Nuclear God of War

Chapter 4: Rebirth! Flat

General doctors, nurses and other staff of Paradise Central Hospital are unable to enter the central hospital that is strictly guarded by the Shenhu team.

Patients who came to the central hospital for treatment have lined up on the streets of the central hospital and complained, "What are you doing? Why did the military surround the central hospital and not allow anyone to enter?

At this time, Major General Guowei personally led his Tiandun Defense Guard to the central hospital, transporting patients queuing up on the street to other hospitals in Paradise.


Captain Qingchu has carefully taken the Third Brigade of the Nuclear Power Force to the position of releasing the nuclear energy shock wave and found a deep pit 300 meters in diameter on the ground.

Qingchu stood by the pit and looked at the center of the deep pit. He saw the blue crystal body in the center of the deep pit. He turned around and ordered the soldiers behind him: "Wait for me here. I'll take a look at the following situation."

Despite the opposition of the soldiers, Qingchu walked down the deep pit alone. The soldiers could only look at Captain Qingchu anxiously, but no one dared to stop him.

Qingchu went down to the bottom of the pit and stood next to the oval blue crystal body. The microcomputer system on his wrist showed the surrounding air indicators and other indices were normal.

Qingchu, who found this situation, was very happy and thought: Can this blue crystal purify nuclear pollution? Otherwise, why doesn't a little nuclear radiation value exist in this pit?

Qingchu boldly took off the helmet to maintain life and protect the body from nuclear radiation, took a deep breath and said, "Wow, the air is so fresh, fresher than the air in heaven."

The happy Qingchu turned around and was ready to order the soldiers next to come down and carry out the blue crystal. Unexpectedly, no one could be seen.

It was originally a young beginning with a smile. Suddenly, he put away his smile and walked to the ground step by step. As a result, what he didn't want to see was still presented in front of him.

The ground was covered with the remains of the soldiers of the Third Brigade of the Nuclear Power Force. None of these bodies were intact, but incomplete bodies, and almost all the soldiers were torn to pieces in an instant.

Qingchu, who saw the scene of corpses everywhere, was stunned by all this in front of him and looked at the torn bodies of the soldiers on the ground without any response.

Suddenly, a nuclear mutant emerged from the ground, covered with scales, fingers like ten sharp razors, a pair of thin-shaped wings on his back, three meters tall, and his head looks exactly like a normal person.

This nuclear mutant is a more powerful six-level nuclear man, a powerful mutant with 102K Seawater nuclear radiation value, appearing in front of the stupid Qingchu.

Zhong Ren, a six-level nuclear energy person, walked step by step towards the stupid Qingchu and said as he walked, "Don't worry, I will give you a pleasure so that you will die unconsciously and won't feel any pain."

The dull Qingchu came out of sadness little by little and slowly returned to reality. Seeing the bird coming step by step, he said, "You killed all my team members, didn't you?"

"Yes, I killed them all. What, do you want to avenge them? OK, come on, let me see how you avenge your people. The bird stopped and opened his arms and smiled.

Qingchu quickly took out the pistol on his right leg and kept shooting at the bird. The bullets hit the bird and fell to the ground one by one, unable to penetrate the scales on the bird.

"Well, it's all over now. Go to hell and apologize to your soldiers." The bird instantly moved in front of Qingchu and crushed the pistol in Qingchu's hand with his right hand.

The bird gently slapped Qingchu's left shoulder. Qingchu then fell to the ground and fainted. He looked down at Qingchu who fell to the ground and said, "You are so beautiful and a captain. It's more valuable to threaten heaven with you than to kill you."

The bird bent down to pick up the unconscious Qingchu. Suddenly, the oval blue crystal body in the deep pit instantly shattered and flew out of the man from the crystal body, suspended dozens of meters above the deep pit.

"Where are you from? Why have I never seen you?" Bird Ren raised his head and looked at the man suspended in the low sky.

The man wearing a combination of blue and white armor, with blue crystals embedded in the armor, and golden flame-burning hair, is the peace victory in the hero's core.

He Sheng, suspended at a low altitude, slowly landed in front of the bird, with no expression on his handsome face, and said, "What's the ability of you monster to bully a girl? If you have the ability, come and attack me."

"Kid, where did you come from? How can you save the people of heaven? You should know that they are our enemies and we are friends." The bird is persuasive and victorious.

"How can I be a friend of your monster? You can't deceive me." He Sheng's face was expressionless and punched the bird.

He Sheng's punch instantly penetrated the scales of the bird's chest and his fist passed through the bird's body.

Hesheng pulled out his right hand through the chest of the bird's chest, lowered his head, and looked at the bird who was kneeling to the ground. Without expression, he turned around and picked up Qingchu who fell to the ground and walked south step by step.

When the dying bird fell to the ground and was about to fall completely, his blurred eyes saw the peaceful victory that was not far away and suddenly fainted to the ground.

He wanted to kill the bird Ren, but with the last trace of strength, he couldn't stand up again. After exhausting his energy, he ploped, lay on the ground and never got up again.


In a blink of an eye, three days later, the Paradise Central Hospital was still not off guard. Suddenly, a large transport vehicle drove out of the hospital.

The members of the Divine Tiger Team immediately surrounded the large container transporter and carefully escorted the transporter away.

The military alert of Paradise Central Hospital was completely lifted with the departure of this large transport vehicle.

A large transport vehicle escorted by the Divine Tiger Team arrived outside the main building of the Grand Council. The carriage slowly opened, and several Divine Tiger team members pushed out a white transparent crystal coffin. The person lying in the crystal coffin was actually plain.

The crystal coffin, escorted by Senator Xu, entered the main building of the Grand Council and his office and said, "You can go down."

After the members of the Divine Tiger Team retreated, Senator Xu opened the secret path to the central secret room, pushed the crystal coffin, entered the secret path, and arrived at the central secret room.

Other members of the Grand Council, who have been waiting here for a long time, stared at Senator Xu. The president of the Grand Council, 'Land Eagle', asked, "Xu Feng (President Xu's name), do you really want to do this? She is your biological daughter."

"It is because she is my own daughter that I believe Xiaoyan will not let me down." Senator Xu is unwavering.

"Well, Xu Feng, I hope your daughter can be reborn." President Earth Eagle patted Senator Xu on the shoulder. →[End of this chapter]