Nuclear God of War

Chapter 8: Bloody Killing

Hamedas saw Hesheng's sad expression and seemed to know Hesheng's heart very well and persuaded him, "Hesheng, don't be sad. You should face all this firmly and turn this indifferent world back to the beautiful and harmonious world ten years ago through your hands."

He Sheng, with a blank expression, heard what Hamidas said and immediately took Hamidas' shoulder and said, "Are you telling the truth? Can the world I know really come back?

Hamidas was silent and did not answer the question of peace and victory, and Lingsheng was even more confused and puzzled.

After He Sheng's repeated questioning, Hamidas finally said, "This is going to take a lot of risks. I think it's better to forget it."

"No matter how risky it is, as long as the world can be restored to ten years ago, full of vitality. Unlike now, the earth has no vitality and human beings have no living space, I am willing to give it a try." He Sheng said solemnly.

Hamedas was silent again. After a few minutes of silence, he answered and won: "Then you will kill all human beings in heaven and the earth with all our nuclear mutants."

"What! Kill everyone? Why on earth is this? He Sheng couldn't understand.

"We can't recreate a new world without killing all the survivors of nuclear jihad." Hamidas stood in front of Hesheng and comforted Hesheng who could not understand all this.


At this time, Second Lieutenant Kang's soldiers had been searching near Dagu Street all night. Now it is eight o'clock in the morning, and all the soldiers who went out to look for peace have returned.

The soldiers brought back more than a dozen young people who were similar in appearance to He Sheng described by Ping Yan and let Second Lieutenant Kang identify him.

After seeing more than a dozen young people found by the soldiers, Pingyan changed her mood from excitement to loss and said, "Captain Kang, let your people go. There is no big brother I'm looking for."

Ping Yan lowered her head, a little sad, and silently turned around and left.

"Alas! Who does Senator Xu's precious daughter want to look for? Anyway, let's go to my task." Second Lieutenant Kang shook his head helplessly and led his soldiers to continue to appease the masses.


Hamidas sat on the roof of the ruins of the city with Hesheng, appeasing Hesheng, who had a lot of emotional fluctuations.

Hamedas sat next to Hesheng and said, "Hesheng, let me tell you a story about nuclear mutants."

At the moment of the nuclear jihad ten years ago, the world was attacked by nuclear bombs at the same time, and the whole world was instantly polluted by nuclear radiation. In addition to heaven and well-prepared people in the world, 95 percent of human beings on the earth died from nuclear radiation.

At that time, the earth was full of dead bodies, almost covering the whole earth. Less than 1% of the survivors who have been exposed to supernuclear radiation and have not died have constantly mutated into the current nuclear mutants.

Although nuclear mutants survived, they suffered more than death because they lost everything, including their relatives, children and friends.

Nuclear mutants hate the earth people who launched nuclear jihad and the paradise people who also use nuclear weapons.

Wing this situation, He Sheng said blankly, "But this can't be a reason to kill all heavenly people and people in the earth."

"I asked you to kill all human beings with us, of course, not for revenge, but to recreate the world of the past." Hamidas explained to Hesheng.

Now all human beings who have survived the nuclear jihad have lost their good nature. They are already hateful and murderous belligerents. If they are not destroyed, the earth will not be able to return to the peace of the past.

Hamidas also told Hesheng that people in heaven and people in the earth have often invaded each other and launched several killing wars in the past decade.

He Sheng couldn't believe that what he heard was true, and seriously asked Hamidas again, "What you said is true? Have they become murderous, fierce and cruel demons in heaven and earth?

Hamedas did not answer directly and win. He raised his hand and made a gesture to the sky. The black wing hovering high in the sky swooped down at full speed and landed five meters in front of Hamidas.

"Black Wing, take He Sheng to see the place where the earth and heaven are at war, and let He Sheng see the war ruins of the killing with his own eyes." Hamidas' voice suddenly turned gloomy and hoarse.

Black Wing squatted on the ground and said to He Sheng beside Hamidas, "Come on my back and I'll take you to see the bloody war ruins."

He Sheng didn't dare to face the reality and said, "Do I really want to go with you?"

"Of course, this is Hamidas' order, and I will never disobey it. All right, come on my back. We're leaving. Black Wing urged the hesitant victory.

He Sheng slightly hesitated to go up to the back of the black wing and turned around to wave goodbye to Hamidas, but found that Hamidas had disappeared and disappeared.

"Hey, Hamidas, who was just here, why didn't you suddenly see it?" He Sheng lowered his head and asked the black wings that were holding him.

"Our Lord Hamidas's whereabouts are uncertain. No one knows where he will appear. Unless he wants to know his whereabouts, no one knows." While carrying He Shengfei, the black wing answered He Sheng.

"Do you know who Hamidas is?" Hesheng wants to know more about Hamidas.

"Hamidas is the benefactor of our nuclear mutants. How dare we know about Lord Hamidas." Black Wing told the truth to win.

After listening to Black Wing's answer, He Sheng understood that it was impossible to know the situation of Hamidas from the mutant, so he stopped asking Black Wing.

After a while, Black Wing said, "He Sheng, look down at the remains of skeletons on the ground. These corpses are left by heaven after the battle with the earth."

The black wings are full of peace and victory, and the earth is covered with corpses. The ground has been dyed red with blood and has not retreated to this day.

When He Sheng saw the corpses everywhere on the ground, the killing scene of this bloody war appeared in front of him.

Soldiers in nuclear-proof uniforms attacked each other, * exploded beside the soldiers from time to time, and the blood of the soldiers flew across, and their blood poured down like pouring rain.

The soldiers of heaven and the soldiers of the earth world fight with each other and pull out a handle from the leg nuclear suit, which can pierce the sharp blade of the nuclear suit and stab the enemy in front of them.

"Hawa Sheng, what's wrong with you? Speak quickly." The black wing carrying Hesheng suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the victory on his back. →[End of this chapter]