puzzledance and asked. No one has come yet. ˇ·. The disciple on duty looked at Yang Ming with a wry smile: "Usually at this time. The owner has been here for a long time..." "Oh? No one is coming?" Yang Ming frowned: "So, you didn't call me to let me down?" Yes, the owner didn't tell us to come, and we didn't dare to take the initiative. The disciple on duty said. Yang Ming suddenly became clear. No wonder he didn't receive the phone call. It turned out that Wang Songshan hadn't come to the restaurant yet, but Wang Songshan didn't come yet. Why didn't Wang Weakshui and Fang Tian come? Are these three people going to discuss something?

Is it because Wang Weoshui is looking for himself to have a martial arts competition? Thinking of this, Yang Ming felt more and more that there was such a possibility. However, the soldiers came to block it, and the water came to cover it. Yang Ming had thought about today's countermeasures last night, but he was not afraid to compare with Wang Weak Water. Just act according to the opportunity. Yang Ming is not a fledgling boy. It can't be said that he has experienced many battles and is also experienced. He will not be led by Wang Weakshui. Yang Ming sat down casually in the restaurant. Since no one came, Yang Ming was embarrassed to ask the disciple on duty to get the food first, and waited for everyone else to arrive. Yang Ming sat in the restaurant for a while. After about 20 minutes, he heard a sound of footsteps. Looking up, Wang Songshan, Wang Weoshui and Fang Tian walked back and forth towards the restaurant. Yang Ming quickly stood up. After all, he is still a junior here, and the necessary respect is still needed. Oh? Yang Ming? Did you come here first?" Fang Tian was slightly stunned to see Yang Ming in the restaurant, but then looked at the clock in the restaurant and said with a wry smile, "I didn't expect it to be nine o'clock. It took so long to make a few phone calls!" Fang Tian began to help Wang Songshan contact the arms early in the morning and called some old friends for many years, although the business scale of these friends was not as large as that of the Lancer family. However, the accumulation of less is more. The combined strength of these people can barely be rushed, but it is not a long-term plan, because these people can help Fang Tian once or twice,

But you can't always do your best to help Fang Tian. After all, they also have fixed customers. You can't offend other friends because of Fang Tian. Therefore, Fang Tian's ways can only play an emergency role. The key is to rely on Wang Songshan to explore new partners, otherwise he will survive for a while, but he will not be able to survive for a lifetime. After *, he will not avoid the decline of the family. *** "Ye Well, didn't you agree to have breakfast at eight o'clock? I saw that no one called to inform me, so I came down first." Yang Ming nodded and said. Oh? I'm really sorry... I forgot the time." When Wang Songshan saw Yang Ming waiting alone in the restaurant for a long time, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "Hurry up and serve the food. I discussed something with your master this morning, so I wasted time." The disciple on duty listened to Wang Song. After the mountain. I trotted to the kitchen to inform the food. In fact, the food in the kitchen has already been prepared, but Wang Songshan did not come, and the kitchen did not dare to do the final processing procedures. As soon as Wang Songshan appeared, as long as he cooked these prepared meals for the final cooking, they could be served. So it didn't take long for the breakfast to be served on the table. Yang Ming sat down at the table with Wang Songshan. Wang Songshan greeted Yang Ming and said, "Yang Ming, Xiaoyou, eat more. Are you hungry!" It's okay." Yang Ming smiled, but he was really hungry. Since Wang Songshan said so, he was not polite and ate breakfast.

After a few bites, it stopped. He looked up and looked at the others on the table in astonishment! Because except for himself. No one else moved their chopsticks, but still sat there, not knowing what they were thinking. It can be seen that everyone's expression on their faces was not very good, and they were full of an indescribable haze, which made Yang Ming a little puzzled: "Uncle Wang... What's wrong with you? Why don't you eat it?" You can eat it. We're not very hungry and don't want to eat. Wang Songshan smiled bitterly and waved his hand. Although he was confused, he did not show much. Now Yang Ming and Fang Tian have become the only hope for the future of the butterfly family. If her daughter can get engaged to Yang Ming smoothly this time. In the name of the king of killers, it should be able to improve the reputation of the butterfly family, and maybe some new ways can be found at that time. When Yang Ming heard that Wang Songshan did not tell the truth about the reason, he did not ask anything more. Since Wang Songshan did not say anything, it was not convenient for him to ask. When you should let yourself know, Fang Tian will definitely tell himself. Senior Wang Weakshui, after dinner, let's have a test according to the agreement, right? Yang Ming asked. Ah?" Wang Weakshui was stunned. She didn't expect that Yang Ming would mention the matter of the test. She had already left this matter behind: "Let's put this matter alone first. Now I don't have time to take care of these..." "Don't have time?" Yang Ming was even more confused. What's wrong with these three people?

How can one lose one's soul? Don't think that no one wants my niece. That Good was very willing yesterday!" When Wang Weoshui saw Yang Ming like this, he couldn't help but be angry: "If it hadn't been for the marriage contract with you, do you think you could have been cheap?" Wang Weishui's words made Yang Ming laugh and cry. Why do you call it cheap? It's too late to divorce yourself. If Good is willing to marry, just marry, but the premise is that Wang Songshan is silent. Are you worried about Good? Yang Ming listened to Wang Weakshui's words, and there was a faint trace of anger. Of course, this anger was not aimed at herself, but at Good, because after she said the name of "Old" just now, she aggravated the syllable. These things can't be hidden from you. Wang Songshan raised his head, looked at Yang Ming, and said with a wry smile, "Since you have asked, I might as well tell you all. Last night, I received a phone call from the Lancer family to cut off all arms business with our butterfly family. ˇ·. ˇ "Communicate the arms business? That's it," Yang Ming nodded: "It seems that my guess was right yesterday. Sure enough, they did it. It's just that I didn't expect it to be so fast! The news came last night!" Yang Ming saw Wang Songshan and the other people with sad faces before, but he didn't think about it. Because in his opinion, even if Good went to the Lancer family to sanction the butterfly family, it would take a certain buffer time, which could not be achieved immediately.

This buffer period may be one or two days, but it will not exceed the five days specified by him at the latest! But what Yang Ming didn't expect was that the reaction of Good and the Lancer family was fast enough. However, Wang Songshan can't stand the blow, can he? Just one Lancer family worried him like this?" Yes," Wang Songshan nodded: "It seems that Yang Ming and Xiaoyou read it more thoroughly. From Good's behavior last night. Then you can guess his intention." Uncle Wang, don't flatter me. I've just seen a lot of things like this..." Yang Ming waved his hand and said, "However, a Lancer * clan can make you worry like this?" After listening to Yang Ming's words, Wang Weoshui suddenly became a little unhappy. Yang Ming couldn't help him. He actually sneered. Wang Weoshui immediately snorted coldly, "The Lancer family? You are not afraid to flash your tongue when you speak. Do you know the details of the Lancer family? Do you know the situation here? Is he the largest arms supply family in Europe? Yang Ming curled his lips at this moment and said, "It seems so?" As far as I know, the largest arms dealer should be the Buffon family%H