very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 15171518

"Ga?!" After hearing the name of the Buffon family, Wang Songshan looked at Yang Ming with a stunned face. He didn't expect Yang Ming to know the Buffon family. Yang Ming, the top family in Europe, hasn't been to Europe a few times. How can he know something about the power here? However, in the name of the Buffon family, even if Yang Ming heard of it, it was not a strange thing, so he said, "The Buffon family is indeed the largest arms supplier. However, their family is involved in too many industries. Arms are only one of them. The arms of this kind of family are generally supplied to the national army or some powerful small countries, and rarely to individuals. Our butterfly family, in the eyes of others, is nothing

It's not Wang Songshan's self-deprecating, but compared with the Buffon family, the butterfly family is nothing at all, and the Lancer family is nothing.

"So that's the case. I didn't expect that the Buffon family is quite awesome." Yang Ming said lightly. He didn't even make up his mind whether to help Wang Songshan or not.

What Yang Ming is most afraid of is that he has helped the butterfly family get through this difficulty, and then the other way around. Wang Weakshui pestered himself again and forced himself to marry her niece. What should he do? If you don't do it, Wang Weakshui will be too busy to take care of himself. In this way, I'm not in the mood to compare with myself at all, and I'm not in the mood to pester myself in the engagement. If you are forced to be helpless. Marrying Wang Songshan's daughter to Good, I also saved a lot of trouble,

However, it seems a little unnatural to do so. Although Yang Ming vaguely felt that doing so was a matter of killing two birds with one stone, there was a trace of resistance!

Anyway, the eldest lady of the butterfly family is her fiancee in her name! Before she divorced, she was still her own woman. Even if she didn't like her and had no feelings for her, how could my Yang Ming's woman give it away casually?

The male chauvinism in Yang Ming's bones does not allow him to do so. Let yourself give up the fiancee he had never met to solve his troubles, Yang Ming still can't do it!

To withdraw from the marriage, you should also withdraw from the marriage in a dignified way, instead of using this dirty means to take advantage of the danger of others! After her successful divorce, the eldest daughter of the butterfly family is willing to marry whoever she is willing to marry. Should I marry Good or a cat or a dog? At that time, she had nothing to do with herself.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming secretly made a decision in his heart to help the butterfly family get through this difficulty first, and then justly withdraw from the marriage! Taking advantage of the crisis of the butterfly family, Yang Ming still disdained to encourage them to marry the young lady to Good to solve the trouble of his divorce.

However, the matter of helping the butterfly family through the difficulties cannot be done in vain. Of course, there must be conditions. The so-called condition is to help the butterfly family solve the trouble, after the trouble is solved. The butterfly family settled the marriage contract happily. Everyone is clear, and no one owes anyone. In the future, they will go their separate ways.

I believe that at this time, Wang Weakshui should agree. After all, this is the best solution, that is, to solve the problems of their family, and there is no need for their young lady to marry Good.

Of course, although Yang Ming made a decision, he did not say it on the spot, although he was 90% sure that he would come forward. Old Buffon can properly solve the arms supply problem of the butterfly family, but Yang Ming doesn't want to do anything uncertain. In case Old Buffon is really in trouble, or their arms have been booked this year, it will be a little difficult, so Yang Ming has to confirm with Old Buffon first.

In addition, Yang Ming also wants to inquire about the strength of the Lancer family and see how big the gap between them and the old Buffon is. If the Lancer family is really nothing in the eyes of the elderly Feng. Yang Ming didn't mind taking action to deal with them.

Who let Goode's fool threaten Yang Ming in public? Yang Ming'er is a very vengeful person. If he doesn't clean up, he will still keep him as a trouble? Yang Ming doesn't want this kind of thing to happen.

"Yes, Yang Ming, Xiaoyou, I have one thing that I don't know whether to say it or not," Wang Songshan took a deep breath, as if he had made a big decision, and looked up and said to Yang Ming. This was what he had thought of before, but he never said it, because he himself knew that this tame was a little difficult.

"What's the matter?" Yang Ming took a look at Wang Songshan. This guy didn't realize that he had something to do with old Buffon, did he? But I can't. Yang Ming is confident that there is no fright in his expression? So he said doubtfully, "Uncle Wang, if you have anything, just say it

"Actually, here's the thing." Wang Songshan hesitated and said, "Yang Mingyou. I heard that the Charles family is now a partner with you?

Yang Ming was slightly stunned. He didn't know how Wang Songshan knew about this matter, but then he smiled bitterly. Fang Tian knew about this matter, so it was not unusual for him to tell Wang Songshan. Why does this old man have so many mouths? How did Yang Ming know that this matter was actually said by Wang Xiaoyan and Wang Songshan. What does it have to do with Fang Tian? Fang Tian is really wronged!

"Yes, I have indeed reached a cooperation intention with the Charles family, but I haven't started to fulfill what Yang Ming said. He has indeed negotiated the matter with old Charles, but he has not yet started formal cooperation.

Yang Ming's idea is to regard the national island as his own base. After it is built, he will directly relocate the power of the Charles family to the island. Integrate with the previous Black Butterfly Killer Group to form a new organization.

However, some of them are based on the official development and planning of the island. At present, the island is only in the initial stage of construction. Although the ability of Sun Hongjun and Tianlong is not weak, it is not easy to build a big island.

"The Charles family is the third most powerful force in the world killer list, second only to Old Man Fang and our butterfly family." When Wang Songshan saw that Yang Ming did not deny it, he was immediately relieved. If Yang Ming denied it directly, Wang Songshan really had no way!

Yang Ming mistakenly thought that Fang Tiankou had told Wang Songshan about this matter, but Wang Song stopped. But I knew that this was not what Fang Tian said. It was his daughter Wang Xiaoyan who told himself.

So if Yang Ming denies it at that time. And when he asked himself where he got the news, Wang Songshan really had nothing to say, which would be embarrassing.

Yang Ming nodded after listening to Wang Songshan's words. Naturally, he is very clear about the ranking of the Charles family on the killer list.

"So, the Charles family must also have their own arms purchase channels." Wang Jiangshan said, "Can Yang Ming and Xiaoyou help accommodate the Charles family and the Butterfly family to share this supply channel?"

Yang Ming couldn't help smiling bitterly: "Uncle Wang, don't you know that each killer family has its own special channels and limited purchase quantity? If the Charles family can buy special arms in large quantities, I believe that the ranking on the killer list can go further, which is not what it is now.

"This" Wang Songrang didn't think of this? He just had no choice but to give it a try. However, Yang Ming's mysterious words were like a book of cold water on his head.

"In other words, even if it is Uncle Wang. If you cooperate with the Lancer family, do you try your best to buy the largest number of these special arms every year? Yang Ming asked rhetorical.

Wang Songshan nodded and sighed, "That's right. After all, these things are very rare. Maybe there will be more in the second year, so if we can buy more reserves, of course we won't let it go.

"That's it. Don't you think the Yuls family is like this?" Yang Ming said, "If you expect the Charles family to share the arms supply channel with you, it is equivalent to abruptly reducing their annual purchase share to half of the original. Do you think Old Charles will agree?"

"It should not be," Wang Weoshui shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"That's it, if it's just an emergency. With my face, maybe the Charles family will give Uncle Wang one-third or even half of your share this year, but if you expect this year after year, it will be impossible. Yang Ming said, "I believe the Charles family will not agree with this kind of difficult thing."

"Yes" I don't think about it." Wang Songshan knew that what Yang Ming said was all the truth, not Tan Zhi's words, because he himself was very clear about some of them.

Back to 8 Old Buffon changed his face, "However, if Uncle Wang wants to be in an emergency. I believe I can still help one or two. Yang Ming had the idea of the Charles family at all. He had his own ideas, but when his ideas had not been fully confirmed, Yang Ming did not want to say it prematurely, so Yang Ming dealt with Wang Songshan's words perfunctorily.

"Emergency words" Wang Songshan shook his head with a wry smile. Fang Tian's friends can respond for a while, and the Charles family can respond for a while. It can temporarily solve the urgent need, but it is not a long-term solution.

"Forget it, I'd better think of another way." Wang Songshan took a breath helplessly and said that he would find another way. In fact, he had no good way to say.

The way to think about it has been racking its brains for a long time, but it has achieved nothing. Now it is just a self-comfort.

Yang Ming didn't care, because he was determined to help the butterfly family solve this matter, so whether Wang Yushan came up with a way or not, Yang Ming would take action.

"Let's do this first, Yang Ming, little friend. Go back to your room and have a rest first. Let's think about countermeasures. You can't just call Good boy Yin for no reason.

" said Wang Songshan.

"I'll go out and see those old friends I haven't met for many years to see if there is any way." Fang Tian stood up and said.

"That's good." Wang Songshan nodded and did not object. Fang Tian has a wide network of contacts. Although he has a good chance to contact such a big arms dealer, it's better to try than staying at home.

Yang Ming did not interfere. Fang Tian is willing to go out and run, no matter if he can think of a good way. This is a good time for his hero to save the beauty. It's okay to give him a chance to pretend. Even if he doesn't solve the problem in the end, Wang Weoshui should have a good impression of him when he sees him running around.

How did Fang Tian know that Yang Ming's idea was so evil? He was very anxious, but Yang Ming regarded him as a pretentious person. I don't know if Fang Tian will be angry after knowing the truth.

After Yang Ming returned to his room, he found Old Buffon's phone and dialed it.

Old Buffon and Mrs. Old Buffon have had a good time recently. Since they worshipped a cruel man as the second, the two have practiced a kind of physical strength. Not only is your health better, but you are also much more energetic than before!

I used to sleep more than nine hours every day. However, after practice, you only need to sleep for five to six hours, even so. I am still refreshed every day, which makes old people of the same age envious.

After tasting the sweetness of practicing skills. Mrs. Buffon finally knew why Buffon valued Yang Ming so much! At their age, money and status have become less important, and they have everything they should have. The only thing I care about is my health and longevity, and Yang Ming's appearance just solved this problem!

"Oh, Master hasn't contacted me for a while. It's been more than a month, hasn't it? Old Buffon looked at the calendar on the head of the bed and muttered to Mrs. Buffon beside him, "It can't be that I didn't do it well. Master doesn't want me, right?"

Although Mrs. Buffon also hopes that Yang Ming can come to the Buffon family again, she is not as gaffe as old Buffon: "Master, he is so busy. How can he have time to come to us all day? It's only been more than a month. I haven't contacted you for so long. Isn't there any problem? Besides, you didn't do anything to make Master unhappy. How could he not want you?

"That's true!" After listening to his wife's explanation, old Buffon nodded happily. In fact, he knew this in his heart, but through Mrs. Buffon's mouth, it was nothing more than a comfort: "Master, he likes to travel around the world. Hey, but the two of us can't help much, and it's a burden."

"Don't think so much!" Mrs. Buffon said, "We haven't finished the training plan left by Master for the two of us, haven't we? When we are all finished, maybe the master will appear."

"Uh, that's right." Old Buffon said, "Then let's do a ** exercise first."

"You old ghost." Mrs. Buffon scolded shyly: "I used to expect you to be more fierce every day, but now I can't wait for you to take a day off. This skill seems to be so effective."

"Hey hey." Old Buffon smiled proudly. I am very proud of my own vision and the experience of not being ashamed to be a teacher! If I hadn't carried forward the shameless spirit at the beginning, I'm afraid it wouldn't have been so easy to worship Yang Ming?

"Bell. A rapid phone rang abruptly. Old Buffon frowned and couldn't help complaining. Who is this? Call me when you get up in the morning. Isn't it sincere to disturb your interest? However, I have to answer it, because the ringing phone is the private phone, and not many people know this phone number. They are all old Buffon's old friends and cronies around them. So even if old Buffon was reluctant, he could only get up from ** and answer the phone, but his voice was a little low: "Who is it? Did you call so early?"

"Oh? Old Buffon? Did you disturb your rest? Yang Ming was slightly stunned when he heard Old Buffon's resentful voice, and then apologized, "I'm really sorry."

This voice was the sudden excitement of old Buffon after hearing it, and the expression on his face also changed from the previous complaint to joy. The speed was so fast that I'm afraid even the world-class face-changing master was just like this.

"Master". Old Buffon's haze voice was immediately gone, and it was replaced with an extremely respectful attitude: "Is it you? I'm fine. I'm going to practice the kung fu you gave me. I will never disturb you."

After listening to old Buffon's words, Mrs. Buffon beside her naturally knew who was calling at this moment. In addition to the surprise in my heart, I also feel a little incredible. Why does old Buffon miss his master every time? Does the master either call or visit him? Isn't this a coincidence? Does the master have a special function that can be sensed?

But it's really possible. These outsiders can't use common sense at all, so even if Yang Ming is Superman, Mrs. Buffon doesn't have any doubts.

"It's okay if I didn't disturb you. I thought I disturbed your rest.

. Yang Ming smiled, and Yang Ming was very satisfied with Old Bufeng's still respectful attitude.

"No, absolutely not!" Old Buffon quickly said, "Master, do you have anything to tell your disciples?"

"What kind of old man? Am I that old?" Yang Ming immediately smiled bitterly when he heard this: "Forget it, let's not talk about this. I'm calling to inquire about the situation with you. Do you, the Buffon family, do you in the arms supply business?"

"Yes, Master, don't you know? Old Buffon was stunned. I don't understand why Yang Ming suddenly asked this: "The arms on the other side of the island. Isn't it all supplied by our family?

"Oh, that's right, I mean I want to ask. How big is your Buffon family in the share of the arms market? Yang Ming asked.

"This" Our Buffon family is different from ordinary arms suppliers. We have our own arms manufacturing factory. It can be said that in addition to selling by ourselves, we also supply it to some small and medium-sized arms dealers, so that they can find their own channels to sell. Old Buffon explained, "Our family is involved in a wide range of manufacturing industries, from light arms to heavy arms." Master, you asked this. What's the matter?" D