Nuclear God of War

Chapter 9: Rejecting Hamidus

At this moment, He Sheng on the back of the black wing has aroused anger because of everything he saw in front of him, and his black hair began to shine softly little by little.

The black wing feels that Hesheng's body is releasing powerful nuclear energy, which even exceeds the nuclear energy released by Hamidas, and what's more terrible is that the nuclear energy released by Hesheng is growing exponentially.

Feeling that something was wrong, the black wings quickly rolled in the sky, threw He Sheng on his back, and then fell from the air to the ground.

At this moment, He Sheng, who was immersed in anger, suddenly returned to reality. As the mood calmed down, his hair no longer flashed, and the nuclear energy released from his body dissipated instantly.

I can no longer feel the black wings of nuclear energy on Hesheng's body. Instantly before Hesheng landed, he grabbed Hesheng's body and slowly took off.

"Hawa Sheng, what happened to you just now?" Black Wing was very surprised to inquire and win.

"What happened to me just now? What do you mean? I just did nothing and fell from the air to the ground. I also want to ask you what's going on? He Sheng didn't know anything about what happened just now.

"Ah!" Black Wing was slightly surprised and came to his senses and said, "Just now, an airflow blew you down from my back. There was nothing else."

After hiding the truth, Black Wing left the bloody war site with Hesheng and flew to the second destination where Hamidas ordered him to take him.


Because heaven was ** last night, Qingchu has never found Congressman Fu. He has been outside Congressman Fu's office, waiting for Congressman Fu to come back.

After the meeting in the conference room of the Grand Council, Senator Fu returned to the office and saw Qingchu who had been waiting for him outside the office and asked, "Qingchu, have you been waiting for me here since last night?"

Qingchu, who held the report on the destruction of the Third Brigade of the Nuclear Forces in his chest, nodded silently and whispered, "Yes, Senator Fu."

"Okay, come with me." Senator Fu walked to the office.

Qingchu followed Senator Fu's office, handed over the report in his hand, and said, "Mr. Fu, please have a look. This is my report."

Senator Fu read Qingchu's report, slowly put the report on his desk and said, "Qingchu, according to the situation you described in the report, the power of mutants is really beyond our imagination, which is not a good thing for us in heaven. By the way, Qingchu, how did you escape in the end?

"I don't know either. I was obviously knocked unconscious by the mutant, but I woke up safe and sound." Qingchu himself didn't know why she was not killed.

"Okay, as long as you're fine, don't say that. I'm curious about the blue crystal in your report. Can it really purify nuclear pollution? Senator Fu asked about the blue crystal body.

When Senator Fu saw Qingchu's nervous look, he knew that Qingchu must have something to hide from him, but he did not question Qingchu. He got up and walked to Qingchu and said, "Well, Qingchu, you must be exhausted these days. You'd better go back to have a good rest. We will deal with other things."

"But, Senator Fu, I destroyed the entire third brigade of the nuclear power force, won't you punish me?" Qingchu still blamed herself for destroying the Third Brigade of the Nuclear Power Force.

"Child, it's not you who destroyed the third brigade of the nuclear power force, but the hateful nuclear mutants. You don't have to blame yourself for this." Senator Fu gently patted Qingchu on the shoulder.

Then, Senator Fu called two soldiers to escort Qingchu home to rest, and told Qingchu not to blame himself for the Third Brigade of the Nuclear Power Force.


At this time, the black wing took Hesheng to a huge open space, which was covered with green grass, which was the only place on earth to grow green plants except heaven.

On the grass, there stood countless strange nuclear mutants, facing south, looking up at the sky and watching the black wings bring Hesheng.

Black Wing slowly landed on the ground, gently put He Sheng on the ground and said, "Listen, he is the king of war chosen by Hamidas, the hero who led us to destroy the capital of heaven and the earth."

The nuclear mutants who were waiting for Black Wing to bring the King of War heard the announcement of Black Wing and immediately cheered, and all the nuclear mutants rushed to Hesheng.

The nuclear power mutant who rushed to Hesheng knelt in front of Hesheng and begged, "King of War, I beg you, you must lead us to kill all the heavenly people and earth people, and avenge the billions of people on earth who died unjustly due to nuclear jihad on earth."

More nuclear mutants are full of hatred and selfishly ask, "King of War, I don't want to achieve anything that is said in the population of Hamidus. I just want to avenge my lost wife and children and let me wash heaven with blood."

He Shengyi heard what these nuclear mutants said, full of anger and fear, and said, "Black Wing, what do they mean? Is Hamidatsu lying to me? His purpose is still for me to avenge you nuclear mutants!"

"No, He Sheng, it's not like this. You have to believe Hamidaz, he will never deceive you." Black Wing persuaded and won to believe in Hamidas.

"I hate war the most, but what you let me see is more cruel killing and hatred than the war ruins. I will never help you attack heaven." He Sheng is extremely disgusted with the war.

"Hawa Sheng, are you going to give up rebuilding a new world that belongs to the past? Do you want to make the earth unable to return to the past and become a vibrant earth because of your kind heart? Hamidas suddenly came out of the crowd and questioned and won with his hoarse voice.

As soon as the nuclear mutants around saw Hamidas, they all faced Hamidas, knelt on one knee and said, "See, Lord Hamidas."

Hamedas ignored his nuclear mutants and walked to Hesheng step by step and said as he walked, "Hesheng, don't have pity for heaven and the earth world. They don't deserve pity. They are the cruelest human beings. They must not have pity on them."

"They did commit unforgivable crimes, but that's the problem of their leaders, not the crimes committed by innocent people. We can't generalize them."

"How many times do you want me to say it before you can understand. Now the only way to rebuild the once beautiful world is to kill all human beings. Hamidas was slightly out of control.

He Sheng suddenly became a little crazy and couldn't make a choice when he heard what Hamidas said.

He Sheng hugged his head and said painfully, "What should I do?" How should I choose the beautiful world and the lives of innocent people?

He Sheng said, "Ah!" Shouting, he disappeared in front of Hamidas and others in an instant! →[End of this chapter]