very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 15351536

In any case, Soledi could only have his own mouth before. But this time, I'm afraid Thomas is not so easy to get out of. He should give up the position of head of the family or Good... It depends on how he chooses.

Thinking of this, Soledi's old face, like **, suddenly had a sinister smile. This is an absolutely good opportunity. If this opportunity comes later, I'm afraid that Weizhi has become the climate. At that time, even if Thomas abdicate and gives way, the position of the head of the family will inevitably fall back to Thomas's grandson Weizhi.

But now, Wichi is still young. Although he has initially cut off his head, he is still slightly inferior to Soledi's son Keweitan. Therefore, 80% of the position of the head of the family at this time may fall on Keweitan.

So, before others opened their mouths, Soledi didn't mind firing the first shot and directly pointed the spear at Thomas. Although it was just a faint question, and there was no obvious meaning of opposition to Thomas in the words, Sima Zhao's heart was known to everyone. You asked if this was caused by the butterfly family. It was either obviously complaining about Thomas, who provoked the butterfly family because of his grandson, thus implicated the Lanqi family.

In the face of the questioning of Soledi's hidden front, Thomas's face changed slightly. He had long known that Soledi was dissatisfied with him, but at this moment, the family had reached the most dangerous moment. This old guy was still thinking about infighting. It's really...

"Brother, this incident was indeed caused by the butterfly family." Thomas did not deny it, because even if he denied it, it would not help. Everyone knew the reason for it, and there was no need for Thomas to defend or deny it at all.

"Well, it's really the butterfly family. I said the second brother, I think this incident has nothing to do with our Lancer family at all. Obviously, it's a dispute between the Douglas family and the butterfly family. What do we pretend to be a big-tailed wolf? What does this have to do with us?"

"Suledi!" A touch of iron blue suddenly appeared on Thomas' face, and his name for Soledi was also directly changed from his eldest brother to his name. He was very angry. At this time, Soledi did not forget to hit himself: "The main problem now is how to solve the difficulties faced by the family at present, and what do you mention these things?"

"What do you want to do? I just want to say, if it weren't for that Good, would our Lanqi family face today's difficulties? Isn't it all caused by Good? Soledi snorted coldly: "Now that there is a problem, he is fine. Let the Lancer family face it. What's the reason?"

"Soliedi! Good is the son of your niece and your close relative. Why does it have nothing to do with our Lancer family? After listening to Soledi's words, Thomas was immediately angry, "Why are you so ruthless?"

"I'm ruthless?" Soledi shrugged his shoulders: "Is Good's surname Lancer? His surname is Douglas! None of the Douglas family stands up for him. Why does our Lancer family come up for him? What's the reason for this?"

As soon as Soledi said this, everyone calmed down, including Thomas, who shouted before, and also closed his mouth! Because Soledi is right, why didn't the Douglas family take the lead, but let the Lancer family take the lead? What's the reason for this?

Thomas knew that this matter was his own loss, and his defense was futile, because he did come out for Goodqiang, which caused the current consequences.

However, everyone has their own ghosts, such as his third brother, and Lochoff, who has never spoken. This guy is not a good cake. He is more than 20 years younger than himself, and he is also one of the powerful candidates for the head of the family. However, Lough has always shown an indisputable appearance with the world. Everyone ignored him.

This is also the reason why Soledi didn't take him seriously before, because in Soledi's opinion, Lokoff did not mean to be the head of the family at all. He vowed to be a free elder and did not want to intervene in the family disputes at all. That's why he regarded his son Kvetan's only competitor as Weizhi.

However, Thomas knew that Rokerf did not want to fight, but knew that his situation was weaker than Thomas and Soledi. He was born late. After he became an adult, Thomas and Soledi had become the climate in the family, and controlled the elders of many families and formed his own faction, so Lauke The rash participation in the fight can only make these two guys more wary of themselves and make it more difficult to get things done.

This is one time when the three brothers went to sweep the tomb of their deceased father. In front of their father's tombstone, Lawckoff muttered to himself and Soledi behind his back, but Thomas found a shocking secret!

It turned out that Laukoff did not want to compete for the position of head of the family. He was complaining about why he was born a few years late, and his father left him too little foundation. He died before he was full of wings.

Thomas was secretly shocked. It seems that he used to underestimate this third brother! So since then, Thomas began to be secretly wary of him. Under this precautions, he really found a lot of small dark arrows from Ruff.

Thomas was very glad that he had found this big secret, otherwise he would have unconsciously been in the way of Ruckoff.

Perhaps, Ruff also realized that this is an opportunity, a good opportunity to move Thomas down! He must let himself hit in order to successfully take over the position of head of the family before Kewei.

Otherwise, when Thomas and Soleti are on guard against themselves, it will be even more difficult to get things done at that time. So Clough had been forbearing until this opportunity appeared.

Clough also realized that this opportunity could not be missed again, so he decisively joined the regiment and began to attack Thomas: "Second brother, I think the eldest brother is right. This is obviously a matter of the Douglas family. Why did our Lancer family intervene? Is our Lancer family too comfortable to find something to do?

Ruckoff has always been neutral in family meetings, as if the things around him have nothing to do with him, but this time, strangely, Luckoff actually stood on his side and attacked Thomas with him!

Thinking of this, Soledi couldn't help but be overjoyed. He didn't think much about it. In his opinion, Lawkoff did not want to participate in the family fight, and this time, it was obvious that he was extremely dissatisfied with Thomas's behavior before he spoke!

After all, Rokerfe is also a member of the Lancer family, and the fate of the Lancer family is closely related to him. Now that the Lancer family is in danger, it is naturally impossible for Rokerf not to speak.

Thomas didn't expect that Laukef She would choose to go against himself at this time. Suddenly, he was a little angry and cursed in his heart. After enduring it for so long, you finally couldn't help it? But you are still a little too young. Where is Soledi's opponent? At this time, you can only be used as cannon fodder, and it is the old guy Soledi who finally gets the benefits.

"Well, anyway, this matter is indeed caused by me, but now we are not blaming anyone, but working together to get through the difficulties, right?" Thomas said with a calm face, "If we don't get through this level, then our Lancer family will be finished. What's the use of saying this?"

Thomas's words woke Soleddi and Lough up. Indeed, the top priority is to solve the immediate trouble, not to attack Thomas. When the trouble is solved, it's not too late to fight against this old guy.

"Humph!" Soledi snorted coldly: "Although the most urgent thing is to solve the immediate trouble, I think that after the trouble is solved, I still have to quickly discuss and confirm the next homeowner candidate. Some people are too arrogant and despise their opponents. If it goes on like this, the Lancer family will be buried sooner or later." That's true. I agree with you, big brother. Lough was waiting for this sentence and quickly seconded it.

"Flying your opponent?" Hearing this word, Thomas was so angry that he said, "The butterfly family pretended to be a pig and eats a tiger. Obviously, they made friends with the Buffon family, but they showed weakness before. Isn't this a trap? You said that you have such good resources. If you don't directly ask the Buffon family to buy arms, why do you ask our Lancer family? Isn't it intentional?"

Although Soleday and Rokoff also know that Thomas is telling the truth, which one is the butterfly family playing? It's like cheating people, but the two of them are aimed at attacking Thomas. Even if they agree at this moment, they can't say it. 1 Sanfei;. Hu-Fighting

"If you hadn't provoked the butterfly family first, even if they pretended to be pigs and eat tigers, they wouldn't have been able to eat our heads," Soledi hummed, "But it would be nice if everyone understood these words. Now let's talk about how to solve the problem!"

Thomas couldn't help but be very angry after listening to Soledi's words. What do you mean? Don't you still say that I'm not suitable to be a head of the family? If people make mistakes, they will lose their hooves. You grab other people's little braids and don't let go. What's going on?

"In this case, the butterfly family must want to achieve the purpose of revenge on us. Shall we ask them what the conditions are?" Ruff said. He also understood that the blow to Thomas was enough. After this incident, Thomas's position as the head of the family was in danger. If this matter was passed safely, it would be said that if the Lancer family was bleeding heavily, then Thomas would wait for him to abdicated!

"Yes, as long as we make a little sacrifice, I believe that the butterfly family will not hold us. After all, we can't fight with it!" Soledi said as if he was right.

"Who said we can't fight to death?" Originally, it was okay not to mention the conditions of the butterfly family. When it comes to the conditions of the butterfly family, Thomas was angry. This condition is simply too bullying! Thomas even had an impulse to die with the butterfly family.

"Thomas, you really don't feel backache when you stand and talk!" After listening to Thomas's words, Soledi couldn't help looking at him angrily: "Don't forget, the Lancer family is not your family alone, but the family of all of us. Do you want to ignore the interests of the whole family? Go to fight with the butterfly family because of a little personal resentment?" A little personal grudge?" Thomas's eyes also turned red: "Do you know what the butterfly family wants? Do you know how they are willing to stop?" Oh?" Soledi sneered and said, "I don't know. I'd like to hear more about it." The bastard Wang Songshan said that he could stop, but he asked me to put the head on Good's neck! There is only one condition, and the rest will not be discussed!" Thomas roared.

The reason why he said this at this time was to let Soledi and Lokoff know that he did not have to die with the butterfly family, but that the butterfly family bullied people too much! In any case, whether it's Soleil's page or Lawoff, they are Good's uncles. When the two hear that Good had a life crisis, they believe they will not sit idly by.

In this way, as long as the three people reach a consensus, it will be easy to do! The so-called fight with the butterfly family is just a word to scare people! Because Thomas decided that the butterfly family did not dare to fight with themselves! Once the Lancer family starts to die with the butterfly family, the butterfly family will definitely take the initiative to compromise!

Because compared with the Lancer family, the butterfly family is precious porcelain. At this moment, it is impossible to confront the Lance family, which is in the opposite direction to the development of the butterfly family.

As long as the butterfly family compromises after taking such a step, things will be easier. The crisis of the Lancer family was naturally solved.

However, Thomas's wishful thinking was good, but Soledi and Lawkov did not agree with him at all. Hearing that the butterfly family wanted Good's life, they were not angry, but began to gloat a little.

Both Soledi and Lokoff thought, this is good. Let's see how Thomas makes a choice! If you sacrificed Good, then we can't say that it's useless this time, and the position of the head of the family can't be easily shaken. But if you protect Good and sacrifice the interests of the Lanjiao family, then well, in this case, we don't have to wait until the matter is solved, and abolish your position as the head of the family now!

Because there is such a rule in the clan rules of the Lanlu family, if the owner's behavior is different from the interests of the family and may cause great losses to the family, if the head of the family does not listen to the advice of other elders and goes his own way, then the elders have the right to abolish the head of the family and establish a wise

So, since there is such a task. According to the clan rules, Soledi and Lokoff are thinking about how to make use of this trouble, not Good's life! Joke, it's just a nephew and grandson. It's not Lancer, but Douglas. If you die, you'll die. What's the point of being angry about? If it hadn't been for this bastard boy's many things, the Lancer family would not have fallen to the point where it is now. In that case, Thomas must have made a decision, right? Soledi asked again in a negative tone. Not bad!" Thomas nodded and said resolutely, "At this time, we must not compromise. Our three brothers must work together to fight against the butterfly family to the end!"

"Confrontation? When did we agree to fight against the butterfly family to the end? Soledi immediately interrupted Thomas: "Aren't you going to die? Knowing that we have a gap with the butterfly family, do you still want to go your own way?

"If you don't fight, do you still have to agree to the unreasonable demands of the butterfly family?" As soon as Soleil opened his mouth, Thomas vaguely felt that something was wrong. Soleil did not seem to support his suggestion at all.

"Yes, that's right. So when do we hand over Good's head to the butterfly family? Lough also said, "Hurry up and let this matter go. The Lancer family can't stand the toss. It's really an eventful time!" Third brother, you one by one." Thomas opened his eyes wide. He couldn't believe that his third brother was so ruthless that he didn't care about Good's life and death.

"What are you?" Solei waved his hand and said, "Thomas, I think the third brother is right. How about sacrificing a few people for the sake of the family's righteousness? What's more, such a foreign surname as Good? If it hadn't been for him at the beginning, would it have fallen to the present point? Therefore, this sacrifice is also one of his teachings: "It is also good for him to stop him from being so arrogant in the next life!"

The afterlife? Is it good? Thomas was so angry that he almost rolled his eyes! What's the afterlife? Isn't this bullshit? There are benefits in the afterlife. What's the use?

"I think, let's make it this decision. Second brother, if you are embarrassed to do it, just leave it to me, or send people directly to the butterfly family. If you want to kill them, you can do whatever they want." Ruckoff said lightly.

"What do you mean, Roukoff one by one?" Thomas was furious when he heard that the two brothers were determined to use Good for the crime. He pointed to Lauke and shouted, "I'm telling you, Good, I'm Baoding!"

"You?" Soledi snorted coldly: "Thomas, since you ignore the interests of the family and insist on going your own way, I will announce that you will be exempted from the position of the head of the Thomas family. The family affairs of me and my third brother are temporarily responsible for the family affairs until you change your mind or choose the next head of the family. That's it!"

"What? Are you going to abolish the position of the head of my family? Thomas finally understood what Soledi and Lawkov meant! They are using Good's things to force themselves. If they can protect Good, they need to give up the position of master!

Thomas is really a little sad. The family has reached this moment. These people are still thinking about infighting. How can they drive themselves out of the position of the head of the family! Can't these people be unisond?

But why didn't Thomas think about it? If he hadn't been single-heartedly kept Goode "and occupied the position of the head of the family, how could his brother and brother have fought with him at all costs? mF