Nuclear God of War

Chapter 23: The King of War is the King of War

After the reinjuvenation, the seven four-level nuclear energy people who were frozen and frozen the atomic nucleus were illuminated by the green light released by the rekilled body, and the ice on the body began to melt little by little.

Suddenly, the reinjugation shouted, "Level 6 nuclear fusion!"

In an instant, the nuclear radiation value released by the re-killing body has reached 102 Shivert, and the body releases green light, step by step looking for the equipment to release frozen gas.

Kill the seven fourth-level nuclear power people behind him, release their frozen bodies, get up and follow them one by one to find equipment to release frozen gas.

At this moment, Pingyan, hiding in Hesheng's arms, has become very weak, and her lips have once again turned purple when she was sick, and her whole body trembles.

Worried about Pingyan's danger and victory, she hurriedly prepared to turn off the emotional suppressor on her left wrist to let the body release nuclear energy and relieve Pingyan's cold.

The weak Pingyan grabbed Hesheng to turn off the emotional suppressor's right hand and said, "No, Brother Hesheng, you can't turn off the emotional suppressor for me. I can't let you hurt brain cells for me."

"It doesn't matter, Xiaoyan, as long as I can help you, I can do anything." He Sheng doesn't care about anything.

However, under Pingyan's constant persuasion, Hesheng can only obey Pingyan's meaning and not turn off the emotional suppressor.

He Sheng picked up Pingyan and was ready to go to the huge hole made by the nuclear power mutants, leave the earth world, and return to the J-22C-Pron fighter on the surface.

Before Hesheng approached the huge hole in the first area of the world, he found that the huge hole had been re-blocked by the defense armor plate, and there was no exit in the first area.

Looking at Pingyan in his arms getting weaker and weaker, Hesheng was very angry. His body was suddenly numb by the emotional suppressor and fell to the ground on one knee.

He Sheng, who had promised not to turn off the emotional suppressor, lowered his head and said to Pingyan in his arms, "I'm sorry, sister Xiaoyan, I have to turn off the emotional suppressor. I don't want you to be in danger."

He Sheng was about to turn off the emotional suppressor. Suddenly, the right side emitted a dazzling light. He turned his head and looked surprised: "What a strong nuclear energy."

The rekilling is only a few hundred meters away from Hesheng. At this moment, he has used his strongest power and shouted, "Explosion, six-level nuclear fission, a unique move - cold light killing."

The soldiers in the world wearing heavy nuclear-proof suits had already surrounded the re-killing regiment, but all of them were killed by the cold light.

Releasing such a powerful nuclear energy, one punch hit the ground in the first area of the foot. This punch alone pierced the ground in the first area containing four layers of defensive armor plates, that is, the ceiling of the second area.

Uwadas, the president of the world's Senate, did not expect that nuclear mutants could resist nuclear cryos, and now there is nothing they can do.

Seeing that the re-killing is about to lead seven four-level nuclear power personnel into the second area where residents of the first and the second region and residents of the two regions are gathered.

He Sheng slowly put Pingyan on the ground and said, "Little Yan, wait a little longer, and everything will be fine soon."

After saying that, He Sheng stood up, turned off the emotional suppressor on his left wrist, and walked step by step to the rein killing and others.

"I advise you not to anger me. You still leave the world by yourself before I am angered, otherwise, I can't guarantee that you can leave the world alive." He Sheng said as he walked.

Because the reinjugation has used a six-level nuclear fusion at this moment, the mood has become extremely irritable. He said angrily, "Don't think that Lord Hamidas respects you. I dare not do anything with you. If you dare to stop me, I will not let you go."

"That's what you said, so I can only play with you." After saying that, he punched back to kill.

Rekill took the punch with one hand and looked down on him, "Well, I didn't expect that Lord Hamidas said that the King of War was so weak. I thought you were so strong."

"You said I was weak, so I'll show you my weak power." Angrily and Sheng, his eyes released a red light.

He Sheng tried again to block his second fist with one hand, and his body quickly flew more than ten meters backwards before stopping.

He Sheng Xiang said as he walked back and said, "Now I know what my weak power is like. Do you have any last words?"

"Hawa Sheng, I haven't admitted defeating you yet. Don't underestimate me." He rushed to Hesheng angrily and waved a punch to Hesheng's head.

However, the gap between the nuclear energy of the two is really far away, completely belonging to two different levels. They hit Hesheng's left face with one punch, and Hesheng did not respond and stood still.

He Sheng raised his left hand, grabbed the right wrist that hit his left face, turned his head, looked at the rekill in front of him, and said, "I know it can't be violated, why do you violate it!"

He Sheng, who held the right wrist of the re-kill, shook it hard after saying that, threw the re-kill hundreds of meters away at once, and crashed into a building before stopping.

After being severely damaged and losing the energy of six-level nuclear fission, he got up from the ruins of the collapsed building and said, "It is worthy of the war king of Hamidus's population. He is indeed too powerful."

At this moment, the seven fourth-level nuclear energy personnel have remade a hole leading to the surface. One of the four-level nuclear energy personnel came to the side of the reinsurrection and persuaded them, "Rekill, we can't be the opponents of the king of war. Let's withdraw quickly."

Rekill has realized that as long as peace is in the world, he will never be able to occupy the first area in the world, and he has to listen to persuasion and withdraw from the world.

In the conference room of the Senate of the Central District of the World, President Uvadas saw that all nuclear mutants such as the reinsurrection had withdrawn from the first area, he immediately shut down the nuclear refrigerated gas system and rushed to the first area.

The temperature in the first area recovered quickly, but the Hesheng, who used nuclear energy, suddenly fainted and lost consciousness.

Ping Yan, who was weak, came to Hesheng's side and prepared to help Hesheng return to the surface. As a result, he was surrounded by troops from the second area.

A member of the Senate came out and said to the soldiers who surrounded Hesheng and Pingyan, "They are the enemies of our world. We must kill him (He Sheng) now, otherwise he will definitely threaten the safety of our world."

The soldiers in the world who surrounded Hesheng and Pingyan all aimed their weapons at Hesheng and Pingyan. The soldiers had been hesitating without the order of Uvadas. After a few minutes of hesitation, they decided to fire.

" Stop, how can you treat the benefactors of our world like this? They are the benefactors of our world and saved our lives." Uvadas, who rushed to the first area in time, said to the soldiers who surrounded Hesheng and Pingyan.

Uvadas walked to Pingyan: "Please forgive us for our offense." →[End of this chapter]