Nuclear God of War

Chapter 5: Meet again after ten years

Member Xu slowly pushed the crystal coffin into the central pillar of light. The moment when the crystal coffin completely entered the light, it instantly turned into dust and dispersed.

The flat body, suspended in the light, completely turns into pink, and the body is all photonized, shining white, pink and yellow.

Senator Xu looked at his daughter Pingyan, who was photonized in the light, and thought to his heart: Xiaoyan, Dad believes that you will succeed, and you must stick to it.


Qingchu, who was in a coma for three days and nights, gradually woke up and was full of **: "Where am I? Am I dead?"

Qingchu, who didn't know what had happened, was about to get up and was surprised to find that there was a naked man lying beside her, that is, He Sheng, which made her very embarrassed.

Qingchu got up and put on his helmet again and was ready to leave. After a few steps, he suddenly stopped and thought to himself: Who is he? Why is it here, and the mutant who wanted to kill me? Why did it disappear? Did he save me?

Thinking of this, Qingchu felt more and more that she could not leave this man here.

Qingchu returned to the parking place where the anti-nuclear armored vehicle was parked and found that her red anti-nuclear armored vehicle had not been completely destroyed, with a trace of joy on her face.

Qingchu drove an anti-nuclear armored vehicle that was not seriously damaged, returned to the place where Hesheng was in a coma, got out of the car with a set of anti-nuclear clothing, put on anti-nuclear clothing for Hesheng, and slowly helped Hesheng get on the car.


In an abandoned city on earth, dozens of fourth-level nuclear energy personnel and fifth-level nuclear energy personnel gathered in the open space in the center of the city.

A dark shadow flew from the distant sky. After the dark shadow approached the city center open space, it showed his true face. A pair of six-level nuclear power men with giant black wings slowly fell from the air.

This six-level nuclear man with a pair of wingspan of 10 meters is less than 1.5 meters tall. His head is the same as that of normal humans, and his body has no obvious mutation. He is only a black feather that can reflect sunlight on his body. He is an important figure among nuclear power mutants - 'black wings'.

The black wing landed on the open space in the center of the city and said to all the mutants present: "Communicate the order of 'Hamedas'. Next, we can attack the heavenly capital or the earth world at will."

All the nuclear mutants present cheered and shouted excitedly as soon as they heard the words of Black Wings.

Some of the nuclear mutants did not cheer, let alone shout happily, but their eyes were full of anger, and their bodies exuded a chilling murderous atmosphere.


In the central secret room of the main building of the Grand Council of Paradise, Senator Fu was slightly worried and whispered to a congressman beside him, "Coul Xu's daughter has been photonized for seven days. Why hasn't she woken up yet? There won't be any accident."

"Congressman Fu, keep your voice down. If Congressman Xu hears it, he will definitely be more worried about his daughter Xiaoyan." The Huyi yuan persuaded Senator Fu to speak in a low voice.

In fact, Senator Xu has heard what Senator Fu and Senator Hu said. He pretended not to hear anything. He wanted to keep calm in front of others.

However, Senator Xu's heart is like a knife at this moment. He is very worried about his daughter Xiaoyan's situation. He thought to himself: Xiaoyan, you must hold on. Dad believes you. You will definitely succeed. Come on.

Just as Senator Xu was silently praying for his daughter, the beam of light in the center of the central secret room suddenly released a colorful and soft light.

Then, the colorful soft light instantly turned into dazzling white light, causing white darkness to appear in the central secret room, and the legislators could not see anything.

When the white darkness gradually dissipated, Senator Xu slowly opened his eyes and saw his baby daughter appear in front of him. He was both happy and excited and said, "Xiaoyan, you succeeded."

"Well, Dad, I succeeded. My body has been reborn. Dad, you see, my illness has recovered." Ping Yan circled happily in front of her father.

Chairman Diying, who was beside him, saw Pingyan dancing happily in front of Senator Xu and thought to himself: It seems that my previous worry was superfluous. Xu Feng's daughter really succeeded, which represents Brother Sirius's prophecy, which is another success.

President Eagle walked to Pingyan and said, "Xiaoyan, your body has been reborn and got rid of the disease. What do you want now? I can give it to you, you can say it."

"I just want to find the big brother who saved me in Dagu Street ten years ago. I don't need anything else." Ping Yan stood in front of the president of the ground eagle and replied seriously.

"What happened ten years ago? I really can't help you, because the nuclear jihad has changed everything, so there is nothing I can do." The president of the ground eagle sighed.

"Then I'll find the eldest brother who saved me." President Pingyan smiled and sighed.


At this moment, Qingchu, driving a broken nuclear armored vehicle, has returned to the control of heaven, and his hanging heart is finally put down.

At the beginning of the youth, he looked at Hesheng lying in the co-pilot's position and said, "What should he do? If he is said to be a person of unknown origin, Major General Guo Wei will definitely not allow him to enter heaven. What should he do?

When Qingchu was about how to bring Hesheng into heaven, Hesheng, lying in the co-pilot's seat, slowly opened his eyes, woke up, and said, "Where am I? Where are you going to take me?"

Qingchu saw the sober Hesheng asking her and replied, "We are going to heaven now." By the way, what's your name?

"Paradise? What's that place!" He Sheng scratched his head and asked.

"What! Don't you even know where heaven is? Who the hell are you?" Qingchu was very surprised and asked and won.

"I don't know who I am. I don't remember anything about what happened before." He Sheng replied in a daze.

Qingchu knew that Hesheng had lost his memory. While driving, he asked Hesheng again: "Do you remember what your name is?"

"There is only one name in my mind called Hesheng. I think I may be called Hesheng." He Sheng scratched his head and answered with a smile.

"Okay, I'll call you Xiaosheng in the future. By the way, Xiaosheng, someone will check us later. If you say so... You must follow what I taught you, or you won't be able to enter heaven." Qingchu warned and won.

"Bear by the way, where is heaven?"

"Heaven is the only place where human beings can live. Except for heaven, anywhere else on this earth is an inanimate death zone." Qingchu answered seriously.

Soon Qingchu drove an anti-nuclear armored vehicle outside heaven and was inspected by the Tiandun Defense Guard. A team member asked Qingchu, "Captain Qingchu, why did you come back alone? Where is the Third Brigade of the Nuclear Power Force?"

"Our Third Brigade of Nuclear Power was attacked by mutants and has been destroyed." Qingchu replied sadly.

"Then who is he (and Sheng)?"

"He is a soldier who escaped with me." Qingchu answered the members of the Tiandun Defense Guard and said, "Xiaosheng, please introduce yourself quickly."

Hearing this, He Sheng said what Qingchu had just taught him, and then went to heaven with Qingchu.

Qingchu walked on the street of Paradise with Hesheng looking around, turned around and said, "Xiaosheng, wait for me here. I'll do something. Remember, don't walk around."

Hearing the assurance of Hesheng, Qingchu was relieved to go to the Grand Council to report the situation.

Ping Yan, who was looking for the trail of the eldest brother on the ancient street, saw the back of Hesheng standing by the road, and immediately smiled happily and shouted, "Big brother, I finally found you." →[End of this chapter]