very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 13571358

"I am the chief elder of the family, and naturally I have this right!" Soledi hummed. If I give up my position as the owner, can you keep Good safe? Thomas sighed and asked helplessly.

This one" Soledi and Rokoff did not dare to agree to Thomas's request! After all, no matter who is the head of the family, it is impossible to do it because of Good and the Butterfly family! In this way, the owner's position has become a hot potato. Who can sit still?

"Hmm! Such a ruthless and unjust person, do you two deserve to be the masters of the family? Thomas looked at Soledi and Lough with a sneer. At this moment, he didn't care at all and didn't hesitate to fall out with his two brothers.

"Do you deserve it? Well, you can keep Good, but you can't let our Lancer family suffer any loss!" Ruff sneered and said, "If you are so capable, we will definitely support you to be almost the head of the family!"

"You one by one" Thomas was so angry that he knew that what Loughff said was completely impossible. Where is the butterfly family so compatible now? If you want to hug Good, you have to be retaliated by the Buffon family! The arms business is determined and can't continue: "Our Lancer family has made enough money over the years. If we don't do the arms business, we can still do other businesses!"

"Other business? What you said is easy. What can be more profitable than selling arms? Soledi sneered and said, "Don't tell me that you sell drugs. Our family is a regular family, and we don't do that illegal thing!"

Thomas blushed when he was choked by Soledi's words: "Now, the technology industry is also very profitable, and the profit is not lower than arms sales at all. We can enter the technology industry!"

"Brother Thomas, what you said is extremely relaxed? Technology industry? Do you think there are people in our Lanqi family who have been engaged in related industries? Do we have the ability to enter the technology industry? Laow said sarcastically, "We don't have any high-tech accumulation at all. If we rush into this industry, we will die very quickly!" You know, in this world, there are more than one or two families richer than us. Who doesn't know that high technology makes money? But how many people dare to rush into this industry?

Thomas also knew that Ruckoff was telling the truth. Hui sighed, but he was not willing to let him give up Good. After all, he was his only grandson, especially after his daughter died in childbirth, he poured his love for his daughter into Good, that is to say, he would rather fight with the butterfly family to death. If the net is broken, or if you don't become the head of this family, you can't hurt Good at all!

Thinking of this, Thomas sighed heavily. Looking at the two brothers who kept fighting with him because of the position of the head of the family, he felt that he was really a little tired. He was really not in his position and did not seek politics. Do these two guys think that it was so easy to be the head of the family?

"I'm putting my words here now, two of you, ask yourself who can keep Good from harm, I'd rather give up the position of the head of the family!" After Thomas figured it out, he gave up the position of head of the family. Everything is easy, let them fight.

Thomas's idea can be said to be ** supreme! Although Soledi, as the chief elder of the family, has the right to abolish the position of the head of the Thomas family according to the ancestral precepts, Soledi actually knows that this is just a sentence of the ancestor, "a seemingly great power, in fact, it is really difficult to implement!

Now the Lancer family has the largest number of people in the Thomas family and the strongest strength. Although Soledi, as the chief elder, also has some direct lines, it is more than one difference from Thomas. After all, Thomas is the head of the family.

If Thomas could take the initiative to give up his seat, it would have saved a lot of trouble, so Soledi couldn't help but be moved. Not only is Soliedi's heart moved, but Roukoff is also very moved.

The two old guys looked at each other and saw the burning desire in each other's eyes! For Soledi's covet for the position of the head of the family, this is something that Lawkefu has known for a long time, so he doesn't feel anything strange. Instead, Soledi, for the first time today, he saw his third brother, who also wants to compete for the position of the head of the family, and he is destined not to

Soledi suddenly became afraid! You know, Ruff is more just about the title of the head of the family than his own son. After all, Ruff, like himself and Thomas, is the son of the previous head of the family!

But Lough's only advantage is that he is still young, in middle age, and he is rich and powerful, just a few years older than his son Keweitan.

If you really compete, you will be more competitive than Keweitan! Thinking of this, Soledi couldn't help but have a headache. This is really a mistake! Originally, I thought that Laukefu didn't like Thomas today, so he stood by his side, but what he didn't expect was that the boy had long had a disobedience, but he had been forbearing and waiting for the right opportunity!

And now, the opportunity has finally come! Thomas took the initiative to give up the throne, not for others to usurp the throne. In this way, everyone has a chance. As long as you can keep Good, you can become the new head of the Lanqi family!

However, the price of keeping Good is to make the Lancer family decline from now on. Who dares to bear this responsibility? Therefore, because of this, Soleddy and Ruff are full of scruples about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and no one dares to speak first! At this time, if there is no perfect way to not only keep Good, but also prevent the Lancer family from continuing to decline, who dares to accept the position of the head of the family? Otherwise, once accepted, this person will inevitably become a sinner of the family and the target of attack by others. Even if he is temporarily the head of the family, he will not be stable. Sooner or later, he will be pulled down.

Looking at Soleddi and Lough cautiously, no one dared to speak first. Thomas had an indescribable pleasure. Didn't you grab it? Why don't you grab it this time?

Just as both Soledi and Ruff didn't dare to speak, a voice sounded in the conference room: "As long as you keep Good, you can become a new head of the family?"

After hearing this sentence, the people present suddenly had different expressions, because the people who spoke were the best of the second generation of the children of the family. Son of Soledi!

Originally, in the family meeting, although the best of the second and third generations of children were qualified to attend, they rarely spoke, because the current family meeting is still the main battlefield of the head of the family and the two elders, and there is no part for them to participate.

However, Keweitan suddenly opened his mouth at such an important meeting, and he still wanted to win the position of the head of the family. Everyone suddenly looked like watching the play!

Especially the people of the Lokoff faction, they all look at Kvetan like fools. And Lough was also secretly happy in his heart. He is his own big enemy. Now he has become a leader. Even if he can get the position of the head of the family, it is only for a while. At that time, if the family goes downhill, he still has to abdicated and give way to the sages?

And Soledi, but it was a big surprise! Looking at the son who suddenly came out at this time, I hated him so much! I sighed in my heart that my son still lacked forbearance and finally couldn't help it. However, even if he can get the position of head of the family at this time, what can he do? Nowadays, this is a place to roast the buttocks. No one can finish it well!

I hate that iron can't become steel 9! I took a look at my son, but suddenly found that Keweitan nodded to himself confidently, which made Soledi a little strange, and the previous complaint against his son also turned into doubt.

Yes, it is reasonable that his son is not a reckless person. What is the intention of rashly coming out at this moment? Does he have his own plan? However, even if you have your own plan, "it's definitely not a good opportunity to get ahead at this time. In this way, it will be cheaper for Lakov and Weiji.

But at this moment, Keweitan has opened his mouth to speak. Even if Soledi disagrees, it won't help. At this time, will you organize Keweitan again? I'm afraid it's too late. 1 qian。 The great backer of the Lancer family

"Yes, as I have said, who can keep Good, then the position of the head of the family is his." Thomas looked at Kvetan with great interest. Since you are willing to take over the position of head of the family, it's okay, as long as you can keep Good. As for whether you are pushed out of the stage by others again, it's not my business.

"Kevitan's nephew, have you thought about it? Did you ignore the interests of our Lancer family in order to keep Good? If we lose the arms sales qualification, our Lancer family will decline!" Although the position of the head of the family is currently a hot potato, Roukoff does not want to fall into other people's bags. He thinks that he should not only gloat, but also stop it! After all, Kvetan is the son of Soledi, and the power of Soledi in the family is not small. Once the fact that Kvetan has become a family resident, it will be difficult for him to get it from Kvetan again!

"Ha ha, what did Good say? It's all my cousins. How can I ignore his life and death?" Keweitan looked at Rov righteously, "I'm not like some people who can waste their loved ones' lives!" Oh? So, Keweitan's nephew, do you mean that you can destroy the interests of the whole family for Good? Clough did not miss the opportunity to say sarcasm. When did I say that I would ignore the interests of the family? Kvetan shrugged his shoulders with a smile: "Did I say that? Who heard it in the grid?

After listening to Keweitan's words, they all looked at each other in consteresis! Yes, you didn't say it, but you said it or not, what's the difference? If you are hard to protect Good, you will definitely offend the Butterfly family, so there is no room for manoeuvre for the Buffon family. The decline of the Lancer family, which has lost the qualification to sell arms, has become inevitable!

"Without the support of the Buffon family, will our Lancer family not go to decline &?" Lough snorted coldly and asked, "If we just keep Good, then we can do it. The key question is that after keeping Good, we can prevent the Lancer family from going into decline. Who can guarantee this?"

"I can!" As soon as Laow's voice fell, Ke Wei Tan said loudly.

"You?" Laugh's eyes widened, and he looked at Keweitan like a fool. Who dares to say such big words? Who dares to say?

Not only Lokoff, but also Thomas, and several important members of the family, looked at Keweitan inexplicably and didn't know why Keweitan said this.

However, after hearing Kweitan's words, the only thing that was not surprised or questioned was Soledi. Only after Soledi listened to Keweitan's words at this moment did he put down the number J&l;f. If there is no absolute certainty, Ke can't say such a thing, because as soon as such a word is said, he will make a promise. If Keweitan let the family decline after defending Good, then Keweitan, the position of the head of the family will not be stable, and after aborting, he is doomed to lose the position of the head . " I have a cousin. Everyone knows it very well, right? Kevetan spoke slowly. Cousin? What cousin? "One by one" Lawkefu just came up with a sarcastic statement, but he heard it. The words suddenly stopped, because he thought of something, and his face suddenly became panicked: "You mean, your cousin Jetson?"

"That's good, it's really him!" Ketan nodded: "He is working for Dr. Benjamin, and he can get one or two technological inventions from him - enough to make our Lancer family one of the world-class high-tech enterprises."

Kevitan's words made a kind of panic appear on the faces of everyone here, to be precise, panic! Keweitan's cousin, everyone in the Jetson family knows this name. This person who played with Keweitan when he was a child has a very good relationship with Keweitan!

However, three years ago, Jetson suffered from a strange disease and was about to die. Just as the doctor announced that he wanted everyone to prepare for the future, three uninvited guests suddenly came to the hospital! An old man in his sixties, accompanied by two young male and female assistants in his thirties!

The old man, who calls himself Benjamin, comes from an institution called "Center" and is a doctor of science and technology. His purpose here is very simple, that is, he claims to be able to save Jetson, but as a condition, Jetson needs to work for him in the future!

Originally, Jetson couldn't do it. If Dr. Benjamin didn't show up, he would never live for more than a month, so Jetson's family agreed with Dr. Benjamin's conditions. So, Jetson was taken away by Benjamin.

In the next year, there was no message. Just when everyone thought that Jetson could not live in the world, Jetson appeared!

Jetson came to visit Keweitan! However, at the time of this arrival, Keweitan did not look like he had been sick at all. He was not only particularly strong, but also revealed an indescribable domineering!

When Jetson was seriously ill, Keweitan worked hard to take care of him in the hospital, which moved Jetson very much. Although he was a childhood playmate, he could have this intention, especially if he was dying. How many people could he have? Therefore, Jetson remembers this friendship and always wants to repay Keweitan if he has a chance.

And for Jetson's Kangbei, the whole Lancer family was shocked! I don't understand how Dr. Benjamin can make a person on the verge of death become so strong in a year!

The Lancer family paid attention to the "center" institution. After inquire about the upper-class society, they realized that this "center" is not strange, but a detached institution! Many large families of rich families have more or less contact with this institution!

The research direction of this institution is the development of the potential of the human body, which belongs to the anti-sky level of scientific research, especially the senior research on organ transplantation. Therefore, some important figures of the big family can make the "center" stretch their teeth and hands when they are sick, which will be peaceful.

Of course, this "center" does not belong to the official force, but is a criminal terrorist organization! They not only have research on human potential, but also dabbled in many technologies!

This horrible existence immediately attracted the attention of the Lancer family, but unfortunately, except for the kindness of Keweitan, Jetson is not very interested in other members of the Lancer family! After all, although the Lancer family is very large, it is more than one level worse than the real top family, so the Lancer family is not in the eyes of their "center" at all.

At this moment, speaking of this cousin Jetson from the mouth of Keweitan, the members of the Lancer family will not doubt that Jetson will not contribute at all, because his friendship with Keweitan is obvious to all. If Keweitan really serves as the head of the family, the Lancer family will not only not decline, but may be more prosperous After the center is hooked, not only the Butterfly family dare not underestimate the Lancer family, but also the Buffon family will give some face! After all, the "center" is a detached organization.

"I support Keweitan as the new head of our Lancer family!" Soledi spoke first. Of course, as Keweitan's father, it is normal to support Keweitan.

"I support it, too!" Thomas hesitated for a moment and opened it. ! Although he has given up the position of head of the family, he is also a member of the Lancer family. If Keweitan can lead the Lancer family to glory, he is also very gratified! The most important thing is that as long as you have a relationship with the "center" and want to keep Good, it is really an easy thing. Not only does it save Good, but also with Jetson's support, there is no problem if you want to turn over and join the butterfly family!

Lov sighed. At this moment, he finally knew that his general trend had gone. Keweitan had the cousin who served in the "center", and he was not his opponent at all. He could not grab the position of this family! Even if you want to rob it, the other members of the Lancer family will not agree! mF